Season 3: Molly and Lily's fate?

I hate Lily mainly because she shot Doug in the back of the head, Then when you leave her on the side of the road she runs off from the zombies. Lily could very well still be alive unless Crawford didn't kill her we could see her in season 3, As for Molly I feel like we're more likely to see her again over Lily as she didn't die or betray Lee's group, we just saw her leave. What does everybody else think?
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Lilly has some reason to come back, I wish she had come back instead of Kenny, the storyline would have worked better with her
I think Molly is done, she was a one episode thing.
What about Christa is she dead?
Maybe, I also doubt she will come back. I doubt any of the three will comeback
I believe Lilly has a chance and hope Telltale takes it into consideration.
And I don't accept Christa being dead. She is alive.
As for Molly, I'm open to it. I don't believe Molly to stay in Savannah forever, she at least moved out and to another city (smaller) or town. Plus Molly and Jane meeting face to face. (Twilight Zone theme)
I hope Molly wont come back, because they would just end up killing her in order to cause emotional reaction.
With Lily you get to either leave her or take her with you and she steals the R.V., either way I feel like she'd have survived due to her experience, she might've gathered another group, heck, she could even be the leader of Wellington since we know how she likes the tactic of staying in one place.
As for Molly, it feels less likely so to me cause she either leaves, runs away from the Zombies in Crawford or gets shot by Lee and runs away. She might still be in Savannah but since she seemed to have looted the place, she may have moved on, although I feel it's less likely for us to see Molly again compared to Lily.
It would be cool if Molly came to Howe's and if Lilly was the leader of Wellington.
Christa's fate is currently unknown, it would be cool if we meet up with her again in the Alone Ending though, she'd fit that ending imo since Christa doesn't like being in Groups.
Nicki who voices Lily also really wants Lily to return in season 3, That and a few others wanna know what had happened to Lily, I also do even though I'm still upset with her shooting Doug, When she runs off into the woods you know she's headed somewhere unarmed. Lily may very well be in season 3 that or Crawfird killed her or she was eaten by zombies. However Lily has a high chance of returning more than Molly and Vernon.
They both live in a bakery now making pies and cakes. The pecan pie can hold the zombie at bay.
I'm pretty sure Vernon died? But yeah, I'm also curious about Lily, I actually like her and I think Season 3 might be a good redemption for her.
I want Lily to come back so I can release Sassy Clementine on her.
Lily has means to comeback. Her character was developed for 2 and a half episodes and had major storylines. She could be a reason as to Kenny being killed in season 3 hence his now a determinant character. Revenge for the past I.e killing her dad or leaving her on the highway.
Molly looks like a one off. It's sad because she was such a promising character but they lefted her too long. By the time she arrived, the game had almost laid its finale out. Molly didn't fit the occasion and the season was far to gone to focus on building her character and forming relationships properly within 1 and a half episodes.
Who knows, maybe they might bring Molly back, although I highly doubt it.
That's what I mean if Lily returns and sees Kenny she'll probably more than likely get revenge on him and probably shoot him. But Nick Rapp who voiced Lily said she wants Lily to return in season 3 meaning telltale haven't contacted her yet.
I think Molly's story reached its natural conclusion. She doesn't need to come back. Lily, on the other hand, definitely had the potential to return.
Either way, I'm still hoping to get a [HUG CHRISTA] option. Clem asks about Christa at Wellington, so hopefully Telltale haven't forgotten about her.
I'd love if Lilly came back.
I don't really care about Moly, I'll be fine if she comes back but I'll be fine as well if she doesn't.
I wouldn't rely on telltale doing what should be done. They've messed a lot of things up like nick and Sarah's fates. Christas with no explanation, christas baby with no explanation. Kenny returning and not knowing dactyl how he managed to survive a near impossible escape. Unless they put the amount of effort like season one (which they won't because they're focused on multiple games at once ) then lily most likely won't return.
I want some new characters. They screwed up Kenny's return, and I don't want to see that happen again. We just need a fresh start. The endings for season two were conclusive in my opinion. They allow you to make up your own mind about the future of each character. I don't think that they will want to make five different stories for season three.
I think it would be cool if Lilly returned, she could be interesting. Molly might be dead in my playthrough, since I accidentally shot her (sorry!) She also seemed like a one-timer character. Lilly could also be Wellington's leader, don't you think?
I'm fine with the way Mollys story ended, but I would like to see Lily back and Christa HAS to return
Molly is very unlikely to come back. But I don't want no one to come back, Telltale should let new characters deal with Season 3.
I want molly and Lily return on season 3 i
Out of those 2 Lilly would be the only one to return for season 3 if she does Molly would not unless they change their minds Cause I read somewhere it's been a while ago but at that time they had no plans to bring Molly back
I hope Lilly comes back, she added some spice to the series. Molly did not really stand out to me that much besides that she is a living spider girl.. i wouldn't mind seeing both of them in season 3.
I'd like to see them both to return. Molly could return as a minor character, meaning we would see her just to bring back feelings, because with Clementine we didn't have much conversation and didn't really develop deep feelings for each other, nor we know anything about her (except for Crawford). For Lilly...
I always thought, she would be the one to return in episode 2. We would've had a cause to think she'd be dead, since we either abadoned her or she stole the RV with not much fuel in it. I can totally imagine Telltale to bring her back, and if we actually ended up with Kenny... I could see some crazy sh@yt to happen between them. Or just "Sup, bro!" "Yo, whaddup, girl?".
But, I could totally see them both to return, and I'm hoping for it as well. We might even get the chance to meet with familiar characters in the Michonne MS, just sayin'. Now that I say this... We could meet with the DLC characters who were left at the camp, if they were left at the camp... Huh...
Yeah, just in case the gif means i agree.
i can tell XD
That's my gif meaning. Plus like what you put above. Nice touch.
The only person I really want to see return (that can return) is Christa. I need Clem and Christa reunited! I can take or leave a Lily or Molly return.
(For the record I liked Molly and wanted to take her with us on the boat, but she is a loner and does just fine on her own so it kinda made sense for her to leave and there's no real reason for her to return. Lily on the other hand, I hated because of episode 3 and didn't care if I never saw her again. However time has passed now, could be interesting to see them both again but I think it's unlikely even though I'm pretty sure both are still alive.)
There is a chance Molly dies if you leave clementine at the house & do not shoot the walkers that burst in the school the game still continues & is not game over if you fail to shoot so I think it would be limited to what Molly could do in future games
Think she died for good. But you never know since they brought Kenny back.
If we have Jane, what purpose will Lily get?
That character did return, not in the form you expected and not the same name, but she did short of appear again, even better as Jane even tough I don´t like her is far more interesting than Lily. Same as Molly, the parts of Jane that are not from Lily are from Molly, she´s also a loner, independent, doesn´t trust people and know her way around the zombies, she even has a dead sister as well, only thing different is that Molly felt guilty when she was not to blame and Jane did not feel guilty despite being the one to blame.
I seriously don´t understand the fixation on the forums for characters that are clearly done, boring or have simply return over and over yet people insist they are totally different like in this case.
As much as I like Molly and would want to see more of her, her role has been fulfilled in the game. Bringing her back just wouldn't seem right and a little forced. Lilly, however, with Wellington existing and all, I think having her return as the leader of Wellington (consider her leadership trait) would fit perfectly.
She doesn't die, she runs off with a bullet in her arm (or not, if you didn't shoot). I'm going to assume that with her survival skills, she made it out of there.
Who is lily? I hated her so much I must of forced myself to forget about her