Did we really need a sequel

I mean seriously, I felt like this game was a good project on it's own and I feel like the ending scene with lee dying really did not need to be continued. Merry Christmas and let me know what you think.
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Merry Christmas!
I disagree. I loved both seasons and do not want them to ever stop.
Honestly, I think this question is a lot more complicated than a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer
There didn't have to be a S2, but there didn't have to not be one, either
I disagree. I know that I, along with several other people, wanted to know how Clementine turned out after Lee's death.
Not really about needs, however more so on the terms of developer profit, logical plot history and audience desire for more of the same synopsis to enjoy. You might feel it was fine with stopping at one game only, personally I feel that is quite boring, limiting and pretty dull.. because with the way the first game concluded it left open ended questions and a massive cliff hanger. Such as what became of Christa, Omid, Kenny and Clementine. None of those were answered until season 2 provided an answer. I was highly interested in learning what became of little Clementine after departing from Lee and it's like..
Now we are back at essentially the same question. What has become of Clementine, Alvin Jr., Arvo, Mike, Bonnie (determinant) and Kenny/Jane (determinant)? Some, all or none of these might be answered in season 3 but this is why sequels do the task of further informing the audience of the future outcomes of a tale that probably the majority really want to know and not necessarily need to know.
I agree.
Endings such as the one with TWAU was perfect.
A sequel was necessary because it was suppose to have Clementine living her life from the lessons Lee taught her, that's what was setting up season 2, was Lee's words of advice at the end of no time left. Unfortunately, telltale ruined a very good chance of having a much better sequel. Few reasons why:
Too many games being developed at once: When they made season one, they were focused and all their effort was on that season, by the time season two was being made, they were making multiple games at once. They should've focused mainly on one game at a time.
Money: Telltale knew that regardless of the story in season two, bringing out a season two would garner more cash. With the amount of success that season one received, it was only telling they would make another season.
Lack of hubs and puzzles: I know some will disagree with me but there was 2 main reasons a lot of people had with season two, duration of episodes and lack of development in season 2's characters. When they eliminated a lot of hubs and puzzles that season one had, it took away duration of the episodes (making them shorter) and the lack of hubs made it hard for people to get connections with the characters as season one had.
There are plenty of other reasons why people didn't like season two, poor writing in killing of characters i.e , Nick and Sarah, Too much emphasizes on Kenny and imo too much of Clementine, wasting 400 days characters etc.
i only hope that telltale puts the same amount of effort into season 3 like they did with season one but with the amount of games they want to make at a single time, i have low expectation.
I actually want to see where Clementine lies. It was disappointing but I am glad she's not a helpless child. I see why Carver respects her. She should lead the next generation (along with Carl indirectly).
I see what you mean, id rather have a cliffhanger
Hh!? C'mon, u mean u wanted to end the game with a little girl left on her own in THAT KIND of world and her only guardian DEAD?
I know, people like @blindsniper think that telltale did this on pouring, I apriecate that he is defending telltale and giving them the benefit of the doubt, but people make a bad game wants in a while
I think Season 2 speaks for itself.
Blind Sniper knows the game wasn't the best they made but some people just don't want to admit something was a let down. They sit there and praise everything something or a company does.
Exactly, he says that the wolf among us and the walking dead season 2 were short because telltale wanted them to be short for "cinematic" reasons. And I say, no, it was not short for "cinematic reasons" it was short for no reason.
Lol cinematic reasons. Seems funny how he would say that yet the game that had 4/5 episodes longer then 90 minutes (season 1) Got the best reception out of all telltale games. Maybe his scared that he will get demoted as from a moderator to just a normal member if he speaks his mind.