Season 3 Protagonist for the story?

I really hope we don't control Clementine again, I hope it;s some new character that we play as and Clementine goes into an NPC again.
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I really hope we don't control Clementine again, I hope it;s some new character that we play as and Clementine goes into an NPC again.
Make it Christa please
I agree with that, I just hope it's not Clementine again, Knowing telltale it probably will be her.
Still hoping for Clementine, I absolutely loved playing as her in Season 2 and wish to continue her story in Season 3.
Why is this even a question? Clementine is the only logical choice for a protagonist. At least I hope she will...
Clementine is the most unique TWD protagonist ever made, if Telltale replace her with a generic adult protagonist then their take on TWD is no longer unique and special, with far less incentive to buy it.
Child protagonist are rare, even more so in TWD, we should hope Telltale continues to think differently than the mainstream and KEEP CLEMENTINE.
They can't keep her forever soon she'll pretty much die because Telltale will kill her off.
Dying isn't the only dramatic plot device for a zombie apocalypse.
I'm hoping we play as whoever we're with in No Going Back. They can spend the first episode in season 3 playing as Kenny, Jane, or Clementine depending on what our ending was. Then somehow all of our endings tie together and we end up playing just as Clementine again. Then were introduced to new characters, and we can play as them aswell as Clementine. That way our endings matter, we can still play as Clementine, and we can play as other characters aswell.
Rather play as a walker than Clementine again
Have fun.
Clementine, new character is lazy, I want to see my s2 choices directly matter in s3, they said its going to be considerably larger.. so make the choices more impactful by picking up where we left off maybe a year or two down the line.
We should play as the last decision we choose in the last episode; If you chose Kenny (Like me) we should play as Kenny either with Clem or surviving outside wellington for those 3 months. If you chose Jane you play as Jane in that place (Didnt really choose her). And if you chose to go by yourself then you play as Clem surviving on where ever she went. And if you guys want our dreams to become true then let us play as Lee who got cured at the last second.
Season 2 was a fucking mess, I hope in season 3 season 2 is erased, I am just going to pretend the shadows at the end of season 1 are kenny and the baby, or Jane and the baby, or Wellington survivors, try to forget that godamn nightmare of a game.
Yes I always say the same thing. It would be quite absurd to send Clem adrift from the narrative after having been with her this far from the beginning. Unless it was absolutely her time to be killed off and it made best sense then someone else taking the mantle would be fine. Otherwise Trying to get invested in someone else at this point would take me out of it. Might still buy it for kicks. but the games will really begin to go down hill if that's the game plan.
A little harsh aren't we?
Yes harsh yet understandable. I was praying that season 2 would be better than 1 or at least on par with game 1. Still decent for what it was worth, but it had far more potential than they displayed.
SO true!!!
^This. Hope this is what happens.
I think Clementine should definetely stay as protagonist but if TT realy wants new chracter then they can do it like with TftB and have two protagnists - Clem and new character.
I am just replaying season 2, I dont know what is the problem. It is quite tailord. Key word - TAILORED.
So am I and my perspective has still not changed. This would be my third play-through and I'm on episode 3. and typically I don't do a play-through of season 2 without first having done a complete play-through of season 1+400 Days.. The same level of heart and soul just doesn't seem to be within season 2 as with season 1 and the S2 episodes are far more brief than S1 episodes and far less engaging than S1 since you had more puzzles to solve in S1 like with finding a way into the pharmacy, figuring a way out the meat locker, starting the train, finding a way into the mansion, discover the exit out the sewers and back to the group, investigating the secret Crawford tapes to unlock the safe of supplies, and then finding a way to ring the bell after finding a way out of Vernon's lair from walkers breaking in.. Also more conversations with the characters in season 1. As Lee there was more depth to everything.
For example maybe if instead of the dog going rabid and attacking Clem then killing the dog. Sam the dog could had been Clem's new pet and defender up until about episode 3 at least because I am sure Carver or Troy would had put down Sam for no reason other than good sport or for attacking them to defend his new master which could of been Clementine.. but even Sam got killed off stupidly like half the characters did. Everyone who passed on in S1 did so with logical meaning whenever it was their quid time to go.
That actually isn't a bad idea.
There is no cure, Lee is gone.
Liar. I just saw Lee in TTG forums the other day....oh wait...
I agree
I think our choices would matter more if Clementine's a NPC in season 3. Then, the choices that we chose for the previous seasons can reflect the kind of Clementine we get in Season 3, for example if you chose to watch Carver be killed by Kenny, condone Kenny when he beats Arvo, and have her kill the stranger, you'll have a Clem that kills a person based on those choices in season 3.
Also, I think a new protagonist like Christa is actually needed. With all of the things that Clem went through, I think it would take a lead Christa to bring her back. I think Season 3 should focus the theme on coming back from a dark place theme. Being robbed, shot, and left to die by the people you trust will cause anyone to be mentally scar. So, having a new playable protagonist to guide her would be ideal.
I dont want new character. I want Clem!!!
Well your comment was a bit...technical
Someone new. Most existing characters are already dead or just don't work or stand out as a protagnist.
I feel like Telltale bringing Lily back would cause more drama and backlash, She could either have a group formed all on her own, or she could be the main villain of season 3 where she wants revenge on Kenny.
I hope to play as someone else thats not Clem. For me she wasn't much fun to play as then Lee and the 400 days characters.
Agreed. We need someone else from Clem
Clem is the only logical Solution. Many People say, that they didnt like to Play As Clem, But you still Need to consider, that whatever reason you have, has Most likely to Do with the "Writing Mess" of Season two And Not Clementine herself. I have faith in TTG to make it better. The The Last of us Dlc Shows, that it's possible, to make the character playable, you Normally would Protect without "loosing" the character.
I still don't care who the protagonist is until the story is revolved around Clementine.
I want a brand new character!
And because we've already played as a Black protagonist twice, I think it should be a Caucasian character.