Dead characters who had great potential
I had a hard time accepting that he was dead, his death was out of the blue and a bad move by the season 2 writers.
Luke had potential to be more than he was in season 2, such a strong character to have such a lame death.
As Luke, Walter had potential to be more than he was in season 2, I really liked him and thought he was an interesting guy.
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Omid and Walter shouldn't have been killed off so early. I really wish that Clementine met the Cabin Group with Omid and Christa instead of meeting them alone.
Pete. I really liked him, and was interested in seeing him as another potential father figure for Clem. Then he was just gone.
I agree. I bet Omid would have calmed everyone down just with that little smirk of his.
Same, but I would add Alvin.
Omid (Christa too): I'm Omid.
Pete: Sometimes you gotta play a role, even if it means people you love hate you for it.
Matthew: Are you assholes?
Walter: They say the world is over, but I'll tell you a secret, its not. People are more political now then the were ever before.
All war is a symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal. - Steinbeck
Nick: (in Carlos's voice) Luke he's becoming a danger to the group.
Sarah: I don't understand why people have to be so mean. Even when I'm really mad I don't wanna hurt someone.
Mike: (maybe alive) I'd eat the shit out of that raccoon.
Chuck: You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart, you're ALIVE.
Mark: (in Danny St. John's voice) FEUOOOD.
Given how many people dropped like flies in Season 2, there's quite a lot of characters who deserved more screen-time or better treatment than they had.
I forgot all about Chuck! He was such a great character!
I also forgot about Pete, great character!
That's clearly what she said. She deserved better.
Chuck, Christa (although unconfirmed), and Omid.
From S1: Chuck
From 400 Days: Stephanie
From S2: Omid, Nick, Sarah, Rebecca and Luke
Carley, Pete and Alvin as well but I feel their deaths were...I can't think of the word, afraid I may say the wrong thing.
Given how Kenny and Jane acted in Season 2, I don't even Omid would have helped calm them down.
Next thing you're gonna say is
I also forgot about Lee. He was such a great character!
I liked Larry from Season 1. He was an asshole, but I can understand his reasons. In my opinion he's presence could be interesting at the later events.
Chuck was the best.
Well, too bad we never got to find out.
Chuck was from season one.
Ben Paul. Too bad he dies no matter what.
Nick. I liked him.
Sarah. She was a nice kid. I would add Carlos to this list, but I would to see Sarah's aftermath after her father's death.
Also, others, but it was already mentioned in a different list. So I'll keep this short.
I took him as a racist, because he punched Lee even if you side with him. "I'm NOT letting a murderer come with US!" If he was gonna murder anybody, why wouldn't Le have done so while Larry was "out of commission" with his heart condition?
Ding ding ding, we have a winner!
I did say. Apparently my post, ignored my return space commands, or I should've put comma's.
Lee: He couid have helped Clementine with surviving and maybe Clem wouldn't be so...boring i guess is the word?
Ah, I see.
Omid, Christa, Alvin, Carlos, and Luke.
Omid and Christa, when you think about it, weren't in the series that long. From the end of Episode 3 to the very beginning on Season 2. Christa was one of my favorites, and I am still hanging on to hope that she comes back!
Alvin and Carlos, when Kenny came to the forefront of the plot, turned into some sadly stale characters. At least Alvin got a hero's death (In my story at least), instead of Carlos, whose role was basically: (Spanish voice) "Ooh I need to protect my daughter!" and then getting shot.
And lastly poor poor Lukey Luke. Oh what did they do to you, Luke?
I really wished he'd survived the season. To me he was a great character that had so much potential.
I can't really see how Luke had his potential wasted by dying when he was around the whole season. As far as characters I wished I could have seen more of, I'd probably put Lily from season 1 on the top of the list though it's ambiguous if she dies.
It would have been interesting to see if Sarah could've adapted to the ZA after you get the chance to save her
Reminds me of "A panda eats, shoots, and leaves."
Don't you love comma misplacement? Lol.
I would've really liked to see Jane successfully save Sarah from her observation deck death, and for Jane to really believe Sarah could get through the ZA too. Then Sarah could've been alive longer, and imagine how Sarah'd feel if Jane--a character who for so long, didn't want to believe that kids could possibly make it in the apocalypse--actually believed in Sarah then and there. It could be the beginning of a meaningful relationship between the two of them.
I think it would've added loads of development to Jane too--Jane would've redeemed herself in some way, in saving someone who was similar to Jaime, when she of course wasn't able to save Jaime in the past.
Also, it would've been nice if Walter and Matthew hadn't died so quickly too. Now that I think about it, they give off the same kind of vibes that Morgan from the show does, in terms of their philosophy. It's just such a shame they had to die.
Yeah...Omid was killed off way too soon, and Christa left way too early.
I would pay big bucks to see this concept turn into a fanfiction.
But anyway, it'd be such a heart ache to see Jane trying her hardest to understand Sarah's mind, but not exactly saying the right things given how much terror she's used to, and how much emotion she doesn't let out.
I think it's more of what he could have done if he hadn't died. Sure he was around the whole season, but it was evident that he and Kenny had something brewing up, all to be cut short when he died. It would have been nicer for him to be one of the candidates for the Pizza vs. Ice Cream decision. Not to mention an ending with him after what happened with Kenny and how his character would change would be great.
And a possible, most likely complicated relationship with Jane and how they'd both address the elephant in the room after ignoring each other for a while. The poorly timed elephant...
You could trust in somebody, who you first met, and the only thing you know about him, he is a murderer? Maybe Larry thinks Lee hasn't got a good oppurtunity to kill anybody during his heart problem. Even the thoughest murderer did not try to kill somebody in front of a group of more than five people.
Finally , someone says it!
Sorry , how is that racist? It's bigoted , but it's not racist.
Sam. I love dogs and a faithful hound companion would have been awesome. I understand why Sam turned on Clem and why he was used a "holy shit" story twist. But man, he would have been cool to have around and it would have made Clem someone not be fucked with.
I think having to choose among Kenny, Luke, and Jane would have been an interesting decision. Each had their own (albeit selfish) reasons for wanting to care for and be a mentor to Clementine. Go to the promised land (Kenny)? Return to Howe's (Jane)? Potentially form a new group (Luke)?