The worst emotional breakdown I've ever had.

So, spoilers... (Obviously...)

When Reuben was dying, i had this INSANE emotional meltdown, like i can't explain. I cried so uncontrollably... Nothing has ever done this to me... Not even (SPOILER FOR TWD) Lee's Death. I cried quite badly on Lee but it was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING compared to how i broke down about Reuben. I really don't want to eat Pork ever again because of this. If i do, it'll make me feel bad about Reuben. I ended up acting really cranky in reality after this event. And even at one point tonight when we were having Fish 'N' Chips in town, there was this girl that noticed i was feeling down about something, and she approached me. It seemed kinda creepy at first but then as she started asking if i was ok i realized she was worried about me. I mean, even though she doesn't know me at all... (Faith slightly restored in Humanity) I never told her what was wrong. I just said i was fine. I mean, people wouldn't understand... People would think I'm ridiculous if i told them i was sad over a pig's death... This is the best game you've ever made Telltale! I'm HYPED for Episode 5 and i hope there's a Season 2.


  • edited December 2015

    I feel sorry for u i was crying when ellegard died in episode 3

  • When Lee died in TWD I was just sad (almost cried) but when Rueben died I was crying a lot. I don't know why and how but... I CRIED ON MINECRAFT. That's the magic of Telltale. They can do EVRYTHING. I want Reuben back :(
    PS. English isn't my main language.

  • well thanks for the spoiler

  • He spoiler tagged it. That's your own fault.

    shirai46 posted: »

    well thanks for the spoiler

  • Oops yes

    IceKane posted: »

    You mean episode 3, right?

  • I spoiler tagged it. And even went so far as to say there were spoilers a second time at the beginning of my post. You can't say i didn't warn you.

    shirai46 posted: »

    well thanks for the spoiler

  • Well there was already a spoiler tag, you can't blame him for that.

    shirai46 posted: »

    well thanks for the spoiler

  • When I realized we weren't going to eat that porkchop I was inconsolable.

  • I cried so much too.. just couldn't hold it! RIP Reuben <3

  • Trust me man (SteveBlockhead), I feel your pain.

  • I just showed my brother Reuben's death scene and he said 'lol I dont even mind'' then I smacked him and am not gonna talk to him -.-

  • U are not the only one man. I'm a 22 year grown ass man and I was balling in tears for over 20 minutes after I watched Reuben die. Hell, when Magnus died in my story it didn't even make me flinch or show any emotion but I don't know what it is about Reuben that made me cry so much. I guess we all unconsciously fell in love with him as the story went on. The last time I cried that much for that long and made me feel down for hours afterwards is when they did the tribute to Paul Walker at the end of fast and furious 7.

    R.I.P. Reuben

  • I cried very real tears too. It hits just as hard as Lee's death in TWD for sure. Anybody who has ever lost a pet before KNOWS how painful this is, and that's why this scene is just so raw and real, and I must salute Patton Oswald's truly heart-breaking delivery. This game is truly amazing.

  • This is pretty much the reason I uploaded my playthrough as one part. I thought the effect would've been ruined otherwise.

    Damn, didn't think I'd care so much about a pig.

  • That's mean.

    michyxox posted: »

    I just showed my brother Reuben's death scene and he said 'lol I dont even mind'' then I smacked him and am not gonna talk to him -.-

  • there we go all fixed lol

    IceKane posted: »

    You mean episode 3, right?

  • hmm weird. I did not open anything. I would know that. The discussion was open for some reason. Sorry for the confusion. I honestly did not do anything

    shirai46 posted: »

    well thanks for the spoiler

  • It also says that this thread was edited. What exactly did you change ? Or did you spoiler tag it afterwards ?

    shirai46 posted: »

    hmm weird. I did not open anything. I would know that. The discussion was open for some reason. Sorry for the confusion. I honestly did not do anything

  • edited December 2015

    Oh same here man. I was really angry and upset when Reuben died. (Worst than i felt in TWD S1 ending when Lee died) When Magnus died, i didn't care much. When Ellegaard died, i was a little sad. But when Reuben died, i was really angry and upset!

    Me when Reuben died: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME NOW TELLTALE?! DID THIS REALLY JUST HAPPEN?! CURSE THIS GAME! CURSE YOU TELLTALE!!! (I still love this series, but i was really upset. :P)

  • edited December 2015

    I have a theory....

    If you take a look for the horses, jesse said "am i glad you came along..." and maybe horses will become his/ her new pet (just theory)

    I dunno... but i still sad because reuben death, when take a first look at reuben in ep1 he's funny pig. I like it so much, but when episode 4 i cried because reuben deaths, but i tried to dont angry and not to blaming reuben deaths to telltale (sorry for bad english)

  • Am I the only one who didn't give a shit about the pig dying? I'm really starting to feel like it :-d

  • You're not alone. I for one was sort of happy when that filthy little creature's time was up. Heheheh >:)

    finlander posted: »

    Am I the only one who didn't give a shit about the pig dying? I'm really starting to feel like it :-d

  • hahaha....hahahaha...

    adamreed44 posted: »

    U are not the only one man. I'm a 22 year grown ass man and I was balling in tears for over 20 minutes after I watched Reuben die. Hell, whe

  • I almost left my mac for Ruben's death. :(

  • it is!

    AronDracula posted: »

    That's mean.

  • I didn't cry, nor was I saddened by Rueben's death, however, that doesn't mean I wish he was dead. He was a pretty enjoyable character at times.

  • Dear Telltale games,

    I purchased for Christmass the game Minecraft story mode on PS3 and played it with my 13 year old son,since he is a big Minecraft fan. We enjoyed the game a lot, until the end of episode 4, when Reuben, the piglet, dies. What kind of move was that guys? My son actually cried and I was very sad about Reuben's death. I thought this was a happy ending game mostly for kids. Thank you so much for breaking my son's heart, he barely fell asleep that night frown emoticon frown emoticon .... I understand that sometimes good characters have to die in a story but this is not Game of Thrones or Walking Dead this is a game for kids mostly, not a 'mature rated' one, since the 12 Rating. C'mon, Reuben was loved by all the kids, he was the cute pet and the best friend of the main character, Jesse. His death ruined the game for us and I consider it totally inappropriate for this type of game.

    Please develop a patch in which Reuben can be saved through game options or please resurrect him somehow in episode 5, because that's what my son only asks about nowadays - "Will Reuben come back"?.

    Andrew Malfurion

  • wut m8

    Lordmark posted: »


  • You sir, i like you.

    adamreed44 posted: »

    U are not the only one man. I'm a 22 year grown ass man and I was balling in tears for over 20 minutes after I watched Reuben die. Hell, whe

  • The death of a cartoon pig is not "mature". Really a 13 year old should be able to handle it

  • edited January 2016

    jeez, guys, it's just a pig...

  • Exactly, pigs die everyday.

    Besides, Ruben's replaceable.

    jeez, guys, it's just a pig...

  • Got some free bacon from it as well...

    jeez, guys, it's just a pig...

  • There are grown men here who said they cried on that scene. A kid should be left with a good happy feeling after a game, not with a sour , my pet died feeling. I bet you don't even have kids.

    The death of a cartoon pig is not "mature". Really a 13 year old should be able to handle it

  • edited January 2016

    Still, thats part of a story. Plus really a 13 year old should be able to deal with/understand death, especially death that isnt real, I'm a bit concerned that younger kids are getting that upset about a game character let alone a teenager. You cant expect them to retcon a death just because some people dont like it.

    There are grown men here who said they cried on that scene. A kid should be left with a good happy feeling after a game, not with a sour , my pet died feeling. I bet you don't even have kids.

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