A skinny kid trying to sound tough is nothing compared to actually being beaten within an inch of his life by a much bigger, older man.
Well both Kenny and Tyreese impulsively beat a "kid" for killing/trying to kill their people, although Kenny didn't kill Arvo. Though controversial, their reactions were understandable. If I found out some random kid killed my daughter, or attempted to do so, I'd kill him too.
I remember that but Im not sure how the Arvo situation parralels. Tyreese had a completely understandable reaction, although I hesitate to say I agree with beating someone to death.
We don't have to assume anything, even so what if they didn't bond at all during the 3 Month time skip? All we know is that they met Mark wh… moreo had lots of food and that they began to fortify The Motel. Also, if they did bond during that time then the game doesn't show it in any way, Kenny still barely talks to Clementine and doesn't even try to speak nicely to her when she's upset over Duck or when she's upset over stealing from The Stranger's Van. Plus if he cared about Clementine, voluntarily going out to rescue her with Lee wouldn't be dependent on Lee's relationship with Kenny, it would be dependent on Clementine's relationship with Kenny. Being around someone doesn't necessarily mean you love them, especially if you gave them little attention during the time you were around them, as for Season 2, I don't think Kenny is the closest person to Lee that Clementine had, I'd say that perhaps Luke or Pete were more like Lee than Kenny was, plus … [view original content]
And whether people like it or not, TTG made Clem feel attached to Kenny as his determinant death or the wellington ending showed that. And just because someone doesn't bond with someone doesn't mean they won't care about them. Clem liked Ben and called him his friend despite leaving her in danger
We don't have to assume anything, even so what if they didn't bond at all during the 3 Month time skip? All we know is that they met Mark wh… moreo had lots of food and that they began to fortify The Motel. Also, if they did bond during that time then the game doesn't show it in any way, Kenny still barely talks to Clementine and doesn't even try to speak nicely to her when she's upset over Duck or when she's upset over stealing from The Stranger's Van. Plus if he cared about Clementine, voluntarily going out to rescue her with Lee wouldn't be dependent on Lee's relationship with Kenny, it would be dependent on Clementine's relationship with Kenny. Being around someone doesn't necessarily mean you love them, especially if you gave them little attention during the time you were around them, as for Season 2, I don't think Kenny is the closest person to Lee that Clementine had, I'd say that perhaps Luke or Pete were more like Lee than Kenny was, plus … [view original content]
And i will never ever agree with that about Jane being closer to Clem than Kenny or whatever you said, sorry i just won't and i think you say that simply because you hate Kenny which is fine but i do disagree with your opinion on that
We don't have to assume anything, even so what if they didn't bond at all during the 3 Month time skip? All we know is that they met Mark wh… moreo had lots of food and that they began to fortify The Motel. Also, if they did bond during that time then the game doesn't show it in any way, Kenny still barely talks to Clementine and doesn't even try to speak nicely to her when she's upset over Duck or when she's upset over stealing from The Stranger's Van. Plus if he cared about Clementine, voluntarily going out to rescue her with Lee wouldn't be dependent on Lee's relationship with Kenny, it would be dependent on Clementine's relationship with Kenny. Being around someone doesn't necessarily mean you love them, especially if you gave them little attention during the time you were around them, as for Season 2, I don't think Kenny is the closest person to Lee that Clementine had, I'd say that perhaps Luke or Pete were more like Lee than Kenny was, plus … [view original content]
Yeah it's a shame but there's actually more pro kenny fans on other sites than here, at least i don't get abuse or sarcastic replies for opinions on there
I don't think he regretted beating Arvo up, he just regretted that Clem got caught up in it. And he does step away without harming Arvo anym… moreore. I think you could see in his face that he was sorry, but hey S2 is all about what you make of it. But I don't think Kenny is a bad as what people are making out
I respect people who dislike him, but so many hate threads towards him are annoying, especially now since they made Kenny determinant and now their haters can have him dead. They won't ever stop bashing him.
Yeah it's a shame but there's actually more pro kenny fans on other sites than here, at least i don't get abuse or sarcastic replies for opinions on there
Chris made a suicide pact with Julie, Tyreese's daughter. They agreed to kill each other after having sex by shooting each other in the head… more, but Chris killed Julie before she could kill him too, and when Tyreese found out, he beat Chris to death. Twice.
A skinny kid trying to sound tough is nothing compared to actually being beaten within an inch of his life by a much bigger, older man.
… more
Well both Kenny and Tyreese impulsively beat a "kid" for killing/trying to kill their people, although Kenny didn't kill Arvo. Though controversial, their reactions were understandable. If I found out some random kid killed my daughter, or attempted to do so, I'd kill him too.
I never stated my own opinion or anyone else's as fact nor have I said one opinion is wrong or one opinion is right. I know it's my own opinion which is why I used several personal pronouns.
Which I personally don't like, if I'm playing as Clementine, shouldn't I, the player, be the one who chooses who my character gets attached to? She was basically attached to everyone this Season regardless of her original attitude towards them, at least in my opinion. But in terms of attachment, that is what you perceive, another individual can perceive her as just feeling sadness as you can still cry about someone without being attached to them, I think with the Kenny being shot by Clementine instance, that's debatable on whether Clementine was attached to Kenny at that point. I never said you had to bond with someone in order to care for them, mothers can easily care for their babies without bonding with them, such as Rebecca and AJ. Clementine in Season 1 also didn't like the idea of killing anyone, especially members of the group, such as when Larry gets a Saltlick to the head, but in Season 2 she has developed to the point where she can determinantly let people die, there's been quite a difference with the Clementine we knew then and the one we know now.
And whether people like it or not, TTG made Clem feel attached to Kenny as his determinant death or the wellington ending showed that. And j… moreust because someone doesn't bond with someone doesn't mean they won't care about them. Clem liked Ben and called him his friend despite leaving her in danger
Ok, don't agree, I'm not here to get people to agree with me on anything, I'm just here to express my opinions, also where did I say that Jane was closer to Clementine than Kenny was? I said that in the Jane Ending, she or AJ are technically the closest people to Lee, that's completely different from talking about relationships between characters. Funny you say I hate Kenny yet I have had a whole Save File dedicated to him, I don't hate Kenny at all, I actually like his character as he presents realistic personalities and human flaws, at least in my opinion. But I will admit that I like Jane more, but I don't think she's closer to Clementine only because they've only known each other for 3-12 days but I certainly think they've become friends faster than most characters have.
And i will never ever agree with that about Jane being closer to Clem than Kenny or whatever you said, sorry i just won't and i think you say that simply because you hate Kenny which is fine but i do disagree with your opinion on that
Responding to someone doesn't mean what they said was directed towards you. Plus Clementine, from what I remember, was looking at Lee when she said it.
Same goes for those who hate Jane, I left these Forums during the Kenny Vs Jane Wars, it was huge and lasted for quite a while, there will always be people who dislike one character or the other, I don't think everyone whose expressed dislike towards Kenny or argued how he was a bad person or argued that Jane was better all dislike him, I remember seeing some comments that some people hated Jane and some people hated Kenny because of the fans of each always glorifying their favourite character.
I respect people who dislike him, but so many hate threads towards him are annoying, especially now since they made Kenny determinant and now their haters can have him dead. They won't ever stop bashing him.
Eh, I don't hate Jane. It's just my favorite character is Kenny and that's why I defend him over her, but I don't hate her, honestly. Actually, I liked her until the final showdown between her and Kenny.
Same goes for those who hate Jane, I left these Forums during the Kenny Vs Jane Wars, it was huge and lasted for quite a while, there will a… morelways be people who dislike one character or the other, I don't think everyone whose expressed dislike towards Kenny or argued how he was a bad person or argued that Jane was better all dislike him, I remember seeing some comments that some people hated Jane and some people hated Kenny because of the fans of each always glorifying their favourite character.
Arvo promised them food and shelter, they got food and shelter, I don't believe there was any snow falling inside the house, and I'm pretty sure I saw Mike and Bonnie(determinantly) leave at night with bags of food and possibly medicine, he fulfilled his promise. How do you know that's what he was hoping? Wouldn't the dangers of cracking ice affect him as well? I don't blame him for trying to escape from the group who killed his own group(plus his sister who was presumably sick), especially when one of them, Kenny, tried to kill him and physically abused him. Arvo gave Clementine death stares because he thought she killed his sister Natasha. He was right about Wellington existing, it doesn't mean he's right about it being a safe place, we'll find out in Season 3 I suppose. I'll give him props for fixing the car, as for showing kindness, ultimately that was Walter's decision, not Kenny's, it was Walter who cooked and arrived at the Ski Lodge first. Bonnie played a role in getting the group to Howe's yes, but ultimately it was Sarita's own fault that she gets killed, she is perfectly hidden from the Walkers but chooses to intervene when Carlos gets shot and Sarah runs away, this leads to her getting bit by a Walker and Clementine can cause her to die in the Walker herd by cutting her arm off.
Not everyone hates Kenny and he does have realistic characteristics but so do the other characters, Jane, Carver and Rebecca are other characters who don't like/won't let people push them around, but not everyone hates them. I treated Kenny nicely in Season 1 but he let shelves fall on top of Lee, almost getting him killed, endangered the entire group when his son was bitten(which can lead to a death scene), he got angry at Lee several times, igniting arguments and didn't want to look for Clementine, but that's just in 2 of my Saves, in Season 2, regardless of what you do as Clementine, he gets angry at her, he leaves her in the Walker herd, he does nothing if Clementine falls into the ice and he doesn't listen to allot of what Clementine says, he mostly only responds positively if you agree with him and responds angrily if you don't agree with him or even try to find a middle ground. To me, the problem isn't that Kenny disagrees, it's how he disagrees with you most of the time unless you follow his plans.
I cant believe how soft people are. I as Clem stood by Kenny and egged him on to beat Arvo and kill him. I dont remember getting hit since I… more didnt get involved.
Arvo promised them shelter, instead they got a house with no windows or finished walls. he led them over the ice on purpose and ran, hoping they will fall trough as they pursue him. Just remember the death stares he was giving Clementine all the time.
And Kenny is right about Wellington as we see at the end. He is the one that fixed the car. He is the one that took in the group and got his group killed because of his kindness. Bonnie caused the death of his girlfriend and partner, yet he held no grudge against her.
I think everyone hates Kenny because Kenny is an actual Character who doesnt let you push him all over the place. Treat him like shit and he will do the same. Treat him nicely and same happens to you.
Same with season 1 Kenny. People just want someone to agree with t… [view original content]
Depends on how you treat him and Lilly, he'll be somewhat nicer depending on your decision. Personally I don't think either were jackasses, but Kenny has done more things than Larry in the endangering and killing characters department. Larry showed protectiveness towards Clementine in one line of dialogue which Kenny never shows, he's the one who had the idea to fortify the Motel and he did most of the work on it. Personally I didn't hate Larry at all, I thought he was a redeemable character like Kenny is in my opinion. Larry did knock Lee out, but Kenny can leave Lee in endanger several times, same with Clementine in Season 2. I think there's never truly a good way to play the game, being moral doesn't mean being right it's mostly standing up for what you believe in, at least in my opinion. As for how Kenny treats Lee throughout the Season, I only sided against him with the Larry decision and he still didn't want to save Clementine, which is pretty unfair imo, especially since it's something that happened weeks ago.
Larry is a jackass though. Twice the jackass Kenny has ever been for me. I can't comprehend why on Earth anyone would want to save Larry aft… moreer he knocked Lee the fuck out unprovoked and left him for dead. That's just being moral for the sake of being moral, which isn't a good way to play the game imo. It does seem like Kenny's jackassery is based on a lot of choices the player makes though. I don't know how much of a jerk he became after the Larry thing, because I wouldn't have saved Larry no matter what Kenny thought.
Jane and Clementine were stealing his medicine which was presumably for his sister Natasha, immediately after this threat he trembles when Jane threatens him back.
Well that's a stupid thing to do, threatening someone who has a gun pointed at you. Other people would've killed him right there. He should've known better. He has to know how that world works now if he's been surviving for two years.
Jane and Clementine were stealing his medicine which was presumably for his sister Natasha, immediately after this threat he trembles when Jane threatens him back.
She ran towards them and it showed her looking at either Lee or Kenny. Im just saying that Kenny responded to her, yes it doesn't mean its an interaction but in terms of anything between them, that was an interaction
Responding to someone doesn't mean what they said was directed towards you. Plus Clementine, from what I remember, was looking at Lee when she said it.
Kenny thanks Lee for taking care of the "kids" if you feed them and not him or gets annoyed with you it you dont feed any of them. And Kenny leaves Lee in danger twice only i think if he's pissed at you. The thing with Larry is, he was just horrible to everyone, he even spoke to Mark like an asshole.
If you sided with Kenny mostly but not over the Larry choice then Kenny will still go with you to find Clem at the end if you choose the right option but otherwise no he wouldn't
Depends on how you treat him and Lilly, he'll be somewhat nicer depending on your decision. Personally I don't think either were jackasses, … morebut Kenny has done more things than Larry in the endangering and killing characters department. Larry showed protectiveness towards Clementine in one line of dialogue which Kenny never shows, he's the one who had the idea to fortify the Motel and he did most of the work on it. Personally I didn't hate Larry at all, I thought he was a redeemable character like Kenny is in my opinion. Larry did knock Lee out, but Kenny can leave Lee in endanger several times, same with Clementine in Season 2. I think there's never truly a good way to play the game, being moral doesn't mean being right it's mostly standing up for what you believe in, at least in my opinion. As for how Kenny treats Lee throughout the Season, I only sided against him with the Larry decision and he still didn't want to save Clementine, which is pretty unfair imo, especially since it's something that happened weeks ago.
Ok fair enough on your opinions. At least you don't give me abuse like some people who don't respect opinions. Other walking dead fans on other sites are terrible
Ok, don't agree, I'm not here to get people to agree with me on anything, I'm just here to express my opinions, also where did I say that Ja… morene was closer to Clementine than Kenny was? I said that in the Jane Ending, she or AJ are technically the closest people to Lee, that's completely different from talking about relationships between characters. Funny you say I hate Kenny yet I have had a whole Save File dedicated to him, I don't hate Kenny at all, I actually like his character as he presents realistic personalities and human flaws, at least in my opinion. But I will admit that I like Jane more, but I don't think she's closer to Clementine only because they've only known each other for 3-12 days but I certainly think they've become friends faster than most characters have.
This is true, i wish we could have had a choice of what personality Clem could have in season 2 like my "asshole Lee" and "good guy Lee" saves in season 1. We got nothing that mattered choice wise in season 2.
As for the attachment to Kenny, yes she could be crying because of death in general or doing what she did like shooting him and the crying may not be an attachment to him. The reason i do feel she cared about Kenny is the fact that she never cried when Sarah died or Luke or anyone else. She showed sadness for them but not like with Kenny especially the Wellington ending showed that.
Which I personally don't like, if I'm playing as Clementine, shouldn't I, the player, be the one who chooses who my character gets attached … moreto? She was basically attached to everyone this Season regardless of her original attitude towards them, at least in my opinion. But in terms of attachment, that is what you perceive, another individual can perceive her as just feeling sadness as you can still cry about someone without being attached to them, I think with the Kenny being shot by Clementine instance, that's debatable on whether Clementine was attached to Kenny at that point. I never said you had to bond with someone in order to care for them, mothers can easily care for their babies without bonding with them, such as Rebecca and AJ. Clementine in Season 1 also didn't like the idea of killing anyone, especially members of the group, such as when Larry gets a Saltlick to the head, but in Season 2 she has developed to the point where she can … [view original content]
Yeah that crying made me feel like the writer was kind of biased with Kenny but it's more believable because Clementine knew Kenny longer than any other character.
This is true, i wish we could have had a choice of what personality Clem could have in season 2 like my "asshole Lee" and "good guy Lee" sav… morees in season 1. We got nothing that mattered choice wise in season 2.
As for the attachment to Kenny, yes she could be crying because of death in general or doing what she did like shooting him and the crying may not be an attachment to him. The reason i do feel she cared about Kenny is the fact that she never cried when Sarah died or Luke or anyone else. She showed sadness for them but not like with Kenny especially the Wellington ending showed that.
Why would people give abuse on something as basic and rightful as opinions? Even with differing opinions I think we should all respect one another, we don't need this community to be divided, I just left a Forum because people were fighting about the game being good vs the game being bad.
Ok fair enough on your opinions. At least you don't give me abuse like some people who don't respect opinions. Other walking dead fans on other sites are terrible
I didn't say you hated Jane, sorry if it sounded like I was putting words in your mouth, that wasn't my intention and as for defending characters, that's understandable, I've defended both Jane and Kenny several times I like both of them, just happen to like Jane more, the only reason I like Kenny less is because I never had the option to really disagree with him when I didn't follow eye to eye to what he was saying, I felt a bias that I could disagree with most of the characters but there weren't clear disagreement options with Kenny, just my opinion though.
Eh, I don't hate Jane. It's just my favorite character is Kenny and that's why I defend him over her, but I don't hate her, honestly. Actually, I liked her until the final showdown between her and Kenny.
Still, it doesn't change the fact that Kenny leaves people in danger more than Larry does, especially for something that happened a while ago, after Larry knocks Lee out once, that's the only thing he does for the entire Season that endangers someone. Larry wasn't horrible to every single person but he was rude vocally towards allot of people, I think it's all determined by how you perceived Larry to be acting like.
I sided with Kenny on everything except a single decision and he still didn't volunteer to go with Lee, you can only convince him to come otherwise if you mention family, it takes the reminder of his own family to help a bite victim rescue a little girl, to me that just seems like an arse thing to do, especially when you're required to side with him on the majority, if not everything, in order for him to volunteer to save Clementine when characters like Omid and Christa volunteer to go if they know Lee might not make it, even if Kenny knows that Lee is bit he still only volunteers if you sided with him allot.
Kenny thanks Lee for taking care of the "kids" if you feed them and not him or gets annoyed with you it you dont feed any of them. And Kenny… more leaves Lee in danger twice only i think if he's pissed at you. The thing with Larry is, he was just horrible to everyone, he even spoke to Mark like an asshole.
If you sided with Kenny mostly but not over the Larry choice then Kenny will still go with you to find Clem at the end if you choose the right option but otherwise no he wouldn't
I didn't say you hated Jane, sorry if it sounded like I was putting words in your mouth, that wasn't my intention and as for defending chara… morecters, that's understandable, I've defended both Jane and Kenny several times I like both of them, just happen to like Jane more, the only reason I like Kenny less is because I never had the option to really disagree with him when I didn't follow eye to eye to what he was saying, I felt a bias that I could disagree with most of the characters but there weren't clear disagreement options with Kenny, just my opinion though.
What if he does know how the world works and his anger got the better of him in the scenario? Similar to how Kenny's anger gets the better of him sometimes. I think he thought he wouldn't get harmed by people if they were only planning on getting the medicine, because if they didn't need him and knew the danger he could pose, why wouldn't they kill him right there? That's how the world works in zombie apocalypses it seems, if you don't kill someone there's a chance they could come back to hurt you and the people you love.
Well that's a stupid thing to do, threatening someone who has a gun pointed at you. Other people would've killed him right there. He should've known better. He has to know how that world works now if he's been surviving for two years.
They probably underestimated Arvo, because he was crippled and seemed harmless. I supposed he was with a group, he doesn't seem able to survive too long on his own.
What if he does know how the world works and his anger got the better of him in the scenario? Similar to how Kenny's anger gets the better o… moref him sometimes. I think he thought he wouldn't get harmed by people if they were only planning on getting the medicine, because if they didn't need him and knew the danger he could pose, why wouldn't they kill him right there? That's how the world works in zombie apocalypses it seems, if you don't kill someone there's a chance they could come back to hurt you and the people you love.
Well I can't really give a proper opinion on that without knowing Arvo's story, whether he's survived on his own before, his personality, what he's been through etc. He may as well be a very good survivor and may have saved people but his group may have been the bad guys, I think Jane couldn't bring herself to kill younger people, especially those that never did anything to her, just like how she seemed to have a face of regret when she kills Vitali to save Kenny and the group, I don't think it was underestimation but more of couldn't bring herself to do it.
They probably underestimated Arvo, because he was crippled and seemed harmless. I supposed he was with a group, he doesn't seem able to survive too long on his own.
he caused deaths on purpose.
he led them over the ice on purpose and ran, hoping they will fall trough as they pursue him.
In… more terms of the shootout and the lake, you have zero proof of this. They're nothing but assumptions. When will you people learn; you can't kill someone over nothing but an assumption.
His stares and constant you will regret this attitude doesnt give him any credence when it comes to wondering if events that follow are on purpose or not.
Just remember the death stares he was giving Clementine all the time.
Lol why do you guys keep trying to use Arvo's "death stares" as "evidence?" Since when do you know exactly what Arvo was thinking simply from his facial expression? Since when do you know exactly what anyone is thinking simply from their facial expressions? You can't beat someone to death when your only evidence is, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure he probably wanted to get revenge, but you know… [view original content]
Yes that's why i think they did that. She did for Omid as well but inwould have cried over Omid's death after knowing him 5 seconds because he was awesome
Yeah that crying made me feel like the writer was kind of biased with Kenny but it's more believable because Clementine knew Kenny longer than any other character.
Why would people give abuse on something as basic and rightful as opinions? Even with differing opinions I think we should all respect one a… morenother, we don't need this community to be divided, I just left a Forum because people were fighting about the game being good vs the game being bad.
Yes i know Kenny could be an asshole a lot and there were some things that he did that annoyed me like being horrible to his wife when Duck was dying although that was just his way of not wanting to think about it. There were other times too but i just can't hate the guy, i'm a very forgiving person of the things he'd done and also i suppose in his situation i would probably act the same way to people. Besides, my Lee and Kenny were best pals so he came with me at the end no matter what. He'll always be one of my favourite characters, whenever he is around, things happen good or bad and you can't deny that the writers give him hilarious one liners which i always cracked up over like calling Ben and Arvo shitbirds, calling Nick Vanilla Ice and plenty of others in season 1
Still, it doesn't change the fact that Kenny leaves people in danger more than Larry does, especially for something that happened a while ag… moreo, after Larry knocks Lee out once, that's the only thing he does for the entire Season that endangers someone. Larry wasn't horrible to every single person but he was rude vocally towards allot of people, I think it's all determined by how you perceived Larry to be acting like.
I sided with Kenny on everything except a single decision and he still didn't volunteer to go with Lee, you can only convince him to come otherwise if you mention family, it takes the reminder of his own family to help a bite victim rescue a little girl, to me that just seems like an arse thing to do, especially when you're required to side with him on the majority, if not everything, in order for him to volunteer to save Clementine when characters like Omid and Christa volunteer to go if they know Lee might not make it, even if Kenny knows that Lee is bit he still only volunteers if you sided with him allot.
Well both Kenny and Tyreese impulsively beat a "kid" for killing/trying to kill their people, although Kenny didn't kill Arvo. Though controversial, their reactions were understandable. If I found out some random kid killed my daughter, or attempted to do so, I'd kill him too.
Well everything you have said is just your opinion as is mine! There is no right or wrong, we are left to use our imaginations
And whether people like it or not, TTG made Clem feel attached to Kenny as his determinant death or the wellington ending showed that. And just because someone doesn't bond with someone doesn't mean they won't care about them. Clem liked Ben and called him his friend despite leaving her in danger
And i will never ever agree with that about Jane being closer to Clem than Kenny or whatever you said, sorry i just won't and i think you say that simply because you hate Kenny which is fine but i do disagree with your opinion on that
I never said it did Flog61 i was stating the few times they interacted
Well she could have said it to anyone yes but Kenny was the one who responded
Yeah it's a shame but there's actually more pro kenny fans on other sites than here, at least i don't get abuse or sarcastic replies for opinions on there
Yep your right and i have to say it sucks so many hate him here but hey everyone has their opinions
I respect people who dislike him, but so many hate threads towards him are annoying, especially now since they made Kenny determinant and now their haters can have him dead. They won't ever stop bashing him.
Strangled him to death, actually
Sorry, my inner comic nerd needed to correct that
Sure, but he beat his walker afterwards. XD
I see where youre going with it.
I never stated my own opinion or anyone else's as fact nor have I said one opinion is wrong or one opinion is right. I know it's my own opinion which is why I used several personal pronouns.
Which I personally don't like, if I'm playing as Clementine, shouldn't I, the player, be the one who chooses who my character gets attached to? She was basically attached to everyone this Season regardless of her original attitude towards them, at least in my opinion. But in terms of attachment, that is what you perceive, another individual can perceive her as just feeling sadness as you can still cry about someone without being attached to them, I think with the Kenny being shot by Clementine instance, that's debatable on whether Clementine was attached to Kenny at that point. I never said you had to bond with someone in order to care for them, mothers can easily care for their babies without bonding with them, such as Rebecca and AJ. Clementine in Season 1 also didn't like the idea of killing anyone, especially members of the group, such as when Larry gets a Saltlick to the head, but in Season 2 she has developed to the point where she can determinantly let people die, there's been quite a difference with the Clementine we knew then and the one we know now.
Ok, don't agree, I'm not here to get people to agree with me on anything, I'm just here to express my opinions, also where did I say that Jane was closer to Clementine than Kenny was? I said that in the Jane Ending, she or AJ are technically the closest people to Lee, that's completely different from talking about relationships between characters. Funny you say I hate Kenny yet I have had a whole Save File dedicated to him, I don't hate Kenny at all, I actually like his character as he presents realistic personalities and human flaws, at least in my opinion. But I will admit that I like Jane more, but I don't think she's closer to Clementine only because they've only known each other for 3-12 days but I certainly think they've become friends faster than most characters have.
Responding to someone doesn't mean what they said was directed towards you. Plus Clementine, from what I remember, was looking at Lee when she said it.
Same goes for those who hate Jane, I left these Forums during the Kenny Vs Jane Wars, it was huge and lasted for quite a while, there will always be people who dislike one character or the other, I don't think everyone whose expressed dislike towards Kenny or argued how he was a bad person or argued that Jane was better all dislike him, I remember seeing some comments that some people hated Jane and some people hated Kenny because of the fans of each always glorifying their favourite character.
Kenny crazy, and he loves only the AJ! Clementine is not in his head.
Eh, I don't hate Jane. It's just my favorite character is Kenny and that's why I defend him over her, but I don't hate her, honestly. Actually, I liked her until the final showdown between her and Kenny.
Arvo promised them food and shelter, they got food and shelter, I don't believe there was any snow falling inside the house, and I'm pretty sure I saw Mike and Bonnie(determinantly) leave at night with bags of food and possibly medicine, he fulfilled his promise. How do you know that's what he was hoping? Wouldn't the dangers of cracking ice affect him as well? I don't blame him for trying to escape from the group who killed his own group(plus his sister who was presumably sick), especially when one of them, Kenny, tried to kill him and physically abused him. Arvo gave Clementine death stares because he thought she killed his sister Natasha. He was right about Wellington existing, it doesn't mean he's right about it being a safe place, we'll find out in Season 3 I suppose. I'll give him props for fixing the car, as for showing kindness, ultimately that was Walter's decision, not Kenny's, it was Walter who cooked and arrived at the Ski Lodge first. Bonnie played a role in getting the group to Howe's yes, but ultimately it was Sarita's own fault that she gets killed, she is perfectly hidden from the Walkers but chooses to intervene when Carlos gets shot and Sarah runs away, this leads to her getting bit by a Walker and Clementine can cause her to die in the Walker herd by cutting her arm off.
Not everyone hates Kenny and he does have realistic characteristics but so do the other characters, Jane, Carver and Rebecca are other characters who don't like/won't let people push them around, but not everyone hates them. I treated Kenny nicely in Season 1 but he let shelves fall on top of Lee, almost getting him killed, endangered the entire group when his son was bitten(which can lead to a death scene), he got angry at Lee several times, igniting arguments and didn't want to look for Clementine, but that's just in 2 of my Saves, in Season 2, regardless of what you do as Clementine, he gets angry at her, he leaves her in the Walker herd, he does nothing if Clementine falls into the ice and he doesn't listen to allot of what Clementine says, he mostly only responds positively if you agree with him and responds angrily if you don't agree with him or even try to find a middle ground. To me, the problem isn't that Kenny disagrees, it's how he disagrees with you most of the time unless you follow his plans.
Depends on how you treat him and Lilly, he'll be somewhat nicer depending on your decision. Personally I don't think either were jackasses, but Kenny has done more things than Larry in the endangering and killing characters department. Larry showed protectiveness towards Clementine in one line of dialogue which Kenny never shows, he's the one who had the idea to fortify the Motel and he did most of the work on it. Personally I didn't hate Larry at all, I thought he was a redeemable character like Kenny is in my opinion. Larry did knock Lee out, but Kenny can leave Lee in endanger several times, same with Clementine in Season 2. I think there's never truly a good way to play the game, being moral doesn't mean being right it's mostly standing up for what you believe in, at least in my opinion. As for how Kenny treats Lee throughout the Season, I only sided against him with the Larry decision and he still didn't want to save Clementine, which is pretty unfair imo, especially since it's something that happened weeks ago.
Jane and Clementine were stealing his medicine which was presumably for his sister Natasha, immediately after this threat he trembles when Jane threatens him back.
Well that's a stupid thing to do, threatening someone who has a gun pointed at you. Other people would've killed him right there. He should've known better. He has to know how that world works now if he's been surviving for two years.
She ran towards them and it showed her looking at either Lee or Kenny. Im just saying that Kenny responded to her, yes it doesn't mean its an interaction but in terms of anything between them, that was an interaction
Kenny thanks Lee for taking care of the "kids" if you feed them and not him or gets annoyed with you it you dont feed any of them. And Kenny leaves Lee in danger twice only i think if he's pissed at you. The thing with Larry is, he was just horrible to everyone, he even spoke to Mark like an asshole.
If you sided with Kenny mostly but not over the Larry choice then Kenny will still go with you to find Clem at the end if you choose the right option but otherwise no he wouldn't
Ok fair enough on your opinions. At least you don't give me abuse like some people who don't respect opinions. Other walking dead fans on other sites are terrible
This is true, i wish we could have had a choice of what personality Clem could have in season 2 like my "asshole Lee" and "good guy Lee" saves in season 1. We got nothing that mattered choice wise in season 2.
As for the attachment to Kenny, yes she could be crying because of death in general or doing what she did like shooting him and the crying may not be an attachment to him. The reason i do feel she cared about Kenny is the fact that she never cried when Sarah died or Luke or anyone else. She showed sadness for them but not like with Kenny especially the Wellington ending showed that.
Yeah that crying made me feel like the writer was kind of biased with Kenny but it's more believable because Clementine knew Kenny longer than any other character.
Why would people give abuse on something as basic and rightful as opinions? Even with differing opinions I think we should all respect one another, we don't need this community to be divided, I just left a Forum because people were fighting about the game being good vs the game being bad.
I didn't say you hated Jane, sorry if it sounded like I was putting words in your mouth, that wasn't my intention and as for defending characters, that's understandable, I've defended both Jane and Kenny several times
I like both of them, just happen to like Jane more, the only reason I like Kenny less is because I never had the option to really disagree with him when I didn't follow eye to eye to what he was saying, I felt a bias that I could disagree with most of the characters but there weren't clear disagreement options with Kenny, just my opinion though.
Still, it doesn't change the fact that Kenny leaves people in danger more than Larry does, especially for something that happened a while ago, after Larry knocks Lee out once, that's the only thing he does for the entire Season that endangers someone. Larry wasn't horrible to every single person but he was rude vocally towards allot of people, I think it's all determined by how you perceived Larry to be acting like.
I sided with Kenny on everything except a single decision and he still didn't volunteer to go with Lee, you can only convince him to come otherwise if you mention family, it takes the reminder of his own family to help a bite victim rescue a little girl, to me that just seems like an arse thing to do, especially when you're required to side with him on the majority, if not everything, in order for him to volunteer to save Clementine when characters like Omid and Christa volunteer to go if they know Lee might not make it, even if Kenny knows that Lee is bit he still only volunteers if you sided with him allot.
No, it's okay, I know you didn't, I just wanted to say I don't hate her.
What if he does know how the world works and his anger got the better of him in the scenario? Similar to how Kenny's anger gets the better of him sometimes. I think he thought he wouldn't get harmed by people if they were only planning on getting the medicine, because if they didn't need him and knew the danger he could pose, why wouldn't they kill him right there? That's how the world works in zombie apocalypses it seems, if you don't kill someone there's a chance they could come back to hurt you and the people you love.
They probably underestimated Arvo, because he was crippled and seemed harmless. I supposed he was with a group, he doesn't seem able to survive too long on his own.
Well I can't really give a proper opinion on that without knowing Arvo's story, whether he's survived on his own before, his personality, what he's been through etc. He may as well be a very good survivor and may have saved people but his group may have been the bad guys, I think Jane couldn't bring herself to kill younger people, especially those that never did anything to her, just like how she seemed to have a face of regret when she kills Vitali to save Kenny and the group, I don't think it was underestimation but more of couldn't bring herself to do it.
Huh, never thought about that Kenny/Carver parallel.
Yes that's why i think they did that. She did for Omid as well but inwould have cried over Omid's death after knowing him 5 seconds because he was awesome
Because i guess some people just hate different opinions and have to say horrible and sarcastic things in response so they feel better.
Yes i know Kenny could be an asshole a lot and there were some things that he did that annoyed me like being horrible to his wife when Duck was dying although that was just his way of not wanting to think about it. There were other times too but i just can't hate the guy, i'm a very forgiving person of the things he'd done and also i suppose in his situation i would probably act the same way to people. Besides, my Lee and Kenny were best pals so he came with me at the end no matter what. He'll always be one of my favourite characters, whenever he is around, things happen good or bad and you can't deny that the writers give him hilarious one liners which i always cracked up over like calling Ben and Arvo shitbirds, calling Nick Vanilla Ice and plenty of others in season 1