Neither do I since I have a two week break which started yesterday and I plan on spending it at home. Plus staying up at 12am watching videos is another plus on the 'no life' meter Ayy :^).
Neither do I since I have a two week break which started yesterday and I plan on spending it at home. Plus staying up at 12am watching videos is another plus on the 'no life' meter Ayy :^).
At his age I don't think he has minimum amount to donate.
ight I gotta for real, gotta wake up early to see if dad is still sick and I'm gonna go buy Quantum Cola :^)
I'm pretty sure if I posted a selfie, everyone whom saw it would have their computer screens break.
So I'll spare everyone that horrible fate of their computers.
EDIT: Just to clarify, my ugly face would break everyone's computer's! ;A;
Because this thread was about being brave enough to post an image of yourself and showing your friends on the forum what you look like everyone is awesome vibe etc
This question turns the whole thread into a competition and beauty knows many forms and is different to everyone so to ask that is unfair plus no doubt users will pick their friends or users they recognize or like making it biased popularity contest. And choosing individual users whoever does not get chosen will feel rejected or ugly when this thread is about a celebration of everyone's unique wonderful looks and not to compare which we favor the best as everyone who was brave enough to post themselves was equally amazing.
No doubt people who are already on edge to post here are now put off knowing there looks will be judged and compared with others with these questions of who is the prettiest.
So to answer I chose everyone who have and will post
Truth, I can only say sorry now, It was stupid question and I didn't wanted It to become some beauty competetion. I know some people are self-contained here and I might stopped them from posting photo of themselfs and I can only say that you won't be judged by me or someone else on this forum, l'm sure of that. I didn't wanted some people to feel ugly and rejected, I know everyone Is unique and have unique look. Sorry
Because this thread was about being brave enough to post an image of yourself and showing your friends on the forum what you look like every… moreone is awesome vibe etc
This question turns the whole thread into a competition and beauty knows many forms and is different to everyone so to ask that is unfair plus no doubt users will pick their friends or users they recognize or like making it biased popularity contest. And choosing individual users whoever does not get chosen will feel rejected or ugly when this thread is about a celebration of everyone's unique wonderful looks and not to compare which we favor the best as everyone who was brave enough to post themselves was equally amazing.
No doubt people who are already on edge to post here are now put off knowing there looks will be judged and compared with others with these questions of who is the prettiest.
So to answer I chose everyone who have and will post
Thanks all of you for being so kind but I'm neither beautiful or ugly, I'm just like the rest... however I do like my eyes. Your opinion?
Can't get a closer view because my camera will become blurry.
Well I put mine on here and people's computer screens have survived so there's that.
Also I know i'm ugly and have learnt the way of not … morecaring anymore XD Also the people on here are pretty awesome so there's that too insert thumbs up
And this threads gotten damn popular in a short period
Aroused. Plus check Laura's steam comment section
Some videos are porn clickbait ;^)
I have to watch all of those???
If you wanna, it's worth it tbh.
Except me cause I have no life.
Bonnes reves!
Neither do I since I have a two week break which started yesterday and I plan on spending it at home. Plus staying up at 12am watching videos is another plus on the 'no life' meter Ayy :^).
I'm on the second page, these are quite good. I love the condom one that was hilarious xD
First I was watching funny videos then it turned into pornish videos then back to funny videos.
The magic of youtube.
Clickbaiting is pretty good sometimes because you got thirsty 12 year olds dissapointed that they didn't get to see any bewbs.
boiii that's Wolfe, I use PornHub unlike Mario. He uses the safe sites.
Mario is such a dirty boy.
Well he still hasn't paid his debts...
He needs to contribute to the sperm bank.
At his age I don't think he has minimum amount to donate.
ight I gotta for real, gotta wake up early to see if dad is still sick and I'm gonna go buy Quantum Cola :^)
Goodnite, thanks for those awesome videos.
Well I put mine on here and people's computer screens have survived so there's that.
Also I know i'm ugly and have learnt the way of not caring anymore XD Also the people on here are pretty awesome so there's that too insert thumbs up
And this threads gotten damn popular in a short period
It was before during the tire fixing thing. Yes people, I want to see some reindeer antlers and elves
Ok, now I'm curious. Who were you guys talking about? :P
That question tho :')
Why? I just wanna know.
Because this thread was about being brave enough to post an image of yourself and showing your friends on the forum what you look like everyone is awesome vibe etc
This question turns the whole thread into a competition and beauty knows many forms and is different to everyone so to ask that is unfair plus no doubt users will pick their friends or users they recognize or like making it biased popularity contest. And choosing individual users whoever does not get chosen will feel rejected or ugly when this thread is about a celebration of everyone's unique wonderful looks and not to compare which we favor the best as everyone who was brave enough to post themselves was equally amazing.
No doubt people who are already on edge to post here are now put off knowing there looks will be judged and compared with others with these questions of who is the prettiest.
So to answer I chose everyone who have and will post
Truth, I can only say sorry now, It was stupid question and I didn't wanted It to become some beauty competetion. I know some people are self-contained here and I might stopped them from posting photo of themselfs and I can only say that you won't be judged by me or someone else on this forum, l'm sure of that. I didn't wanted some people to feel ugly and rejected, I know everyone Is unique and have unique look. Sorry
i took a closeup of my eye, and it came out very clear and sharp.... which was disappointing because it showed every flaw very clearly
You look like you have charm coming out of your arse.
Nice blue eyes but I don't like veins, my phone is kind of trolling... I use Huawei P8 Light and the focus seems broken, is like it zoom out it self.
yeah the flaws i mentioned, i may have been tired when i took the picture, but i generally look tired all the time anyway.
i don't know how my phone managed to focus so well, probably just an accident
I did the thing lol.
Omg, you're so NOT ugly! Really.
So,uuuh..Eryka?Am I going to see your face in my lifetime or not?
I've seen it.
Goddammit,How much do you want?
That's... a strange Christmas gift.
It's not strange, it's full of colors