Well the fact is Kenny is someone that everyone can't stop talking about. Love him or hate him, people cannot deny this. I agree with Kenny1005. The people who dislike him love to bash him and those that like him love to praise him. Telltale really made an incredible character to get this much reaction and for this long down the line.
Anyway, why are those that are "hypocritical in their arguments" bad for saying that? So what if they say Kenny is a tortured spirit? So what if everyone is? It doesn't mean we are hypocrites
people hell bent on trying to get people to hate him.
Personally that's not my reason for posting things. Most of the time I'm tryin… moreg to show that people who love Kenny are being hypocritical in their arguments, saying "Poor Kenny, he's a tortured spirit" etc. when everyone in TWDG is a tortured spirit. Why does that make him special?
we actually got to see everything with Kenny first hand
And that's exactly the only reason why he's different. We as players witnessed his story, yes. But the other characters have a story as well; the other characters have been through hell as well. The difference is, we barely get to hear these stories, as Telltale for some reason felt the need to focus on primarily Kenny's story for way too damn long, and so Kenny's perspective is always presented front and center, with no subtlety whatsoever. It's absolutely crystal clear how Kenny's feeling all the time throughout both seasons. By contrast we don't know what a lot of other characters have been through, and thus it's up to the player to really think about things from the other characters' perspectives to try to figure out what those characters are going through (this is especially the case in season 2.) I can't speak for everyone but personally I don't forget that characters besides Kenny also make mistakes too, and that they're worthy of redemption, are worthy of forgiveness, are worthy of changing. I believe it's important to look at a situation from everyone's perspective, to look at an argument from both sides' point of view, not just one person's (Kenny's) perspective. Basically what I'm saying is, too often do I see some consider things from Kenny's perspective, but not from the other character's perspective.
It's funny, because a lot of this is reflected in Kenny's personality itself. I often seem to hear something like, "Who cares about the other characters and what they've been through; Kenny's clearly the most interesting since we know the most about him." It's weird because there's people acting just like Kenny did before Ben yelled him down at the end of season 1: Kenny refused to hear Ben's perspective before Ben finally stands up to him, and Kenny never even considered things from Ben's perspective, and Kenny never considered how, unlike Kenny, Ben never had a chance to even see his family let alone try to help them survive like Kenny had the chance to. Ben basically has to verbally bitch-slap Kenny in order to get the guy to see things from his own point of view.
How am I being hypocritical? He is a tortured spirit just like everyone else but we actually got to see everything with Kenny first hand. He… more obviously is special considering there are so many of these threads about Kenny. If he isn't special then why is he constantly being talked about? It's because he is special and has had such an impact on the series like it or not.
When was Kenny responsible for someone else's family dying? Unless you mean Lilly/Larry?
The thing is, i think those that say "give him a break, his family just died", those feel sorry for him and the way in which he lost them all at once where as with Lilly losing Larry the way she did, the majority despised Larry and didn't care so much when he died although some may have felt sorry for Lilly but both scenarios are very different. Again i guess it's how we as players feel about these scenes and that's all that matters
It's especially ironic when people say, "Give Kenny a break! His family died!" And yet when Kenny's responsible for someone else's family dying, they don't give a flying feather.
I felt very bad for Lily, thats why I initially tried to help her. She loved her dad as much as Kenny loved his family, and seeing him being killed that way led to monstrous consequences in the long run, But she gets far less sympathy and undestanding in comparison.
When was Kenny responsible for someone else's family dying? Unless you mean Lilly/Larry?
The thing is, i think those that say "give him a… more break, his family just died", those feel sorry for him and the way in which he lost them all at once where as with Lilly losing Larry the way she did, the majority despised Larry and didn't care so much when he died although some may have felt sorry for Lilly but both scenarios are very different. Again i guess it's how we as players feel about these scenes and that's all that matters
They could be referring to people who make that kind of excuse for Kenny - being a tortured soul, having to go through things, losing people etc. for all/some of the bad things he's done but act hypocritical by blaming other characters for the bad things they've done despite them being tortured souls, having to go through things and losing people etc.
For example: Saying 'Kenny's made bad decisions but can you blame him for losing his mind if he's lost the people he cared about and love so dearly?' and then go on to saying - 'Sarah's a detriment to the group, she's lost her mind ever since Carlos died, she's a liability due to her current state of mind where she doesn't try to talk with other members of the group except Clementine' - that might be the kind of hypocrisy that sialark is talking about - where people excuse a character using 'loss' but blame other characters where the same excuse can apply. Not saying that's what the commenter meant, just my interpretation of what they mean.
Well the fact is Kenny is someone that everyone can't stop talking about. Love him or hate him, people cannot deny this. I agree with Kenny1… more005. The people who dislike him love to bash him and those that like him love to praise him. Telltale really made an incredible character to get this much reaction and for this long down the line.
Anyway, why are those that are "hypocritical in their arguments" bad for saying that? So what if they say Kenny is a tortured spirit? So what if everyone is? It doesn't mean we are hypocrites
The Thread only needs to be locked if it goes out of hand from the actual topic, like if people keep bringing Jane into the topic and began another argument over Jane and Kenny then the Thread should be locked if it gets out of hand or begins to derail.
You know, I think it is a miracle that this thread didn't get locked the day it was made
As soon as I saw the name of this thread I was thinking to myself "yep, this is totally getting locked"
But alas, here we are now
I'm pretty sure he will, at least I hope so, I don't care if Kenny isn't my favorite character, ever character deserves to be treated as a character, not just as a thing that follows the main character around only to die and talk once every Episode at least that's my opinion(overexaggerated, I know). I personally don't believe any character is over-hyped, overrated and the only recycled characters are the ones that got re-skins, you know those characters you look at and think "Wait, didn't you die five times earlier?".
This is disgusting... people are still arguing over Kenny, the most over-hyped, overrated and recycled character Telltale has ever made.
Having Clem kill him was such a relief, I'm glad he won't be back in Season 3.
Wait, how do you know that Larry was going to turn? There's no evidence to back this up, there wasn't even any signs that Larry was turning, so he just killed Larry in front of Lily and Clementine without even hesitating.
I don't know about you but I didn't ask Kenny to lead my group, I wanted everyone in the group to have a say and even when we agreed(the majority of the group) that we decided not to find a boat, Kenny had his way regardless. In other words, it's more of a forced leadership, at least upon some of the characters - Christa, for one.
Although the Wellington Ending brought tears to my eyes I hope I'm not the only one who was thinking "What exactly do we know about this place? What if it isn't as safe as it sounds from the rumors that are only about it's location and not about what it actually is - what type of community is it? I trust Edith but I'm not going to assume my Clementine and AJ are safe in Wellington when they came inside knowing absolutely nothing about it
Everything else you've listed, he's done good, but still doesn't negate that like every other character that's done good things, he's done allot of bad things, a good character has flaws, at least in my opinion.
Remind me, what does Kenny need to apologize for exactly?
Saving Lee's life at the drugstore when Larry tries to leave him for dead?
S… moreaving everyone in the meat locker by killing Larry before he could turn?
Fixing the RV which saves the group when the bandits attack?
Continuing to lead the group into finding a boat even after losing his wife and son?
Helping Lee rescue Clementine even if you didn't initially get him to come with you?
Being willing to sacrifice himself to save Christa/Ben?
Taking a beating to protect Clementine?
Helping Rebecca deliver the baby even after his new girlfriend just died?
Being willing to sacrifice himself to keep Clem and AJ safe at Wellington?
Or are you just mad because he hurt your feelings?
Wait, how do you know that Larry was going to turn? There's no evidence to back this up, there wasn't even any signs that Larry was turning,… more so he just killed Larry in front of Lily and Clementine without even hesitating.
I don't know about you but I didn't ask Kenny to lead my group, I wanted everyone in the group to have a say and even when we agreed(the majority of the group) that we decided not to find a boat, Kenny had his way regardless. In other words, it's more of a forced leadership, at least upon some of the characters - Christa, for one.
Although the Wellington Ending brought tears to my eyes I hope I'm not the only one who was thinking "What exactly do we know about this place? What if it isn't as safe as it sounds from the rumors that are only about it's location and not about what it actually is - what type of community is it? I trust Edith but I'm not going to assume my Clementine and AJ are safe in Wellington when they c… [view original content]
Remind me, what does Kenny need to apologize for exactly?
Saving Lee's life at the drugstore when Larry tries to leave him for dead?
S… moreaving everyone in the meat locker by killing Larry before he could turn?
Fixing the RV which saves the group when the bandits attack?
Continuing to lead the group into finding a boat even after losing his wife and son?
Helping Lee rescue Clementine even if you didn't initially get him to come with you?
Being willing to sacrifice himself to save Christa/Ben?
Taking a beating to protect Clementine?
Helping Rebecca deliver the baby even after his new girlfriend just died?
Being willing to sacrifice himself to keep Clem and AJ safe at Wellington?
Or are you just mad because he hurt your feelings?
Yes, the fact that the excuses for Kenny's behavior dont seem to apply to anyone else. If Kenny would take more responsibility for himself, I'd have more respect for him.
They could be referring to people who make that kind of excuse for Kenny - being a tortured soul, having to go through things, losing people… more etc. for all/some of the bad things he's done but act hypocritical by blaming other characters for the bad things they've done despite them being tortured souls, having to go through things and losing people etc.
For example: Saying 'Kenny's made bad decisions but can you blame him for losing his mind if he's lost the people he cared about and love so dearly?' and then go on to saying - 'Sarah's a detriment to the group, she's lost her mind ever since Carlos died, she's a liability due to her current state of mind where she doesn't try to talk with other members of the group except Clementine' - that might be the kind of hypocrisy that sialark is talking about - where people excuse a character using 'loss' but blame other characters where the same excuse can apply. Not saying that's what the commenter meant, just my interpretation of what they mean.
Remind me, what does Kenny need to apologize for exactly?
Saving Lee's life at the drugstore when Larry tries to leave him for dead?
S… moreaving everyone in the meat locker by killing Larry before he could turn?
Fixing the RV which saves the group when the bandits attack?
Continuing to lead the group into finding a boat even after losing his wife and son?
Helping Lee rescue Clementine even if you didn't initially get him to come with you?
Being willing to sacrifice himself to save Christa/Ben?
Taking a beating to protect Clementine?
Helping Rebecca deliver the baby even after his new girlfriend just died?
Being willing to sacrifice himself to keep Clem and AJ safe at Wellington?
Or are you just mad because he hurt your feelings?
I actually think Jane was a good character with a lot of nuance. She closed off to protect herself but she showed that she could be softened and learned to care for people again.
we actually got to see everything with Kenny first hand
And that's exactly the only reason why he's different. We a… mores players witnessed his story, yes. But the other characters have a story as well; the other characters have been through hell as well. The difference is, we barely get to hear these stories, as Telltale for some reason felt the need to focus on primarily Kenny's story for way too damn long, and so Kenny's perspective is always presented front and center, with no subtlety whatsoever. It's absolutely crystal clear how Kenny's feeling all the time throughout both seasons. By contrast we don't know what a lot of other characters have been through, and thus it's up to the player to really think about things from the other characters' perspectives to try to figure out what those characters are going through (this is especially the case in season 2.) I can't speak for everyone but personally I don't forget that… [view original content]
I personally disliked how Jane didn't want to save Sarah/was hesitant to either times but I think that blaming Jane for Sarah's death is bad, considering Clementine is the one who ultimately decides whether she lives or dies in the Trailer and whether Jane tries to save her(although Jane can save Sarah at the Observation Deck without being asked if Clementine is silent). To be honest, Jane is the reason Sarah survived at the Trailer Park if you chose to save her and she's also the only character who will actually help Sarah at the Observation Deck. I didn't like her attitude towards Sarah but I don't feel it's right to blame Jane for both of Sarah's deaths in a single episode - I blame the writers(yep, I still haven't forgotten how they laughed up Sarah's death with that IGN person >:).
I loved how influential Clementine is on Jane, we can see the influence Clementine has on her the first night she decided to 'join' the group, actually beginning to acknowledge the existence of other people in the camp - Mike even says that it's the first time he hears her speak.
I actually think Jane was a good character with a lot of nuance. She closed off to protect herself but she showed that she could be softened and learned to care for people again.
Just wondering, why do you hate Jane and why do you think she is the worst character? I crave to know why people like or dislike characters, if you don't want to answer that's fine, I'm just interested to know.
1: so if you had a son you wouldnt try to help him?? K.
2: its actually proven that ppl who suffer a heart attack only have a 10 per cent chance of survival with electronic equipment and lily was doing it without any equipment and kenny had the reason in that part...
3: determinant
4: determinant
5:you re right about this and the duck part... being in denial is not a good thing...
6: no its because ben was making a deal with the bandits and instead of telling like any smart person he dint say shit
which caused a bandit attack when they found out causing duck to be bitten... lily shooting carly/doug because of the sheer pressure she was facing and katjaa s suicide for not being able to handle duck s death not that i dint want BEN TO TELL EVERYONE INSTEAD OF AN AUTOMATIC RESPONSE SAYNG: DONT SAY ANYTHING BEN... but still kenny later on forgives ben and mercy shoots him so that he doesnt become a walker ... i rest my case on the ben part
7: not really... you just need to say: she s like family ... also determinant once again
8:he doesnt even known alvin at that point .... and the other hostages carver takes is: walter who is just shot which doesnt even give time for kenny to make a decision , alvin who he doesnt known ... sarita his girlfriend and clementine who he wants to take care of
10: the fight with mike im with you that was stupid
11: determinant. also... THAT GUY TRYED TO MURDER YOU WHY ARE YOU FREAKING PROTECTING HIM i do not care what argument you pull out it still will not make sense...
12: with the argueing part he had reasons in some parts and in some not ... because having sex while your supposed to be on watch is definitely alright but pointing out he s wrong is being an asshole and an idiot
final point: on the jane part it is heavily implied she left alvin to die which was what triggered kenny s rage... also knife kill is determinant too... and while the baby was alive he was left in the car in the cold with the window open which any walker that passed would have killed him
we actually got to see everything with Kenny first hand
And that's exactly the only reason why he's different. We a… mores players witnessed his story, yes. But the other characters have a story as well; the other characters have been through hell as well. The difference is, we barely get to hear these stories, as Telltale for some reason felt the need to focus on primarily Kenny's story for way too damn long, and so Kenny's perspective is always presented front and center, with no subtlety whatsoever. It's absolutely crystal clear how Kenny's feeling all the time throughout both seasons. By contrast we don't know what a lot of other characters have been through, and thus it's up to the player to really think about things from the other characters' perspectives to try to figure out what those characters are going through (this is especially the case in season 2.) I can't speak for everyone but personally I don't forget that… [view original content]
1: so if you had a son you wouldnt try to help him?? K.
2: its actually proven that ppl who suffer a heart attack only have a 10 per cent … morechance of survival with electronic equipment and lily was doing it without any equipment and kenny had the reason in that part...
3: determinant
4: determinant
5:you re right about this and the duck part... being in denial is not a good thing...
6: no its because ben was making a deal with the bandits and instead of telling like any smart person he dint say shit
which caused a bandit attack when they found out causing duck to be bitten... lily shooting carly/doug because of the sheer pressure she was facing and katjaa s suicide for not being able to handle duck s death not that i dint want BEN TO TELL EVERYONE INSTEAD OF AN AUTOMATIC RESPONSE SAYNG: DONT SAY ANYTHING BEN... but still kenny later on forgives ben and mercy shoots him so that he doesnt become a walker ... i rest my case on the ben par… [view original content]
when i dont kill kenny and i dont want to stay with him i just go to wellington which is way better than howe s which was raided like 2 episodes ago...
This is disgusting... people are still arguing over Kenny, the most over-hyped, overrated and recycled character Telltale has ever made.
Having Clem kill him was such a relief, I'm glad he won't be back in Season 3.
its scientifically proven that those who suffer cardiac arrest only have a 10 % chance of survival with electronic equipment which they dint have which lowers the chances even more
Wait, how do you know that Larry was going to turn? There's no evidence to back this up, there wasn't even any signs that Larry was turning,… more so he just killed Larry in front of Lily and Clementine without even hesitating.
I don't know about you but I didn't ask Kenny to lead my group, I wanted everyone in the group to have a say and even when we agreed(the majority of the group) that we decided not to find a boat, Kenny had his way regardless. In other words, it's more of a forced leadership, at least upon some of the characters - Christa, for one.
Although the Wellington Ending brought tears to my eyes I hope I'm not the only one who was thinking "What exactly do we know about this place? What if it isn't as safe as it sounds from the rumors that are only about it's location and not about what it actually is - what type of community is it? I trust Edith but I'm not going to assume my Clementine and AJ are safe in Wellington when they c… [view original content]
i think she was a reverse molly: pretty much molly with reversed morals. Molly talks about how we shouldnt leave ppl because they re sick and jane thinks that babys and people who have diseases are liabilitys and she wanst to leave them for example: Sarah who is hinted at having some sort of anxiety disease in episode 1 by carlos and AJ who jane dint want to see being born due to he being a ´´liability´´
I actually think Jane was a good character with a lot of nuance. She closed off to protect herself but she showed that she could be softened and learned to care for people again.
we actually got to see everything with Kenny first hand
And that's exactly the only reason why he's different. We a… mores players witnessed his story, yes. But the other characters have a story as well; the other characters have been through hell as well. The difference is, we barely get to hear these stories, as Telltale for some reason felt the need to focus on primarily Kenny's story for way too damn long, and so Kenny's perspective is always presented front and center, with no subtlety whatsoever. It's absolutely crystal clear how Kenny's feeling all the time throughout both seasons. By contrast we don't know what a lot of other characters have been through, and thus it's up to the player to really think about things from the other characters' perspectives to try to figure out what those characters are going through (this is especially the case in season 2.) I can't speak for everyone but personally I don't forget that… [view original content]
Confirmation bias, much? I tried to look it up as neutral as possible, and found several sources saying that mechanical chest compressions are no better than manual chest compressions.
However, I think you hit the nail when referring to Larry's death as a cardiac arrest, not a heart attack. Cardiac arrests are much more complicated to handle. Here is a handy guide to distinguishing between the two.
its scientifically proven that those who suffer cardiac arrest only have a 10 % chance of survival with electronic equipment which they dint have which lowers the chances even more
Sarah's death is the biggest reason why I hate Jane so much
Why? . Luke and Jane having sex didnt attract the horde, plus with rebecca kind of giving birth at the time its not like they could have run away even if they had seen them beforehand. I still cant believe such a minor moment designed to be funny people wind up taking so seriously.
Luke was supposed to spot any nearby walkers. If he had spotted one, he should have gone quickly warning the group to get a move on. Jane and Luke were both idiots having a good time while there was a lady having birth of her child. Instead, Sarah did the job better than Luke.
Sarah's death is the biggest reason why I hate Jane so much
Why? . Luke and Jane having sex didnt attract the horde, plus with rebec… moreca kind of giving birth at the time its not like they could have run away even if they had seen them beforehand. I still cant believe such a minor moment designed to be funny people wind up taking so seriously.
Nope, not all people who like Kenny are hypocrites in their arguments, but quite a lot are.
Well the fact is Kenny is someone that everyone can't stop talking about. Love him or hate him, people cannot deny this. I agree with Kenny1005. The people who dislike him love to bash him and those that like him love to praise him. Telltale really made an incredible character to get this much reaction and for this long down the line.
Anyway, why are those that are "hypocritical in their arguments" bad for saying that? So what if they say Kenny is a tortured spirit? So what if everyone is? It doesn't mean we are hypocrites
And that's exactly the only reason why he's different. We as players witnessed his story, yes. But the other characters have a story as well; the other characters have been through hell as well. The difference is, we barely get to hear these stories, as Telltale for some reason felt the need to focus on primarily Kenny's story for way too damn long, and so Kenny's perspective is always presented front and center, with no subtlety whatsoever. It's absolutely crystal clear how Kenny's feeling all the time throughout both seasons. By contrast we don't know what a lot of other characters have been through, and thus it's up to the player to really think about things from the other characters' perspectives to try to figure out what those characters are going through (this is especially the case in season 2.) I can't speak for everyone but personally I don't forget that characters besides Kenny also make mistakes too, and that they're worthy of redemption, are worthy of forgiveness, are worthy of changing. I believe it's important to look at a situation from everyone's perspective, to look at an argument from both sides' point of view, not just one person's (Kenny's) perspective. Basically what I'm saying is, too often do I see some consider things from Kenny's perspective, but not from the other character's perspective.
It's funny, because a lot of this is reflected in Kenny's personality itself. I often seem to hear something like, "Who cares about the other characters and what they've been through; Kenny's clearly the most interesting since we know the most about him." It's weird because there's people acting just like Kenny did before Ben yelled him down at the end of season 1: Kenny refused to hear Ben's perspective before Ben finally stands up to him, and Kenny never even considered things from Ben's perspective, and Kenny never considered how, unlike Kenny, Ben never had a chance to even see his family let alone try to help them survive like Kenny had the chance to. Ben basically has to verbally bitch-slap Kenny in order to get the guy to see things from his own point of view.
enter link description here
And lol I couldn't find a clip without the silly bit at the end...but I figured it actually helps my argument anyway, so it all works out. XD
"Special" isn't really the word I would use to explain his prominence on the forums. "Inflammatory" or "incendiary" seems more appropriate.
You know, I think it is a miracle that this thread didn't get locked the day it was made
As soon as I saw the name of this thread I was thinking to myself "yep, this is totally getting locked"
But alas, here we are now
Stuff and nonsense!!!
When was Kenny responsible for someone else's family dying? Unless you mean Lilly/Larry?
The thing is, i think those that say "give him a break, his family just died", those feel sorry for him and the way in which he lost them all at once where as with Lilly losing Larry the way she did, the majority despised Larry and didn't care so much when he died although some may have felt sorry for Lilly but both scenarios are very different. Again i guess it's how we as players feel about these scenes and that's all that matters
I felt very bad for Lily, thats why I initially tried to help her. She loved her dad as much as Kenny loved his family, and seeing him being killed that way led to monstrous consequences in the long run, But she gets far less sympathy and undestanding in comparison.
They could be referring to people who make that kind of excuse for Kenny - being a tortured soul, having to go through things, losing people etc. for all/some of the bad things he's done but act hypocritical by blaming other characters for the bad things they've done despite them being tortured souls, having to go through things and losing people etc.
For example: Saying 'Kenny's made bad decisions but can you blame him for losing his mind if he's lost the people he cared about and love so dearly?' and then go on to saying - 'Sarah's a detriment to the group, she's lost her mind ever since Carlos died, she's a liability due to her current state of mind where she doesn't try to talk with other members of the group except Clementine' - that might be the kind of hypocrisy that sialark is talking about - where people excuse a character using 'loss' but blame other characters where the same excuse can apply. Not saying that's what the commenter meant, just my interpretation of what they mean.
The Thread only needs to be locked if it goes out of hand from the actual topic, like if people keep bringing Jane into the topic and began another argument over Jane and Kenny then the Thread should be locked if it gets out of hand or begins to derail.
This is disgusting... people are still arguing over Kenny, the most over-hyped, overrated and recycled character Telltale has ever made.
Having Clem kill him was such a relief, I'm glad he won't be back in Season 3.
Remind me, what does Kenny need to apologize for exactly?
Saving Lee's life at the drugstore when Larry tries to leave him for dead?
Saving everyone in the meat locker by killing Larry before he could turn?
Fixing the RV which saves the group when the bandits attack?
Continuing to lead the group into finding a boat even after losing his wife and son?
Helping Lee rescue Clementine even if you didn't initially get him to come with you?
Being willing to sacrifice himself to save Christa/Ben?
Taking a beating to protect Clementine?
Helping Rebecca deliver the baby even after his new girlfriend just died?
Being willing to sacrifice himself to keep Clem and AJ safe at Wellington?
Or are you just mad because he hurt your feelings?
I'm pretty sure he will, at least I hope so, I don't care if Kenny isn't my favorite character, ever character deserves to be treated as a character, not just as a thing that follows the main character around only to die and talk once every Episode
at least that's my opinion(overexaggerated, I know). I personally don't believe any character is over-hyped, overrated and the only recycled characters are the ones that got re-skins, you know those characters you look at and think "Wait, didn't you die five times earlier?".
Wait, how do you know that Larry was going to turn? There's no evidence to back this up, there wasn't even any signs that Larry was turning, so he just killed Larry in front of Lily and Clementine without even hesitating.
I don't know about you but I didn't ask Kenny to lead my group, I wanted everyone in the group to have a say and even when we agreed(the majority of the group) that we decided not to find a boat, Kenny had his way regardless. In other words, it's more of a forced leadership, at least upon some of the characters - Christa, for one.
Although the Wellington Ending brought tears to my eyes I hope I'm not the only one who was thinking "What exactly do we know about this place? What if it isn't as safe as it sounds from the rumors that are only about it's location and not about what it actually is - what type of community is it? I trust Edith but I'm not going to assume my Clementine and AJ are safe in Wellington when they came inside knowing absolutely nothing about it
Everything else you've listed, he's done good, but still doesn't negate that like every other character that's done good things, he's done allot of bad things, a good character has flaws, at least in my opinion.
I chose him because I was angry at Jane for letting Sarah die, and to be honest, I didn't want to go back to Howe's.
Ah i just also really hate jane as i think she is the worse character to grace this great game.
Fuck im glad that hot head dick died i wish i could figur out how the hell i got kenny pissed enough he made me do it. Cause i wanna do it again.
Marcost3 People are racist, or have a venndetta for imginary wrongs he committed. Idk
Same thing. Sarah's death is the biggest reason why I hate Jane so much.
Yes, the fact that the excuses for Kenny's behavior dont seem to apply to anyone else. If Kenny would take more responsibility for himself, I'd have more respect for him.
I would like to point out that Clementine found that boat on her own while Kenny was busy getting drunk.
Did you choose to not have her try to save Sarah?
I actually think Jane was a good character with a lot of nuance. She closed off to protect herself but she showed that she could be softened and learned to care for people again.
Thats his favorite activity, isnt it?
Man, that was a great moment. I wanted to put Ben on my shoulders and carry him around lol.
I personally disliked how Jane didn't want to save Sarah/was hesitant to either times but I think that blaming Jane for Sarah's death is bad, considering Clementine is the one who ultimately decides whether she lives or dies in the Trailer and whether Jane tries to save her(although Jane can save Sarah at the Observation Deck without being asked if Clementine is silent). To be honest, Jane is the reason Sarah survived at the Trailer Park if you chose to save her and she's also the only character who will actually help Sarah at the Observation Deck. I didn't like her attitude towards Sarah but I don't feel it's right to blame Jane for both of Sarah's deaths in a single episode - I blame the writers(yep, I still haven't forgotten how they laughed up Sarah's death with that IGN person >:).
I loved how influential Clementine is on Jane, we can see the influence Clementine has on her the first night she decided to 'join' the group, actually beginning to acknowledge the existence of other people in the camp - Mike even says that it's the first time he hears her speak.
Just wondering, why do you hate Jane and why do you think she is the worst character? I crave to know why people like or dislike characters, if you don't want to answer that's fine, I'm just interested to know.
1: so if you had a son you wouldnt try to help him?? K.
2: its actually proven that ppl who suffer a heart attack only have a 10 per cent chance of survival with electronic equipment and lily was doing it without any equipment and kenny had the reason in that part...
3: determinant
4: determinant
5:you re right about this and the duck part... being in denial is not a good thing...
6: no its because ben was making a deal with the bandits and instead of telling like any smart person he dint say shit
which caused a bandit attack when they found out causing duck to be bitten... lily shooting carly/doug because of the sheer pressure she was facing and katjaa s suicide for not being able to handle duck s death not that i dint want BEN TO TELL EVERYONE INSTEAD OF AN AUTOMATIC RESPONSE SAYNG: DONT SAY ANYTHING BEN... but still kenny later on forgives ben and mercy shoots him so that he doesnt become a walker ... i rest my case on the ben part
7: not really... you just need to say: she s like family ... also determinant once again
8:he doesnt even known alvin at that point .... and the other hostages carver takes is: walter who is just shot which doesnt even give time for kenny to make a decision , alvin who he doesnt known ... sarita his girlfriend and clementine who he wants to take care of
10: the fight with mike im with you that was stupid
11: determinant. also... THAT GUY TRYED TO MURDER YOU WHY ARE YOU FREAKING PROTECTING HIM i do not care what argument you pull out it still will not make sense...
12: with the argueing part he had reasons in some parts and in some not ... because having sex while your supposed to be on watch is definitely alright but pointing out he s wrong is being an asshole and an idiot
final point: on the jane part it is heavily implied she left alvin to die which was what triggered kenny s rage... also knife kill is determinant too... and while the baby was alive he was left in the car in the cold with the window open which any walker that passed would have killed him
but he was definitely wrong on the part where he suggested to not let rebecca rest which i agree with Luke 100 %
when i dont kill kenny and i dont want to stay with him i just go to wellington which is way better than howe s which was raided like 2 episodes ago...
its scientifically proven that those who suffer cardiac arrest only have a 10 % chance of survival with electronic equipment which they dint have which lowers the chances even more
i think she was a reverse molly: pretty much molly with reversed morals. Molly talks about how we shouldnt leave ppl because they re sick and jane thinks that babys and people who have diseases are liabilitys and she wanst to leave them for example: Sarah who is hinted at having some sort of anxiety disease in episode 1 by carlos and AJ who jane dint want to see being born due to he being a ´´liability´´
To survive yeah
Why did you tag me in this @sialark ? Lol
Hell yeah!!! Had no sypmathy for Carver and loved every minute (well seconds really) of his epic beatdown.
Confirmation bias, much? I tried to look it up as neutral as possible, and found several sources saying that mechanical chest compressions are no better than manual chest compressions.
However, I think you hit the nail when referring to Larry's death as a cardiac arrest, not a heart attack. Cardiac arrests are much more complicated to handle. Here is a handy guide to distinguishing between the two.
Why? . Luke and Jane having sex didnt attract the horde, plus with rebecca kind of giving birth at the time its not like they could have run away even if they had seen them beforehand. I still cant believe such a minor moment designed to be funny people wind up taking so seriously.
Luke was supposed to spot any nearby walkers. If he had spotted one, he should have gone quickly warning the group to get a move on. Jane and Luke were both idiots having a good time while there was a lady having birth of her child. Instead, Sarah did the job better than Luke.