Did anybody noticed how they completely downgraded the controls for the PC?
Those stupid dialogue boxes that you have to click on time instead of just scroll the options or pressing 1 2 3 4
This bothers me immensely
Did anybody noticed how they completely downgraded the controls for the PC?
Those stupid dialogue boxes that you have to click on time instead of just scroll the options or pressing 1 2 3 4
This bothers me immensely
Did anybody noticed how they completely downgraded the controls for the PC?
Those stupid dialogue boxes that you have to click on time instead of just scroll the options or pressing 1 2 3 4
This bothers me immensely
Did anybody noticed how they completely downgraded the controls for the PC?
Those stupid dialogue boxes that you have to click on time instead of just scroll the options or pressing 1 2 3 4
This bothers me immensely
the scrolling was annoying and its fairer to present them
Dude... how was it annoying please, explain? Also you had keyboard numbers as the alternative choice.
There were no alternatives with the clicking... also fairer... wut
I don't really see a full silhouette, but there's definitely a handprint. I imagine it's a child's, as it's very small-sized.
Compare it to the size of the adults:
Then that child's drawing also suggests that there could've been children there too.
And given that Michonne might be looking for her daughters (who are children) and the fact that she looks like she's very scared in this scene (I mean really, how often do you see Michonne look this scared?):
and also the fact that she's reaching for her weapon like she's shown to do when she feels she needs it to take down a walker/enemy, I imagine Michonne might be afraid of finding child walkers in this room herself, and she might've just spotted one, or something similar.
To me it looks like that thing in the corner is definitely a person, be they alive, dead, child, or adult:
I agree. That body that Michonne is looking at is definitely a walker, and as all the evidence in the trailer suggests, it's most likely a child. This also tells us that Michonne and Pete encounter this group of four in the same area with the drawings.
Great comment, by the way! Thanks for pointing everything out with screenshots!
I don't really see a full silhouette, but there's definitely a handprint. I imagine it's a child's, as it's very small-sized.
Compare… more it to the size of the adults:
Then that child's drawing also suggests that there could've been children there too.
And given that Michonne might be looking for her daughters (who are children) and the fact that she looks like she's very scared in this scene (I mean really, how often do you see Michonne look this scared?):
and also the fact that she's reaching for her weapon like she's shown to do when she feels she needs it to take down a walker/enemy, I imagine Michonne might be afraid of finding child walkers in this room herself, and she might've just spotted one, or something similar.
To me it looks like that thing in the corner is definitely a person, be they alive, dead, child, or adult:
A lot of people don't realize that this subconsciously affects what they choose. Telltale could've placed the decisions so players are more likely to do something, for all we know.
I agree. That body that Michonne is looking at is definitely a walker, and as all the evidence in the trailer suggests, it's most likely a c… morehild. This also tells us that Michonne and Pete encounter this group of four in the same area with the drawings.
Great comment, by the way! Thanks for pointing everything out with screenshots!
When Luke comes back in episode 3 in the comic store, you can hear Kenny and Mike talking in the next room. Except it isn't actually Kenny and Mike. It's actually reused dialogue from S1 between Danny St John and Kenny.
The cabin group's conversation/meeting in episode 1 also gets repeated over and over again. There's a super muffled background version of it that plays whenever you're away from the kitchen door, and an actual, audible version that plays when you listen at the door. Next time you play it, try to keep count of how many times you hear Nick say "She shows up outta nowhere, surrounded by lurkers, about to get eaten alive, and you're telling us it was a dog?!"
I wish i had my pc rn to post some cool crap but today i got only some observations
This image shows the many icons used in the season 1 … moreand they're seen in episode 1
* the hammer is a different one that was used to bash Sandra
* Teapot goes unused
* Running icon was only avaiable at episode 2
* The rag icon was scrapped and reused in episode 3
* No idea about the first two (Could be fishing poles)
This next image shows the promotional Glenn that didn't have the Hyeroglyps shirt and his baseball cap has the New York Yankees
Lastly: Jean is the only walker without walker eyes
Lee, Lily, Katjaa, Duck, The Stranger, The St.Johns, Ben, and S1 Kenny's models are all in S2's files.
Originally, Troy was supposed to be a lot more villainous and evil in In Harm's Way. I believe he was originally supposed to be molesting Jane. Instead In Harm's Way made it seem as if Jane was giving Troy sexual favors in exchange for better treatment/getting out of the pen.
I believe there's a file named "Rebecca_Bloody_Towel", hinting that she was supposed to give birth by In Harm's Way.
There's unused audio files of the Russians speaking English. I believe Natasha says something along the lines of "Are you out of your mind? What the hell do you think you're doing? You are going to get us killed with your idiotic posturing. Hey you! Don't point that thing at me!"
While Buricko goes on to say, "Vitali, Vitali we can take them, I can kill any three of them with my bare hands. We don't even need the weapons. That's right, I mean you one eyed man! You're weak, and I can tear out your throat with my teeth! Who needs to use bullets for the likes of you! I'll kill you all and eat your entrails for breakfast!". I believe Vitali also says something, but I forgot.
A House Divided was originally supposed to be called Don't Look Back. While In Harm's Way was called In Cold Blood. No Going Back was originally supposed to be Better To Sleep. Oddly, All That Remains and Amid The Ruins are the only two episodes that didn't get their names changed.
There's an unused audio file of Winston threatening Clementine that she was going to die anyway and to just give up. There's also unused audio of Ralph or Victor telling Winston not to let Clementine get away.
Originally there was a scene with Clementine and Alvin fishing.
Theres unused audio of Edith (woman at Wellington) confusing Clementine for a boy. There's also audio of her saying she had a niece named Christa.
There's an unused audio of Kenny saying "they aren't mine, okay? I'm taking care of them. They aren't blood, even if they were I would do the same if it meant they were safe". I believe this was supposed to be used during the Wellington ending.
I vaguely remember reading that there was a "PULL_LUKE_ICE" file in the game. I don't quite remember....
Each episode slide actually contains each characters 3-D models. For example, Clementine's hatless, bloody face model that's in the Amid The Ruins slide, is in the files.
Luke and Rebecca are the only cabin survivors that appear on S2's episode slides. Oddly enough, they both appear in all episodes (Rebecca's corpse is in No Going Back).
The teapot doesn't go unused! It was in the trailer for season 5, at the very end, when Clem's on the phone talking to her parents.
She was having a little tea party. ;.;
I'm kind of glad that they scrapped the part of Troy molesting Jane. I've never liked one-sided villains without a humane side (or at least wicked moral compass), or bland heroes without defects.
* Lee, Lily, Katjaa, Duck, The Stranger, The St.Johns, Ben, and S1 Kenny's models are all in S2's files.
* Originally, Troy was supposed to… more be a lot more villainous and evil in In Harm's Way. I believe he was originally supposed to be molesting Jane. Instead In Harm's Way made it seem as if Jane was giving Troy sexual favors in exchange for better treatment/getting out of the pen.
* I believe there's a file named "Rebecca_Bloody_Towel", hinting that she was supposed to give birth by In Harm's Way.
* There's unused audio files of the Russians speaking English. I believe Natasha says something along the lines of "Are you out of your mind? What the hell do you think you're doing? You are going to get us killed with your idiotic posturing. Hey you! Don't point that thing at me!"
While Buricko goes on to say, "Vitali, Vitali we can take them, I can kill any three of them with my bare hands. We don't even need the weapons. That's right, I mean … [view original content]
* Lee, Lily, Katjaa, Duck, The Stranger, The St.Johns, Ben, and S1 Kenny's models are all in S2's files.
* Originally, Troy was supposed to… more be a lot more villainous and evil in In Harm's Way. I believe he was originally supposed to be molesting Jane. Instead In Harm's Way made it seem as if Jane was giving Troy sexual favors in exchange for better treatment/getting out of the pen.
* I believe there's a file named "Rebecca_Bloody_Towel", hinting that she was supposed to give birth by In Harm's Way.
* There's unused audio files of the Russians speaking English. I believe Natasha says something along the lines of "Are you out of your mind? What the hell do you think you're doing? You are going to get us killed with your idiotic posturing. Hey you! Don't point that thing at me!"
While Buricko goes on to say, "Vitali, Vitali we can take them, I can kill any three of them with my bare hands. We don't even need the weapons. That's right, I mean … [view original content]
There does seem to be some implication left behind about Troy molesting Jane, as Jane still made the effort to shoot Troy in his you-know-what, since she could have just shot him in the abdomen and still use him as walker bait.
I'm probably reading too much into it, but it does seem that the original idea still got carried over in the final product, but it wasn't outright explicit.
The new icons for The Walking Dead are surprisingly very spoilery.
Did anybody noticed how they completely downgraded the controls for the PC?
Those stupid dialogue boxes that you have to click on time instead of just scroll the options or pressing 1 2 3 4
This bothers me immensely
I did like the original list in TWD Season 1 better than what they have now. But I'm used to it, so I don't care.
This bothers me so much, I really hope they change it back in season 3.
They did it because the scrolling was annoying and its fairer to present them all together
Dude... how was it annoying please, explain? Also you had keyboard numbers as the alternative choice.
There were no alternatives with the clicking... also fairer... wut
I think the current choice system that they're using in TFTBL,GoT and Minecraft is great,made it a lot easier for me.
No not you too.
My PC sometimes has a random seizure and it makes the timer go faster...as an newbie graphic designer this upsets me
Vera looks kind of like Katjaa.
It's fairer in terms of options. Before you'd see the top option first and this would influence your decision
I posted it a while back... I'll find it real quick
Lowell, Tyler, and Vera. They were Howe's Hardware's Guards
Its Bonnie's head model, with Bonnie's face texture and Christa's detail lines... With Sarah's hair and Carley's Vest.
Here ya go...I lazily posed it so it wasn't just in a T-Pose
Also sorry about the different sizes of pics...

Thanks, she looks awesome.
If you look at the corner of the screenshot, you can see the bloody silhouette of a child.
I don't really see a full silhouette, but there's definitely a handprint. I imagine it's a child's, as it's very small-sized.
Compare it to the size of the adults:
Then that child's drawing also suggests that there could've been children there too.
And given that Michonne might be looking for her daughters (who are children) and the fact that she looks like she's very scared in this scene (I mean really, how often do you see Michonne look this scared?):
and also the fact that she's reaching for her weapon like she's shown to do when she feels she needs it to take down a walker/enemy, I imagine Michonne might be afraid of finding child walkers in this room herself, and she might've just spotted one, or something similar.
To me it looks like that thing in the corner is definitely a person, be they alive, dead, child, or adult:
I agree. That body that Michonne is looking at is definitely a walker, and as all the evidence in the trailer suggests, it's most likely a child. This also tells us that Michonne and Pete encounter this group of four in the same area with the drawings.
Great comment, by the way! Thanks for pointing everything out with screenshots!
Sarita has the exact same scream as the woman in the street in the beginning of episode 3 of season 1 if you decide to cut Saritas arm off.
A lot of people don't realize that this subconsciously affects what they choose. Telltale could've placed the decisions so players are more likely to do something, for all we know.
Thank you! And sure, no problem.
A.J's crying audio also repeats itself x_x
If you decide to cut Lee's arm off , a memo comes up that says "This is going to hurt."
I thought I was the only one who noticed! There's one line that gets rehashed every 10 minutes. They also reuse the walker groans a lot.
When Luke comes back in episode 3 in the comic store, you can hear Kenny and Mike talking in the next room. Except it isn't actually Kenny and Mike. It's actually reused dialogue from S1 between Danny St John and Kenny.
The cabin group's conversation/meeting in episode 1 also gets repeated over and over again. There's a super muffled background version of it that plays whenever you're away from the kitchen door, and an actual, audible version that plays when you listen at the door. Next time you play it, try to keep count of how many times you hear Nick say "She shows up outta nowhere, surrounded by lurkers, about to get eaten alive, and you're telling us it was a dog?!"
Sarah's death screams are also reused for both of her deaths.
Trust me, it really does, a lot.
Kenny also talks to Clem like she's sat with him and not Luke in Episode 2 season 2. Same dialogue and everything, just without Clem responding.
Same happens when they approach the lodge. dialogue repeated again and again Lazy.
Nope, not alone ^^ I discovered it while doing some video editing last year and winded up finding his crying audio sounded veery similar.
I wish i had my pc rn to post some cool crap but today i got only some observations
This image shows the many icons used in the season 1 and they're seen in episode 1
the hammer is a different one that was used to bash Sandra
Teapot goes unused
Running icon was only avaiable at episode 2
The rag icon was scrapped and reused in episode 3
No idea about the first two (Could be fishing poles)
This next image shows the promotional Glenn that didn't have the Hyeroglyps shirt and his baseball cap has the New York Yankees
Lastly: Jean is the only walker without walker eyes
So Frankenstein's monster?
The teapot doesn't go unused! It was in the trailer for season 5, at the very end, when Clem's on the phone talking to her parents.
She was having a little tea party. ;.;
While Buricko goes on to say, "Vitali, Vitali we can take them, I can kill any three of them with my bare hands. We don't even need the weapons. That's right, I mean you one eyed man! You're weak, and I can tear out your throat with my teeth! Who needs to use bullets for the likes of you! I'll kill you all and eat your entrails for breakfast!". I believe Vitali also says something, but I forgot.
The pink teapot icon (interaction one) does go unused though being replaced by Looking instead of Using it
Ohhhh. Interesting!
I'm kind of glad that they scrapped the part of Troy molesting Jane. I've never liked one-sided villains without a humane side (or at least wicked moral compass), or bland heroes without defects.
Molesting Jane? I hate Jane, but my God...
Yeah I remember reading somewhere that Troy's VA hated him for his original behavior in In Harm's Way.
There does seem to be some implication left behind about Troy molesting Jane, as Jane still made the effort to shoot Troy in his you-know-what, since she could have just shot him in the abdomen and still use him as walker bait.
I'm probably reading too much into it, but it does seem that the original idea still got carried over in the final product, but it wasn't outright explicit.