Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • And just like that, I have inspiration for my next chapter. Had a huge writer's block courtesy of illness ...
    And I might definitely need some artist's to help me out. This thing might just turn into an epic if I can wheel and deal it properly.

    But first ... some Walking Dead season 2. We just got it.

  • Hope you like it, I enjoyed it almost as much as Season 1.

    And just like that, I have inspiration for my next chapter. Had a huge writer's block courtesy of illness ... And I might definitely need s

  • Error Leluch.exe not found.

    Yeah, but like... if you HAD to choose?

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited January 2016

    enter image description here

    edit: Whoops sorry my bad source

  • Please credit the source if you are going to post someone else's art.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    edit: Whoops sorry my bad source

  • I was just about to say. It's proper internet etiquette after all.

    Linnet posted: »

    Please credit the source if you are going to post someone else's art.

  • Apologies.

    Linnet posted: »

    Please credit the source if you are going to post someone else's art.

  • No prob :)

    Leluch123 posted: »


  • Love your art btw. :D

    Linnet posted: »

    No prob

  • edited January 2016

    enter image description here

    Love your art btw.

  • edited January 2016

    I only did the first chapter today. These past two days, I only managed to get two hours of sleep between my overnight shifts and basically worked myself into a food coma today so I HAD to get some sleep.

    I'm already following in Lee's footsteps. Forgave Nick, told everybody the truth, became besties with that girl (pinky promise, ftw), and ran to save Pete (figuring, fuck it, let's cut off his leg.) Feel bad for that dog, though. I put him out of his misery.

    Hope you like it, I enjoyed it almost as much as Season 1.

  • edited January 2016

    when you lose the holiday art contest

    enter image description here

    But anyways congrats to @mcemily for winning

  • 2smol4me

    Some smol fanart By piraticalpsyche By realityphobia

  • Cool, you made the same exact choices I made.

  • Encouraged the shooting of Carver and watched him die. It was satisfying. I kept thinking about the Governor and the cannibals from the main series. What if the guy managed to live? Who else would he torment? Screw this guy.

    It mimicked when I had Lee run the dairy farmer's son through with a pitchfork.

    Clementine is a benevolent guard dog.

    Cool, you made the same exact choices I made.

  • Those faces. xD

    Some smol fanart By piraticalpsyche By realityphobia

  • Again, did the same, I have no regrets about that part, it was thoroughly enjoyable seeing that fucker get his head bashed in. I tried to keep Clem pretty innocent, but I felt that this was an exception, nothing was going to stop me from watching this guy die. He was a lot like The Governor, but he also had some Negan characteristics (a character from the comics who will be appearing in the show soon), and that's one of the reasons why I loved his character.

    Encouraged the shooting of Carver and watched him die. It was satisfying. I kept thinking about the Governor and the cannibals from the main

  • All around me are familiar faces...

    Worn out places...

    Those faces. xD

  • edited January 2016

    So ... this chapter is going to be much larger than the predecessors. I wasn't counting on that.

    Drawing a ton of inspiration from HDSounDI's music. Woot!

  • edited January 2016

    Clem's been fearless. xD Stared down Carver. Called him a bully. Called him a murderer. Charged at him when he was beating the shit out of Kenny ... Refused to leave Kenny behind, defended (and ultimately saved) Nick, truthful the entire time ...

    When I played as Lee, his devotion to trying to keep old values alive while at the same time protecting the group put him at constant odds with Kenny. He saved Ben, tried to revive Larry despite their differences, insisted on staying to care for Omid when Kenny wanted to get the hell out of dodge ... and in the end, he hesitated upon killing that guy who kidnapped Clem. It was her who killed him. But he also stepped up to do the dirty deed when it came to shooting Duck and the kid in the attic, and he always refrained from being violent with Kenny.

    I like to think Clementine remembered that austere loyalty and general desire to protect and do good, even if it means sometimes making the tough calls.

    Again, did the same, I have no regrets about that part, it was thoroughly enjoyable seeing that fucker get his head bashed in. I tried to ke

  • Bigger is always better.

    So ... this chapter is going to be much larger than the predecessors. I wasn't counting on that. Drawing a ton of inspiration from HDSounDI's music. Woot!

  • It's not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean, baby.

    Bigger is always better.

  • edited January 2016

    Worn out faces ...

    Bright and early for the daily races ...

    Going nowhere ... going nowhere ...

    All around me are familiar faces... Worn out places...

  • Heyo, I just wanted to give a congrats to one of your members @McEmily for winning the ttg's holiday art contest!

  • Did she? I haven't seen the results.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Heyo, I just wanted to give a congrats to one of your members @McEmily for winning the ttg's holiday art contest!

  • Yeppers. I saw her Fiona x Vaughn art on this post, where it showed all of the winners :)

    Did she? I haven't seen the results.


    lottii-lu posted: »

    Yeppers. I saw her Fiona x Vaughn art on this post, where it showed all of the winners

  • The anticipation.....its killing me....O.O

    So ... this chapter is going to be much larger than the predecessors. I wasn't counting on that. Drawing a ton of inspiration from HDSounDI's music. Woot!

  • Thanks very much! I still can't believe it. ^_^

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Heyo, I just wanted to give a congrats to one of your members @McEmily for winning the ttg's holiday art contest!

  • Aww... I really liked yours. But thanks for the warm wishes.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    when you lose the holiday art contest But anyways congrats to @mcemily for winning

  • Hello everybody, made another fic. Mainly out of my boredom. My first attempt at a sad'ish fic, hope you like it! Alone again

  • Hello everyone! I know it's been a long while, but I am back!

    So I waaaay back when I started a new fic called 'No Worries' with the intention of making it into more than a one-shot. Unfortunately there were somethings that made it harder to update (sickness, school, travel, etc.), but now I have finally finished Chapter 2, Heading Out!

    Apologies for the looooooooong wait, and as always, enjoy!


    You make a great writer! On-point and hilarious characterization, and the flow was smooth.

    CraazyCake posted: »

    Hello everyone! I know it's been a long while, but I am back! So I waaaay back when I started a new fic called 'No Worries' with the inte

  • So, uh ... slight delay in the chapter, folks.

    I got sick last Saturday, went to the ER on Monday ... They gave me a pat on the back and said I was good to go.

    But the coughing wouldn't go away. I would sporadically break into fevers. No amount of medicine would cure all of my ailments.

    All the signs were there. Went back to the hospital. Got diagnosed with pneumonia.

    I'm currently coming off a hydrocodone high (they prescribed it for the cough and I'm glad to not feel the pain in my throat) and have a doctor's note excusing me from work until I feel better. It wasn't bad nough to admit me to the hospital.

    The chapter is very nearly done - just one or two more parts. I'm going to groom over it thoroughly because I felt I might have rushed it.

    It's almost 3am now.

    Sorry guys, but it will be up soonish. Hopefully tomorrow.

  • Health first, fanfiction second. No dying allowed before you finish. ;P

    So, uh ... slight delay in the chapter, folks. I got sick last Saturday, went to the ER on Monday ... They gave me a pat on the back and

  • No rush man, your health and well being is far more important than the next chapter, hope you're feeling better.

    So, uh ... slight delay in the chapter, folks. I got sick last Saturday, went to the ER on Monday ... They gave me a pat on the back and

  • Take care of yourself! I think I speak for all of us when I say we care more about your well being than you fanfic schedule. take all the time you need ^-^

    So, uh ... slight delay in the chapter, folks. I got sick last Saturday, went to the ER on Monday ... They gave me a pat on the back and

  • :O very sweet! I like your writing style a lot ^-^ excellent job!

    CraazyCake posted: »

    Hello everyone! I know it's been a long while, but I am back! So I waaaay back when I started a new fic called 'No Worries' with the inte

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited January 2016

    Wow just saw that congratz!

    mcemily posted: »

    Thanks very much! I still can't believe it. ^_^

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