
  • enter image description here

    And.....Soren's lost it...

  • Ya sure about dat? I'll take behring -- it's like a cool ring but with beh. And beh is really cool, so it's a cool-cool ring. It's boohl.

    Behind not behring

  • Jesse pls kill Olivia now...


  • Jesse walks up to Olivia with a good lookin' cookie -Totally not poisoned

    Olivia nooooo!

    Jesse pls kill Olivia now... pls

  • Quickly smacks cookie out of Jesse's hand

    Uh.. Olivia don't eat that..... (Notices Rueben moving toward the cookie)


    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Jesse walks up to Olivia with a good lookin' cookie -Totally not poisoned Olivia nooooo!

  • (Face palms)Soren,for a guy that has an IQ of about 120,you really need to study genetics and grammar more........

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Ya sure about dat? I'll take behring -- it's like a cool ring but with beh. And beh is really cool, so it's a cool-cool ring. It's boohl.

  • enter image description here

    (Face palms)Soren,for a guy that has an IQ of about 120,you really need to study genetics and grammar more........

  • edited January 2016

    Lukas walks up to cookie

    No, Lukas! Bad Lukas!

    I want that. walks up to cookie

    Quickly smacks cookie out of Jesse's hand Uh.. Olivia don't eat that..... (Notices Rueben moving toward the cookie) RUEBEN DON'T EAT THAT!!!!!!!!

  • edited February 2016

    Nuuuu, D:
    grabs cookie And throws it out of the window, like it never happend

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Lukas walks up to cookie No, Lukas! Bad Lukas! I want that. walks up to cookie

  • Gabriel: Sees a cookie on the ground 'Hmm, it must've fall out the window...' Well... If no one needs it.

    Nuuuu, grabs cookie And throws it out of the window, like it never happend

  • enter image description here

    Grammar error.I say no more.

  • burns da cookie into ashes There.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Gabriel: Sees a cookie on the ground 'Hmm, it must've fall out the window...' Well... If no one needs it.

  • Ivor: I could use these for a potion (Sees ashes)

    Ellie: OH FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!!! (Takes ashes and throws it into the end portal)

    Soren: Oh no, the Enderman!

    Ellie: (Here we go again.......)

    burns da cookie into ashes There.

  • (Holds back laughter)


  • watches as the enderman die Mkay my job is done here. :3

    Ivor: I could use these for a potion (Sees ashes) Ellie: OH FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!!! (Takes ashes and throws it into the end portal) Soren: Oh no, the Enderman! Ellie: (Here we go again.......)

  • Soren: My friends! jumpes through portal I'm coming pals!

    Ivor: I need them ashes! jumps after Soren

    Gabriel: Oh, no... Ivor wants to burn Soren to ashes! I'll save you brother! jumps after the weird duo

    Magnus' Ghost: ... Ellegaard, what the heck is happenin'?

    Ellie: Let's just say, this is more supernatural than you.

    Ivor: I could use these for a potion (Sees ashes) Ellie: OH FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!!!! (Takes ashes and throws it into the end portal) Soren: Oh no, the Enderman! Ellie: (Here we go again.......)

  • enter image description here

    (Holds back laughter) I DON'T KNOW.....BECAUSE IT'S ENTERTAINING?

  • Uh oh.. (Quickly jumps through End portal)

  • Magnus: More supernatural than me? Ha,as if!,seriously though,what the heck is going on?

    Ellie:It's a LONGGGGG...Story....

    Magnus:Well,I'm kinda

    Ellie: (Sighs) Ok,fine... (Explains every thing that happened)

    Magnus:Wow..ALL that because of a cookie?.....Y'know,I wonder why you guys even THOUGHT it was poisonous! Ha!I bet it's just a harmless cookie!

    Ellie: (Facepalms) HOW STUPID COULD I BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Jumps through portal)


    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Soren: My friends! jumpes through portal I'm coming pals! Ivor: I need them ashes! jumps after Soren Gabriel: Oh, no... Ivor wants to

  • enter image description here

    Uh oh.. (Quickly jumps through End portal)

  • Narrator: And that's how the Order of the Stone's story... Scratch that. This freakin' group's story, ended. They thought the cookie was poisonous, they went through a lot. But then, an old friend from Heaven came down and guided them through the End whispers: Get it? Huh, huh? Get... Get the, nevermind. Hold on... Magnus from Heaven... Nah, he just tormented the Devil, hmm... Oh, right. I forgot something important, where was I -- After the ghost told his friend, the great engineer, that the sweet Jesus--no, the sweet cookie of Heavens was safe to eat, she listened. How wrong she was. She went after the ashes of the sugar bomb, she and every member of her group ate it. Yeah, they ate them ashes. How can you eat cookie ash? What's this black magic?

    Magnus: Hurry up, man!

    Narrator: Imma lady!

    Magnus: B... But... B-but!

    Narrator: No butts! Pervert! Um, where was I?

    Magnus: More supernatural than me? Ha,as if!,seriously though,what the heck is going on? Ellie:It's a LONGGGGG...Story.... Magnus:Well

  • Black Magic.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Narrator: And that's how the Order of the Stone's story... Scratch that. This freakin' group's story, ended. They thought the cookie was poi

  • This story was gold 10/10

    Black Magic.

  • Man I hate typical people... They only watch MCSM content on my channel... Fine I'll grant their wish for part 4.... Imbalance viewers these days. I am not even getting any views for my hard work on editing other type of content. It's not fair

  • And the second of all my gameplay videos average is 6 VIEWS! My editing ones is around 50. And MCSM average is 200 VIEWS! What is this shit?!

  • Minecraft is not the only thing that is main on my channel Gaming is the main thing. People will think I do MCSM to get more popular which is not true AT ALL.

    And the second of all my gameplay videos average is 6 VIEWS! My editing ones is around 50. And MCSM average is 200 VIEWS! What is this shit?!

  • Sorry about being too negative about my problems. It's just that it is unfair. And people will think the otherwise when the views are getting imbalance. And they'll think I am just doing MCSM for money. Because I have a partner on YouTube... I just want to prevent that to happen.

  • Yeah, we're just gathering ideas. After we write the whole story, we can publish it and get rich! It will have a prequel and a sequel too!

    This story was gold 10/10

  • Ellie:I don't have enough creative brainpower for any more of this.. (Walks out of room)

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Yeah, we're just gathering ideas. After we write the whole story, we can publish it and get rich! It will have a prequel and a sequel too!

  • Hey,I know what you mean.........tough fans these days huh?

    Sorry about being too negative about my problems. It's just that it is unfair. And people will think the otherwise when the views are gettin

  • edited February 2016

    Hey, i wanted to say the same! xD
    No but srsly, you have 3 different fans.


    peaceful fans: appreciate what you do and just watch the thing.

    and the...8 year olds.. (you know what i mean with that one)

    Hey,I know what you mean.........tough fans these days huh?

  • (I read brainpowder) You'll see my child, you'll see -- this whole story will be an ancient history! A legend at that!

    Ellie:I don't have enough creative brainpower for any more of this.. (Walks out of room)

  • I understand, those people are idiots

    Sorry about being too negative about my problems. It's just that it is unfair. And people will think the otherwise when the views are gettin

  • Yeah.....they kinda just scream their heads off....

    I understand, those people are idiots

  • When is Episode 5 coming out!? I'm going to EXPLODE!

  • I think it's Feb 19th

    When is Episode 5 coming out!? I'm going to EXPLODE!

  • narrator walks in To put it simply....lies.
    Oh, bad timing?

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    (I read brainpowder) You'll see my child, you'll see -- this whole story will be an ancient history! A legend at that!

  • edited February 2016

    I am having too much problems commenting cause of reCaptcha please talk to me here:

  • All we can do is hope.

    I think it's Feb 19th

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