What's in store for Clementine? Season 3 Discussion.
Hello everyone, haven't been on her(e)* in a while, and I figured I'd start a thread, anyways I'll get to the point. What do you all think about Clementines progression as a character? Where do you think she will end up? What would you like to see her go through or what path she will take in the years to come? How would you like her story to progress and why? Pretty much anything and everything about Clem, and A.J., if they choose to keep him around. I'd like to see your opinions and hear your thoughts, don't be shy and don't hold back!
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But seriously, I like Clem's progression. Clem and AJ would have to find another group, I would imagine, because I can't see her taking care of AJ by herself.
Lmao! Whoops my bad! I didn't even notice
and yes there definitely has to be another group! I hope we can have a compelling and diverse cast of characters in the new season. As it is I don't see how Clem could make it alone with AJ for ,what was it? Six weeks?, already!
Lol Agreed, and hopefully they all don't die in one season. Is that asking too much?
Besides feeding and changing diapers, I don't know how Clem would know the dos and donts at her age.
Haha I know everyone except for a select few get killed off! It drives me nuts! And I agree, she must have learned a lot from Christa or something!
Oh yeah! That's true. If she did learn anything, Christa would've been the one to teach her early on. To answer one of your questions further: at Clem's age, I believe she needs one more person to be her compass. Since she is so young and with everything she's seen, she could turn dark really quick. It would be cool to see her go down that path, but have someone try to pull her back. Like Hershel was to Rick in the show.
I definitely agree with you there, I'd love to see that happen, she needs a good person to be with her to help with her morality, but if she were to lose that person it could make her turn dark a lot faster, depending on how you as the player decide to deal with that loss. I'd love to see her get attached more to certain people, and if they were to die, it'd hit us harder as a player then some of the characters of S2
I think it's almost to impossible to guess where the story is going at this point.
I'd like some diverging paths for Clem. One path where she refuses to spill human blood (in my playthrough Clem hasn't killed anyone, including Lee and the stranger) and maybe even a too far gone plotline for her.
I like that idea, those would be good, sooner or later though, she may have to kill someone. If it knows you haven't killed anyone (let choices matter) They could put Clem in a kill or be killed situation and she'd have to come to terms with taking a life. And if you've been a sadistic killer, maybe just have her go bonkers lmao.
I'd like it to be something where you choose to kill someone in episode 1 that it results in someone dying in episode 4. Or if you spare that person then in episode 4 that person doesn't die because that guy you spared was there to help. Sort of like what I thought they were going to do with Nick.
And what they did with Shel's Story in 400 days.
I'll quote my post from another thread (sorry, LOL).
Ah. double determinant characters. They are not going to last in the story for too long or their plots aren't going to be strong. The only characters that are in that status is Gill's family.
You're probably right. But I'm still hoping that Telltale incorporates it on one of their games, some day. I just like that idea so much.
I'm really hoping that Season 3 has different plot paths, perhaps even past decisions could affect each plot path in a different way? I feel like Clementine needs more progression for her character and that the people around her should notice her progression.
What I hope for. Reunion with some old friends cough Christa, cough Lilly.
Make some new friends that will last a good long while. Find an establishment to make a living and go from there.
With Lilly's return, Clementine could be the beacon of light to guide Lilly out of the depressive darkness. And later on, she and Clementine become very close friends.
Christa will continue her vow to take care of Clem (per players choice) and even help raise AJ.
Jane will have some of Clementine's attitude rub off on her, and have her rough edges polished.
Whatever dangers that come plus the hordes of lurkers, this group will face the weather.
That's what I hope for.
I agree that would be good to see
Great ideas, I agree with you. That'd would be very interesting, especially if you stayed with Kenny, Lilly would have a hard time coming to terms with her past. Until Kenny does something to save her or Clem or both of them and sacrifice himself in the process.
I like it too, there's so many ways they can take us in this season it's amazing to think about.
I absolutely love how they put different endings to Season 2 to REALLY make players go their own path, but at the same time it worries me that they might not matter that much in the end. I'm sure we'll get reassured that they'll mean a lot, but I'm just worried about it to be honest.
Clem can either be alone, at Howe's or at Wellington. There's a big difference between those places, and I don't really think Telltale would be up for multiple storylines. However, I think Telltale would probably have Episode 1 of Season 3 being based on our decision at the end of Season 2, who we're with, where we are, etc. Like, the whole episode would be based on our choice, and then Episode 2-5 would be entirely a linear narrative so everyone's back at the same point. But.. we'll see.
I hope they figure out a way to make our choices matter, as I'm worried about that, too. If they do, well, we're all gonna have to watch a ton of playthroughs to see everything, LOL.
Jacksepticeye had the Howe's with family ending. Watching him play Season Three will be interesting.
I think that'd be a good way to handle it, I definitely know they wouldn't take the time to do 5 whole episodes based off that choice, but they would merge the stories to make Clementine get to the same place by the end.
At the end of my season 2, I left Clem and AJ with Jane at Howes and I turned away the family. We just got there, after all that happened I wasn't yet ready to allow some strangers into our safe place. I was just too soon. So what I think will happen, or what I'm expecting to happen in my game, is that that little faily will try to break in or attack Clem and Jane or they may even be a part of some bigger group. Either way I think Clem and Jane will be forced away from Howes in some manner and wander out again back into the world.
Also, with the other possible endings, Clem alone with AJ or Clem and Kenny, they are out in the world, and then Clem alone at Wellington, it'll somehow fall or Clem will be kicked out back into the world. Either way, no matter how your specific Season 2 ended, Clem and AJ will be out in the world so all possible Season 2 endings will meet at one place (possibly S3E2). Other than this, I'll just have to wait and see what Telltale has come up with.
I predict the Wellington ending will follow the plot of the Jungle book 2 with Clem struggling with being all civilised now.
Yeah I got that ending too. I was tempted to turn them away just to stick with me, AJ and Jane alone but... I gave them a chance.
Can't say how TTG would do it. But were I working for TTG I'd feel compelled to address the playing as a "kid" issue that so many fans of S1 have complained here about. Maybe S3 could start with us in control of say(gulps) Mike/Bonnie/Arvo group then we could see what happed to 'em. Maybe we start as Christa/Jane or Kenny all of whom have a firey fanbase. But my fave idea would take some courage from TT! We open in unknown location in a first person view. (Kinda like after Clem was shot) We see from this view a pair of hands reach for Clem's hat and put it on! Then we here muffled calls for help! The hat bearer rushes to a good vantage point.(Still in this view point) Then the camera pans to reveal an aged 14-18 Clem gazeing in horror at an aged 4-8 AJ Being held at gun point! by (insert Michonne Mini bad guy here) this is someone Clem seems to know but just vaguely. Then we hear the sound of gun fire as we fade to the opening titles! The first thing we see after titles are the words:60 MONTHS EARLIER and heres the brave part....The next scene is Glenn reaching Atlanta and running in to Lilly! Lilly confesses all to our hero! Be grudingly Glenn lets her help him find those"friends" he mentioned After all she has been good to him. With that agreed we begin to step foward in time from here in a manner that leads us directly to the opening Scene described above.
I like this idea! It'd be very interesting to see them go back that far!
death: the inevitable demise that all life forms go through. that or:
• 404 error
• eaten by a black hole known as TTG Writers w
Lol, I don't want Clem to die!
nor do i, she is under plot armour until S3 has opened up about the protagonist situation, though. and seeing how majority of fans love her and it's easy on TTG to write her character, she'll probably live long--- and prosper.
She will survive the zombie apocalypse only to be killed by falling meteor
You should like, write a story or something.
Just saying....
Man, that sounds about right.
So like The Sims?
i dont know and i dont care about her anymore, im tired of her, she is not a strong character and lacks charisma, plus.... she is too defenseless, too young, too weak, with SOOO many limitations, I liked her in season 1 but even in there she fucked up everybody, she sold lee and the group to the stranger and never mentioned anything! omid died because of her, the only reason i liked her and tolerated her in season 2 is because i felt pity for her because of lee´s death, but thats over, she sucks as primary character. Season 2 was horrible, i didnt like none of the endings, it was really bad written, of all the games telltale has made season two was the worst! and the less enjoyable!, its not even the shadow of season 1, i just hope telltale get us another protagonist.
Well guys, now that the word is out, do any of you have any thoughts on the story so far??