Choices that could have had more effect.

edited January 2016 in The Walking Dead

What are the choices in Season 1 and 2 (including 400 days) that you think could have had more of an impact? For me there was that one choice at the end of S2 Ep 4 where you decide if you leave in the morning or after a couple of days. That could have changed the way Arvo showed up.


    1. The way you treated Carlos, Nick, and Rebecca in All That Remains should've determined how they treated in later episodes, instead of each of them instantly liking/trusting you.
    2. Giving the dying man water
    3. Teaching Sarah how to shoot
    4. Saving Nick
    5. Saving Sarah
    6. leaving the day after or staying in order for Rebecca to get rest should've changed the way Arvo's group confronted you
    7. Not cutting off Sarita's arm should've made her last a bit longer
  • That would have been cool if Sarah was taking out a few walkers after teaching her how to shoot.

    NOHATCLEM posted: »

    * The way you treated Carlos, Nick, and Rebecca in All That Remains should've determined how they treated in later episodes, instead of each

  • Teaching Sarah how to shoot a Gun should have mattered more.

  • If they wanted to kill her off so badly, they could've made her fall from the deck, and depending if Clementine taught her how to shoot, Clementine should've tossed her gun down at Sarah and then have Sarah take out two or three walkers. Afterwards she'll run out of bullets and gets eaten like she does now.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    That would have been cool if Sarah was taking out a few walkers after teaching her how to shoot.

  • edited June 2016

    Stealing from Arvo should have mattered more as well.
    I originially did not steal but the way the choice pans out and the group's condition and need for medicine is not worth it, besides it ain't bad if you have good intentions right?!

  • I honestly think all the Tough Decisions should've had more effects, it's a little ironic how some of the smaller decisions have bigger impacts.

  • All of those decisions should've had some effect. But they didn't.

  • Saving Sarah

  • Sarah isn't really that mentally stable. She probably commit suicide if given a gun.

    NOHATCLEM posted: »

    * The way you treated Carlos, Nick, and Rebecca in All That Remains should've determined how they treated in later episodes, instead of each

  • edited January 2016

    Stealing from the stranger. When you don't steal from him his reasons for kidnapping Clementine are pretty silly. Like if you leave Lilly behind he says something like how could you abandon a grieving woman, I mean she shot someone in the face at point blank range over an argument, if there's one reason in this world to leave a grieving woman behind I'm certain that would be it.

  • Yea agreed.

    Stealing from the stranger. When you don't steal from him his reasons for kidnapping Clementine are pretty silly. Like if you leave Lilly be

  • Wasn't she contemplating jumping off the roof back at Howe's Hardware? She was until Carver pulled off Reggie and she realized how gruesome her death would be, anyway.

    Sarah isn't really that mentally stable. She probably commit suicide if given a gun.

  • The way to hell can be paved with good intentions, haha, but! Totally agree with you on the stealing/not stealing from Arvo being a choice that should've had more weight. Hell, Clem only made off with a bottle and it looks like there was plenty of meds to go around -- I'd have liked to be given the option to trade, not that I expected it.

    Stealing from Arvo should have mattered more as well. I originially did not steal but the way the choice pans out and the group's condition and need for medicine is not worth it, besides it ain't bad if you have good intentions right?!

  • How did the Stranger abducted Clem in the first place? Did he like grab her without her screaming? I'm sure that she wouldn't just leave without somekind of struggle.

    Stealing from the stranger. When you don't steal from him his reasons for kidnapping Clementine are pretty silly. Like if you leave Lilly be

  • We see this happen particularly during Season 2, but this might be because Clementine doesn't yet know what might have severe repercussions and what will be forgotten in a matter of minutes. Distracting the scavengers and giving Victor the water seem like pretty important choices at the moment, as it determines whether your caretaker will be able to escape or not whether if this man will tell you where she is. Teaching Sarah how to use a gun didn't seem like it would come back in the future, but it could mean saving someone's life later on or unknowingly helping Sarah kill herself (which is very unlikely, but whatever).

    Alternatively, it might be Telltale being lazy and not wanting to branch far from the main plot.

    prink34320 posted: »

    I honestly think all the Tough Decisions should've had more effects, it's a little ironic how some of the smaller decisions have bigger impacts.

  • It was sad how Sarah's character was treated this Season :x

    Wasn't she contemplating jumping off the roof back at Howe's Hardware? She was until Carver pulled off Reggie and she realized how gruesome her death would be, anyway.

  • Every time we see her interact with Carlos is either (read with Spanish accent) "I need to protect my daughter" or trying to calm her down. Like, when did we see them hang out, or eat together, or plain talk? They were treated like crap. All of the cabin group, basically. We know so little of them, and their relationship with Howe's Hardware was supposed to be one of the major plot points. Who was George, for instance? How did the people from Howe's react when they knew that the traitors would be coming back? Why do Hank and Tavia call them prisoners when they had been living together as peers weeks ago? Why did no one mention Nick's mom, and was the girl who bit her from Howe's, too?

    prink34320 posted: »

    It was sad how Sarah's character was treated this Season :x

  • He tricked Clem into thinking he could bring her to her parents

    How did the Stranger abducted Clem in the first place? Did he like grab her without her screaming? I'm sure that she wouldn't just leave without somekind of struggle.

  • I think he said he knew where her parents were.. so she went with him to go see her parents... but who knows, I could be wrong.

    How did the Stranger abducted Clem in the first place? Did he like grab her without her screaming? I'm sure that she wouldn't just leave without somekind of struggle.

  • Yeah, Season 2 not only lacked character development for the new main characters but it also lacked answering unanswered questions.

    Every time we see her interact with Carlos is either (read with Spanish accent) "I need to protect my daughter" or trying to calm her down.

  • I didn't like that the Stranger knew about Clems birthday but Lee didn't. Why wouldn't have Clem brought it up to Lee??? Idk, this always irritated me.

  • It'd be kind of cool if Ben survived to the Stranger. For example, if Lee didn't have two arms, he could of tried to attack the Stranger. (Or at least shoot him, instead of Clementine.)

    Although Ben is one of my favorite characters in season one (Other than Lee and Clementine, of course.) I feel like the emotional goodbye to Lee is the best form possible. And that Ben getting killed by a random walker would of seemed lazy and rushed. But, that's all I got. (For Ben, for now.)

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