The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread




  • Teen Titans Go and Spongebob?! HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHA

    Duck_Hunt posted: »

    The kids choice awards were fucking laughable this year

  • Apparently, I'm great at "off the cuff" stuff. I just uploaded a video promoting a Kickstarter and instead of being super serious and reading off a script, I just said what came to mind while giving some info about the game. People loved it and I saw a few pledges go in as a result (I'm not sure from me or what but Imma think I did something) so I'll take as what I did was a 'good job well done!'

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited February 2016

    @Saltlick123, @Duck_Hunt, @GoldenPaladin

    DNC chairwoman says that super delegates exist to protect establishment.

    DNC lifts restrictions on lobbyist, PAC contributions

    Sooooo despite the fact that Bernie won by a huge margain in New Hampshire, he's only receiving the same number of delegates as Hillary. Why? Because the party bigwigs want Hillary to win and fuck ya'll, that's why. They also lifted restrictions on PAC / lobbyist contributions to the party, because: there's no better way to fight corporate dominance of politics than accepting their money!

    This campaign has shown me how decrepit and out-of-touch the Democratic Party is. it's all about that horse-race politics, nothing but winning matters. It's sadly hilarious that a party that prides itself on being "progressive" is doing everything in its power to nominate a candidate who's barely to the left of Jeb Bush. Even if Bernie somehow wins, the Donkeys have completely lost all legitimacy in my eyes.

    I feel incredibly stupid for believing in this party for so long. I feel stupider for investing so much time and passion into it.

  • Good job! Public speaking (video or not) is an art.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Apparently, I'm great at "off the cuff" stuff. I just uploaded a video promoting a Kickstarter and instead of being super serious and readin

  • Yeah, I heard about it, and it's bullshit.

    The problem is that these parties just wants more control over politics than the other, doesn't matter if they change anything. We've been in this situation for too long, seriously, the worst part is that they have a political monopoly. If someone a third party wiggles it's way into the big game, these two parties actually team up to keep that monopoly, it's terrible.

    The worst part is how we all buy into this. I'm constantly told that "You have to vote Democrat or Republican in the primary" and "You want to run as independent for office when you're older? That's cute. You need major party support to win." At this point, it's a god damn disrespect to politics, George Washington was right, political parties only cause a power struggle and in fighting in politics.

  • Ah, didn't see the date in the corner of the picture. When he said "were," it made me think it already happened.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    The awards haven't happened yet, that's just voting.

  • Yay, I was mentioned!

    Sooooo despite the fact that Bernie won by a huge margain in New Hampshire, he's only receiving the same number of delegates as Hillary. Why? Because the party bigwigs want Hillary to win and fuck ya'll, that's why. They also lifted restrictions on PAC / lobbyist contributions to the party, because: there's no better way to fight corporate dominance of politics than accepting their money!

    Heard about that- It was bullshit and it kinda proves with what I've said before. If I was terminally ill and had a month left, then I would seriously think about taking the bitch out (that going too far or not?)

    This campaign has shown me how decrepit and out-of-touch the Democratic Party is. it's all about that horse-race politics, nothing but winning matters. It's sadly hilarious that a party that prides itself on being "progressive" is doing everything in its power to nominate a candidate who's barely to the left of Jeb Bush. Even if Bernie somehow wins, the Donkeys have completely lost all legitimacy in my eyes.

    Really? You just have seen it that way? lol- it seems like the media wants Hillary vs Jeb when those are my bottom two candidates....Bernie isn't even a real member of the Democratic party, he's basically told the truth there and has said that if you want any chance of winning then you have to side with one of the parties (btw, the Donkeys are also known as Jackasses....)

    I feel incredibly stupid for believing in this party for so long. I feel stupider for investing so much time and passion into it.

    I'm not saying the Republicans are perfect since they're clearly not BUT I think you should feel that way if you were actually a believer in the Democrats and actually put a minute of your time into it.... However if you're still doing that stuff with Bernie then I would say keep going and keep making people aware of the corrupt/rigged election system as he's said.

  • Aaaand now my bluetooth mouse doesn't work and I can't play Fallout. There goes my weekend.

  • edited February 2016

    enter image description here

    Pyrrha died just like Achiles, with an arrow through her heel. I guess we have Jaune being burned alive to dread about. :(

    I have to wonder if Pyrrha's mother will show up Volume 4. Apparently there were supposed to be flashbacks of Pyrrha with her mother, in volume 2 while she was preparing to fight CRDL, but they cut it and would "go back to it later". Of course, now it'll only serve to hit us in the feels.

  • And I'm watching the Republican Debate- hey, they're usually entertaining :)

  • Ugh... this entire volume has been bullshit, sad and amazing. THEY WERE MAKING FUCKING HUNGRY KITTEN JOKES 11 EPISODES AGO MAN!

    I was pissed when the unrealistic theories about Roman being alive surfaced... but... I made an unrealistic theory about how Pyrrha could be alive. XD Damn this entire episode blows... I hope Jaune cuts Cinder's fucking stupid head off.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Pyrrha died just like Achiles, with an arrow through her heel. I guess we have Jaune being burned alive to dread about. I have to wonder

  • enter image description here

    Our political system is a straight up joke sometimes, I swear.

  • Trump needs to shut the fuck up.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    And I'm watching the Republican Debate- hey, they're usually entertaining

  • He and Jeb should't even be there with their bitchy attitudes, they should go have a bar fight or something and let the other 4 actually talk

    Trump needs to shut the fuck up.

  • Yeah, this Volume started off so innocently, and then we ended up getting the deaths of 3 major characters, plus a whole bunch of unnamed soldiers deaths, Yang's losing part of her arm, etc.

    Yeah, I think the main problem with those theories is how Ruby immediately killed the Grimm who ate Roman, didn't she? Well I'd like to hear your own theory. I've already seen some theories floating around. Honestly wouldn't mind if she was indeed alive, even if it was kind of an asspull. I mean, Pyrrha always had some death flags, so maybe this all just a Hideo Kojima styled ruse. (I'm still in denial)

    Jaune should stab her right through her chest with either one of her own fucking arrows (that would be sweet imo) or Crocea Mors, before beheading her or just drive the sword through her skull or both.

    Ugh... this entire volume has been bullshit, sad and amazing. THEY WERE MAKING FUCKING HUNGRY KITTEN JOKES 11 EPISODES AGO MAN! I was pis

  • I'm hoping for Bernie to win the Democratic Party, though I think Hillary will pull out her "woman president" bullshit and feminists everywhere will vote for her, sadly. In the Republican Party, I'm rooting for either Rubio or Carson, though sadly I think Trump will win it.

  • Private universities and backpacks apparently are the same price from how that Ted Cruz look-a-like put it!

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    And I'm watching the Republican Debate- hey, they're usually entertaining

  • I'm hoping for Bernie to win the Democratic Party, though I think Hillary will pull out her "woman president" bullshit and feminists everywhere will vote for her, sadly. In the Republican Party, I'm rooting for either Rubio or Carson, though sadly I think Trump will win it.

    OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH, someone who finally agrees with me!

    enter image description here

    CunningFox posted: »

    I'm hoping for Bernie to win the Democratic Party, though I think Hillary will pull out her "woman president" bullshit and feminists everywh

  • I'm always so lonely whenever I talk to my friends about politics and they just give me that 'the fuck are you talking about' look.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I'm hoping for Bernie to win the Democratic Party, though I think Hillary will pull out her "woman president" bullshit and feminists everywh

  • Well I'd like to hear your own theory.

    I feel like Emerald saved her. Because it definitely seems like Em was reaching guilty traitor status. My idea was that she showed up just in time, Saw what Cinder was doing, and put her under an illusion to save Pyrrha. Meanwhile, Emerald also studied each character's bio at the beginning of the year. Emerald showed up, tried to save Pyrrha, remembered Ruby's silver eyes and knew that she could stop this, and put an illusion over her as well, making her see Pyrrha die. Either that, or a warping arrow which she could have used on Ozpin as well to teleport both of them to Salem.

    Jaune should stab her right through her chest with either one of her own fucking arrows (that would be sweet imo) or Crocea Mors, before beheading her or just drive the sword through her skull or both.

    Eh, I'd like to see Cinder ready to kill Ruby, she exclaims "I AM CINDER FALL!", Jaune shows up behind her, he says, "Cinder, eh? Hello, My name is Jaune Arc. You killed my Pyrrha. Prepare to die." and slices her head off. (Sorry, I was watching Princess Bride a few hours ago.)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeah, this Volume started off so innocently, and then we ended up getting the deaths of 3 major characters, plus a whole bunch of unnamed so

  • Well my problem is that a lot of my friends are liberal and they're really pro-Bernie and a few of them are for Hillary and then they'll rant on about stuff...

    I just want to see Bernie beat out Hillary but for the Republicans I would LOVE to see Rubio or Carson as the nominee

    CunningFox posted: »

    I'm always so lonely whenever I talk to my friends about politics and they just give me that 'the fuck are you talking about' look.

  • I think I'd rather have a friend who's pro-Hillary and argue with them over politics then no one to talk to about politics at all. It's a sad world I live in. I would LOVE for the presidential race to be Bernie vs. Rubio or Carson, but sadly, I think that feminists who crazily worship Hillary will end up winning her the Democratic Party, and all the racist Trump supporters out there will support Trump to the death and he'll win the Republican Party, and then we'll get the infamous Hillary vs. Trump argument and the political world will be hell if either of them become President. The political world today is pretty fucked up.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well my problem is that a lot of my friends are liberal and they're really pro-Bernie and a few of them are for Hillary and then they'll ran

  • edited February 2016

    Finally got silver on Melee ranked, been a goal of mine for a few weeks now, wooo! \^0^/

    enter image description here

  • edited February 2016

    Good point about Em possibly saving Pyrrha and making Cinder and Ruby hallucinate Pyrrha's death; in order to make Ruby go berserk. We didn't see her this episode, and unlike Cinder and Mercury, it looked like she really did feel guilty about all the chaos and destruction they caused. Alternatively, Cinder could've used a different kind of arrow to teleport Pyrrha to Salem, who would probably find a way of brainwashing her into becoming one of her pawns. It's not like weapons can't be used for teleportation, at least I think that's what Raven did.

    That would be grand. Cinder letting her guard down and getting killed because of it would be fitting imo. I do hope Jaune doesn't lose his mind in his desire for revenge.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Volume 4 does take longer to come out, since the main characters are all split up, with JRRN (Journey, that's what I saw some calling them) travelling to Mistral, with Qrow keeping an eye on them, Weiss in Atlas, Blake and Glynda in Vale and Yang in Patch.

    Well I'd like to hear your own theory. I feel like Emerald saved her. Because it definitely seems like Em was reaching guilty traito

  • I think I'd rather have a friend who's pro-Hillary and argue with them over politics then no one to talk to about politics at all

    I'm fine with most of my friends liking Bernie because we can at least relate about how much we despise Hillary and then go on to talk about something else. With Hillary supporters, trust me, Hillary supporters are practically satan-worshipers, they are so hard to talk to and the shit they spew out is unbelievable and the ones I know are so unwilling to even listen to others opinions and they're crazy, lying, bitches who just happen to be pretty ugly slobs inside and out and claim to be bi or pan-sexual when they don't even know what the term means but want to get attention. I do have a few friends who actually support Hillary and are decent people but like the psychotic ones I know , they can't put up a good argument.

    It's a sad world I live in.

    Sorry :(

    I would LOVE for the presidential race to be Bernie vs. Rubio or Carson, but sadly, I think that feminists who crazily worship Hillary will end up winning her the Democratic Party, and all the racist Trump supporters out there will support Trump to the death and he'll win the Republican Party, and then we'll get the infamous Hillary vs. Trump argument and the political world will be hell if either of them become President. The political world today is pretty fucked up.

    Same, I would love to see Bernie vs Rubio/Carson but it looks like none of them will get the nomination but we can at least hope. The thing is with Trump though, he won't win- Hillary will crush him and Trump's been a liberal most of his life, Hillary and Bill were even at his most recent wedding and they were all laughing together! Honestly, I would't be surprised if Hillary and Trump are working together. True though, the political world does suck right now.

    CunningFox posted: »

    I think I'd rather have a friend who's pro-Hillary and argue with them over politics then no one to talk to about politics at all. It's a sa

  • Journey! That's the perfect fucking name! Why didn't I think of that?! I was thinking JNRR, for Juinor!

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Good point about Em possibly saving Pyrrha and making Cinder and Ruby hallucinate Pyrrha's death; in order to make Ruby go berserk. We didn'

  • ....Why aren't you using the reply button?

    (maybe he wanted to)

    ....Why are you voting on Kids Choice Awards?

  • I agree with you on Hillary supporters, they all can't back up their statements and their only real reasoning behind supporting her is because Hillary's a woman, which really shouldn't matter. And yes, if we do get Trump vs. Hillary, Trump won't win and then Hillary would become President. And about the whole Trump and Hillary working together, I wouldn't really be surprised. Most of the politicians running for President right now are arrogant assholes who spout lies to the media just so they can get elected and they aren't genuine, and the few who are genuine will most likely not win their respective parties.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I think I'd rather have a friend who's pro-Hillary and argue with them over politics then no one to talk to about politics at all I'

  • I'm guessing that is a tournament type-event for Melee? I haven't heard of it.

    Green613 posted: »

    Finally got silver on Melee ranked, been a goal of mine for a few weeks now, wooo! \^0^/

  • It could be a screencap he found from someone else.

    ....Why are you voting on Kids Choice Awards?

  • I was thinking of RNJR for Ranger, but then I saw some users on the RWBY wiki forums call it JRRN and it just seemed super fitting, since they are in for a long journey that'll probably be filled with feels.

    Journey! That's the perfect fucking name! Why didn't I think of that?! I was thinking JNRR, for Juinor!

  • I'm still pissed off at Burnie for the ending to Season 13 of RvB, so he can straight piss off for giving us 4 lines as Tai after a finale like this shit.

    Reconn posted: »

    At least we got this!

  • So you're mad at Burnie for something that Miles wrote?

    I'm still pissed off at Burnie for the ending to Season 13 of RvB, so he can straight piss off for giving us 4 lines as Tai after a finale like this shit.

  • RIP Justice Antonin Scalia. A girl's grandfather I go to school with is his first cousin, so my condolences to the family.

  • It is so weird to watch a Walking Dead episode and only recognize two characters , Maggie and Glenn.
    I literally have no idea where in the hell Rick and Carl are.

  • According to the Wiki, he's the creator of the show, as well as a writer for Season 13 and the creator of Season 13. And I'm already pissed the fuck off at Miles, so I'd say it's a win-win.

    Reconn posted: »

    So you're mad at Burnie for something that Miles wrote?

  • It's an online ranked ladder for any smash game, if you don't have people to play around you (or people that aren't that good to play with) or for the games that already have online, if you don't think For Glory is cutting it. Here's a link if you wanna check it out

    I'm guessing that is a tournament type-event for Melee? I haven't heard of it.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    According to the movie Ghostbusters 2 the world is supposed to end today :O

    enter link description here

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