

  • Why people has been shipping me with Spore Queen NL? ._. Now it is a real ship

  • ThatSpottedRat = Spore Queen NL

    Why people has been shipping me with Spore Queen NL? ._. Now it is a real ship

  • This post is gonna make it worse tho, xP

    Why people has been shipping me with Spore Queen NL? ._. Now it is a real ship

  • Well, I wasn't entirely excepted hamburger.

    =^w^= ...

  • I don't ship it. :3

    This post is gonna make it worse tho, xP

  • we need more lukesse scenes
    also if luke's reincarnation dies...

  • I wonder if people will cry at Lukas' death as much as they did at Reuben's (If that happens, of course, I don't wanna this to happen!).

    we need more lukesse scenes also if luke's reincarnation dies... ... ... ... WE RIOT! TELLTALE WILL NEVER BE FORGIVEN!

  • You know the guy that does the model swap requests for videos?

    Yeah, i did totally not ask him to swap Reuben and Lukas xP

    we need more lukesse scenes also if luke's reincarnation dies... ... ... ... WE RIOT! TELLTALE WILL NEVER BE FORGIVEN!


    PyroLife posted: »

    I wonder if people will cry at Lukas' death as much as they did at Reuben's (If that happens, of course, I don't wanna this to happen!).

  • I didn't even cry at Reuben's death, BUT I WILL CRY EACH DAY OF MY LIFE IF LUKAS DIED.

    PyroLife posted: »

    I wonder if people will cry at Lukas' death as much as they did at Reuben's (If that happens, of course, I don't wanna this to happen!).

  • "Lukas' death will be caused by me" -Fegelein

    we need more lukesse scenes also if luke's reincarnation dies... ... ... ... WE RIOT! TELLTALE WILL NEVER BE FORGIVEN!

  • I'm having a chance to quit MC:SM videos around May. After Episode 5 is out then I will stick doing untergang videos for a week and then do MC:SM for two weeks...
    Sorry. I need to move on making different videos. I will still upload both videos if I could...

  • This thread isn't gettin much action... Lukesse scenes from "A Wither Against The World." A story made by me. Please don't steal.

    You should consider yourselves quite lucky; I don't exactly give out excerpts often.

  • edited January 2016

    Scene 1

    “Well, yeah. I figured I would try and fortify the place, y’know.” Lukas grins, “I’m so glad you’re back!”

    “And we brought Magnus!” Jessie exclaimed, motioning to the man behind her.

    “Fantastic!” Lukas gave a little jump. (That cute jumpy jump tho..) Jessie smiled at him, thinking he looked cute when he jumped like that.

    This thread isn't gettin much action... Lukesse scenes from "A Wither Against The World." A story made by me. Please don't steal. You should consider yourselves quite lucky; I don't exactly give out excerpts often.

  • edited January 2016

    Scene 2

    “I’m alright, I guess. This has all been pretty intense.” Lukas shrugs. “I feel like if I think too much about what’s going on, my head might explode.”

    “Lukas, thank you so much for helping us out. I-I know we haven’t gotten along so great in the past, but you’ve been so amazing. Thank you.” Jessie looked at Lukas in the eyes, and gave him a reassuring smile.

    “Wow, Jessie, that means a lot… Thank you.” Lukas grinned back. He was totally falling for her.

    “My brother’s falling for Jessie. He’s growing up.” Liam tells Petra as he watched his younger brother and good friend chat.

    “My baby’s falling in love. Catch me.” Petra play-fainted, and of course, Liam caught her. The two laugh. Lukas and Jessie look over at the two, and Lukas chuckles as Liam held Petra in his arms.

    “I can already tell they’re talking about us.” Jessie chuckles. “Anyways,” she cleared her throat, “I’ll talk to you later?”

    “Sure.” Lukas gave a grin, and Jessie left him alone, going to place the amulet on the pedestal. Once she left, Lukas made eye contact with Liam and he stuck his tongue out. Liam did the same right back at him before laughing as he pulled Petra back up to her normal position. Petra kept at it, lying limp.

    “Oh, come on, Peets.”

    This thread isn't gettin much action... Lukesse scenes from "A Wither Against The World." A story made by me. Please don't steal. You should consider yourselves quite lucky; I don't exactly give out excerpts often.

  • Scene 3

    “You gotta pull yourself together, Lukas.” Jessie told him as she approached. Lukas, with his arms crossed and leaning against a tree, found an interest in the ground. He felt like he made a fool of himself with the outburst.

    “I know-- I do-- I just--” Lukas stammered before he sighed, closing his eyes tightly as he attempted to clear his mind, but it didn’t any good. “Listen, I know I’ve been a bit prickly, okay? But… Jessie, I think something’s wrong.” Lukas bounced off of the tree and walked up to her. He had his eyes on Petra, who had her head rested on Liam’s shoulder with her eyes closed. “With Petra. You have to have noticed.” Jessie gave Lukas a look, and he continued, listing off the symptoms. “Lack of energy, labored breathing…”

    “What… exactly are you talking about?” Jessie asks, trying act as if she didn’t know what was wrong with Petra.

    “There’s something wrong, okay? Something… big.” Lukas looks at Jessie’s chocolate brown eyes, hoping she’d understand. “It’s not fooling anybody.” Lukas turned and began to walk over to a dark block of wool. “At least not me.” He turned around and crossed his arms, glaring at Jessie. Jessie sighs.

    “Petra can take care of herself. You just worry about you.” Lukas’s eyes widen as he releases his arms. He knew it.

    “You’re hiding something. By not telling the truth-- you’re putting the group in danger.” Lukas glared at Jessie. A part of him felt angry at her, another part felt pity, but he mostly felt… betrayed. Like Jessie didn’t trust him. “Why don’t you go back looking for Soren? I know you’re sick of talking to me.” Lukas shook his head, walking back to the tree and leaning up against it. Jessie walked back up to him. Lukas sighs in exasperation. “What do you want?”

    This thread isn't gettin much action... Lukesse scenes from "A Wither Against The World." A story made by me. Please don't steal. You should consider yourselves quite lucky; I don't exactly give out excerpts often.

  • And finished. That's all you're getting. For now.

    This thread isn't gettin much action... Lukesse scenes from "A Wither Against The World." A story made by me. Please don't steal. You should consider yourselves quite lucky; I don't exactly give out excerpts often.

  • Curiosity is killing me! xD

    And finished. That's all you're getting. For now.

  • edited January 2016

    Jesse has green eyes, dont ask why I read this

    Scene 3 “You gotta pull yourself together, Lukas.” Jessie told him as she approached. Lukas, with his arms crossed and leaning against a

  • Phew... xD

    I don't ship it.

  • get your pitchforks and torches
    episode 5 has to come out

  • Agreed!!! Grabs command block enchanted sword

    get your pitchforks and torches episode 5 has to come out now.

  • Well geddemmit xD
    lol just kidding, its your choice :)

    I'm having a chance to quit MC:SM videos around May. After Episode 5 is out then I will stick doing untergang videos for a week and then do

  • I'm used the dark haired female Jessie. She has brown.

    NorthStars posted: »

    Jesse has green eyes, dont ask why I read this

  • edited January 2016

    The story will be coming to the INternet soon! (hopefully

    Curiosity is killing me! xD

  • As much as I want it to be out now, they're hard at work on it. Let's give in for next Tuesday.

    Mushi7799 posted: »

    Agreed!!! Grabs command block enchanted sword

  • Because before I wrote this story, I shipped JUST brown eyed Jessie with Lukas. I thought it was always brown eyes. Now that I know the popularity, well, there isn't any going back now. 30 long chapters have been completed with brown-eyes, and I've already changed the gender of my OC to be male, so he can end up with Peets.

    NorthStars posted: »

    Jesse has green eyes, dont ask why I read this

  • Not out then? ...

    we riot

    As much as I want it to be out now, they're hard at work on it. Let's give in for next Tuesday.

  • Oh i almost cried for a sec because i red your comment to fast and i tought it said

    get your pitchforks and torches episode 5 DID come out now... ._.
    Now im sad :(

    get your pitchforks and torches episode 5 has to come out now.

  • either color is a brilliant eye color.

    Because before I wrote this story, I shipped JUST brown eyed Jessie with Lukas. I thought it was always brown eyes. Now that I know the popu

  • Yeah, that's exactly what I thought for a sec! Lol, but really. I am really too hungry for Ep.5!

    Oh i almost cried for a sec because i red your comment to fast and i tought it said get your pitchforks and torches episode 5 DID come out now... ._. Now im sad

  • Would you guys think I was weird if I actually liked Aiden? ;-; Forever alone.

  • I will either laugh hysterically out of insanity that the ocelot King has died, or cry a freaking ocean

    PyroLife posted: »

    I wonder if people will cry at Lukas' death as much as they did at Reuben's (If that happens, of course, I don't wanna this to happen!).

  • Aiden is my precious cinnamon roll

    Would you guys think I was weird if I actually liked Aiden? ;-; Forever alone.

  • Yay, I'm not alone. <3 Cinnamon rolls don't die, they just... don't.

    Aiden is my precious cinnamon roll

  • YAAAAS high fives

    Yay, I'm not alone. Cinnamon rolls don't die, they just... don't.

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