Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited December 2015

    I am doing great and i hope you are too, Bro!

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Hey everyone, hope you all are doing great. Love ya'll

  • Oh, the accuracy! It pains me! XD

    How I feel sometimes

  • So I heard this song from a pretty good Korrasami video. But I feel it works for a lot of my favorite pairings, especially for Rhyiona

    enter link description here

  • Aww... I missed you too! :)

    Sorry you couldn't hear my lame posts. Heh heh. But HEY! :D

    lottii-lu posted: »


  • So would you be up for joining in?

    Morphias posted: »

    Oh thanks that some its up!

  • I don't really care about that Rhack is shipped (despise the shit I post on here)

    But I'm sick of the shit the very bigoted shippers say about other ships. (I know a lot which don't do that, thank god) Especially the "Rhysha is satan's ship" and "Telltale likes to pretend I picked that option for Rhyiona but actually I was being Rhack trash" Meanwhile Rhys destroyed Helios, tore himself apart to get rid of Jack and gave heart eyes towards Fiona after saying he was interested in someone else.

    When someone wants to show me Rhack:

  • I dont really have that many games on steam sooo.... I would if i could.

    So would you be up for joining in?

  • edited December 2015

    Kinda hoping you'd say that

    Written by, ours truly, @GaredAndBacon on Ao3

  • edited December 2015

    Rhys Hotline Bling

    You used call me on my Hand-Phone,
    Late night when you neeeeed coomm-paaanny.

    I know when those moonshots fall,
    I run and I hit a wall. (2X)

    Ever since I left Hyperion you....
    You started to send me some love cards.
    Everybody knows and I'm embarrassed.
    Girl you got me good and I'm more happy.

    Cause ever since I left Hyperion, you...
    Started paying more on those expensive clothes.
    I'm going to start saying "WHAT ARE THOOOSE?!"
    You blushing very hard like a Rose...

    Extra!: Deez Days all I do is,
    Wonder if you will marry me like tomorrow.
    Wonder if we'll have kids just like you said so.
    Doing things I taught you to be a bada*s.
    You will always be mine.
    I will always be kind. No,
    Why you always alone.
    Why are you running away from me.
    Don't worry, I'll let anything happen to you, I'll always be there for you. (Yeah.)
    I'll always love you, Fiona.
    Right now we'll do some Yoga.

    [Rhys Randomly Dances to Hotline Bling]


  • Alright to joining in! but ? to the first part


    You used call me on my Hand-Phone, Late night when you neeeeed coomm-paaanny. I know when those moonshots fall, I run and I hit a wall.

  • :D

    I love doing these kinds of things :3

    Green613 posted: »


  • Oh Solar, this is why we all love you.

    You used call me on my Hand-Phone, Late night when you neeeeed coomm-paaanny. I know when those moonshots fall, I run and I hit a wall.

  • Stahp it, you're making me blush hard like a Rose! ^-^

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Oh Solar, this is why we all love you.

  • enter image description here

    You used call me on my Hand-Phone, Late night when you neeeeed coomm-paaanny. I know when those moonshots fall, I run and I hit a wall.

  • THANK YOU! :)

    What was really tough was typing the "fake lyrics", like I try to find a word that rhymes with this and that, but I was like, hey, it's Rhyiona. If it's Rhyiona, then post it. So I did :).

  • Many thanks for the link!

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Kinda hoping you'd say that Written by, ours truly, @GaredAndBacon on Ao3

  • Yes, we all like this nerd :)

    (He is like us, in fact! I can imagine Fi rolling her eyes at Rhys playing video games, but inside, she wanna play too, and is simply worried she won't be able to do it, because she never did it before.....)

    RickSanchez posted: »

    I was squee-ing internally all throughout this. Rhy's nerdy talk haha I love it.

  • I'm happy you liked it :)

    I totally screwed up with this collab, cause I was not supposed to post my parts separately... But I got impatient, I guess (and I waited for 2 weeks), so... What's done, is done :)

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Awww! How romantic Maw. Bravo good lady bravo.

  • Okay, I'll just have to update things.

    You can do anything you like, except that you can't shoot and you can't code (play-important characteristics).

    Daryace posted: »

    I think that I prefer to be a normal girl...with some VIP things (?) Also a technophile and with her social network fully of Handosme Jack (

  • I'd be down for it.

    Hopefully I don't screw it up again.

    Was wondering if anyone would be up for another crack at RRBRRR this week, either tomorrow or friday? I'm open to any ideas, doesn't h

  • You can also check out our first attempt of the Rhyiona Raid Boss Run Raid Race here, I actually ended up recording it and documenting it for people to enjoy whenever.

    Rhyiona Raid Boss Run Raid Race

    Also yes. I did screw it up.

    Pretty poorly.

    Rhyiona Raid Boss Run Raid Race, just a fun, Borderlands-esque name I like to use for playing games w/ fellow Rhyiona members. The original

  • Well put.

    enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I don't really care about that Rhack is shipped (despise the shit I post on here) But I'm sick of the shit the very bigoted shippers say

  • edited December 2015

    Well, I'm going to bed, it's still storming so hopefully I might get school off again and be able spend another day with you guys :) Here's to hoping.

  • You used to call me on my Echo...

    You used call me on my Hand-Phone, Late night when you neeeeed coomm-paaanny. I know when those moonshots fall, I run and I hit a wall.

  • Good night :)

    (And back in my childhood the school was only cancelled when it was colder than -25C).

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Well, I'm going to bed, it's still storming so hopefully I might get school off again and be able spend another day with you guys Here's to hoping.

  • I would like to take part :3

    Luckily, I don't have a heavy schedule this week so I'm gonna have lots of free time :)

    Was wondering if anyone would be up for another crack at RRBRRR this week, either tomorrow or friday? I'm open to any ideas, doesn't h

  • Claps This is a freaking masterpiece <3

    Also, I've seen you many times on the thread but we never really talked. We have much to talk about :3

    You used call me on my Hand-Phone, Late night when you neeeeed coomm-paaanny. I know when those moonshots fall, I run and I hit a wall.

  • It can reach -25c?!

    enter image description here

    Mawula posted: »

    Good night (And back in my childhood the school was only cancelled when it was colder than -25C).

  • edited December 2015

    When you see Rhack fan art for the first time

    enter image description here

  • Every time you see Rhack art.

    When you see Rhack fan art for the first time

  • That's continental climat for you. Cold in winter, hot in summer. But the humidity is low, so it is not so bad as you think :)

    It can reach -25c?!

  • That's very great to hear :D No idea if that's a grammatically correct sentence.

    Well, you've been gone for quite a while... You must've missed all the ep 5 hype, all the fanfics following that, a bunch of new members... Oh, and the RP, created by our very own @Mawula :) It was a success and we're having another one this weekend, I'm sure she'd be happy to give you some info on it (right, Maw?).

    Well, I want to spend more time with you all, because... I just... I just... like how awesome this thread is. So....what goodies have I missed? (Highlights?)

  • Yeah, of course. You can be Loader Bot in it :)

    If you're interested, I can elaborate further.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    That's very great to hear No idea if that's a grammatically correct sentence. Well, you've been gone for quite a while... You must've mi

  • edited December 2015

    Haha true, i've only seen it once. Praise the lord, and he'd be dead after that :P

    Every time you see Rhack art.

  • Update on the reaction pictures!

    I've started August's album out with quite a few, and sent it over to @Kennybadger for a quick beta-test. Since I'm free for most of the day tomorrow, I'll finish gathering the rest of the pictures from the beginning of Episode 5 and then start the arduous task of naming them all. It's funny cause you all think I'm joking. It seriously takes forever. But it's fun!

    I've decided I am going to do separate albums for the characters with a TON of pictures (Rhys, Fiona, Sasha) based on what outfits they're wearing. It's just easier that way, since I have over 350 photos for both Rhys and Fiona, it would just be impractical to put them all in one place. Granted, I will go through and clean out duplicates/bad pictures, etc, but still. It's a lot.

    I should be able to finish Jack ( @SirScrubbington), Gortys ( @Eryka), August (Kennybadger) and Yvette ( @JumpyJoey) tomorrow, so I'll send those out as soon as they're ready so you can play around with them and get a feel for how the pictures are organized. Rhys ( @GaredandBacon) and Sasha ( @xtheunseenteenx) will take a little more work, but they should be done by Thursday.

    Whew! I think that's it for that, but as usual, enjoy some Rhyiona side-effects of this whole process!

    enter image description here

    Let's all imagine that they're about to hold hands, kay? Kay.

    enter image description here

    And my personal favorite...

    "Rhys, this Vault could be empty and I wouldn't even care. You are all the reward I need."

    enter image description here

    Aaaaaaand I'm out for the night! See you in a few hours, everyone!

  • Once is far too many times. -shudder-

    Haha true, i've only seen it once. Praise the lord, and he'd be dead after that :P

  • Oh, brilliant! Cheers, Maw :D

    Mawula posted: »

    Yeah, of course. You can be Loader Bot in it If you're interested, I can elaborate further.

  • enter image description here

    Update on the reaction pictures! I've started August's album out with quite a few, and sent it over to @Kennybadger for a quick beta-test

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