wakes up from the coma
So, we've finally got news telling us about more waiting. (!) February has 8 letters, same as soooooon, coinci… moredence, I think not... But let me ask something, is this Michonne mini-game connected somehow to the main game story, or is it a separate one to tease us a little more? :<
I didnt wanna make a whole thread 4 dis so imma just ask it here...
Is the Michonne series gonna be an add-on to s2 (so, you need to have atleast ep1 of s2), or is it its own thing entirely???
Alright we got a "HUGE UPDATE" so I'm guessing we shouldn't expect a single word for a while now and just be grateful we got the news that we have been teased with by being teased with for this teaser for news.
We'll get news again in a few weeks before you know it. We're half way through December, and the game premieres February. We're going to wait around 4-6 weeks at max for news.
Alright we got a "HUGE UPDATE" so I'm guessing we shouldn't expect a single word for a while now and just be grateful we got the news that we have been teased with by being teased with for this teaser for news.
Well in Tales From the Borderlands, they added romance into the game due to all of the shipping threads that were going on in the TFTBL sect… moreion. The developers clearly stated in an AMA that it came as a result of fan response to the game. There was also this really funny joke where you can have Rhys say that Vaughn, after he was shot with a paralyzing dart, will be back to normal soon, prompting Loader Bot to say "Soon lack data, soon sucks," which obviously comes from Telltale's over use of the word "soon" when it comes to their games, especially with Tales which had 3-4 month waits.
As for The Walking Dead, I believe I read somewhere that the choice to kill or help Larry in Episode 2 came as a result of fan feedback, since so many people hated him after he had punched Lee in Episode 1.
It's Rhyiona, and yes they did, it's one of the options at the end of the game. If you don't give Sasha the flower and tell Rhys, as Fiona, to stay away from Sasha, Rhys will have the option to say "I like someone else." While he doesn't directly say who it is, it is heavily implied that he is referring to Fiona.
I love telltale twd, but i really have low expectations for this upcoming release and the why is actually simple: the game's story probably wont have many space for choices since the story is kinda defined already, as it will tell what happened to michonne on the HQ. Doing a game of choices with a story thats already defined probably wont go very well, thought i really hope i'm wrong.
To be Honest, this is the reason why i'm excited about it...A more Streamlined experience would fit Great. Those decisions Are practically all nearly the Same And it gets a Little bit old. Im Not Saying, that i didn't enjoy decisions. They sure sound fancy But only in the Shortrun. In the longrun however, they just bring inconsistency Problems. Every TTG has it. And the more TTG i Play, the more i see them. I wouldn't mind a game without "save him or her" decisions. Maybe only Characteristic decisions instead of Action based decisions.
I love telltale twd, but i really have low expectations for this upcoming release and the why is actually simple: the game's story probably … morewont have many space for choices since the story is kinda defined already, as it will tell what happened to michonne on the HQ. Doing a game of choices with a story thats already defined probably wont go very well, thought i really hope i'm wrong.
I think Telltale couldn't choose a better part of the comics to fill in by making a game. All we know Michonne ventured with Pete and his boat group somewhere (we don't even know where and what was happening and that's the best part), they have a lot to go around - play around with the survivors Michonne & Pete find and with Pete's group itself, since we know nothing about them! Telltale can give them personalities and kill some of them off if they want to. The only thing they have defined is that Michonne and Pete have to remain alive. The rest, though - nuh-uh.
I love telltale twd, but i really have low expectations for this upcoming release and the why is actually simple: the game's story probably … morewont have many space for choices since the story is kinda defined already, as it will tell what happened to michonne on the HQ. Doing a game of choices with a story thats already defined probably wont go very well, thought i really hope i'm wrong.
We will get news again when the game is closer to premiering. Until then, Telltale will focus on promoting the last episode of Minecraft (and continuing to promote Episode 4) before they promote Michonne since Minecraft will be done by then. Also, there is the Holiday break Telltale is on as well.
We will get news again when the game is closer to premiering. Until then, Telltale will focus on promoting the last episode of Minecraft (an… mored continuing to promote Episode 4) before they promote Michonne since Minecraft will be done by then. Also, there is the Holiday break Telltale is on as well.
I think the problems about the decisions bringing inconsistency should be solved instead of going to a more streamlined play, the game may get too simple without the decisions system. Though i wouldn't bother if other aspects of the game get improved so the decision system won't be missed, my real fear is that telltale try to force the decisions on this michonne story and end up creating choices that are totally meaningless.
To be Honest, this is the reason why i'm excited about it...A more Streamlined experience would fit Great. Those decisions Are practically a… morell nearly the Same And it gets a Little bit old. Im Not Saying, that i didn't enjoy decisions. They sure sound fancy But only in the Shortrun. In the longrun however, they just bring inconsistency Problems. Every TTG has it. And the more TTG i Play, the more i see them. I wouldn't mind a game without "save him or her" decisions. Maybe only Characteristic decisions instead of Action based decisions.
When a thread is "sunk," you can still post and upvote as usual but new replies will not move the thread to the top of the forums. Since the Season 3 waiting thread is posted on my account, I can still see new replies there, so I won't be ignoring new responses in the thread. That means other mods and I will still be around to answer questions or flag posts if needed.
Since Walking Dead: Michonne is the series that is closer to release, we're basically trying to move some of the excitement from the Season 3 thread onto the Michonne thread.
Telltale don't normally give a release date too far in advance as they always want to wait until they get the game certified by Sony and Microsoft before release which can take 2 weeks, once they get a conformation from both companies they will then officially confirm a proper release date.
Now Christmas is over we will hopefully be getting some more news either late this month or early February once they go back to work.
Move the excitement from Season 3? That's impossible my friend After how Season 2 ended, I'm just dying to know what will happen next, and that S2 ending completely overshadows anything that Michonne has for me.
Hey guys! Just a small update - the Walking Dead: Season 3 Waiting Thread is still open, but I "sunk" it until Michonne ends.
When a thre… moread is "sunk," you can still post and upvote as usual but new replies will not move the thread to the top of the forums. Since the Season 3 waiting thread is posted on my account, I can still see new replies there, so I won't be ignoring new responses in the thread. That means other mods and I will still be around to answer questions or flag posts if needed.
Since Walking Dead: Michonne is the series that is closer to release, we're basically trying to move some of the excitement from the Season 3 thread onto the Michonne thread.
Nah I'm pretty sure he knows that Lee dies. I was just mocking this stupid "Lee has to come back from death because I want him back" mentality that apparently still hasn't died out.
Hey man! Long time no see!
Yeah this is more connected the comics, so as Ozzy said is possible, or some references here and there.
44 or 45, I believe? Tomorrow I will have more on my account, since I like to read them at night.
i c... thx gaiiisss
Alright we got a "HUGE UPDATE" so I'm guessing we shouldn't expect a single word for a while now and just be grateful we got the news that we have been teased with by being teased with for this teaser for news.
We'll get news again in a few weeks before you know it. We're half way through December, and the game premieres February. We're going to wait around 4-6 weeks at max for news.
I take it all back - I can't live without this game....
Your loss.
But they never gave us Ry-ona romance..u know
It's Rhyiona, and yes they did, it's one of the options at the end of the game. If you don't give Sasha the flower and tell Rhys, as Fiona, to stay away from Sasha, Rhys will have the option to say "I like someone else." While he doesn't directly say who it is, it is heavily implied that he is referring to Fiona.
Because it sounds cooler and means exactly the same thing as ''Episode 1 coming out in February''.
I think.
Premiere is just a fancier way of saying the first episode launches.
I love telltale twd, but i really have low expectations for this upcoming release and the why is actually simple: the game's story probably wont have many space for choices since the story is kinda defined already, as it will tell what happened to michonne on the HQ. Doing a game of choices with a story thats already defined probably wont go very well, thought i really hope i'm wrong.
So..no new since the 4th of december. What's the status ? It's pretty calm for Telltale games these months. Only Minecraft game ?
To be Honest, this is the reason why i'm excited about it...A more Streamlined experience would fit Great. Those decisions Are practically all nearly the Same And it gets a Little bit old. Im Not Saying, that i didn't enjoy decisions. They sure sound fancy But only in the Shortrun. In the longrun however, they just bring inconsistency Problems. Every TTG has it. And the more TTG i Play, the more i see them. I wouldn't mind a game without "save him or her" decisions. Maybe only Characteristic decisions instead of Action based decisions.
I think Telltale couldn't choose a better part of the comics to fill in by making a game. All we know Michonne ventured with Pete and his boat group somewhere (we don't even know where and what was happening and that's the best part), they have a lot to go around - play around with the survivors Michonne & Pete find and with Pete's group itself, since we know nothing about them! Telltale can give them personalities and kill some of them off if they want to. The only thing they have defined is that Michonne and Pete have to remain alive. The rest, though - nuh-uh.
Well...They already said it's coming out in February, so...all we wait for is the exact day of February.
We will get news again when the game is closer to premiering. Until then, Telltale will focus on promoting the last episode of Minecraft (and continuing to promote Episode 4) before they promote Michonne since Minecraft will be done by then. Also, there is the Holiday break Telltale is on as well.
You mean the final episode.
I was including Episode 4 as well, since it was recent.
Michonne finally debuts next month! I wish that I can say it's coming out this month, but oh well.
I think the problems about the decisions bringing inconsistency should be solved instead of going to a more streamlined play, the game may get too simple without the decisions system. Though i wouldn't bother if other aspects of the game get improved so the decision system won't be missed, my real fear is that telltale try to force the decisions on this michonne story and end up creating choices that are totally meaningless.
We can also say Marvel comes out sometime next year. Woah....
Hey guys! Just a small update - the Walking Dead: Season 3 Waiting Thread is still open, but I "sunk" it until Michonne ends.
When a thread is "sunk," you can still post and upvote as usual but new replies will not move the thread to the top of the forums. Since the Season 3 waiting thread is posted on my account, I can still see new replies there, so I won't be ignoring new responses in the thread. That means other mods and I will still be around to answer questions or flag posts if needed.
Since Walking Dead: Michonne is the series that is closer to release, we're basically trying to move some of the excitement from the Season 3 thread onto the Michonne thread.
It's time to find a job.
...okay then.
I wish they would give us a more precise release date than just february 2016.
Telltale don't normally give a release date too far in advance as they always want to wait until they get the game certified by Sony and Microsoft before release which can take 2 weeks, once they get a conformation from both companies they will then officially confirm a proper release date.
Now Christmas is over we will hopefully be getting some more news either late this month or early February once they go back to work.
This is a pile I want 3 season with Clementine and Lee:'(

Lee's dead.
You should at least finish Season 1 before continuing, the ending will get you
Move the excitement from Season 3? That's impossible my friend
After how Season 2 ended, I'm just dying to know what will happen next, and that S2 ending completely overshadows anything that Michonne has for me.
Um, Lee's gone.
Did we just spoil S1 for this guy?
Nah I'm pretty sure he knows that Lee dies. I was just mocking this stupid "Lee has to come back from death because I want him back" mentality that apparently still hasn't died out.
Kenny's dead.
Its k son, guyz he's just remembering the gud ol' days i guess
I wont go against u on anythin dude.. U just joined the forums anyway
Sigh...There's still a month left. It's so unbearable to wait ;-;