The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    Well, here's the thing. With Bernie, if he gets office...hopefully he gets office, he has a chance to delay or completely redirect the inevitable. Riots, resisting, etc. It'll come if we keep the path we keep going down, and personally, I don't want the chaos that comes with that. We can do what the revolution could do peacefully, instead of a French revolution, we'd have an industrial revolution...If you get that.

    That's reformism, not revolution. The problem with reformism is that it doesn't change the underlying capitalist framework and can be easily reversed (if it works at all, which is a big if).

    Also, personally, I'm kind of weary on a alliance between communists, anarchists, and progressives. We want change, but not to have a complete change in our national economy. A communist or anarchist state would say in the least...unproductive. A socialist state like those in Europe could prove what we need.

    Maybe that's a good end result, but I think it would be a mistake to leave the radical left in the cold. Contrary to popular belief, many of them can be quite reasonable, plus they have the organizational and strategic know-how that progressives lack.. It's also worth noting that the Nordic model is far from airtight. As we speak, countries like Germany and ditching Social Democracy in favor of neoliberal capitalism.

    I don't think Capitalism is the problem. It's the abuse and corruption of capitalism. When the government looks past monopolies, corruption, and tax evasion to achieve a great increase in personal profit, that's when we have a problem.

    I fiercely disagree. Capitalism absolutely is the problem. It's a system in which the wealthy few exploit the labor of the many to make wild profits. It's a system that encourages us to buy things we don't need with money we don't have. It's the reason a janitor who works 40 hours a week and provides an important service can live below the poverty line. It's the reason your retail employer can fire you on the spot for merely uttering the words "labor union" in the store. It's the reason that the mass incarceration of US citizens has become a lucrative, multi-billion dollar industry. It perpetuates greed, exploitation and the destruction of the environment. It not only allows the corruption, monopolies and tax evasion you mentioned, but also INCENTIVIZES it. Capitalism IS the problem!

    If you're willing to do some light reading, this article goes further in depth about the subject.

    Hate to be a downer, but I don't think we can have a revolution just by voting for Bernie and other democrats Not being a downer, yo

  • Your crusade is truly a righteous one. May the fates favour you.

    Update: I just filed a calm dispute with Konami as to why my video shouldn't be flagged. If they decline it, I lose my YouTube channel and e

  • Thank you, Sir.

    Your crusade is truly a righteous one. May the fates favour you.

  • That's reformism, not revolution. The problem with reformism is that it doesn't change the underlying capitalist framework and can be easily reversed (if it works at all, which is a big if).

    I don't think Capitalism is the problem, which I shall address later.

    It's also worth noting that the Nordic model is far from airtight.

    Nordic Model? What do you mean?

    For the last paragraph, I'll sum it up quickly in my words. The abuse of unregulated power is what destroyed the capitalist system creating the problems you mention. I don't think Capitalism is the problem at all, it allows the people the ability to choose their own path, if it wasn't corrupted from the wealthy, and make their own choices without heavy government control. That dream could happen but we would need reforms.

    I called it a political revolution because that's what it's being call. While not totally accurate of what it is, I prefer reforms to riots and revolutions.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Well, here's the thing. With Bernie, if he gets office...hopefully he gets office, he has a chance to delay or completely redirect the inevi

  • You must have been very bored to come up with this...

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    I got bored. It's true love, baby.

  • *realizes that im 18 now

    holy fUCK.

    im 18!

  • I'm sure you aren't. I don't though, I love blood in games. In fact, all of the Silent Hill games and the original 3 resident evil games give you an option to turn blood off or make it a different color, I also do black or purple

    joshua007 posted: »

    Am I the only one who turns of blood in games when I get the chance or just most of the times? Friends of my always bash on me when I do

  • Cool! When I get time I'll probably check it out, seems awesome!

    enter link description here First video I recorded with the Xbox App. When I figure out a way to add commentary, I'm going to start doing Let's Play's hopefully.

  • Look at all the peeps you can bone! No, wait, bad example... Uhhh... you can join the army?

    *realizes that im 18 now holy fUCK. im 18!

  • How did you do this? I can record max 5 minutes on the Xbox.

    enter link description here First video I recorded with the Xbox App. When I figure out a way to add commentary, I'm going to start doing Let's Play's hopefully.

  • No thanks are necessary. Only, do what you must to make the Great Satan pay.

    Thank you, Sir.

  • He can now drink! Oh, wait. That's Australia....................Uhhhhhhhhh, He can now get a full driver's licence-no, he already could have in the first place. Australia again, damn.

    Look at all the peeps you can bone! No, wait, bad example... Uhhh... you can join the army?

  • A profounder truth posted on the internet there has never been.

  • Nordic Model? What do you mean?

    The Social Democratic economic model used by parts of West/North Europe. It's basically liberal, welfare-state capitalism.

    For the last paragraph, I'll sum it up quickly in my words. The abuse of unregulated power is what destroyed the capitalist system creating the problems you mention

    Abuse? On Wall Street that's called 'good business'. They're doing exactly what they're supposed to under liberal capitalism: maximize profits and to hell with everything else..

    I don't think Capitalism is the problem at all, it allows the people the ability to choose their own path, if it wasn't corrupted from the wealthy, and make their own choices without heavy government control.

    Even Bernie sees that capitalism is the problem!

    You're really getting into vague generalities here, but okay. I'd just like to point out that socialIsm doesn't necessarily limit economic freedoms. A lot of socialists, like myself, really prefer many aspects of the free market over a command economy, but believe that the market can only truly be free with the abolition of the capitalist system and the democratization of labor (cooperative labor instead of hierarchies).

    In short, you don't have to support the capitalists in order to support a free-market.

    That dream could happen but we would need reforms.

    What reforms could possibly fix the current system? I'd argue that reforms aren't enough, because the capitalist class can be unfettered again as soon as another capitalist takes power.

    That's reformism, not revolution. The problem with reformism is that it doesn't change the underlying capitalist framework and can be easily

  • I shall. salutes.

    No thanks are necessary. Only, do what you must to make the Great Satan pay.

  • Well shit.

    He can now drink! Oh, wait. That's Australia....................Uhhhhhhhhh, He can now get a full driver's licence-no, he already could have in the first place. Australia again, damn.

  • Happy birthday :)

    *realizes that im 18 now holy fUCK. im 18!

  • @saltlick123

    enter image description here

    What do you mean it copies a new hope to much?

  • I wish you luck but Konami are a-holes who destroy everything so not sure they will accept any request no the quality or logic but I admire ur bravery good luck and I hope you beat this flag it was a disgrace what they did to you

    Update: I just filed a calm dispute with Konami as to why my video shouldn't be flagged. If they decline it, I lose my YouTube channel and e

  • edited January 2016

    Whatever way you enjoy your game the most is the best way to set the settings in my opinion everyone is unique and have different preferences that sounds fine

    joshua007 posted: »

    Am I the only one who turns of blood in games when I get the chance or just most of the times? Friends of my always bash on me when I do

  • I wasn't expecting God from it (maybe because I like Jurassic Park way more than Star Wars) but I was expecting something that would't involve the same shit: say what you want about George Lucas but at least he made things appear to be original... hoping some people will wake up from their nostalgia joy-ride like they did with Jurassic World eventually and start to point out its flaws (face it, when JW came out people loved it but all these months later, most point out the stuff that's wrong with it). I bet I sound like a buzzkill but I'm not trying to ruin it for anyone else: just saying my opinion) Whateva! I'm a Saltlick and do what i want!

  • But...but it has lightsabers salty

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I wasn't expecting God from it (maybe because I like Jurassic Park way more than Star Wars) but I was expecting something that would't invol

  • edited January 2016

    So did the prequels :P And I'm shocked that people hate THOSE but liked THIS Traitors...

    enter image description here

    Markd4547 posted: »

    But...but it has lightsabers salty

  • edited January 2016

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    TR-8R is loyal and died for our sick spins don't judge

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    So did the prequels :P And I'm shocked that people hate THOSE but liked THIS Traitors...

  • Thanks man. Fuck Konami, and I'll do my best.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I wish you luck but Konami are a-holes who destroy everything so not sure they will accept any request no the quality or logic but I admire ur bravery good luck and I hope you beat this flag it was a disgrace what they did to you

  • Ahhh, TR-8R! It's not possible! Nobody's ever been able to summon him!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    TR-8R is loyal and died for our sick spins don't judge

  • You know what's terrifying?

    There's people who actually ship Kylo Ren and Rey.

    Ahhh, TR-8R! It's not possible! Nobody's ever been able to summon him!

  • enter image description here

    You know what's terrifying? There's people who actually ship Kylo Ren and Rey.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited January 2016

    I don't even get it. Didn't he like threaten to rape her?

    "I can take anything I want..."

  • People will ship anyone with anything I guess. Hell, people shipped Rhys with Loader Bot (looking at you Blind Sniper).

    I don't even get it. Didn't he like threaten to rape her? "I can take anything I want..."

  • Hey, man, at least it's not Jesse X Reuben!

    [goes back to writing Rhoaderbot fan fiction]

    People will ship anyone with anything I guess. Hell, people shipped Rhys with Loader Bot (looking at you Blind Sniper).

  • The Social Democratic economic model used by parts of West/North Europe. It's basically liberal, welfare-state capitalism.

    Ah, okay, I didn't know what it was.

    In short, you don't have to support the capitalists in order to support a free-market.

    Ah, there's what I needed to hear then. Truly, all I want is a free market in America. All the bad mouthing of anything that isn't "American" here in America makes people misunderstand concepts.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Nordic Model? What do you mean? The Social Democratic economic model used by parts of West/North Europe. It's basically liberal, we


    This song kind of reminds me Sasha from Tales From The Borderlands. Good song though.

  • I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT! YANG IS INNOCENT, EMERALD'S SEMBLANCE CAN CREATE HALLUCINATIONS! MERC'S LEG ISN'T BROKEN. YANG IS INNOCENT! I called it, and called it, AND CALLED IT. I'm happy but at the same time pissed off because now I gotta wait until Sunday to see Episode 8. In other news, the Grimm are on the loose and shit's gonna go down I'm sure.

  • It's only because they need to establish the new series. Episode 8 and 9 are gonna be completely different, I'm sure.

  • You need to use the Xbox App with Windows 10. In the game bar (press Windows+G), you can set your max recording time.

    Chilled posted: »

    How did you do this? I can record max 5 minutes on the Xbox.

  • Ah, there's what I needed to hear then. Truly, all I want is a free market in America. All the bad mouthing of anything that isn't "American" here in America makes people misunderstand concepts.

    They do, and it's a common misconception. Most Americans are taught in school that capitalism = free market and socialism = command economy. It's really not that simple. China for instance, has a command economy, but you'd be hard pressed to find a socialist who considers the PRC an ally.

    The Social Democratic economic model used by parts of West/North Europe. It's basically liberal, welfare-state capitalism. Ah, okay,

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