Before i get banned again .. please

I'm really sorry sorry sorry so sorry! I annoying you. I promise not to publish posts ever! Please, for Admin, you can cancel the Ban? I really do not do anything again. If I do something again (advertising myriad of posts a week) let me banned forever. I am really sorry
I'm only 15 ... I'm not good at writing in English, I have to say anything and it's complicated and incomprehensible ... I'm a moron.
I hate myself. I realized that this forum is anti-Clementine. It's OK. There is no point for me to continue to post blog entries, I would not be obsessed. Do not be harsh with me, please cancel the original account My Bans. I really like this forum, please ... I'm just excited to have the opportunity to write my views, but I exaggerated.
I promise to be quiet, do not annoy others, not to harass, no offense .. not publish a lot of posts. I really promising, so please: I'm begging (((
i love you
No reason to hate yourself. Just try to take others opinions into consideration. This forum isn't "anti-Clementine", some people like her and some people don't. Feel free to express your opinion, just try not to shove it down anyone's throat.
I promise
You don't have to promise me anything, I'm not a mod lol XD But really, noone cares if your English isn't the best, this forum is for EVERYONE to state what they feel about the game, we're all fans you know. Don't be too hard on yourself.
Thank you ... you're so nice
Do not scare me
Well, you pretty much doomed yourself now.
We don't discuss particular bans, but few bans are forever.
Hey, CuteClem. Nobody dislikes you - we just prefer you don't make so many threads. Part of the fun of posting on a forum is reading other people's opinions and not only hearing what one person has to say. It's also more enjoyable to discuss multiple topics and not just one topic (like Clementine).
When your temporary ban expires, you are welcome to come back and discuss The Walking Dead. However, please try to discuss subjects besides Clementine and limit your self to one or two threads a week. People don't dislike you personally, but it's off putting to see so many threads from one person in a short time about one subject. When you come back, let's discuss other things too in addition to Clementine.