Clementine as Playable Character

edited February 2016 in The Walking Dead

What do you guys think about playing as Clementine? I actually like the fact that clementine is badA and find it funny that everyone depends on her all the time. There are some arguments of whether or not playing as Clementine is a good or bad idea. What do you guys think? Do you guys think it would be a good idea for us to choose the playable character at the start of the game?


  • A thing that just doesn't work for me. Playing as a little girl during a zombie apocalypse was one thing that I hated about Season 2 and TLOU for that matter. Her as an NPC in Season 1 worked because she played a major part in Lee's internal conflict and character reformation from former convicted murderer to caretaker/father figure.

  • I believe playing as Clementine could still work successfully, but only if Telltale manages to do it correctly in Season 3. She might be 12 or 13 in the next game, but she will still be considered a kid by the rest of the survivors, even if they're teenagers.

    We need it to play out realistically. There have to be a couple of situations in which she needs help precisely because she is still so young. Instead of having her make the calls which affect the whole group —such as when to leave the Civil War area— we need to make more decisions which can only be made by Clem. Some of them being who to sit next to, whether she wants to become friends with Sarah and whether to cut off Sarita's arm (as Clem was the only one available to help Sarita at the moment).

  • I really prefer to play as Lee over Clem. For me I get attached to adult characters more then child characters. So yes it would be nice if we get multiple protagonists or maybe we could choose who to play as.

  • Playing as Clem was so lame. I hope they put it out there to give you a better connection to her, and will move on to someone else to play.

  • edited February 2016

    Yeah I at times felt the game series would had made more logic had they passed the player character to whoever Lee felt would be best guardian for Clementina like either playing as Omid or Christa and even possibly alternating between the two at different points throughout the second season while going through everything with Clementine, cabin group and Carver's camp.

  • But if we took away most of the choices, wouldn't that result in the game having less of an RPG feeling? Because then, decisions would no longer be up to us any more really.

    I believe playing as Clementine could still work successfully, but only if Telltale manages to do it correctly in Season 3. She might be 12

  • Ok, since we're on the logic topic, it's a game about zombies. What logic is that? Lol.

  • I'm thinking there is a very slim chance-- yet still a chance-- that we will play as Kenny/Jane. I would personally, love to do that.

    Kennyftw posted: »

    Playing as Clem was so lame. I hope they put it out there to give you a better connection to her, and will move on to someone else to play.

  • The third season should totally keep the big five choices per episode! What I said is that the choices we have to make should change. At times, doesn't it feel out of place that the decisions an 11-year-old makes, have consequences to the extreme of causing people to die, at least without a logical explanation? Let's talk a little bit about the Walter subplot in "A House Divided", and what I'd change so that it flows naturally.

    Luke is the one who wants to tell Walter the truth, as he believes that it'll be better to tell him than have him find out by himself, but Nick doesn't want Walter to know, in fear that he will be killed.

    Minutes later, Clem and Luke are doing some work, moving some boxes and whatnot, and Clem's arms get sore. She can keep going, and Luke will go and talk to Walter before he find the MW knife, and thus, Nick won't die, as Walter will save him. Or, Clem can ask Luke for help, so Luke won't be able to talk to Walter until after he has found the knife. Walter will then let Nick be eaten by a walker.

    What do you think? I'm not asking for opinions about this precise change, but rather about the idea of having choices like this, which to me, make more sense.

    Kenny111 posted: »

    But if we took away most of the choices, wouldn't that result in the game having less of an RPG feeling? Because then, decisions would no longer be up to us any more really.

  • NO MORE CLEMENTINE AS A PLAYABLE CHARACTER!!! im tired of her, lets face it! she is child!!! too defenseless, too young, too weak, with SOOO many limitations, without charisma!!! i dont know what was telltale thinking when they put clem as the playable character in a world where EVERYBODY (even weak adults) can take advantage of it, even if telltale skip time AGAIN!!! no matter how many years they give her, it will be all the same, she will still be a little child. I liked her in season 1 but even in there she fucked up everybody, (everyone its gonna hate me for this but.... its the thruth) did you all forget lee died because of her!!! i see a lot of discussions where everyone blames kenny for take the stranger´s supplies or ben for betray the group, but everyone is forgetting it was all clementines fault too, she sold lee and the group to the stranger and never mentioned anything, omid died because of her, the only reason i liked her in season 2 is because i felt pity for her because of lee´s death and i´m sure many think the same, nothing more, she sucks as primary character

  • I'd prefer that over her big time.

    Kenny111 posted: »

    I'm thinking there is a very slim chance-- yet still a chance-- that we will play as Kenny/Jane. I would personally, love to do that.

  • I've always believed that Telltale's TWD has always been Clementine's story and to continue her journey through the ZA will be a welcome idea in my eyes. We're watching her grow up and shape her personality as we play through the seasons. To abandon that and switch over to a new character would make everything we've done seem pointless. I know the ZA still continues after the events of S2, so why not explore more of Clem's life.

  • To each his own. But did playing as Lee make it not about Clementine? People who say it's Clementine's story always argue that season 1 was her story. So playing as someone else while protecting her is still her story, just from another perspective.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I've always believed that Telltale's TWD has always been Clementine's story and to continue her journey through the ZA will be a welcome ide

  • I love Clementine as a character and I enjoyed playing as her because its so different fromthe typical game protagonist. I just wanted them to do more with her, really see the struggle that a tiny girl alone would go through. Thats why I was so unhappy when the focus was taken off her.

  • Lee is definitely the main character in S1 and he has his story, but it's so entangled with Clementine's story that our desicions as him affect her so much in the game we mind as well be controlling her too. Just in TT own clever way. S1 made it feel like it's the beggining of her story and the end of his.

    Kennyftw posted: »

    To each his own. But did playing as Lee make it not about Clementine? People who say it's Clementine's story always argue that season 1 wa

  • I guess.... But I think for the majority of people out there that liked Season 1 more than Season 2 had to do with playing someone that wasn't Clementine.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Lee is definitely the main character in S1 and he has his story, but it's so entangled with Clementine's story that our desicions as him aff

  • I'd say most likely horror fantasy logic, such as the likes of vampires and werewolves.

    Kenny111 posted: »

    Ok, since we're on the logic topic, it's a game about zombies. What logic is that? Lol.

  • edited February 2016

    Personally, I was not a fan of playing as Clementine. The things that they had Clementine doing in season 2, to me, just didn't seem realistic, and felt more like the actions you would expect from an adult character. I hope that in Season 3, we get to play as an adult character!

    Clementine's character to me felt way too outspoken, and the fact that they had her being depended upon by everyone else in the group, just didn't feel realistic. I mean after all, what adult is going to listen to an 11 year old kid, when it comes to surviving?

  • Imagine how fun it would be to play a videogame where you literally do nothing but sit around and wait for everyone else to make decisions for you.

  • edited February 2016

    Yeah. that's the thing that I personally hated about Season Two. A bunch of 30 y.o. guys have to ask an 11 y.o. girl for advice on every matter.

    It's a game, I get it - the player must be in control but it really looks off. She must be at least a teenager in Season Three and even that is still meh. But after everything she went through it would make sense for people to follow her even if she's a teen.

  • No, I'm saying you're talking about logic in a game with an unlogical plot. Most things with unlogical plots normally have logical errors.

  • This is what I call a game that isn't an RPG.

    Clem4S3 posted: »

    Imagine how fun it would be to play a videogame where you literally do nothing but sit around and wait for everyone else to make decisions for you.

  • Please do not make Clementine the playable character. I hated playing as a child. Dumbest thing they ever did.

  • Yeah, it didn't really work that well, either late teens/early adult Clem for season 3 or new adult protagonist.

  • I love clementine i cry a lot on both seasons i want season 3 with clementine protagonist she is cute strong smart and amazing character i want see the end of clementine good or bad on season 3 no other character protagonist on season 3 please telltale

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