Why telltale should not have any tv show characters for season 2

I feel like having characters like Cersei and Tyrion is an annoyance, the tv show is awesome. But I feel like the only reason why some people like the game is became of the show's characters. Just focus on original characters for season 2. Who agrees with me
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It depends on where our characters are. If we have someone in Kings Landing it wouldn't makie sense to not meet people like Cersei and Tyrion in Kings Landing.
I kinda agree, I found the best scenes to be with only Telltale characters, not to mention things like plot armor.
It depends. My biggest problem with this game is that they made an untouchable villain; Ramsey Snow. By making a character from the show the one to kill off Ethan and to play major role in the destruction of house Forrester is NOT good idea because that would make him untouchable. Ramsey snow did more damage to house Forrester than Ludd. Yet, as much as we hate Ramsey for what he did to the Forresters, we cannot get revenge. I dont mind interacting with characters from the show like how we interacted with Jon Snow. But giving Ramsey such a major role like that was wrong.
It is a mixed bag. I like interacting with characters like Tyrion and Jon, but I hate Ramsay because he have way too much influence on the plot.
But then again, you don't have a canon character appear just for the sake of a cameo. Otherwise they would look pointless.
So either focus on the original characters or have the canon characters make an appearance but don't give them so much influence.
Maybe they used so many show characters to give incentive for show fans to buy the game? Seems like a reasonable explanation. But now, the people who will be buying season 2 will be buying it because they enjoy the Forresters' story. They no longer have any use for show characters. And think about how much money they can reallocate towards development since they won't have to pay the hotshot show actors. Maybe GoT season 2 will actually have choices that matter. I'd honestly be content with moderately altered dialogue, dynamic character relationships and a different scene now and again, like the Walking Dead Season 1. That game has done choices the best out of any TT game.
I'm kinda against what many commented before me: that canon characters should only be shown when they don't influence the plot. In my opinion the only times canon characters were used well in this game were Ramsay's first visit to Ironrath and the first throne room scene with Cersei and Tyrion. All the others felt either unimportant or bad.
I don't get what is so bad about us not getting to revenge Ramsay. The story is about Forrestets trying to survive, not Forresters trying to murder everyone who ever wronged them. I guess next people complain that Forresters can't murder Walder Frey?
The whole idea was that you couldn't hurt Ramsey , he family was too powerful
Which I think is a terrible Idea. But the problem is not that he has a powerful family, the problem is that he is from the show, which means he is untouchable. If Ramsay decides to walk in and kill every Forrester, we all know that nobody will be able to hurt him nor do we have any hopes of trying to get revenge.
Walder Frey was never presented as a villain in this game and the red wedding was an event that took place in the show. Ramsey makes a good villain in the SHOW because people want him to die so badly, so they keep watching the show. But he makes a terrible villain in the game because we KNOW that whatever he does, he wont be killed or hurt. Also, survival and murder in Game of Thrones comes hand in hand. We just have to watch till he leaves so that we could start making descisions that we hope that matter because any decisions that have to do with Ramsey are useless. This is a TELLTALE game set in Game of Thrones universe. They should keep the focus on THEIR characters, not the show's characters.
And that is why he should have been a one-off in this game. As I said, his first visit was fine but him returning later was the problem because it indeed made him look a little too much like the main villain. I think it's only realistic that when he comes to settle the situation between Forresters and Whitehills he leaves at least one body behind - that's very in character for him and small houses sometimes have to take shit from the bigger ones.
However, him spending any more time to these petty houses after that was what seemed off.
Well, sadly, that's how it's like to hate someone with powerful allies. There are many people in Westeros who want to see Ramsay dead, but they can't take revenge on him because whoever does that will feel the wrath of lord Bolton and will be flayed alive. Ramsay is untouchable and Telltale has done well in capturing the unpleasant situation it is to be his vassal.
My biggest complaint is about how Telltale handled Ramsay, making a untouchable villain is not a good idea. Other than that, I don't mind interacting with characters from the show. For example, the scene in Episode 1 with Cersei and Tyrion was awesome.
Uhmm, do you remember these lines:
Walder Frey! You fucking traitor! - Gregor Forrester, episode 1, during the red wedding.
Kill those fucking Forresters!
A "gift" from Walder Frey!
Walder Frey says its time to die!
With "love" from Walder Frey! - Frey soldiers, episode 1, during the red wedding.
Lord Gregor died at The Twins months ago. Betrayed by Walder Frey. - Garred Tuttle, episode 6, at the north grove.
With the exception of Jon , i felt the hbo tv characters fit alright with the Forrester plot. They weren't just mere cameos, they in someway had an involvement with the Forrester conflict. I also liked that Ramsey was "an untouchable villain". It just made every time he was on screen even more tense.
I think the only Show character that should be in season 2 is Stannis the Mannis.
We never met Walder Frey in the game, sure he started this crap,and they sure wouldn't be upset if he died. He's not the Forrester's problem, that's Ramsay and Ludd, we're never going to have a face-off with Walder Frey (or Ramsay, but he directly impacted the Forresters), he's in the Riverlands he really wouldn't care about us. Sure he's definitely a villain but he's not relevant to our story aside from beginning it.
That makes no sense to me. Back in those days, you didn't have DNA testing or any of the high tech fancy equipment used to track down who killed who.
What would stop someone from putting a quick hit out on Ramsay? Nobody could or ever would prove who killed him.
And I'm one of the few who thinks Lord Bolton wouldn't care if Ramsay got killed. He would think he deserved after all the stuff he's done.
No, but you have witnesses. Ramsay always has loyal Bolton soldiers somewhere nearby him.
How about Ramsay himself? He is quite a fierce warrior who has proved himself in battle many times. And if he seems to be losing a fight, his infamous "twenty good men" will come to his rescue. The only certain way to get Ramsay killed is to hire a faceless man, but those are so expensive that even The Crown cannot afford one.
Even if someone somehow managed to kill Ramsay and all his bodyguards (and gods willing, may it happen some day), there may still be some Bolton-law abiding citizens who witnessed "the crime" and would report it to their warden. And in the case that all the witnesses are Bolton-skeptical Stark-loyalists, Lord Bolton probably always knows where Ramsay is going. That way, if he goes missing, Roose knows where to send the Bolton army in order to search for his son.
The Boltons will know the truth about Ramsay's disappearance eventually, the witnesses will talk. For as we all learned as children: "A naked man has few secrets, a flayed man none."
Of course Roose would care if his son died. Ramsay is his son and heir, his flesh and blood, Roose could see it in the infant Ramsay's eyes. Although just a bastard, Roose took good care of him, put trust in him, making him acting lord of the dreadfort (temporarily), giving him the full authority of the warden of the north (also temporarily), he even went as far as to have king Tommen legitimize him. Ramsay is a Bolton now and like Tywin, Roose has to show others that messing with someone who bears his family name will not go unpunished.
Yes, Ramsay has caused some trouble for Roose, but he has more than enough made up for it by revealing that Bran and Riccon are alive, by retaking Moat Cailin, by being married to a Stark and by sabotaging Stannis' camp.
Roose Bolton isn't much more righteous than Ramsay. Roose is also an oathbreaker, a murderer and a rapist who enjoys tormenting people. As Tyrion said in episode one: Roose Bolton has many 'unique' qualities. Honor is not one of them. Roose doesn't get upset by Ramsay's atrocities per se, he gets upset by Ramsays bad reputation as a ruthless troublemaker. We can't hold The North with terror alone he says. Roose doen't care about what people deserve or not, and he certainly needs Ramsay, at least until Ramsay's son by Sansa/Jenyne Pool or Roose's son by Walda Frey comes of age.
Ramsay does has one weakness, TALIA (at least in the game)
Them using characters gives critics a lot ammunition to say Telltale is just fan fiction and ride off other properties.
I don't mind them using tv characters in the game, but I hated how they used Ramsay Stu as a big villain. Ramsay has the most indestructible plot armor in the series, and for him to have such a big impact in the game is extremely irritating