Official Rhysha Thread (Episode 5 Spoilers)



  • Aww yiss, another Tol & Smol story! :D

    Modern setting, it's snowing -Rhys and Sasha are building snowmen of each other- Rhys: Um, done? -Rhys' snowman of Sasha is liter

  • When someone new joins Rhysha: Always great seeing new people here!! You're gunna love it! Also I've done more Intros. Cheers guys Borderlands 1 & 2 / Borderlands 2 Bosses I like making these lil gifs XD

  • edited January 2016

    QUESTION FOR ALL: Because I don't think I've asked before. And since there are new people arriving!

    What made you choose Sasha?

    I've always wondered what made people choose her for Rhys. My reason was that during Episode 1, I thought there were good character moments and connections, despite them not completely trusting each other and real knowing each other. Fast forward to episode 2, Sasha was worrying about Rhys & Vaughn, showing she cared if they're okay.
    Then of course Episode 3 is history... ;) Especially before the flower moment they we both acting all shy and sweet :) From then on there we so many great moments between the two. And the way I played Rhys there were moments early on that made me go "They'd be freaking cute together"

  • Don't question it, accept it and be happy.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Wanna see something even crazier? In the same location,from the same boss >_<

  • I chose Sasha because if I were Rhys I'd choose her over Fiona: I prefer her as a character to Fiona, seeing as how Fiona openly hates Rhys (and Vaughn?), and let's be honest... she is freakin' hot!

    QUESTION FOR ALL: Because I don't think I've asked before. And since there are new people arriving! What made you choose Sasha? I've a

  • I've always had a thing for couples who are complete opposites, because I find it leads the characters to bring out the best in one another or change one another for the better. Rhys and Sasha were probably one of the best cases of this dynamic I've seen. And not only because of where they come from (Pandora and Hyperion), but I found myself noticing changes in their personality throughout the game that I really believe were brought out because of the others influence, such as Rhys growing more resentful of and beginning to distance himself from Hyperion (though that is left somewhat up to choice), Sasha becoming less emotionally closed off and both becoming more open minded. I also love relationships where the girl is a complete badass with no fear who usually acts before thinking, and the guy is a complete nerd and kind of a scaredy-cat but has courage when it really counts. And lets be honest Sasha and Rhys fit that perfectly.

    QUESTION FOR ALL: Because I don't think I've asked before. And since there are new people arriving! What made you choose Sasha? I've a

  • edited January 2016

    Some screenshots from my game, Had these for ages.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • Haha! Amazing

    That last one tho...

  • He was so mad lmao

    That last one tho...

  • Couldn't of said it any better myself Sheisme. I just felt this strong connection between the two, and I think they are both really good for each other. :D

    I've always had a thing for couples who are complete opposites, because I find it leads the characters to bring out the best in one another

  • He has every right to be.

    Enigma12 posted: »

    He was so mad lmao

  • Is it awful I put August on my team just to rub it in his face ^-^;;

    That last one tho...

  • I dunno, it just happened. I was sold after the Pinky promise.

    QUESTION FOR ALL: Because I don't think I've asked before. And since there are new people arriving! What made you choose Sasha? I've a

  • edited January 2016

    The way Sasha sees Rhys as a person and is open to get to know him better instead of just a typical Hyperion guy and shutting herself off completely (looking at you, Fiona) is what drew me to them initially. Also Sasha is a quite balanced character of badassery and tenderness whereas Fiona is this pure fierce Mary Sue. Moreover I also agree with what Rhys said to Fiona that they bridge the gap of personality for each other. Sasha was always respectful and relatively nice to Rhys, this made it so easy to warm up to them as a couple even though that was not my way of seeing things at the beginning.

    PS: Also I'm weak af for that height difference. And the way Rhys' eyes light up when he's looking at Sasha. And the way she smiles at him. And the way they exist. I'll see myself out.

    QUESTION FOR ALL: Because I don't think I've asked before. And since there are new people arriving! What made you choose Sasha? I've a

  • Time to bring up this image again.

    enter image description here

    That last one tho...

  • That's exactly what crossed my mind during that scene. Gosh it was hard to watch August there even though he is a massive a-hole and at one point shot to kill Sasha. But then again, he's voiced by Nolan North and that clouds my judgement massively. My hate/love relationship with him is so strong that at one point I even hoped he'd get back with Sasha so I could see him more. I'm such a disgrace to Rhysha.

    Pipas posted: »

    Time to bring up this image again.

  • edited January 2016

    @Intellectual_Poultry: you put this one in my brain, so I am posting it here

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    Once I get an idea in your head it's like a fucking tubeworm until you force it out physically through artsy means. :)

    I love it! So cute.

    Linnet posted: »

    @Intellectual_Poultry: you put this one in my brain, so I am posting it here

  • Ohh, very nice! :)

    Linnet posted: »

    @Intellectual_Poultry: you put this one in my brain, so I am posting it here

  • It wasn't my main reason, but I will admit, it was a nice little side benefit to see his reaction.

    Is it awful I put August on my team just to rub it in his face ^-^;;

  • First I want to mention that owned game when 4 episode has been already released. When I first saw Sasha in the game it was like: "Hey, i'll be glad to be with girl like that in the real life. But as it's a game, it will be great if at least my Rhys will be with her (at that moment I thought he was the only main character). Noo, it's impossible: first of all she has boyfriend, and this is just a game with its own unique scenario!".

    Try to imagine how happy I was when I was playing TotB next 7 hours) And now answering your question: "As I always associate main characters with myself it was love at first sight". ;)

    QUESTION FOR ALL: Because I don't think I've asked before. And since there are new people arriving! What made you choose Sasha? I've a

  • Their interactions (specifically the way she quickly opened up to him) coupled by opposing personalities sold it for me. Height differences definitely helped, as everyone can see I point that aspect of them out a lot. XD

    Plus, it helps that I don't find it as cliche as the typical male/female relationship portrayed in romantic comedies. The fact that it was different than the reused love-hate scheme appealed to me as well.

    QUESTION FOR ALL: Because I don't think I've asked before. And since there are new people arriving! What made you choose Sasha? I've a

  • enter image description here

    Is it awful I put August on my team just to rub it in his face ^-^;;

  • So I lied.

    This chapter is going to be long.

    It's also going to be the harbinger of a lot of action ... the kickoff.

    Expect it this weekend. Sorry it's taking so long ... but most of you know what's been going on. I was hoping to write more tomorrow, but we're doing technical rescue ropes class tomorrow and Thursday nights. Wednesday and the weekend will be my writing times.

  • laura bailey on Lets Play (roosterteeth / achievement hunter)

    enter link description here

  • Yep... love all the Borderlands games' licensed music picks. "What Makes a Good Man" is another fave (have to thank Borderlands for introducing me to The Heavy)... absolutely PERFECT theme song for Jack.

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    Pffft. Just listen to Short Change Hero and that really brings the goosebumps enter link description here

  • Yeah, this happened to me with my level 21 commando awhile ago. As far as I know, it wasn't one of the crazy loot scavenger hunt events that they do from time to time where they increase legendary drops... but for some reason, on this particular day, Savage Lee spawned every time I came into Three Horns Divide, and he dropped the Unkempt Harold every time I killed him. I actually ran across him by accident the first time. I had no idea he was there. I was selling junk loot at the vending machines, and heard a bandit and some bullymongs fighting.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Wanna see something even crazier? In the same location,from the same boss >_<

  • My answer is probably similar to the ones already posted. I liked the way they both challenged each others' preconceived notions of what a Pandoran and a Hyperion were, and forced them to actually interact with each other like fellow human beings (you know, assuming you didn't play Rhys as a stereotypical Hyperion d-bag). I also like their complementary personalities, and the dynamic they had, which you started to see right away during the Death Rally (the Pinky Promise absolutely set this pairing in stone for me, of course). That complementary personality dynamic is also why I ship Fiona and Vaughn.

    QUESTION FOR ALL: Because I don't think I've asked before. And since there are new people arriving! What made you choose Sasha? I've a

  • Have a cute gifset

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Sasha touches Rhys' port... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Made by cosmozefir

  • I have a weird question for all of you:

    What would you name a Tales From The Borderlands porn movie?

  • I gagged at this point, but I'll humor everyone:

    • Tails from the Borderlands

    • Board-her-lands

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I have a weird question for all of you: What would you name a Tales From The Borderlands porn movie?

  • Tales from the bootylands. :)

    I gagged at this point, but I'll humor everyone: * Tails from the Borderlands * Board-her-lands

  • Rhys' Pieces... idk

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I have a weird question for all of you: What would you name a Tales From The Borderlands porn movie?

  • Have my death certificate.

    Have a cute gifset Sasha touches Rhys' port... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Made by cosmozefir

  • Titties from the Knoblands

    I may or may not have reached my lowest point with this.

    Welcome to Pandong, kiddos.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I have a weird question for all of you: What would you name a Tales From The Borderlands porn movie?

  • Pandong

    enter image description here

    LeiaOrgana posted: »

    Titties from the Knoblands I may or may not have reached my lowest point with this. Welcome to Pandong, kiddos.

  • Send the receipt to me, that's the least I can do. I'm forever scarred but it'd ease the pain if someone else recovered.


  • edited January 2016

    This is a job for.. Innuendobot 5000!

    "This combat will be LONG and HARD. Wink."

    enter image description here


  • Seeing as how I'll probably be inside mostly this weekend due to weather, it will be a great time for me to make another piece of fanart. ;)

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