The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • You're reminding me of someone... Oh right, me. :)

  • Yay, happy end of the world! Fuck everyone.

    enter image description here

    OzzyUK posted: »

    According to the movie Ghostbusters 2 the world is supposed to end today :O enter link description here

  • He will be missed by his friends and family,..and certainly not by me! :D

    RIP Justice Antonin Scalia. A girl's grandfather I go to school with is his first cousin, so my condolences to the family.

  • The problem is that these parties just wants more control over politics than the other, doesn't matter if they change anything. We've been in this situation for too long, seriously, the worst part is that they have a political monopoly. If someone a third party wiggles it's way into the big game, these two parties actually team up to keep that monopoly, it's terrible.

    Yup. "Workers rights? Universal Health Care? That's just DIVISIVE! We need to focus on beating the Republicans!" Bitch you've become the Republicans.

    The worst part is how we all buy into this. I'm constantly told that "You have to vote Democrat or Republican in the primary" and "You want to run as independent for office when you're older? That's cute. You need major party support to win." At this point, it's a god damn disrespect to politics, George Washington was right, political parties only cause a power struggle and in fighting in politics.

    Yeah I was raised on the same dogma, but it's really starting to crack. Candidates like Beenie, Trump and even Kaisich don't fit the mold of their parties. Combine that with the fact that so many voters are independent. Something's gotta give.

    The way I see it, we need at least four parties.

    1. A leftist/Social Democratic party. (Bernie, Elizabeth Warren)
    2. A pro-business, Liberal party. (Clinton, Obama, Kaisich)
    3. A Social-Conservative party. (Huckabee, Palin, other morons)
    4. A Libertarian/Constitutionalist party. (Brought to you by Koch Industries)

    Yeah, I heard about it, and it's bullshit. The problem is that these parties just wants more control over politics than the other, doesn'

  • Heard about that- It was bullshit and it kinda proves with what I've said before. If I was terminally ill and had a month left, then I would seriously

    Yeah, a bit too far. Welcome to the terrorist watchlist.

    Really? You just have seen it that way? lol-

    Yes, I was a bit apologist toward a party that I've been involved with since before my balls completely dropped. Forgive me.

    it seems like the media wants Hillary vs Jeb when those are my bottom two candidates....

    They want Jeb to win? Well they're doing a shit job of helping him.

    I'm not saying the Republicans are perfect since they're clearly not BUT I think you should feel that way if you were actually a believer in the Democrats and actually put a minute of your time into it....

    At least you dopes get a fun civil war.

    However if you're still doing that stuff with Bernie then I would say keep going and keep making people aware of the corrupt/rigged election system as he's said.

    i intend to, though the message doesn't exactly catch on in Central Florida. This is Trump country.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Yay, I was mentioned! Sooooo despite the fact that Bernie won by a huge margain in New Hampshire, he's only receiving the same number

  • Did you have to add that part at the end ? Especially the happy face

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    He will be missed by his friends and family,..and certainly not by me!

  • Yeah, a bit too far. Welcome to the terrorist watchlist.

    Meh, I'm already on it for that whole Larry incident :P

    Yes, I was a bit apologist toward a party that I've been involved with since before my balls completely dropped. Forgive me.


    They want Jeb to win? Well they're doing a shit job of helping him.

    Seems like that they want him more than the other candidates: even when Jeb was nearly in last they covered him A LOT on the news, I think the media wants Hillary vs Jeb with Hillary crushing him.

    At least you dopes get a fun civil war.


    i intend to, though the message doesn't exactly catch on in Central Florida. This is Trump country.

    Oh... good luck lol

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Heard about that- It was bullshit and it kinda proves with what I've said before. If I was terminally ill and had a month left, then I would

  • edited February 2016

    The vast majority of feminists I know, including myself, support Bernie.

    CunningFox posted: »

    I'm hoping for Bernie to win the Democratic Party, though I think Hillary will pull out her "woman president" bullshit and feminists everywh

  • If that is true, then I am speaking about the crazed femiNazis who support Hillary, which may or may not be a lot of people. Sorry.

    Flog61 posted: »

    The vast majority of feminists I know, including myself, support Bernie.

  • Absolutely.

    Did you have to add that part at the end ? Especially the happy face

  • Oh...I thought I did. Maybe that's why he never responded...

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    ....Why aren't you using the reply button? (maybe he wanted to)

  • It ended this summer, actually.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Didn't Phineas and Ferb end years ago?

  • i voted because

    1. For the hell of it
    2. To see how bad nick would fuck it up

    ....Why are you voting on Kids Choice Awards?

  • According to the Wiki, he's the creator of the show, as well as a writer for Season 13 and the creator of Season 13. And I'm already pissed the fuck off at Miles, so I'd say it's a win-win.

  • aw you. <3

    enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »


  • (✿ ♥‿♥)

    RockMySocks posted: »

    aw you.

  • @freelancepolicefan11

    Nice Valentine's Day avatar! :P

  • Thank you!~

    @freelancepolicefan11 Nice Valentine's Day avatar! :P

  • Shit... Well... fuck Miles.

    Reconn posted: »

    Nope it's just Miles.

  • When you look at your profile and see that most if not all of your last posts have been about politics lol

    enter image description here

  • Fire calls are made more interesting when it involves dragging a cow out of the road.


  • Haven't seen the new season yet. I don't have cable, only Hulu and Netflix ... just finished season 5.

    It is so weird to watch a Walking Dead episode and only recognize two characters , Maggie and Glenn. I literally have no idea where in the hell Rick and Carl are.

  • The Michonne preview airs in less than a half hour from now (7:30 pm PST) if you guys wanna chat over at the Walking Dead forums.

  • JonTron just released this minutes ago, words can not express how awesome this is O.O

    enter link description here

  • [sheds a sole tear]

    ZapThroat posted: »

    JonTron just released this minutes ago, words can not express how awesome this is O.O enter link description here

  • enter image description hereIt's not Valentine's day without Yandere - Chan....

  • Okay.

    @Eryka Backhand me bby

  • edited February 2016

    So the right wing party in control of Britain just made it illegal for councils or student unions to condemn Israel, which is terrible. People act like left wingers are the people trying to impose censorship all the time, this puts egg on the face of that.

  • edited February 2016

    So first proper trailer for Season 2 of Dardevil was released. Can't wait for this.

    Daredevil Season 2

  • Well... thats not quite true is it? They've just said that public institutions using public money cant be used to boycott the purchase of products, they aren't censoring anything. Individual people can boycott all they want. And they havnt said anything about people condemning israel.

    Flog61 posted: »

    So the right wing party in control of Britain just made it illegal for councils or student unions to condemn Israel, which is terrible. Peop

  • edited February 2016

    Fire emblem fates this friday!!#!!!!!!!/#!^&!!!!!

    So excited. Just finished Awakening :). Though I am sick of people complaining about the localized version. They hardly changed anything and ppl are still going crazy

  • I wish Nintendo of Europe would announce a release date for Fates over here. Still, I hope you enjoy Fates.

    As far as I know, they only censored the skinship thing and you can no longer rub character's faces, aside from your avatar's wife/husband occasionally. I'm not even bothered by that.

    Fire emblem fates this friday!!#!!!!!!!/#!^&!!!!! So excited. Just finished Awakening . Though I am sick of people complaining about the localized version. They hardly changed anything and ppl are still going crazy

  • edited February 2016

    The motivation behidn it was to prevent criticism of israel, though: they feel boycotts “undermine good community relations, poison and polarise debate, and fuel antisemitism”". If the unions were supporting israel they wouldn't have made this law.

    There is no reason why democratic student unions should be prevented from expressing an opinion.

    Also the Tory party has massive connections to Israel - over 50% are members of the Conservative Friends of Israel group (CFI) which is described as “beyond doubt the most well-connected and probably the best funded of all Westminster lobbying groups", and Israeli press groups have described Cameron as the most pro-Israel prime minister the UK's ever had. This doesn't seem particularly coincidental.

    Well... thats not quite true is it? They've just said that public institutions using public money cant be used to boycott the purchase of pr

  • edited February 2016

    That may be. I was just saying your original post was incorrect, regardless it is a pointless piece of legislation that helps no one, If student unions are effected and for some reason someone cares the union can just claim they are choosing another product for any other reason.

    Flog61 posted: »

    The motivation behidn it was to prevent criticism of israel, though: they feel boycotts “undermine good community relations, poison and pola

  • "Small government"

    Flog61 posted: »

    So the right wing party in control of Britain just made it illegal for councils or student unions to condemn Israel, which is terrible. Peop

  • edited February 2016

    Jeez Europe still doesn't have a release date? That sucks :/. And yeah the only real thing they changed is that you can't rub characters now. Which I am fine with since that mini game was weird anyways. Apparently you still get most of the dialogue anyways. I think the one other thing they may have changed and it hasn't even been 100% confirmed yet is that they took out swimsuits

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I wish Nintendo of Europe would announce a release date for Fates over here. Still, I hope you enjoy Fates. As far as I know, they only c

  • They made it illegal for them to condemn israel so it's not really incorrect?

    That may be. I was just saying your original post was incorrect, regardless it is a pointless piece of legislation that helps no one, If stu

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