The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • He died at 69 bc of cancer.

    papai46 posted: »


  • RIP in pepperoni.

    papai46 posted: »

    Hey, i watched your videos and now i'm in the hospital with stage three cancer. Thanks to you this is my last week alive.

  • I just got the Last Wish. I can't wait to get into the series.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Very sad. I'm reading the Witcher series slower and slower, but no matter how much I bide my time I won't be able to make it to 2017 on 4 books! Seriously, how long does it take to translate a story? They aren't even that long!

  • Wat noooooooooo

    He died at 69 bc of cancer.

  • I've found that Fire Emblem resembles Persona quite a lot. There's another, which it's name escapes me at the moment, that's similar to both of them. Fire Emblem is pretty great, and there are I think 2 physical releases on 3DS, as well as a few eShop downloadable releases.

    Anybody know any good ds or 3ds games that are similar to persona? I'm trying to figure out some games to buy besides Mario and Zelda games. I could go for a good rpg. Maybe one with romantic elements or social links like persona. :P

  • So I finally came around to buying Alien: Isolation after getting sick of watching let's plays of it and drooling over the game, and I've got to say, it's a genuinely horrifying experience. Like, a million times scarier than a lot of the horror games I've played. But god damn it's hard as hell. I've got to compliment Sega (and whatever other companies worked on the game) here on the Xenomorph, I have never seen such a uniquely crafted and intelligent A.I. in a video game in my entire life. It's so unique, it's patterns are never the same, it's like you're fighting an actual Xenomorph, and that's horrifying all on it's own. That being said, It's funny to me how this masterpiece was released from Sega the same year that Sonic Boom was released. Maybe they should work as hard on Sonic as they have on Alien: Isolation.

    Either way, it's a fantastic game. I just finished the story, so I'm moving on to survival mode. And fuck my ass and call me sally this is brutal. I don't even get a chance half the time, the mother fucker is so lightning quick and is always in the place I'm in. This game is every example of how to make a horror game.

  • edited January 2016

    It really is a wonderful series. The Last Wish has some great short stories in it. The Lesser Evil and A Matter of Price are my favorite two. I hope you enjoy!

    EDIT: Oh, and let me know what you think :)

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    I just got the Last Wish. I can't wait to get into the series.

  • omg i bought it too :)

    So I finally came around to buying Alien: Isolation after getting sick of watching let's plays of it and drooling over the game, and I've go

  • It's obviously not an RPG or Romance game, but have you also tried Smash Brothers 3DS?

    Anybody know any good ds or 3ds games that are similar to persona? I'm trying to figure out some games to buy besides Mario and Zelda games. I could go for a good rpg. Maybe one with romantic elements or social links like persona. :P

  • How is it for you so far?

    omg i bought it too

  • I have not, but I have been thinking about getting it as I have heard great things about it. Is it easy to learn how to play? I'm not very experienced with fighting games besides mortal kombat

    It's obviously not an RPG or Romance game, but have you also tried Smash Brothers 3DS?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited January 2016

    It's kind of a hybrid of a party/fighting game. All characters have the same button inputs, and the focus is more on staying on the level without flying off as opposed to keeping your health. Instead of health, you have a percentage number. The higher your percentage is, the farther you go flying after an enemy hits you.

    Smash 3DS Introduction Video

    It's technically speaking designed as a casual game, but it has a fairly large core following and both types of players enjoy it.

    I have not, but I have been thinking about getting it as I have heard great things about it. Is it easy to learn how to play? I'm not very experienced with fighting games besides mortal kombat

  • I was thinking about seeing The girl with the dragon tattoo a second time, haven´t seen it since it was realesed in cinema, damn good movie I must say! :)

  • Damn, another legend passes on. It's been a sad few months for music.

    RIP David Bowie

  • Translating words is a piece of cake. Translating idiomatic phrases and complex ideas is more complex.

    Still, it's probably more business related.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Even at that I wouldn't assume it would take that long to produce through already trained translators. I suspect it has more to do with a bu

  • Intended meaning and structure would be harder to translate than individual words, of course. Structure is probably the worst because that's where meaning goes awry. Heck even transitioning from one language to another similar language, such as Spanish to English, can go wonky because structuring sentences and larger segments can be so different. I just don't believe that it would take so long for such a short book if the translator is well versed on both languages (which I would assume they would be if they're working for a company that does a lot of translations).

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Translating words is a piece of cake. Translating idiomatic phrases and complex ideas is more complex. Still, it's probably more business related.

  • i finished it two weeks ago,it was a great experience

    How is it for you so far?

  • God 3ds games are freaking expensive at gamestop lol jeez I'll just start buying on ebay and amazon for them. I did pick up Fire emblem awakening though. We'll see if it's good :)

  • Someone must have stepped on a sensetive toe here, or maybe two. ;)

    enter link description here LOL.

  • I agree, that sure can be damn frustrating sometimes! Atleast when you have been looking around for the game since it may not be the average Gamestop title, purchased a damn expensive example and then you find the same one for half the price. On the same site.

    enter image description here

    God 3ds games are freaking expensive at gamestop lol jeez I'll just start buying on ebay and amazon for them. I did pick up Fire emblem awakening though. We'll see if it's good

  • Have you tried Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth? I haven't played it myself as I haven't got a 3DS but it's gotten quite good reviews.

    Anybody know any good ds or 3ds games that are similar to persona? I'm trying to figure out some games to buy besides Mario and Zelda games. I could go for a good rpg. Maybe one with romantic elements or social links like persona. :P

  • Is anyone else interested in the miniseries of 11/22/63 by Stephen King? There's a new trailer for it on Hulu's youtube channel and it looks awesome.

  • edited January 2016

    I'm gonna say it The Last Of Us isn't a freaking 10/10

    More a 7 or less and not insulting the game here but I checked this game on 35 points no seriously

  • Goddamn, being bored to death sure isn´t very fun to put it that way.

  • enter image description here

    joshua007 posted: »

    I'm gonna say it The Last Of Us isn't a freaking 10/10 More a 7 or less and not insulting the game here but I checked this game on 35 points no seriously

  • I'm arguing politics with people from my school on Instagram. I got called a Communist.

    This is amazing.

  • Oh, brilliant. And pray tell, what did you argue over and why where your called a Communist? Probably something that hardly has anything to do with Communism, right?

    I'm arguing politics with people from my school on Instagram. I got called a Communist. This is amazing.

  • I support Bernie Sanders.

    My reply back to the loon was: "Communist, yes! Tomorrow I'll wave the flag of the Soviet Union! Long Live Communism! No, Democratic Socialism is different than Communism. This is why we need college."

    I added that last part because earlier they were saying Bernie Sander's goal for State paid college is a bad idea because the undeserving will go.

    Oh, brilliant. And pray tell, what did you argue over and why where your called a Communist? Probably something that hardly has anything to do with Communism, right?

  • Well....I've been called a racist, a homophobe, and basically Donald Trump Jr when I'm nowhere near that level lol

    I'm arguing politics with people from my school on Instagram. I got called a Communist. This is amazing.

  • I support Bernie Sanders. My reply back to the loon was: "Communist, yes! Tomorrow I'll wave the flag of the Soviet Union! Long Live Comm

  • edited January 2016

    I was a little disappointed in the game myself. Its goals in trying to be realistic and believable is appreciated and works when it wants to, but there are quite a few points in the game play and game design where it kind of takes me out the world and its not just the enemy AI. The story is great and well written though.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I'm gonna say it The Last Of Us isn't a freaking 10/10 More a 7 or less and not insulting the game here but I checked this game on 35 points no seriously

  • It's sad that people still cannot distinguish socialism from communism. Also, what do they mean the "underserving"? My understanding is that you need to have good grades to enter a university or college in the first place (so you have to earn it). Or do they just have a problem with rubbing shoulders with the lower class?

    I support Bernie Sanders. My reply back to the loon was: "Communist, yes! Tomorrow I'll wave the flag of the Soviet Union! Long Live Comm

  • They said anyone who's rich is probably deserving and smart, and I corrected them with: "OR it's because they're still young and living off their successful parent's money."

    They don't understand that rich doesn't equal deserving and poor doesn't equal stupid.

    It's sad that people still cannot distinguish socialism from communism. Also, what do they mean the "underserving"? My understanding is that

  • This is just sad. How can people be so ignorant?

    They said anyone who's rich is probably deserving and smart, and I corrected them with: "OR it's because they're still young and living off

  • Don't know, dude also advocated for the killing of Islamic civilians because of a fucking movie. I swear, as soon as he said "it's no mercy, they should've killed those goat herders but couldn't because of some stupid rules", I couldn't take him seriously, not like I did before.

    This is just sad. How can people be so ignorant?

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    Today I learned poor people don't deserve to go to college.

    Holy fuck, what an ignorant turd. I have my own problems with Bernie's college plan (the fact you NEED a college education to make a decent living is the real problem) but at least he's trying to do something.

    It's sad that people still cannot distinguish socialism from communism. Also, what do they mean the "underserving"? My understanding is that

  • edited January 2016

    Yep, clearly deluded.

    Also, what movie is this that we speak of?

    Don't know, dude also advocated for the killing of Islamic civilians because of a fucking movie. I swear, as soon as he said "it's no mercy,

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    Silly me, I thought communism was a moneyless, classless And ultimately stateless society in which workers own the means of production. But it's really just slightly nicer capitalism!

    This is what happens when Social Studies is taught with a large dose of propoganda.

    I support Bernie Sanders. My reply back to the loon was: "Communist, yes! Tomorrow I'll wave the flag of the Soviet Union! Long Live Comm

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