Again, I repeat, no one had yet proved that word with a picture don't be scared, we all have our uncertainties. Just look at all those smiling humans around and smile too
Again, I repeat, no one had yet proved that word with a picture don't be scared, we all have our uncertainties. Just look at all those smiling humans around and smile too
Thanks all of you for being so kind but I'm neither beautiful or ugly, I'm just like the rest... however I do like my eyes. Your opinion?
Can't get a closer view because my camera will become blurry.
Thanks all of you for being so kind but I'm neither beautiful or ugly, I'm just like the rest... however I do like my eyes. Your opinion?
Can't get a closer view because my camera will become blurry.
Thanks all of you for being so kind but I'm neither beautiful or ugly, I'm just like the rest... however I do like my eyes. Your opinion?
Can't get a closer view because my camera will become blurry.
Thanks all of you for being so kind but I'm neither beautiful or ugly, I'm just like the rest... however I do like my eyes. Your opinion?
Can't get a closer view because my camera will become blurry.
You may be surprised, but out of a hundred-with-something pictures that I have on my phone, there are no more than 10 selfies. I just genera… morelly don't like them. And I almost never post my photos in the Internet. But I decided to make an exception for this forum and post a few selfies. You know, in case if someone wants to find out how I look.
These two are old. The first one was took this spring when I was in Venice. The second one occured in Bournemouth, when I was spending my summer holidays in a special language camp.
This one is fresh - I took it a few days, specially for this thread. No, I'm not a hipster, I just have bad eyesight. Though I like my glasses and find them styyyylish 8D
And a bonus selfie. My dad brought me some chocolate cigars and I decided to mess with them.
Thanks all of you for being so kind but I'm neither beautiful or ugly, I'm just like the rest... however I do like my eyes. Your opinion?
Can't get a closer view because my camera will become blurry.
Okay, here's my new selfie since I deleted the other one off imgur (smart right?)
I may or may not be wearing pants in this photo.
It also looks exactly like the old one xD
Here's another since you guys seem to like my face so much
Okay, here's my new selfie since I deleted the other one off imgur (smart right?)
I may or may not be wearing pants in this photo.
It also looks exactly like the old one xD
Here's another since you guys seem to like my face so much
Like you.
You flatter me, sis. :P
You can never take away that feeling!
I'm not real.
Whoa, 236 new comments?
(Yup, I wnet through them all... And i'm even more in love with the beauty of you fine people...)
I... just... that avatar... I don't have words to describe the beauty!
Me neither. Welcome to the club.
Why thank you kindly!
I'm so ugly, too ugly to post a selfie of me! maybe later I am scare now...
Again, I repeat, no one had yet proved that word with a picture
don't be scared, we all have our uncertainties. Just look at all those smiling humans around and smile too 
Shhhhhhh, everyone is fucking beautiful
Negative ghost rider, there isn't a person here, who will think that about you.
Dear, that was poetic, not that most of what you say isn't.... but still, just wanted you to know.
Huh, I was not trying to be poetic. Tried to be supportive
Thanks all of you for being so kind but I'm neither beautiful or ugly, I'm just like the rest... however I do like my eyes. Your opinion?
Can't get a closer view because my camera will become blurry.
'Im just like the rest' What does this mean?
That's a beautiful eye! I wanna see the other one!
Beautiful. Absolutely honestly.
Like others.
You have very beautiful brown eyes. ^_^
She Is saying she looks like the others, so what does she look like then?
Damn that beard is Lumberjack material. You look like you could be a Walking Dead character lol
You look like Arya Stark in that last picture.
Holy fucking shit!Are you Jesus?Looks like Judgement is coming earlier than we expected.
It being near Christmas, and not one Festive type selfie, I wanted to put a festive selfie up.
Let's see....
Eye test has PASSED. Proceed to next component when ready.
You're a pretty good looking badger.
It's the Santa hat, it gives me that magical touch.
Okay, here's my new selfie since I deleted the other one off imgur (smart right?)
I may or may not be wearing pants in this photo.
It also looks exactly like the old one xD
Here's another since you guys seem to like my face so much
Now, you really are like your avatar!
Still have gorgeous eyes? Check.
Still have ridiculously soft-looking hair? Check.