Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Merri Christmuz every1!!!! :) <3

  • edited December 2015

    I got some stuff to hang on mah wall... thx to my sister for giving me this on xmas, and thx to the ppl who made these art (sry i forgot who was it)...

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • God bless us, everyone!

    Or to be politically correct: Hello! Have a wonderful ambiguous holiday!

  • Merry Christmas everyone!

  • ZOMG

    enter image description here

    I know its not rhysha related but I just got so happy i had to post it

  • Oh man, you got a pearlescent weapon, you lucky bastard. I have over 400 hours on Borderlands 2 and have never gotten one of those.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    ZOMG I know its not rhysha related but I just got so happy i had to post it

  • edited December 2015

    Aaaand the trip was a burning disaster

  • enter image description here

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    ZOMG I know its not rhysha related but I just got so happy i had to post it

  • Finally took the time to load Colors! 3D on my 3DS and am in the process of working on a fanart ...

  • edited December 2015

    I was hitting for something more realistic in this. I'm terrible with backgrounds.
    Art from Denouement, cuddling up in the common room at Vault 81 (where the clocks all read 9:47).

    • enter image description here
  • enter image description here

    I was hitting for something more realistic in this. I'm terrible with backgrounds. Art from Denouement, cuddling up in the common room at Vault 81 (where the clocks all read 9:47). *

    • HO
    • LY
    • SH
    • IT

    You are both an amazing writer and an amazing artist!

    I was hitting for something more realistic in this. I'm terrible with backgrounds. Art from Denouement, cuddling up in the common room at Vault 81 (where the clocks all read 9:47). *

  • enter image description here
    Tumblr Link

    GUESS WHO GOT A TABLET FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!1 I'm still rusty, but Im so happy to be drawing these two! Honestly tftbl really inspired me to start making fan art again, so Im happy I can do digital work again >/////<




    Tumblr Link GUESS WHO GOT A TABLET FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!1 I'm still rusty, but Im so happy to be drawing these two! Honestly tftbl really inspired me to start making fan art again, so Im happy I can do digital work again >/////<

  • Sparkly T.T


  • Found a fic with Rhysha in it, it's called Seek Out To Satisfy Those Thrills by easybuttstallion

    Story is rated M

  • D'awww, thankies ... ~

    * HO * LY * SH * IT You are both an amazing writer and an amazing artist!

  • Found another one on but I can't remember what the title was. Will have to go scrounging around again ...

    In the midst of writing another chapter. Suffering from that problem of planning out future events and forgetting to work on the current ones. xD

  • ....where exactly you being rusty shows? I can't wait for more!

    Tumblr Link GUESS WHO GOT A TABLET FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!1 I'm still rusty, but Im so happy to be drawing these two! Honestly tftbl really inspired me to start making fan art again, so Im happy I can do digital work again >/////<

  • edited December 2015

    This is a sweet looking pic!

    Tumblr Link GUESS WHO GOT A TABLET FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!1 I'm still rusty, but Im so happy to be drawing these two! Honestly tftbl really inspired me to start making fan art again, so Im happy I can do digital work again >/////<

  • Give all juicy details!

    Toffe posted: »

    Aaaand the trip was a burning disaster

  • edited December 2015

    While we're bringing up fanfictions, one that I had noticed isn't on top is Out of The Comfort Zone. Rhys is kind of a jerk in it, but it's still pretty good, and does have Rhysha in it, especially in the later chapters with some hints in the earlier ones.

  • It's amazing what a one can do with a tablet.

    Pumpkinpunk posted: »

    This is a sweet looking pic!

  • I really like this more badass Rhys set up

    While we're bringing up fanfictions, one that I had noticed isn't on top is Out of The Comfort Zone. Rhys is kind of a jerk in it, but it's

  • Ahhhh! Im happy you all like it >///< Ill hopefully be doing many more in the future!

    Sparkly T.T

  • Not i a fun way i got dumped still don't know the reason why and i'm left alone in Lithuania for 3 days more

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Give all juicy details!

  • I dunno, slicing Tector in half just for doing his job was a bit much to me.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    I really like this more badass Rhys set up

  • "There's murder in the air. I can TASTE it."

    LeChance for life.

    I dunno, slicing Tector in half just for doing his job was a bit much to me.

  • Halfway through, likely finishing tomorrow

    Found another one on but I can't remember what the title was. Will have to go scrounging around again ... In the midst of writing

  • Soo, its been almost a year since i joined these cewl people, and i had some very fun times here, i'll definetely remember it (i even made a fucking Rhysha fanart poster thats on my wall right now)... But... I dont feel happy around you people anymore... I dunno why i said it so harsh, but it felt right... Some people might have liked me, some people mighta hated me, i dunno... I dunno if people will miss me or not, but i sure miss all the good times i had with you... Some of the best memories i have are most defenetily in the begginings when we didnt have a chatroom yet, when we were smaller and we had the petty rivalry with the Rhyionas (who were also pretty small at the time), then the avatars, then when i made the wiki and we all did our character profiles, i even liked most of the moments we had in the chat at that time... the last happy memory with you people i have is probably the tf2 match with Erin and maybe like discussing the finale of Tales... But as of recently for some reason anytime i'm bored and i have free time to hop in the chat, after time i just say goodbye and leave with dissapointment... I get that the shipping is done, which it should be, i get that things changed, lot of old members either left or arent active, but i dont like it anymore, it feels like its done for me...

    So whether you despise me or you like me, i prolly liked you at some point or i still like you and am gonna miss you, so immma gonna mention you:

    @Pipas (or Poopas,great guy,good leader, def would make a much better speach than me rit now)

    @CraazyCakes (is funny, my favourite psychotic lover of HandsomeJack)

    @DictatorAsylum (has the dankest memes ;) nuf said)

    @no_username (my ps3 coop gaming pal, still can be if he wants to and if he ever buys the damn bl2 :P)

    @InGen_Nate_Kenny (a very fun guy, my favourite moderator on this forum)

    @SqueakyDeke (known him for far shorter than i wished for cuz he seemed like a cool guy)

    @GrumpyDof (i cant forget my favourite cat that i dont remeber having a civil nice conversation with xD)

    @Intellectual_Poultry (the most precious one there is, does great smol oneshots)

    @Leluch123 (i dont quite remember my relationship with him but i think i liked him, and he did like some cool videos that i believe my avatar was in, i also believe i worshiped him as a god once when he got banned or sumthin)

    @Irunts (the best video editor, i remember having fun whenever he made some sort of project and i was happy when he included me)

    @SzymeG (my favourite interpunct, i liked him a lot, i think he is the reason i write ... after my every fucking sentence xD)

    @CtarlCtarlEmpire (the greteast man alive that also watches anime, i think the first one i got into deep real life discussions with... huh...)

    @armis37 and @PinkyPromise (greatest Pricefield shippers there are, cewl guys)... I think thats it...

    So, yeah, if you actually read any of that, thankyou for everything you may have done for me, thank you for the fun times in general, and sorry if i ever offended you,insulted you, or made you feel bad... Yea, thats it... Peace...

    enter image description here

  • Ohhh, very nice! ;)

    I was hitting for something more realistic in this. I'm terrible with backgrounds. Art from Denouement, cuddling up in the common room at Vault 81 (where the clocks all read 9:47). *

  • <333

    Tumblr Link GUESS WHO GOT A TABLET FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!1 I'm still rusty, but Im so happy to be drawing these two! Honestly tftbl really inspired me to start making fan art again, so Im happy I can do digital work again >/////<

  • Looks like it was deleted.

    Found a fic with Rhysha in it, it's called Seek Out To Satisfy Those Thrills by easybuttstallion Story is rated M

  • Ergh. I lied. I'm gonna post in this thread to say I'll miss ya, dude. Bye, good luck and the Sasha booty is nice.

    Soo, its been almost a year since i joined these cewl people, and i had some very fun times here, i'll definetely remember it (i even made a

  • Well, there's another one at least I don't think people have seen. It's not Rhysha-focused, but Rhysha is in it/

    Merry Mercenary Day, Janey Springs

    Pipas posted: »

    Looks like it was deleted.

  • Yes perfect! I NEED it...

    Halfway through, likely finishing tomorrow

  • Thanks :)

    Ergh. I lied. I'm gonna post in this thread to say I'll miss ya, dude. Bye, good luck and the Sasha booty is nice.

  • Love ya Regs. Rhysha #10.

    @InGen_Nate_Kenny (a very fun guy, my favourite moderator on this forum)

    Take that @579801!

    My man, I must leave farewell links for you. I hope you enjoy them all (especially the last two).

    enter image description here

    Soo, its been almost a year since i joined these cewl people, and i had some very fun times here, i'll definetely remember it (i even made a

  • huh, thats bizarre, i literally read it this morning :/ oh well...

    Pipas posted: »

    Looks like it was deleted.

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