Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • #firstworldproblems

    Heyo how are you guys? I'm getting a fucking phone for christmas instead of money. I tried to explain to my mother that I don't give a fuck about phones, but she wouldn't listen. Whooh exciting amirite?

  • people go "don't you wanna go out for a party" or "don't you wanna go watch a movie" and I'm like nah I'm busy

    they just don't know with what

    poor rhyiona-less souls :///

  • I tried to explain to my mother that I don't give a fuck about phones,

    LMAO if i told my parents that they wouldnt get me shit

    Heyo how are you guys? I'm getting a fucking phone for christmas instead of money. I tried to explain to my mother that I don't give a fuck about phones, but she wouldn't listen. Whooh exciting amirite?

  • edited December 2015

    Disturbed because I found a threesome fanfic between Janey, Athena and Fiona and it was graphic as fuck.

    (@pandxranflxwers is that what you was disturbed about)

    Heyo how are you guys? I'm getting a fucking phone for christmas instead of money. I tried to explain to my mother that I don't give a fuck about phones, but she wouldn't listen. Whooh exciting amirite?

  • I love it! Rhys will be so impressed.

    By-- by your skills, I mean...

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    It was the best image I could use for Christmas edits... ;-; I'm sorry if it looks shit ;_;

  • link


    lottii-lu posted: »

    Disturbed because I found a threesome fanfic between Janey, Athena and Fiona and it was graphic as fuck. (@pandxranflxwers is that what you was disturbed about)

  • edited December 2015


    However if a Sasha/Tour guide/Yvette fanfic get's written I'd cry tears of joy.

    I'd give you a link to that.

    link NOW

  • y u doing dis 2 me ;-;

    lottii-lu posted: »

    NO YOU PERV! However if a Sasha/Tour guide/Yvette fanfic get's written I'd cry tears of joy. I'd give you a link to that.

  • It's not that I get like 100 euros or something, I just find it sad that my parents want to buy me something that wouldn't really help me.


  • Brb gonna search on FF.net right now.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Disturbed because I found a threesome fanfic between Janey, Athena and Fiona and it was graphic as fuck. (@pandxranflxwers is that what you was disturbed about)

  • It's betryal John. And I'd kick your ass if you leave us for the Fiona/Athena/Janey ship.

    Jkjk, but I don't wanna come across that fanfic again.

    y u doing dis 2 me ;-;

  • edited December 2015

    pls send me the link if u find it

    Brb gonna search on FF.net right now.

  • edited December 2015

    It's on tumblr u idiot

    But if you want my advice, go on tales from the borderlands tag, go on recent, then turn off safe search, keep scrollin' till you find it.

    Brb gonna search on FF.net right now.

  • ugh, fine ;-;

    lottii-lu posted: »

    It's betryal John. And I'd kick your ass if you leave us for the Fiona/Athena/Janey ship. Jkjk, but I don't wanna come across that fanfic again.

  • tags?

    i need details, man

    lottii-lu posted: »

    It's on tumblr u idiot But if you want my advice, go on tales from the borderlands tag, go on recent, then turn off safe search, keep scrollin' till you find it.

  • I just edited my post.

    tags? i need details, man

  • I'd love to have more strict parents, in my opinion. Because I'm a semi spoiled brat.

    Green613 posted: »

    I tried to explain to my mother that I don't give a fuck about phones, LMAO if i told my parents that they wouldnt get me shit

  • I love it!

    I'm so proud of myself ;-;

    Rhys will be so impressed.


    By-- by your skills, I mean...

    enter image description here

    I love it! Rhys will be so impressed. By-- by your skills, I mean...

  • thx </3

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I just edited my post.

  • Good Morning you sexy mf! <3

    Hopefully you're all doing alright! Que Onda? (゚ヮ゚)

  • edited December 2015

    To those who asked me for the threesome fanfic, all of ya'll are nasty for wanting me to give you the link and need to clean yourself in Rhyiona.

    Proably been shared before but I don't care. Clean yourselves.


  • You'd use these icons for sex?

    Okay buddy, you do you, I don't kinkshame.

    Unless it comes to John ofc.

  • omg i found it

    enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    To those who asked me for the threesome fanfic, all of ya'll are nasty for wanting me to give you the link and need to clean yourself in Rhyiona. Proably been shared before but I don't care. Clean yourselves. Source

  • Threesome Fanfic?!

    enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    To those who asked me for the threesome fanfic, all of ya'll are nasty for wanting me to give you the link and need to clean yourself in Rhyiona. Proably been shared before but I don't care. Clean yourselves. Source

  • This is why I only kinkshame you.

    omg i found it

  • mhm. janey/athena/fiona ^______________^

    Threesome Fanfic?!

  • edited December 2015

    What have you done, Lottii!! :))))))) I got assaulted on Steam by these guys with demands for a fic that I had no idea of :)))))))))
    It was the most random and hilarious thing of my evening. Ah this was golden. I still can't stop laughing.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Disturbed because I found a threesome fanfic between Janey, Athena and Fiona and it was graphic as fuck. (@pandxranflxwers is that what you was disturbed about)

  • Don't let it go to your head.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I love it! I'm so proud of myself ;-; Rhys will be so impressed. c: By-- by your skills, I mean...

  • wow, that sounds really dirty when you think about it...

    lottii-lu posted: »

    This is why I only kinkshame you.

  • Wait so Kinkster and Scrub kept begging you for the Fiona/Athena/Janey fanfic? Oh my god I feel so bad for you.

    What have you done, Lottii!! )))))) I got assaulted on Steam by these guys with demands for a fic that I had no idea of )))))))) It was the most random and hilarious thing of my evening. Ah this was golden. I still can't stop laughing.

  • Okay, then... ;P

    So... laughs nervously a little how are you today? :s

    Don't let it go to your head.

  • I logged in on steam and I got dragged into a chat. And I was lost through half of the chat until I realized what they needed. I had 0 ideas of what fic they were talking about. It's ok. It made my day.
    (going back to draw Fiona) ;)

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Wait so Kinkster and Scrub kept begging you for the Fiona/Athena/Janey fanfic? Oh my god I feel so bad for you.

  • edited December 2015

    also as a p.s.: that header picture for the fic is horrible. why do people need to be unrealistically graphic? the human body doesn't work that way...

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Wait so Kinkster and Scrub kept begging you for the Fiona/Athena/Janey fanfic? Oh my god I feel so bad for you.

  • Huh interesting, this may require some 'cough'....further investigation, BRB!

    mhm. janey/athena/fiona ^______________^

  • Do you need the link of part 2? We're currently searching for part 1.

    Huh interesting, this may require some 'cough'....further investigation, BRB!

  • It's the way rule 34 works, all of it is unrealistically graphic unfortunatly. If the fanfic and the header was subtle, I'd be 100% fine with it.

    also as a p.s.: that header picture for the fic is horrible. why do people need to be unrealistically graphic? the human body doesn't work that way...

  • Hey hey. My break has begun finally! How is everyone today?

  • oh well... we can't have the cake and eat it too, right?

    No wait, you know what? I'll do just that. As soon as I am done with the Mercenary Day set I'll work on that for Rhys and Fiona. Soft porn, here I come!

    (I can't believe I just said that. I must be really tired. I have Mondays and they hate me back)

    lottii-lu posted: »

    It's the way rule 34 works, all of it is unrealistically graphic unfortunatly. If the fanfic and the header was subtle, I'd be 100% fine with it.

  • Hey, Brodester ^-^

    I'm good, just watching some GoT playthroughs... :'D

    What about you? :3

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Hey hey. My break has begun finally! How is everyone today?

  • Eating chicken while slapping my naked thigh.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hey, Brodester ^-^ I'm good, just watching some GoT playthroughs... :'D What about you?

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