How to fix up season 2

Now this is not for everyone, but season 2 was a bit of a mess, it was not bad but it was not restrict her, it was fair about a 6/10 while season 1 was about a 9.5/10, now I am going to leave it to you guys, this is "what if the walking dead season 2 was good" thread. A spin off of what if Star Wars episode 1-3 was good. What would fix, I will also do a what if game of thrones was good thread to. Have a great day and let me know what you would fix
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Lol, we all know S2 wasn't the greatest. But I would just rewrite anything after All That Remains...
Me too, The only thing bad in episode 1 were Omid and Christa, I wish they did not die off right after we see them.
What's done is done. Most people I've talked to on the forums seem negative or just indifferent about Season 2. I think giving it a year to develop would have been better
First we slap a band-aid here
then we put some glue there
and then a little duct tape over here
and there we go, fixed
How to complain about season 2
There's no fixing season 2. There's only learning from your mistakes to make season 3 better than season 1.
The main thing they can't do ever again is ride 4 out of 5 episodes on one entire character. Never. Like really. Never.
If season 1 was written like season 2; Carly, Lilly, Ben, and even Kenny's family would've had little impact in our gaming experience.
Season 2 would'nt have been lame if Lee hadn't died. Who agrees?
The problem was that All That Remains was building a sort of Clem and Christa reunion arc with trust/loneliness as a central theme.
But when ep 3 and 4 came up Piere Shorette, Eric Stirpe and Jason Latino fucked it up and Breckon was left to clean up the mess. Which is the reason ep 5/S2 felt somewhat uneven/unsatisfying.
IMO ep 1 was as close to S1 writting/quality/atmosphere as S2 was gonna get.
No Kenny and Season 2 is already better.
Nononononono. Not only Pierre, Eric And Jason. EVERYONE of them fucked it up. They couldn't agree on One "Story Path" so it became this Mess. Those Episodes can Be Seen As "Teasers" of what path the Story could have taken. And If im Honest, Breckons And Pierres paths were the best. Breckon would've Done the "Luke VS Kenny" path And Pierre would have Done "the possible Clem And Carver Connection in terms of Surviving" path.
Imo it was. My only real gripes with season 2 were the disappointing use of determinant characters and two moments from the finale. Other than that, I had a good time with it: I thought they did a good job at developing Clementine as a character, I really liked the interactions with your new group, the tough choices you had to make, I even liked how Kenny was integrated into the story. To each their own.
I love Lee and even though there were moments I'd wish he was in Season 2 to sort everything out, if Lee hadn't died in Season 1 it just wouldn't have been the same.
The problem with Season two was the writing. You're right that they made the best decisions in terms of choices the player could've made, but honestly, what other choices could we make? The story was far too linear and that's a problem when the game is supposedly catering to our choices.
Eh, I guess you're right
Less Clementine and more effort in development in season two's characters would've made the season a whole lot more better.
I think Lee's death in Season 1 kind of hindered Season 2 because the Lee-Clementine relationship dynamic was gone, and that relationship is what Season 1 revolved around and what made it great. But then again his death also made the Season 1 ending great.
Yeah they tried to replace the Lee-Clementine dynamic with a Kenny-Clementine one and of course it was rejected. Don't get me wrong I love Kenny and admire how he tries to protect Clem but he's definitely no Lee.
Loved your avatar
There's something beautiful about it, no?
Less Clementine? What? She got the least development out of EVERYONE.
Uhh no, Season two's characters suffered because of Clementine. Season one's characters got proper development in the first episode. Even Glenn got better development, and he was only in one episode. Instead of having Clementine fight off bad guys, kill a dog, look for supplies for her arm, eat ice cream, they should've added more hubs, so the player could've got a better insight of the cabin group. But we were stuck with Clementine becoming wonder girl.
Oh so it's Clementine's fault there aren't enough hubs? Ok...
Who got the majority of the screen time in All that Remains? If you actually go back and play A new day, you'll see they give every character a chance to develop, even Irene who wasn't even there for 10 minutes, had more effort then some of the S2 characters.
It's not exactly Clementine considering she was the playable character. We're following the zombie apocalypse through her eyes. Clementine become wonder girl was more of a minor problem considering that does not affect other character's development. Kenny ruined season 2.
Hell, even Clementine existed in season 2 to serve Kenny.
It was always Kenny's problems. Kenny's refusal to listen to others. Kenny's temper. Kenny. Kenny. Kenny. Kenny. Yeah, she did some unrealistic tasks, but most of it can be tied to Kenny...
Like being the peace keeper between the Luke's group and Kenny's group
Talking to Kenny whenever he can't control his temper
Keep trying to calm Kenny down so his ass don't get shot by Carver's guards.
Make a choice about Sarita's arm and have Kenny hate your guts regardless of the outcome.
Ep 4) Oh shit, Clementine. Sarita's dead and Kenny's broken. You better talk some sense into him. AGAIN. Also, Kenny the III is about to be born, get Kenny to help us Clementine.
Ep 5) Oh shit Clementine, Kenny's got a baby that is his and it's his way or nothing. Go talk some sense into him.
Season Finale) Oh shit Clementine, Kenny lost his cool and he's trying to kill Jane. Better go stop him or do nothing.
Even if Clementine got most of the screen time in episode 1, it makes sense. Because she met a new group. But Kenny... oh he stole the show
Even the conversations with other characters, in season 2, was mostly about Kenny.
Kenny took over a big role yes, that was because he was a big character in season one. Yes he was always going to have a big role, but to say his soley to blame is foolish. Clementine was just as bad as Kenny was, but because it's her, people won't blame her.
Considering that both groups barely knew each other, and don't forget that Kenny had a mental breakdown from Season one (losing a wife and kid isn't the easiest thing to get over) of course his going to flip out, naturally it was going to be conflicts between 2 new groups.
Again, you fire Kenny for losing his temper but how many other characters did? Nick, Luke, Jane, Rebecca, Arvo, Mike etc.
Yet Luke actually tried to steal a radio when he was told not to and gets caught, which ends up having Kenny getting bashed taking the blame when it was Luke who stuffed up.
That wasn't his fault, if you cut her arm off yes he does got mental in the heat of the moment, but he wants to be a lone, and Bonnie pushes Clementine to talk to him, that's Bonnies fault, not Kennys.
Actually, they said that Kenny had experience with babies (duck) which they thought was the right thing to do, why make someone who hasn't had any experience with babies do it?
How is it his way? He was trying to protect the baby, like every one else.
Um, Jane took the baby, hid it, made out that It died so she could get Kenny to snap, clearly Janes fault, yet you blame Kenny ?
What you fail to understand is that Season Two was a bust because the new characters didn't get enough time to develop like season one characters did. In a new day, Lee is the playable character, but when he meets every character, the character he meets is developed in some way, The cop gets a lengthy intro about his position even mentioning a previous case, We learn about Clementine's parent situation and that she's alone with a walker babysitter, Shawn and Hershel we learn about the farm and get on his good side by telling the truth. We meet Kenny and his family, find out about his job, their plan, how they went when the outbreak happened, then we all learn about Carley, Larry, Lily, Doug and Glenn, A news reporter who knows about Lees story, A man who has heart problems and is played as a bad guy with a daughter who you can be good or bad with, Doug who worked with electronics and even Glenn being born and raised in the same town as Lee.
Pretty much every character in a new day got developed some what while still maintaining Lee as the main character. In all that remains, we don't meet the cabin group till half way through the episode, and then the last act is only featuring 2 of the group, when we meet them and they put Clementine in the shed, the rest of that act besides talking to sarah and maybe Alvin, is about her finding stuff to stich her wound up.If Sam, Christa and Omid were going to be waste of characters, then they should had the cabin group come earlier and develop them more with hubs but oh no, it was all about Clementine, because she has to be the centre of attention because everyone loves her but blames Kenny for the writers putting to much effort and time into Clementine.
Kenny was awful in s2, even if all that is correct. They failed to develop his character right. Kenny in s2 is so much like Anakon sky walker in the Star Wars prequels. S2 was suppose to show Kenny being lured or seduced to insanity. But in episode 2-3 and partially 4, Kenny was fucking undeveloped. Only in episode 5 did Kenny do anything other than bitch around or kill people. In s1, Kenny got development through all five episodes 1:we found out that he was a man that kept making mistakes, but at the end he made a stand to save lee. In episode 2: we learned that he is a man that is still a little over protective of his family. He starts doing things just for his family and not thinking about anything else. In episode 3: we learned that he is going through an emotional breakdown and using duck and katjaa as a motivation for his actions. In episode 4: now with that motivation gone, he is back to the man he was in episode 1, quick to make careless remarks that he does not mean. Easily resulting in more danger. In episode 5: Kenny learns that he is a man that has made constant mistakes and decides to stay quiet, but then decides to make a stand and sacrifice himself. I feel like this is why Kenny should've have appeared in s2. His story was complete. If anyone deserves development it should have been Christa and Omid.
She's the playable character? She needed that screen time. That's the only time she actually got any development this season, other than that she's just there.
I wouldn't say he did nothing, he was trying to hold it together with AJ being born, but Jane was fucking around with his head and Arvo was being a asshole. disagree, he really only selfish about his family if you don't side with him, he shows a concern for clementine as well. And what do you expect when his wife and son was kidnapped? More danger how? He was holding it together until Ben reviled he indirectly caused the death of his wife and son, yes he got drunk but a lot of people drink to help forget about pain, is that an illegal thing to do? Seeing how Christa and Omid were thrown away at the start, the season 2 characters should've got that development. Not Clementine, Not Kenny, them.
All that Remains needed to be the episode to develop the new characters. Clementine was already established as a major character. She became the major character when Lee died, she didn't need added scenes. Season 2 characters were harshly criticized, yet it was Clementine being the main source of the problem. No way should she have overshadowed the cabin group in the first episode.
Okay that's the first episode though. After the second episode she quickly be a,e overshadowed.
I know that he edit not do anything wrong, but in s1, he was a man who originally made carless mistakes that do cost him certain things. He cared about people, but in his own selfish way. He used Duck and Katjaa as a tool to keep him going. In episode 4, with his family gone, his character changes in a negative way. He either shuts down or starts to take control over the group, a lot like lily.
What kind of glue? o.o
Plot glue.
Lot of it was already used in Season 2, how much more could hurt?
the regular kind
get your mind out of the gutter, god
Gutter wha T_T I was going to make a superglue joke.
Glitter glue. That way it sticks together, and it's nice and shiny too.
I don't see how. She was sill in the majority of the scenes overshadowing the new characters. Kenny came and took a lot of the screen time yes, at least when he showed up, the cabin group was able to get some time to develop unlike episode 1 where it was all about how special and tough Clementine was.