The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited January 2016

    i thought he was AWESOMEO, but i'm pretty sure you don't know him.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    yea I thought u were Dead or Alive

  • edited January 2016

    Something that I found a little hilarious was how half the time in the recent republican debate, it seemed like a popular trend to just talk about how horrible Hillary Clinton is.

    I kind of agree with them lol, I just didn't like how Kasich said something like "Bernie's not gonna be the nominee and if he is- it's going to be an easy election for us!"- if that was true, why the hell would you say that on TV and would't you want Bernie to be the nominee if you actually believed that Kasich?

    J-Master posted: »

    Something that I found a little hilarious was how half the time in the recent republican debate, it seemed like a popular trend to just talk about how horrible Hillary Clinton is.

  • I don't agree nor disagree, I just found it funny that they wouldn't stop complaining about her though I only saw the beginning.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Something that I found a little hilarious was how half the time in the recent republican debate, it seemed like a popular trend to just talk

  • I have never talked to him but I do know who is he

    papai46 posted: »

    i thought he was AWESOMEO, but i'm pretty sure you don't know him.

  • Oh, ok.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I have never talked to him but I do know who is he

  • For those interested - Wolf Among Us, Walking Dead, and Minecraft have new forum avatars. There are now avatars for Walking Dead: Season 2 as well as a bunch of the newer Wolf characters after Episode 1.

  • Nice!

    For those interested - Wolf Among Us, Walking Dead, and Minecraft have new forum avatars. There are now avatars for Walking Dead: Season 2 as well as a bunch of the newer Wolf characters after Episode 1.

  • Some of those S2 pics man, that's just mean. What the hell do they have against Nick?

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    For those interested - Wolf Among Us, Walking Dead, and Minecraft have new forum avatars. There are now avatars for Walking Dead: Season 2 as well as a bunch of the newer Wolf characters after Episode 1.

  • I'd seriously give my soul, have of my organs, my left leg, and my sanity to play this game again. I remember playing it when I was really young, and now I've bought 3 copies of the damn thing for PS2 and NONE of them worked. My PS2 worked fine and ran all other games perfectly. Oh how I long to play this lovely game again and hear this awesome Victory fanfare with the accompanied visuals.

    enter link description here

  • Damnit Blind, you got the same cool ass one as me.

    I might have to change. We can't have two mods with the same pic can we (1v1 me m8).

    For those interested - Wolf Among Us, Walking Dead, and Minecraft have new forum avatars. There are now avatars for Walking Dead: Season 2 as well as a bunch of the newer Wolf characters after Episode 1.

  • I love this

    For those interested - Wolf Among Us, Walking Dead, and Minecraft have new forum avatars. There are now avatars for Walking Dead: Season 2 as well as a bunch of the newer Wolf characters after Episode 1.

  • Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?

    ualexen92 posted: »

    Pinky and The Brain!!!

  • So your alternative is the pork chop, that's just mean InGen.

    Damnit Blind, you got the same cool ass one as me. I might have to change. We can't have two mods with the same pic can we (1v1 me m8).

  • enter image description here

    Some of those S2 pics man, that's just mean. What the hell do they have against Nick?

  • I like that background characters are getting avatars as well. Poor Alvin is all alone after the horde of walkers.

    For those interested - Wolf Among Us, Walking Dead, and Minecraft have new forum avatars. There are now avatars for Walking Dead: Season 2 as well as a bunch of the newer Wolf characters after Episode 1.

  • Have you tried buffing the discs? My Deus Ex CD wouldn't install so I took it to a game shop and had them run it in this kinda planer type machine and it worked fine after.

    I'd seriously give my soul, have of my organs, my left leg, and my sanity to play this game again. I remember playing it when I was really y

  • Huh, where were you when I actually had a working PS2 about 8 months ago? XD

    Have you tried buffing the discs? My Deus Ex CD wouldn't install so I took it to a game shop and had them run it in this kinda planer type machine and it worked fine after.

  • Do you have an other idea?

    So your alternative is the pork chop, that's just mean InGen.

  • Well Blind just changed his picture to a different Bigby Wolf, so the one you originally had can now be used.

    Do you have an other idea?

  • GG Green Bay.

  • edited January 2016

    Everyone's changing their avatars, I don't recognize anyone anymore.

    enter link description here

  • You still have me, unless you count avatar changes from a few weeks ago.

    Everyone's changing their avatars, I don't recognize anyone anymore. enter link description here

  • I've grown use to it so you're good.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You still have me, unless you count avatar changes from a few weeks ago.

  • enter image description here

    I've grown use to it so you're good.

  • I won't eat human flesh and not because isn't moral good or it's bad or maybe for survival is just "unjust", maybe it's for survival but when I look at him and is a friend it feel wrong, if his an enemy it feel damn wrong to eat what he was, if is a stranger doesn't appeal to me... [ritual] it say that consuming the human flesh more or less and drinking his blood, you become him or rather embody his life (his ability or defect even and his memories), in addition of this concept is say that the person that is eaten will live through the person how digest him.

    [Quick Notice]

    "Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life ..." - John 6:54, Bible
    Even from Christianity the cannibalism was practice more or less, the correct term is "Christianity cannibalism in a metaphorical way"

    The idea is that flesh and blood give them eternal life as Jesus is eternal. So if person is dump and you'll eat him you be as dump as the person was! (simple logic)

    Anyway I will let you eat me if you want, you will have to get me with much sos and don't forget some salt...

    enter link description here

  • Kk.

    ualexen92 posted: »

    I won't eat human flesh and not because isn't moral good or it's bad or maybe for survival is just "unjust", maybe it's for survival but whe

  • I loved Cloverfield! Please let it be its sequel!

    Cloverfield 2, or 10 Cloverfield Lane, whatever you want to call it, doesn't matter, I'm excited. enter link description here

  • I'm tempted to change my avatar now...

    For those interested - Wolf Among Us, Walking Dead, and Minecraft have new forum avatars. There are now avatars for Walking Dead: Season 2 as well as a bunch of the newer Wolf characters after Episode 1.

  • I'm no longer Tobi, I am Luke. o)_(o

    For now. xD

    Everyone's changing their avatars, I don't recognize anyone anymore. enter link description here

  • Luke, Clem NEEDS YOU!!!

    I'm no longer Tobi, I am Luke. o)_(o For now. xD

  • On it!

    Heads over to Howe's on foot to save Clem, my friends, lumberjackass and his friends.

    ualexen92 posted: »

    Luke, Clem NEEDS YOU!!!

  • Are you sure, because you're comment from a few minutes ago suggests you're still Tobi

    enter image description here

    I'm no longer Tobi, I am Luke. o)_(o For now. xD

  • enter image description here

    Are you sure, because you're comment from a few minutes ago suggests you're still Tobi

  • Deus Ex HR is free with gold for whoevers intrested

  • edited January 2016

    Alright, well, this episode of RWBY went about as well as I expected it to. To sum it all up, everyone is straight fucked. Grimm are attacking, the armies are destroyed, Penny is dead, nobody trusts the teams of beacon because of the shit Emerald pulled, Torchwick is back, and for the absolute fucking first time in RWBY history that I have ever seen, Ruby is mentally done. Poor girl probably can't even pick up a weapon at that point, but would you if you saw one of your best friends split in half by another close friend on an arena stage in front of millions of people? I'd be pretty fucked up too.

    The Return of Roman Torchwick: Now, out of all of my theories for this episode, which mostly came true other than Jaune being the one to get brutally hurt by Pyrrha, Torchwick escaping was never one of them. I honestly thought they were done with him story-wise, so it was very surprising to see him come back into play. However, me being sad with the rest of the episode, I've gotta say, it was pretty badass and thrilling to see Roman shoot down 2 other military airships.

    White Fang: Again, thought they were done too. Especially Adam, I had thought he was gone or something. But holy hell he's back and I feel like everything is indeed falling into place akin to the opening sequence. The Grimm emerging from the forest and seemingly only students attacking, Weiss fighting Emerald because she's smart enough to recognize her semblance, Blake fighting Adam to stop the White Fang attack, Yang fighting Mercury and continuing their fight, and Ruby fighting Cinder for revenge on killing Penny, framing Yang, and various other things, Perhaps even killing her (but if my theories are correct, Neo is gonna die and Cinder will escape)

    Pyrrha and Penny: You know, I feel as if 50% of the characters problems would be removed if Emerald was murdered. I thought that Cinder would just make Penny go rogue, you know, being in control and all. But nope, Emerald had to be a bitch about it and make it seem like Pyrrha was just as insane as Yang. However, Ozpin is surely smart enough to see right through that. Having 2 girls crack after fighting perfectly and calmly and irrationally attack their opponent? It would certainly seem suspicious to me, especially if directly after the second incident, a know it all bitch goes on and talks about these incidents, as if she was involved. Ozpin is wise enough to know, but at the moment, his school, as well as everyone in it, are at stake. Especially with the added on Grimm attack, making all of Vale at stake.

    My thoughts for what could happen in the next episode: Alright, SOMEBODY is going to die, or be hospitalized. I'm gonna assume it'll be Ironwood, Neo, and Pyrrha. Pyrrha being hospitalized. My thoughts are that the army is announced dead, so Teams RWBY (Minus Ruby herself), JNPR, CFVY and SSSN all launch an attack on the Grimm. After seeing the Grimm are being pushed back, Neo decides to attack, making a Neo Vs Yang thing. Yang begins losing, but sees a Giant Grimm coming from behind. Yang launches up and kicks Neo into the arms of the Grimm, and it eats her/kills her. Roman sees this, and begins to grow angry as he loved Neo, and tells Cinder what happened. Cinder angrily tries to find an edge, and kills Ironwood. Ruby shows up to Ozpin's office and explains Cinder's plan in a cliche fashion since she has discovered it, and their fight begins. Back on the battlefield, Jaune and Pyrrha fight together, Pyrrha not as in it because of the events that transpired. A Grimm attempts to attack her and Jaune brutally murders it, then giving a short speech to her. She begins to fight more, and then a Scorpion Grimm comes on the scene, it tries to stab Jaune, she jumps in the way, says they're even, and then she passes out. Jaune fights furiously defending her body which is quickly going lifeless.

    Either way, these next 3 episodes are probably going to mentally destroy me. Anyone else see the new episode?

  • Hey, I´m back and planning to stay. Wasn´t my intention at all to start acting like a stupid geseki (korean word for bastard) but well, those kind of things are fortunatly rare when it comes to me but on the other hand, when you have Aspergers Syndrome like me you can not always prevent that you get a bit more upset than "normal" people would get.

  • You're too late Luke, I died.

    On it! Heads over to Howe's on foot to save Clem, my friends, lumberjackass and his friends.

  • Now all we need are avatars of Luke freezing to death. :P

    Some of those S2 pics man, that's just mean. What the hell do they have against Nick?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited January 2016

    For any MCU fans, it was confirmed Jessica Jones is getting a Season 2, and Marvel is also looking into making a Punisher spinoff series for Netflix.

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