This series just blew my mind...
I just picked up The Wolf Among Us because i was bored and i liked the looks of it ... and it just blew my mind.
Not only was this the first time i played a "storymode" game like this, but the way it is presented and how it really feels like a movie .. it's just awesome.
And just when i thought it was a one time "indie" game.. i find out there are a lot more stories to play!!.
I played through TWAU and TWD season 1 in one weekend (hoorah for red bull and pizza) and i am currently making my way through TWD S2.
I can only say thnx ... this really made me believe again that there is still originality out there in gamingland.
Keep it up...
Now.. back to saving Clementine!
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Glad to hear you enjoy it. I recommend playing Tales from The Borderlands after you finish TWD, it's amazing. ^^
I also heavily recommend Tales From the Borderlands, that is Telltale's best game, even better than TWD.
Good to hear you enjoyed TWD: S1 and TWAU. ^-^
As the others said, after you finish TWD: S2, I recommend you to play Tales From the Borderlands but I will also recommend you Game of Thrones, if you watched the TV series, of course.
TWD blew your mind? Then you MUST try out Tales from the Borderlands, its Telltale's finest game yet.
Also check out their take on Game of Thrones, its an overall good game.
Just avoid Minecraft: Story Mode, its very watered-down and has nothing profound to offer.
I wouldnt say that about Minecraft Story Mode, I feel like most people's problem with it is that it isnt mature.
Its because its incredibly simple and predictable like a children's TV series, completely void of any moral wisdom found in Telltale's other story games.
I never played Borderlands itself, so i think i'll try GoT after this, since i know the lore of that a bit.
After that i'll go with Borderlands ... should keep me accupied a week or 2 altogether
This is the way TV and Movies should go also imho... more interaction between the viewer and the story.
How many times have we yelled at the screen "NO DONT GO IN THERE STUPID!" .. or "OH FFS KISS HER ALREADY!" ..
Would be awesome.
You don't actually need to be familiar with Borderlands before playing Tales, in fact its kind of better if you play Tales before any main Borderlands games, as Telltale does a good job at introducing its world to new players.
Leaving the best for last, eh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
If i had to rate them.. i would put Walking dead S1 at the top followed by S2 and then TWAU ..
TWAU was just a tad to "soft".. but it did open my eyes to these types of games
Trust me, when you start playing Tales From the Borderlands, that game will go straight (••) / ( ••)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■) To the Top.
enter link description here
(it won't let me put the underscore between the eyes)
Isnt there a S3 in the making?...
I saw that Michone one for febuary, but i dont think thats season 3 of the "regular" series right?!
yes Season 3 is coming. Michonne is a 3 episode mini-series to give the fans something before Season 3 hits.
Season 3 is coming down the line; Telltale announced it back in July 2014, and said last December to expect news sometime after Michonne ends. Fortunately, one of the reasons cited for the delay of Michonne was so that Telltale could release episodes on a "tighter schedule" so it looks like we could eventually get Season 3 news sooner than later.
Sounds good to me... i like this better then the actual series hahaha
I see what you did there.
Fuk.. just finished S2 ... second time you guys brought me to tears!
Good Job!
They love to make you cry :P
Just out of interest which ending did you get?
I was with Kenny and i went into Wellington with AJ.\
Season 1 was an even worse tear jerker though hahaha...
Is Borderlands also a tearjerker?
It has a few emotional scenes in it here and there, but overall, no. It's mainly a comedy game, so if you do end up crying, it'll probably be from laughing.
Enjoy playing The Walking Dead mate, I wish I could play it for the first time again.
Just started it.. and its hilariously dry
Yeah same here... i hope Part 3 will be here soon and have some of the same characters again.
Sucks that you get attached to pixels on a screen hahaha
Depends on your attachment to the characters. There was one scene where I had tears in my eyes towards the end, and another in a previous episode that was pretty emotional. Is it on the same level as TWD, no, but it still got to me.
Oh, so you started playing it, good. Just going to, um, casually leave this here for you. (warning, may contain spoilers for future episodes if you click on it)
Too "soft"? In what way?
You'll be happy with the choices available in those games trust me.