The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Yeah, the entire show is like the perfect cartoon and a really great example of what good story is.

    Favorite characters? I like Sapphire, Amethyst, Peridot, Jasper, Greg, Ms. Mahayshwaren (Connie's mom), and Garnet. However, I simply cannot stand Pearl.

    sialark posted: »

    Well I'm glad you're more mellow now then. And yes, it is great! Oh, I love Connie especially--she reminds me of myself as a girl, and da

  • Do they serve Jewish kebabs there?


    How about no? enter link description here

  • wat

    What the actual fuck enter link description here

  • enter image description here

    What the actual fuck enter link description here

  • edited January 2016

    She try something new, what wrong with that! Dog are great friends, "O JESUS".

    I do prefer werewolf, don't judge me...

    What the actual fuck enter link description here

  • That's weird.

    How about no? enter link description here

  • I'm judging you so hard right now.

    ualexen92 posted: »

    She try something new, what wrong with that! Dog are great friends, "O JESUS". I do prefer werewolf, don't judge me...

  • Sorry for the delay, I had to finish two other books and got distracted by a third before I could begin The Last Wish. But I finished reading it today and thought it was amazing! I liked most if not all of the stories, with A Matter of Price being my favorite. I'll definitely be reading Sword of Destiny and the saga!

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    It really is a wonderful series. The Last Wish has some great short stories in it. The Lesser Evil and A Matter of Price are my favorite two. I hope you enjoy! EDIT: Oh, and let me know what you think

  • I figured I want to have a discussion on a band with someone. Hey @MetallicaRules and @Eddie_Maiden, what are your opinions on Boston?

  • I only really know a few songs by them. More Than a Feeling, Rock & Roll Band, and Peace of Mind are the ones off the top of my head. Sorry dude, not a Boston expert.

    I figured I want to have a discussion on a band with someone. Hey @MetallicaRules and @Eddie_Maiden, what are your opinions on Boston?

  • edited January 2016

    I don't really have an opinion either way for the quality of their sound. I don't really listen to them, because I don't really like standard/classic rock 'n roll all too much. If you like that sound though, you'll most certainly like the band. I don't really know enough about them or their songs to give you an idea of what to expect lyrically either. I suspect if you listen to classic rock it'll be about on par with the subjects other bands of the style cover.

    I figured I want to have a discussion on a band with someone. Hey @MetallicaRules and @Eddie_Maiden, what are your opinions on Boston?

  • enter image description here

    What the actual fuck enter link description here

  • Anyone need some Brain Bleach, I got some left.

    enter image description here

    What the actual fuck enter link description here

  • It's fine not to be an expert, but you do you enjoy those songs?

    I only really know a few songs by them. More Than a Feeling, Rock & Roll Band, and Peace of Mind are the ones off the top of my head. Sorry dude, not a Boston expert.

  • Oh yeah they're great, but even though I love classic rock, Boston has never been one of my favorites, but they do have great songs.

    It's fine not to be an expert, but you do you enjoy those songs?

  • Have you ever listened to Don't Look Back?

    Oh yeah they're great, but even though I love classic rock, Boston has never been one of my favorites, but they do have great songs.

  • What's your favorite genre Eddie?

    I don't really have an opinion either way for the quality of their sound. I don't really listen to them, because I don't really like standar

  • My favorite genre of music is metal. I particularly like songs rooted in history. If you're interested in checking out some of the bands I like I can give you some band names and a few of my favorite songs by them.

    What's your favorite genre?

    What's your favorite genre Eddie?

  • edited January 2016

    I've heard that like maybe once or twice, but never knew that was Boston. It's a good song, but I prefer something like More Than a Feeling over it.

    Have you ever listened to Don't Look Back?

  • I'm a sucker for hard rock. I enjoy a wide variety of the artists and songs of it, although I'm certainly not limited and can like many different songs from other genres.

    My favorite genre of music is metal. I particularly like songs rooted in history. If you're interested in checking out some of the bands I like I can give you some band names and a few of my favorite songs by them. What's your favorite genre?

  • Woof.

    What the actual fuck enter link description here

  • A few of my favorite bands are Iron Maiden, Tyr, Rebellion, Sabaton, and Motorhead. Some songs you could check out from the bands if you like.

    Iron Maiden: Alexander the Great, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Paschendale.

    Tyr: Hail to the Hammer, Rainbow Warrior, By the Light of the Northern Star.

    Rebellion: Ynglinga Saga, Kiew, Loki.

    Sabaton: Screaming Eagles, To Hell and Back, Carolus Rex.

    Motorhead: The Wolf, Death or Glory, Heroes.

    I'm a sucker for hard rock. I enjoy a wide variety of the artists and songs of it, although I'm certainly not limited and can like many different songs from other genres.

  • Is this the time to revive the Clementine 'judging you' meme? I think it's time.

    enter image description here

    I'm judging you so hard right now.

  • enter link description here
    enter link description here

    Battlefront 3 apparently had more maps in the prototype phase than the EA Battlefront release we see today! XDDDDD

  • Sold seperately in DLC soon watch like always planned

    joshua007 posted: »

    enter link description here enter link description here Battlefront 3 apparently had more maps in the prototype phase than the EA Battlefront release we see today! XDDDDD

  • I need more Season Pass stuff and DLCs to spend my money on after spending nearly $80 on the base game. Why you deprive me of the joy of buying a game and then spending on it's DLC until the cost of the game comes close to at least the cost of my console?

    Please EA, remove more items from the base game so I can pay for them later.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Sold seperately in DLC soon watch like always planned

  • Games today and there DLC what's next buy the Shinra season pass for FF7 REMAKE for only 40 dollars or Arkham Knight season pass

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Sold seperately in DLC soon watch like always planned

  • @saltlick123

    His wardrobe :P

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    What is your fashion and what do you think is the style?

    enter image description here

    Mine ^

  • That looks nice and the lost obe is true I do like to buy a cool outfit over that other one

  • So all these gaming sites are saying witcher 2 is free on xbox. I go to the store on my xbone, it's only available with a bundle. Okay, I look at major nelson's page and check out the microsoft store, it's free there. Just sign into your microsoft account. Okay you're signed in, click buy on the free game. Confirmation screen; Price: Free. YOU HAVE NO CREDIT CARD ON FILE.
    Okay, fuck you then microsoft. You're never getting my credit card. I'm gonna go play Playstation.

  • Uncharted Master- Ah whatever just glorious Playstation

    So all these gaming sites are saying witcher 2 is free on xbox. I go to the store on my xbone, it's only available with a bundle. Okay, I


  • She should be BASHED WITH A ROCK!

    What the actual fuck enter link description here

  • Haha, op is right, it's a really shit ship.

    lottii-lu posted: »


  • Rhoaderbot is the best ship. Just saying. ;)

    lottii-lu posted: »


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