The reasons why s2 was messy and disappointing

S2 was disappointing for many reasons and here are the three reasons why they were so disappointing
- Too many games for telltale: now a days, telltale is capable for making more than one game per year, and mostly they work. But from 2012-2014 they were growing and needed time to sort things out. People, s2 and twau were only okay because of the development process. The Teams were too small to deal with this.
- high expectations, S1 was really great that it felt like if a season 2 happend, they would basically have to either metaphorically repeat lseason 1 or totally have a different story.
- Lastly, too many writers, s2 how to many different writers, the writers were so different and they could not have a full on theme and story that every episode felt to different.
have a great day and let me know what you think
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There were years before 2012 where Telltale made multiple games a year with a staff size of 60-90 and were fine. After Walking Dead: Season 1, their games got a little bit larger and they also started delaying episodes to respond to fan feedback, but that's more to do with Telltale spending a long time on revising episodes ever since the success of Walking Dead: Season 1 than it is with Telltale spending too long on a series because they are working on multiple things at once.
Sorry but i do not agree
Well, it's fine if you don't personally agree with something, but that doesn't change the facts behind what I said.
As far back as 2008 and 2009, Telltale had years where they released multiple full-length Seasons in one year. Because the games focused on puzzles instead of cinematics, the episodes for those games were also longer at around 3-5 hours because you were solving puzzles and exploring areas instead of making choices. And, because they focused on quick episode releases back then, Seasons would conclude in around five months and not 6-11 months.
They never released seasons before 2010. Law and order legacies sucked, monkey island sucked,back to the future sucked. All games before two s1 sucked.
(Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse/Season 3 was also released in 2010, but I won't count that since you said before 2010)
enter link description here
They were not full on episodic reasons. They were much more standalone games.
. Shouldn't somebodylike you know this stuff. Proved ya wrong, old blind buddy
The second reason isn't even the game's fault
I don't understand your logic. Games like Puzzle Agent, Poker Night, etc are standalone and not episodic, but that doesn't apply to the games I listed. Telltale made several other games around that time too, but I did not list those because those were standalone titles that were not really episodic in the same sense.
How do you mean that the older games aren't episodic? I'm not asking this in a smart-alec kind of way, I actually am curious as to how you mean they aren't Seasons?
the episodes were not connected as one big game, you could play the other episodes and nothing will happen.
They weren't tailored seasons with choices and consequences because the gameplay styles were different, but despite that, the releases were still episodic and the games still count as Seasons with Episodes. The concept of Seasons wasn't invented for Walking Dead Season 1, but the concept of a tailored narrative, choice and consequence adventure was invented for Walking Dead if that is what you mean.
What i meant was, they were not seasons and more like short stories. They were so corney, that they were considered not games
Most people usually tend to think of that in the opposite way, with the older titles being actual games and the newer titles being interactive stories (not that it's a bad thing, of course). As for you thinking the older Seasons are "corny," that's fine as they weren't meant for as big of an audience, but I wouldn't really say that means they don't deserve to be called Seasons because of that.
IAre you kidding me, I did not spend my 25 dollars to have an interactive story, i paid my 25 dollars to play a game. Still don't believe a single word
What do you know, Mr Deletio.
1: They have different teams working on each game. So the number of employees or the amount of content they reach each year doesn't really affect the quality of each game.
2: Well yeah. That is kind of how the development of a sequel works. Although, I will agree the expectations were really high for Season 2 given how Season 1 was really damn good.
3: And lastly, Season 1 had multiple writers as well. The problem everyone had with Season 2 was that it had different writers.
They Had fucking three, fucking three writers. season 2 had fucking 9. They did not have big enough teams, didn't i explain that to you already in the text, were you reading it or did you just suppose i did not write that
Season 2 had five writers: Nick Breckon, Andrew Grant, Pierre Shorette, JT Petty, and Eric Stirpe. And one of those was a guest writer. (Can't remember which one.) So it had barely more than Season 1.
A guest writer, no wonder they fucking sucked. You forgot about Mark darin, the only writer that tried
Mark Darin wasn't a writer except for Starved for Help and 400 Days. The only involvement he had with Season 2 was additional design.
Well my point has been proven still, s2 had fucking 7 writers. There were only 200 people working at telltale, the multiple teams were two small.Get that into your brain.
Please calm down a little instead of making heated comments towards other people.
Also, Tales from the Borderlands and Season 1 of Walking Dead also had guest writers. Anthony Burch wrote for Tales, and Chuck Jordan wrote as a guest-writer for Season 1.
Your point hasn't been proven. Season 2 had five writers, not seven. (Even though your intitial claim was that Season 2 had 9.)
I'm just defending my claim in a mature manner. There is absolutely no need to insult me. If you wanna defend your own claims, fine. More power to ya. But do it like an adult.
And lastly, you never said in the beginning text that the teams were too small. So you're insulting me because I never caught a claim that you never even made to begin with.
I am outta here
Yes I have, look
You went back and edited it. I knew you were gonna do that, that's why I took a screenshot of the original post.
enter link description here
I personally think you don't understand what you're saying yourself lmao.
Oh wow. This.. This thread is just...
Looks like you have been put on timeout...again.
We get it Telltale forums. You didn't like season 2, so can you please stop making the same thread over and over and over again when the game was released over a year or so ago.
I also don't see why people take TelltaleRocks seriously as to have a conversation with him, let alone provide counterarguments. Most of his rebuttals boil down to " I don't believe you" and he tends to act like an ass when people do provide counterarguments. Maybe its because he can't defend his stance or his supposed knowledge about the company Telltale.Or maybe he doesn't want to have his opinion challenged, but instead accepted by others as fact.
Mr Deletio
I actually like the sound of that
You're right, considering the dumb/ignorant/retarded stuff he's said on this forum and how he acts. I don't see how people still take him seriously.
This thread... Wowser...
I just plain did not like season 2.
It was not as fun as season one. In my opinion season 1 had just the right amount of puzzles and cinema. Season was way too much cinema and not nearly enough puzzle. Besides that I just did not buy playing as clementine. Every time the group needed anything it was clementine what do you think.
Season 2 was just plain awful.
It was miles behind Season 1 in a lot of things and the writing at times was very amateurish imo. This has already been said we should start merging these threads
Even though I do agree with you, you shouldn't use that term. I've learned many take offense just sayin
Didn't Jontron get boycotted once for calling someone a "retard" on Twitter? That was hilarious XD
Here's the tweet.
Ah let them get offended