The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Finally hacked my 3DS so I can play imported games again. Fight me, Nintendo.

  • Hell yeah I'm watching the game. You're delusional, man. The Broncos have the best defense in the league because they play hard. Injuries happen, it's a brutal sport. Your defender just injured himself. Put down that wacky tobaccy.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Lol, you mean the story about his wife getting hgh that the guy who made the allegation has flat out said he made up? Please, dude. You'd ha

  • So you're telling me that playing dirty like the Broncos is fine and when a dude deliberately and unnecessarily spears him a path from the side it's his fault? Wow, that's like me taking a gun and shooting you but then saying "ITS YOUR FAULT YOU GOT INJURED"

    Sorry bruh but saying the Broncos are perfect behavior-wise and playing-wise is kinda bullshit.

    Hell yeah I'm watching the game. You're delusional, man. The Broncos have the best defense in the league because they play hard. Injuries happen, it's a brutal sport. Your defender just injured himself. Put down that wacky tobaccy.

  • Sayzyn´s back and this time I won´t chicken out anymore. :)

  • I never said they're the perfect example of all that is right in the world. I said they're not cheaters. And they aren't cheaters. Unlike the Patriots, a point you've been trying to avoid and shift away from since I brought up the spying. You came out strong when you thought I was talking about the deflating though. But being caught cheating three times isn't as bad as hitting your poor little players harder than they can handle according to you right? I'll send a letter to Goodell requesting New England be granted special flag football status next season.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    So you're telling me that playing dirty like the Broncos is fine and when a dude deliberately and unnecessarily spears him a path from the s

  • 5 ways to say perkele. That's all ya need to know if ya wanna learn some Finnish :-DD

    enter link description here


    I never said they're the perfect example of all that is right in the world. I said they're not cheaters. And they aren't cheaters. Unlike the Patriots, a point you've been trying to avoid and shift away from since I brought up the spying.

    You kind of did from a football perspective :P And my point is that the Pats "scandals" were either complete bullshit or they're in the past now-can you blame the whole team? That's like me going into politics and blaming ALL muslims for terrorism or blaming ALL cops for when one might shoot an unarmed person, if you're going to judge a group of people based off the actions of a few JUST like how you've done with the PatsNation then be my guest and say that with Muslims, Cops, and other groups right now- go ahead and say it.

    You came out strong when you thought I was talking about the deflating though

    Yeah, because that was utter bullshit and was "inflated" into a big deal yet even if the Manning thing was bull- I think allegedly taking steroids is worse than the weight of balls being slightly lighter when there's no proof they even were intentionally deflated.

    But being caught cheating three times isn't as bad as hitting your poor little players harder than they can handle according to you right? I'll send a letter to Goodell requesting New England be granted special flag football status next season.

    Meh, that's in the past and as I said- you're generalizing the whole team based off the actions of a few. Dude, if the Pats were doing what the Broncos have been, you would call them as playing dirty just as I have so come up with something else. For that last part, ouch Bruh, ouch just say that to our 4 Super Bowl wins though :PPPP

    I never said they're the perfect example of all that is right in the world. I said they're not cheaters. And they aren't cheaters. Unlike

  • Sure downplay it all you want. Your head coach gets caught cheating but that's fine. He doesn't represent the whole team. Your OC gets caught cheating it's in the past. Your QB gets caught cheating, that's just some petty BS. I'll tell you what, if the dude hadn't admitted to making up the hgh story and it turned out Manning was on the juice... I would come out and say 'Fuck that guy, I don't want him on my team and I can't support them as long as he's there'. But there go you Pats fans, cheering on and defending proven cheaters.
    Keep acting like your team doesn't commit personal fouls, idgaf. You're still imagining shit.
    Oh, and 18-1. :)

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    AYY LMAO I never said they're the perfect example of all that is right in the world. I said they're not cheaters. And they aren't chea

  • Sure downplay it all you want. Your head coach gets caught cheating but that's fine. He doesn't represent the whole team. Your OC gets caught cheating it's in the past. Your QB gets caught cheating, that's just some petty BS. I'll tell you what, if the dude hadn't admitted to making up the hgh story and it turned out Manning was on the juice... I would come out and say 'Fuck that guy, I don't want him on my team and I can't support them as long as he's there'. But there go you Pats fans, cheering on and defending proven cheaters.

    Keep acting like your team doesn't commit personal fouls, idgaf. You're still imagining shit.

    You still ignored my point, you're over generalizing still. Many muslims hate the western world, and there are many terrorist groups who want to rape all western women as well as kill all western men- why are they different from other muslims? Some cops shoot black kids for no reason or if they have a knife and continue to unload their clip into their dead body- are there any good cops out there?. Wait, not all Muslims and Cops are like that- what makes them different!? The same way Pats and Fans are different from a few people who have cheated in the past and the same way not all Muslims are terrorists, and the same way not all Cops are racist killers. I'm still "imagining" shit? Wow, you're the one who imagines and generalizes groups of people as one stereotype :P

    btw (sidetrack I just want to know quickly, you'll see the point) who do you want for President? and are there any baseball teams you happen to like?

    Sure downplay it all you want. Your head coach gets caught cheating but that's fine. He doesn't represent the whole team. Your OC gets ca

  • Yeah I'm not responding to your rediculous metaphor or your attempt to shift the point to politics, or you putting insane words in my mouth. It really reads like you're desperately lashing out. I'll wait until you start talking sense again.

    President, I don't like any current candidate. Baseball I haven't watched since I was a kid, Cal Ripken Jr was my favorite player. If you wanna talk shit about him we can fight irl bruh. Jk.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Sure downplay it all you want. Your head coach gets caught cheating but that's fine. He doesn't represent the whole team. Your OC gets caugh

  • Yeah I'm not responding to your rediculous metaphor or your attempt to shift the point to politics, or you putting insane words in my mouth. It really reads like you're desperately lashing out. I'll wait until you start talking sense again.

    What I'm trying to do it tell you, a lesson you should learn though which is not to generalize groups of people as you've been doing, I'm not lashing out at all and am pretty calm lol- I'm just trying to get the point across that not all people in a group (Like PatsNation) are bad. So if anything, it seems like you're running away from my point in general.

    President, I don't like any current candidate. Baseball I haven't watched since I was a kid, Cal Ripken Jr was my favorite player. If you wanna talk shit about him we can fight irl bruh. Jk.

    Thank God, If you said Hillary then I would be like "You blame the Pats for shit on their record yet support HER", and idk why but for Baseball I was thinking you would say the Yankees xD

    K then....back to game watching...

    Yeah I'm not responding to your rediculous metaphor or your attempt to shift the point to politics, or you putting insane words in my mouth.

  • Oh yeah, I'm totally generalizing all nfl teams fan bases and I don't deny it. Pats fans are okay with cheating, Saints fans are okay with purposely injuring people, Raiders fans are just the worst, Redskins fans are racist. Of course I don't actually believe this but football trash talking is a great past time.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Yeah I'm not responding to your rediculous metaphor or your attempt to shift the point to politics, or you putting insane words in my mouth.

  • edited January 2016

    Oh, I thought you were actually a serious believer in thinking like that about everyone LOL

    If we're going there then I'll be like....

    Q: What is the difference between a Broncos fan and a baby?

    A: The baby will stop whining after awhile.

    Oh yeah, I'm totally generalizing all nfl teams fan bases and I don't deny it. Pats fans are okay with cheating, Saints fans are okay with

  • LOL. Nice.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Oh, I thought you were actually a serious believer in thinking like that about everyone LOL If we're going there then I'll be like.... Q: What is the difference between a Broncos fan and a baby? A: The baby will stop whining after awhile.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    Yesterday I had an argument with an honest-to-god North Korea supporter on Reddit. Seriously WTF?! I didn't even know those people existed. And you know what the funny part is? I'm the one getting negative karma.. Fuck me, right?

    EDIT : Just checked back. My comments got deleted aaaaand I'm banned from r/communism. Apparently "sanity" isn't a word that exists in the tankie vocabulary.

  • edited January 2016

    GG New England.

    *Sorry for the reply max, misclick.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Yesterday I had an argument with an honest-to-god North Korea supporter on Reddit. Seriously WTF?! I didn't even know those people existed

  • GG New England.

    *Sorry for the reply max, misclick.

    Such a Bronco move :PPP

    GG New England. *Sorry for the reply max, misclick.

  • Patriots lost!!!!! F**k Yeah!!!!! God I hate the Patriots. Not a big fan of the Broncos but glad to see them in over NE. Still I'm rooting for the Cardinals I guess

  • I got excited.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    GG New England. *Sorry for the reply max, misclick. Such a Bronco move :PPP

  • Yes. Go Cards!

    Patriots lost!!!!! F**k Yeah!!!!! God I hate the Patriots. Not a big fan of the Broncos but glad to see them in over NE. Still I'm rooting for the Cardinals I guess

  • Regardless of how you feel about our teams, New England is the best region in America and I will stay with my teams ti'll death, win or lose unlike other people who will only support teams when they win and leave them win they lose...

    enter image description here

    Patriots lost!!!!! F**k Yeah!!!!! God I hate the Patriots. Not a big fan of the Broncos but glad to see them in over NE. Still I'm rooting for the Cardinals I guess

  • GG reply button

    GG New England. *Sorry for the reply max, misclick.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    Fuck yer clam chowder!

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Regardless of how you feel about our teams, New England is the best region in America and I will stay with my teams ti'll death, win or lose unlike other people who will only support teams when they win and leave them win they lose...

  • This is so bad. Cards have the yips.

  • Ur just Jele bruh,

    After all, your lord and savior Bernie has been with us in a part of New England for a while :)

    enter image description here

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Fuck yer clam chowder!

  • GG Arizona. :(...

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    My SAVIOR DIED 2,000 YEARZ AGO, silly LIBTARD!!1

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Ur just Jele bruh, After all, your lord and savior Bernie has been with us in a part of New England for a while

  • Wait, I thought you were the libtard and I was the known conservative here :P

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    My SAVIOR DIED 2,000 YEARZ AGO, silly LIBTARD!!1

  • Thank god, I thought I was going to have to buy a new furry whistle

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I MEAN, that didn't work

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016


    BigBlindMax posted: »

    My SAVIOR DIED 2,000 YEARZ AGO, silly LIBTARD!!1


    Aliens pls...TAKE ME OFF THIS PLANET enter link description here


    ualexen92 posted: »

    She try something new, what wrong with that! Dog are great friends, "O JESUS". I do prefer werewolf, don't judge me...

  • you ruined leafy for me ffs

    papai46 posted: »

    She should be BASHED WITH A ROCK!

  • enter image description here

    papai46 posted: »

    Haha, op is right, it's a really shit ship.

  • When you forget to save video edits but you weren't happy with them anyway so you fake your anger:

    enter image description here

  • Holy hell... man, Modern Warfare 3 feels so long ago... I met some of my best friends playing that game, It's so weird remembering it. It's also interesting to think about how it feels like 10 years ago when it was just like 3 for me. Time flies.

    I played Modern Warfare 3 for the first time in a long ass time. Like 4 years ago. It's not good... I miss my Black Ops and MW2 copies.


    enter image description here

    It's rare for me to excited about WWE BUT THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY. Now I just need a Owens VS Styles match, BOOK IT PLEASE.

  • You're welcome.

    you ruined leafy for me ffs

  • Flipped my shit. lol

    kristi78968 posted: »

    AJ STYLES It's rare for me to excited about WWE BUT THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY. Now I just need a Owens VS Styles match, BOOK IT PLEASE.

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