Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • no no DONT

    Kennybadger posted: »

    lol I can disappear again for a few days.

  • hella

    I saw what you did there, m8.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    I hella mean it!

  • enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    hella I saw what you did there, m8.

  • Don't!

    Never leave!

    Kennybadger posted: »

    lol I can disappear again for a few days.

  • Chloe Price sux.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Stop what?

  • Dude, I was joking........mostly.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    no no DONT

  • OK OK jeez, it was a joke. LMAO

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Don't! Never leave!

  • But still.....

    enter image description here

    Kennybadger posted: »

    OK OK jeez, it was a joke. LMAO

  • Ok, I won't........That gif is kind of creepy, in the context of this.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    But still.....

  • How is it creepy? it's Ragnar.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Ok, I won't........That gif is kind of creepy, in the context of this.

  • Lol I just picture, you as a Viking grabbing me ,and saying that. Ragnar is freaking metal, from what I heard.( yes, I haven't seen it. It's on my Netflix list, just finishing up The Shield"

    Brodester08 posted: »

    How is it creepy? it's Ragnar.

  • edited December 2015

    Yes Ragnar is bae, Vikings is awesome! I watched a bit of the shield a while ago, I liked it, but I was watching other things. I might start again soon :)

    Wait Vikings is on Netflix? what? must be the American Version. Canadian Netflix is terrible.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Lol I just picture, you as a Viking grabbing me ,and saying that. Ragnar is freaking metal, from what I heard.( yes, I haven't seen it. It's on my Netflix list, just finishing up The Shield"

  • It's me.

    enter image description here

    Brodester08 posted: »


  • So... what do you want me to make? I'm confused, sorry. :/

    Dracu98 posted: »

    Rhys and Jack rule over Hyperion (both are on Helios, Jacks betrayal never happened). Rhys used his power to help Fiona and Sasha to get bac

  • Nice to meet you, "me."

    It's me.

  • wtf

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Chloe Price sux.

  • ;)

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Nice to meet you, "me."

  • The Shield takes a bit to get started, then goes off the chain. The DVD's are for the seasons but not on instant.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Yes Ragnar is bae, Vikings is awesome! I watched a bit of the shield a while ago, I liked it, but I was watching other things. I might start again soon Wait Vikings is on Netflix? what? must be the American Version. Canadian Netflix is terrible.

  • Problem?

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • you asked for an idea, I brought you an idea. IT'S ALL YOU WANTED, DON COLEO- wait, wrong franchise. anyways, you asked, I delivered. it's an idea for a fanfiction I wanted to write but I never did so, sooo...yeah.

    So... what do you want me to make? I'm confused, sorry.

  • edited December 2015

    I thought your icon was Merle Dixon then.

    Brodester08 posted: »


  • Hi! It's my last visit here before Christmas, I think, so...I'd love to wish you happy, peaceful Holidays and great time with your families, and - of course, a lot of Rhyiona stuff! <3 Lots of love!

  • and this, my dear, made my day <3

  • Thank you, Moxxi <3

    How long will you be gone for?

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    Hi! It's my last visit here before Christmas, I think, so...I'd love to wish you happy, peaceful Holidays and great time with your families, and - of course, a lot of Rhyiona stuff! Lots of love!

  • Lol If it gave you a smile darling, that makes it worth while. :)

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    and this, my dear, made my day

  • See you when you get back, and MERRY CHRSTMAS!!! :)

  • I'll be here on 26th December or 27th, I'll miss you! :(

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Thank you, Moxxi How long will you be gone for?

  • I'll miss you too <\3

    Be safe <3

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    I'll be here on 26th December or 27th, I'll miss you!

  • Merle Dixon was also bae.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I thought your icon was Merle Dixon then.

  • Merry Christmas! (Actually I think it is first time I ever say that to a real person :) )

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    Hi! It's my last visit here before Christmas, I think, so...I'd love to wish you happy, peaceful Holidays and great time with your families, and - of course, a lot of Rhyiona stuff! Lots of love!

  • edited December 2015

    So tired. Soon I'll be able to dedicate myself to sleep! Anyway, here's a preview on the Christmas fanfic. Working really hard to make it...good I guess! It's really cute so far and @GrowlingPeanut seems to think so as well.

    “You should definitely play a round of this game Fiona! There’s so many different characters to play as! It even has a two player mode.”

    “Maybe another time, you need to finish typing up that essay.”

    “We could play a co-op playthrough after I’m done typing the assignment!' With him? Fiona’s mind wandered to what possibilities that could lead to.

    She would be next to his side on his bed as she tried to play the game and ultimately dying at some point. She would nearly throw the controller in frustration until Rhys calms her down. He would fall somehow because he’s Rhys, on top of her. The two of them on the bed, looking at each other embarrassed…Then, one of them would lean in and- Fiona shakes her head frantically, not wanting her mind to wander to such impure thoughts.

    “N-no!” She swiftly turned around, avoiding his gaze. “I can’t be bothered to play that game with YOU!” She blurted out. “I have to be home once you finish that essay. I’m only here because you always get sidetracked!”


    “No buts! Just finish the damn essay so I can go home!” She sat herself down away from Rhys, still not looking at him.

    “Fine…” Rhys groaned. The noise of the fast typing of keys started back up. Fiona sighed and put in her earbuds, silencing the world around her. She occupied herself with her music until she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

    “Hey, I’m done. You can go home now.” She nodded and headed out of the house into the hot Summer night.

    As she walked home, Fiona stared at the sidewalk as one question plagued her mind. Why did I think that? She touched her lips, the thought instantly coming back to her mind.

    Rhys, while on top of her, his face turning to a shade of red and put on a nervous smile. He leaned in and planted a kiss on Fiona’s lips. He pulled away and whispered “S-sorry about that…”

  • Awesome job, BRAVO ~claps~

    kristi78968 posted: »

    So tired. Soon I'll be able to dedicate myself to sleep! Anyway, here's a preview on the Christmas fanfic. Working really hard to make it...

  • I had the same reaction lmao.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • MY BAES THANK YOU (I've seen it before but its always frickin appreciated because lOOK AT THEM BABIES) <3333

    enter link description here Laura- Just know, Troy, that I love you.... (around the 2 hr. 6 min) @RockMySocks @ZapThroat

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