The Vent/Help Thread



  • Fine is alive. And by your definition fine means neither manic happy or deadly depressive.

    Not all people may be satisfied by simply being alive. I am, though.

    Hope things get better for you man. hug

    I appreciate that, even if I don't believe they will.

    LOL hey considering where I wake up every morning with the family and friends and opportunities I have, my life is not bad. Just a temporary

  • I know what you said before.

    I'm not acting like everyone hates me. Does that mean that every person who doesn't say "OMG I missed you" hates me? Absolutely not. Just because they're passive doesn't mean they despise my guts. In fact, more often the people who are vocal and interact with me have stronger feelings for me one way or the other than someone who doesn't know me or cares to respond to what I have to say.

    People here like me? What is that supposed to mean?

    Did I ever say anything like that? No. You should not act like everyone hates you, that's not being realistic, that's being negative. People here like you, don't act like they don't.

  • I'm pretty sure that it's obvious what it means. People here do like having you around, a good bit of us any way.

    I know what you said before. I'm not acting like everyone hates me. Does that mean that every person who doesn't say "OMG I missed you" h

  • Have a bright and happy Lion King Hug too.

    enter image description here

    Lingvort posted: »

    Fine is alive. And by your definition fine means neither manic happy or deadly depressive. Not all people may be satisfied by simply

  • With you I'm never sure what you mean or how you really feel about things.

    Damn, that makes disappearing an even harder thing to do.

    I'm pretty sure that it's obvious what it means. People here do like having you around, a good bit of us any way.

  • I know how you mean, I'm pretty good at hiding my emotions sometimes and what I think. Sometimes it's a good thing, other times it's not.

    Why would you want to disappear? That just takes away another place for you to escape to during hard times.

    With you I'm never sure what you mean or how you really feel about things. Damn, that makes disappearing an even harder thing to do.

  • Well at least I know one thing about you and how you feel. And that's all the matters.

    I want to disappear because it's what's best for myself at this point in my life. I'll leave it at that.

    I know how you mean, I'm pretty good at hiding my emotions sometimes and what I think. Sometimes it's a good thing, other times it's not. Why would you want to disappear? That just takes away another place for you to escape to during hard times.

  • Sometimes one thing is all someone needs.

    Why is it the best for you? Do you really know if it's the best thing for you?

    Well at least I know one thing about you and how you feel. And that's all the matters. I want to disappear because it's what's best for myself at this point in my life. I'll leave it at that.

  • Oh how ironic.

    And does it really matter if you know or not? I know what's best for me, like you know what's best for you. No sense in someone else telling you how to live your own life. (And to put this thing to rest, I guarantee that this has absolutely nothing to do with depression and suicide, it's quite the opposite really.)

    Sometimes one thing is all someone needs. Why is it the best for you? Do you really know if it's the best thing for you?

  • Well, aren't you being a little passive aggressive? First off, I wasn't going to tell you how to live your life, far from it. I was just curious how you think you know the best for you, because honestly, not everyone always knows the best thing for themselves. Secondly, no, I do not know what's best for me, nor for other people, all I can do is guess like everyone else, but I won't say I do know what's best. Thirdly, ironic?

    Oh how ironic. And does it really matter if you know or not? I know what's best for me, like you know what's best for you. No sense in so

  • It doesn't matter anymore. What's done is done.

    Well, aren't you being a little passive aggressive? First off, I wasn't going to tell you how to live your life, far from it. I was just cur

  • Sure...

    It doesn't matter anymore. What's done is done.

  • As a person who lost a cousin due to a drunken driver and knew a few others who died as well, the fact that this motherfucker got off on the defense he did and now this comes up, all I can do is shake my head.

    'Affluenza' teen is now missing

  • Why is she moving away? I'm not so sure how far Washington is from Texas, but based on what you said I'm assuming you won't be able to visit each other that often. I have a friend who moved away 18 months ago, I haven't seen her since then but we still talk almost everyday! Of course it's not the same thing, but we've managed to keep in thouch, she's not going to get rid of me that easily. lol

    Yeah, I get what you're saying, sometimes I feel the same. But everyone here is special in a certain way. Besides, if no one had missed you, your post wouldn't get any replies. People are welcoming you back, that means they noticed your disappearance.

    It's more like ''okay''. Could be better, could be worse. So yeah, I'm fine :P

    She's moving from TX to WA. But she's already said if she meets someone (a boyfriend or gets married while there) she won't move back. And I

  • That's OK. We all cringe at ourselves. Just don't let Tumblr define your self-worth.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I can't help but feel constantly cringey with myself, even if it's little things I just did, said, or whether when Tumblr lashed out at me for no reason, even though I know I didn't do shit I can't help but cringe at those times.

  • Warp is exactly right. Don't let anyone or thing on the internet define your self worth, it will lead to self loathing.

    And as far as cringey about everything goes, that might just mean you have social anxiety. I know a LOT of people have it to varying degrees. I have it, where I'll be going to sleep one night and I remember something I did 5 years ago and won't be able to sleep because I feel like such an awkward bee.

    enter image description here

    And in the age of Politically Correct culture, you could sneeze and someone would get offended. Basically anyone is everyone is hurt by BS and opinions and shit we say to each other. Hell I'm sure I offended someone with everything I say. I can't turn off my cussing filter, but I had to tone it down to post this.

    Just worry about chu! Don't let people get to you, they don't know you personally so they have no right to judge or lash out at you.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I can't help but feel constantly cringey with myself, even if it's little things I just did, said, or whether when Tumblr lashed out at me for no reason, even though I know I didn't do shit I can't help but cringe at those times.

  • Not sure what political correctness has to do with sneezing, or anything else you mentioned. Usually people invoke the political correctness thing when someone else calls them out for being a bigot.

    Warp is exactly right. Don't let anyone or thing on the internet define your self worth, it will lead to self loathing. And as far as cri

  • But that's simply how it feels. I'm no bigot but I literally feel like everything I say might offend someone unintentionally. People are so sensitive nowadays, you never know what you might say can and will hurt someone.

    Watch the entire last season of South Park, it was probably the best rendition of PC culture and how almost everything you do might offend someone.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Not sure what political correctness has to do with sneezing, or anything else you mentioned. Usually people invoke the political correctness thing when someone else calls them out for being a bigot.


    pcharl01 posted: »

    As a person who lost a cousin due to a drunken driver and knew a few others who died as well, the fact that this motherfucker got off on the defense he did and now this comes up, all I can do is shake my head. 'Affluenza' teen is now missing

  • That's "usually" when you see political correctness poking around? Seriously?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Not sure what political correctness has to do with sneezing, or anything else you mentioned. Usually people invoke the political correctness thing when someone else calls them out for being a bigot.

  • I guess you could define it as that, but at this point, it's mostly been reduced to a meaningless buzzword.

    To be frank, more people are offended by my politically correct speech than my lack of it. Must be where I live.

    But that's simply how it feels. I'm no bigot but I literally feel like everything I say might offend someone unintentionally. People are so

  • edited December 2015

    How in the world did this happen? How can he get off with a 10 year probation after killing four people and injuring his own passengers? This is insane. And the "affluenza" thing is nuts! "A rich kid whose parents didn't set limits for him." Oh come on. Even if his parents didn't set limits, he should know how to control himself and know the difference between right and wrong. This is no excuse for him to get a 10 year probation. This teen shouldn't have been drinking in the first place since he is underage and it is against the law.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    As a person who lost a cousin due to a drunken driver and knew a few others who died as well, the fact that this motherfucker got off on the defense he did and now this comes up, all I can do is shake my head. 'Affluenza' teen is now missing

  • That's the society we live in. Dirt poor, drug offenders go to jail for decades on flimsy charges and those with money and power get off with a slap on the wrist.

    I get that the rich have problems too, but the guy killed four innocent people! A working class driver with a public defender would've gotten crucified in the courts.

    The lawyer didn't even use the term afluenza correctly. It refers to debt and consumerism in the middle-class, not spoiled rich kids!

    pcharl01 posted: »

    As a person who lost a cousin due to a drunken driver and knew a few others who died as well, the fact that this motherfucker got off on the defense he did and now this comes up, all I can do is shake my head. 'Affluenza' teen is now missing

  • hey, as long as you have a heightened passion for something, you will do the work to learn and it is easier to grasp things. Just try things out, find things you're passionate about and you're get through.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    I guess I'm not really old enough to appreciate it.

  • Meaningless buzzword? No one outright says "Oh I'm trying to be politically correct". It's much more complex than that simply phrase.

    Politically correct speech? Hmm...

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I guess you could define it as that, but at this point, it's mostly been reduced to a meaningless buzzword. To be frank, more people are offended by my politically correct speech than my lack of it. Must be where I live.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited December 2015

    Kind of. I made a shameless oversimplification for rhetorical purposes (I forget that doesn't work as well online, lol), but IMO a lot of the backlash against "PC culture" and "cultural Marxism" is tied into thinly-veiled bigotry and/or reactionary politics.

    Admittedly, some recent PC "innovations" like trigger warnings and safe spaces are cancer, but the 'SJW college-student persecution' that people constantly complain/worry about is way overblown. This isn't the cultural revolution. The Tumblr Rainbow Guard isn't going to come Burn down your shop and throw you in a labor camp because you offended their fragile psyches.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    That's "usually" when you see political correctness poking around? Seriously?

  • Chance ._.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Remember that asshole City Manager I ranted about a couple weeks ago? I talked to my neighbor who's a statistician and we're going to publi

  • Fucking damn it! I almost lost a decent portion of my story because you decided that I had to log in again when I went to save my work! WTF.

  • edited December 2015

    I don't have much to say, but all I have to say is life f***ing suck doesn't it? Seriously I hate it man and I'm not good at anything and am a pretty big loser if I do say so myself. I swear if I didn't have my pets, video games, and my parents I would probably just give up. Yeah I know that sounds stupid, but those are the only 3 things that make me happy in life and keep me living.

    P.S: I just know I'm gonna look back at this messenger and cringe.

  • edited December 2015

    enter image description here

    YAY Hollay back, All ur grades will be A+ don't worry and sometimes friends leave but makes space for new people and experiences so be excited.

    I am doing great and feel great thank you for asking and welcome back :')

    Let's see where to start.... My best friend of 15 years is moving away in 2 weeks, and I saw her for the last time for possibly forever t

  • edited December 2015

    Kinda sick/// :(

  • enter image description here

    There's nothing wrong with you, it's other people. Real friends don't do stuff like that. Trust me, I had my fair share of crap like that in middle school and high school. I only talk to 3 people I knew in high school out of 700. Most of the people who were assholes to me and in general were shitty to their own friend group. It's a maturity thing. And it hurts to know people can actively exclude you from stuff like that.

    I wouldn't waste my time hanging around them. The best way to make good friends, is to join groups and organizations at school, church, or just around your area in general. Meeting more like minded people as well as persons you might not speak to otherwise usually does us all some good.

    I'm sorry you have to be around crappy people like that. :< But hey, you have us on the forums and we're here for anyone who needs a friend, or a empathetic ear.

    I have a feeling that most of my friends don't like to hang out with me. They are always making plans in front of me like I'm not there and

  • Two of our friends moved up there after they got married a few years ago, because the husband had a job up there, and didn't want to be in TX around his family. So he uprooted his wife from TX to take her to WA where they have said they're never moving back. Now they are trying to get into real estate (which apparently is awful in WA) and they convinced my friend to come and work for them in return she can live with them they will pay for her real estate licence. After thinking over things and talking to my parents about it, we're a bit worried the husband has some questionable intentions... Overall, we all feel like they pressured her into thinking it was her only option, and made her choose between her home and friends or them and their business... I know there's a lot she didn't tell me. But I still feel really hurt like I (and our friend group) wasn't good enough for her to want to stay here in TX with us all. And I know we have FB and our phones to talk, but the distance and with her unsure when she will even be coming back to visit is just disheartening.

    Well, I appreciate that people would even spend a moment to acknowledge me. It's nice to know not everyone despises me. :P

    And I know how you feel... being "okay" is kind where I'm at too.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Why is she moving away? I'm not so sure how far Washington is from Texas, but based on what you said I'm assuming you won't be able to visit

  • enter image description here

    You're too kind. :) And nah I'm sure I'm gonna have 2 A's and 2 B's, but hey, I just want to keep my GPA above a 3.0 which is where I'm at with my current grades! lol

    I'm glad you're doing good, that makes me happy. :3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    YAY Hollay back, All ur grades will be A+ don't worry and sometimes friends leave but makes space for new people and experiences so be excited. I am doing great and feel great thank you for asking and welcome back :')

  • I can guarantee you as long as you keep moving forward and taking the initiative to get what you really want in life, things will get better. A year ago I was in a pretty bad depression because I thought that life would only be shitty and back then, nothing was making me happy anymore. Even now food is one of the few things which make me truly happy, pathetic I know. :P

    But if I had known a year ago, that in a years time I'd be where I am right now, I wouldn't believe it.

    Don't give up. The future is bright, all you need to do is keep moving forward.

    I don't have much to say, but all I have to say is life f***ing suck doesn't it? Seriously I hate it man and I'm not good at anything and am

  • enter image description here

    Have a cute pat pat gif and feel better soon! :<

    Kinda sick///

  • Thank you so much! One of my friends called me and told me that she forgot to remind me of our other friend's surprise birthday party. I couldn't go because I had my best friend (she's like a sister to me) at my house. But she told me sorry for forgetting to tell me, and I told her it was cool. It's just sometimes, I want to be invited to some of the places they go. I hate being coped up at home and going to school everyday. My mom says that I am anti-social. I wasn't always like that though. I used to call my friends, well friend, everyday, but as we got older it's like everything changed. Now I call my friends very seldom. And plus I don't have social media because I'm not a really big fan of it. I don't know, maybe it's just me.

    There's nothing wrong with you, it's other people. Real friends don't do stuff like that. Trust me, I had my fair share of crap like that in

  • Well, she should feel the need to visit you guys one day right? I mean that is where her family and friends are. I know she will feel homesick and want to visit soon. And if she doesn't visit, why don't you visit her? I know that may cost money, but you can try to save up and visit her on a weekend.

    Two of our friends moved up there after they got married a few years ago, because the husband had a job up there, and didn't want to be in T

  • Aww, don't say that. :( Life may suck right now, but what about the future? Your future may be a good one! I want you to prevail. I don't want you to give up. I want you to stay strong. This may not help, but I care about you dude. A lot of people care about you, especially the people on the forums. I believe in you man. :)

    I don't have much to say, but all I have to say is life f***ing suck doesn't it? Seriously I hate it man and I'm not good at anything and am

  • Get well soon!

    Kinda sick///

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