'The Next World' Episode Discussion



  • It's more than a feeling.

    I just thought of something, does anyone else think Enid may take the role of Sophie in the TV show?


    enter image description here

    also jesus is cool kind of a dick but awesome 10/10 igngameinformer

    enter image description here

    In all seriousness, It was an awesome episode, perfect pacing, amazing story telling, emotional moments, and Jesus, Mary and fucking Joseph, IT'S JEEEEEEEEESUS! (He's a dick though, but he at least looks accurate to the comics) And all of that Richonne just damn. 9/10.

  • Can someone screenshot Jesus.. I can't spot the Jesus at the end..

  • I'm not a fan of Rick and Michonne getting together. Though I suspected that that's the direction the writers were gonna go with back in Season 4, I wasn't in favor of it. Don't get me wrong, I think that Michonne is a good character, but I just don't see her and Rick together. Personally, I always thought that Michonne should've been the one to die, instead of Andrea.

    As I said in a previous comment on another thread, I always felt that Andrea deserved a shot at redemption, after all the stupid shit she did in Season 2. And after falling under the spell of the Governor, and then finally seeing him for what he really was, I wanted see Andrea come back into the group as a stronger, more wiser character.

    I honestly feel that Andrea's character was wasted. I feel that she had so much potential, but that the writers squandered it. I think Michonne should die, but go out guns-blazing. Plus I think it would be highly interesting to see what such a loss would have on Rick, especially given that he just recently lost Jesse.

  • Rick and Michonne together? Did not see that coming, not sure what to feel about it.

  • That was way way way more than I expected us to get this soon. Im still freaking out, but its a happy freak out. Ive been shipping Richonne since season three when she found Rick and Carl after the Governor massacre. Ive always wanted her, Rick, Carl and Judith to be a family and I suspected they she was going to take Andrea's place from the comic, but the two of them jumping out of bed naked together, did not see that happening.

    The stuff with Jesus, I loved every minute of it. It was pure comedy. In spite of where I think things are going with him based on the comic, I like him already and I kind of want to keep him.

  • I knew it was going to hapoen but not this soon.

    Chris_93 posted: »

    Rick and Michonne together? Did not see that coming, not sure what to feel about it.

  • edited February 2016

    I did the same. I was watching it this morning, eating a piece of toast and I almost choked. Im not a super shipper but I have wanted this for so long. And it was hot too. I was afraid they might be awkward but they werent. Now I can go to work with a smile on my face.

    prink34320 posted: »

    YESSS YESSS YESSS YESSS YESSS RICHONNE IS REAL!!!! I'VE NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY ABOUT A TV SHOW IN MY LIFE!!!! WHAT'S GOING ON?!?!!?!?!?!?!?! I love this episode, I love all the character development, I cried, laughed and screamed like a fangirl!!!!

  • edited February 2016


    enter image description here

    Also still don't know about Jesus~ I don't read the comics so I'm interested to know what his character is like :3

  • I was going, "Wait...are they gonna...oh my god...are they...OHMYGOD...it's happening!!!!"

    I seriously did not believe they were going to move that fast, but I guess Gimple was like, lets get this show on the road, people. Theres so much story left to tell. Lets do it.

    prink34320 posted: »

    As soon as they put their hands together I started slowly saying Yes over and over again, so much excitement for this scene xD

  • Oh hell yeah.

    Green613 posted: »

    that rick booty at the end of the episode was straight up the hottest thing ive seen in twd BY FAR

  • Does it happen in the comics?

    KCohere posted: »

    I knew it was going to hapoen but not this soon.

  • He was a jerk at first in the comics too. Its later when he becomes a full friend.


  • edited February 2016

    I doubt it. Rickshone is his 3rd love which is supposed to be his last. That and the fact she basically became Carl's adopted mother since season 4.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I'm not a fan of Rick and Michonne getting together. Though I suspected that that's the direction the writers were gonna go with back in Sea

  • No. Rick ends up with Andrea (she was way different) and Michonne ends up with Morgan (though comics Morgan was still crazy and never really became cool)

    Chris_93 posted: »

    Does it happen in the comics?

  • No, but Rick and Andrea got together instead. That can't happen in the show, for obvious reasons.

    Chris_93 posted: »

    Does it happen in the comics?

  • edited February 2016

    Well you're seeing hints of it. The next episode should reveal a lot more.

    RICHONNE IS REAL Also still don't know about Jesus~ I don't read the comics so I'm interested to know what his character is like

  • Like the others said, he gets with Andrea in the comic but I think they have been telegraphing Mich taking the Andrea role for awhile.

    Chris_93 posted: »

    Does it happen in the comics?

  • Was jesus even knocked out or was he faking?

  • I'm aware of this, I'm simply stating that he is indeed a dick. XD

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    He was a jerk at first in the comics too. Its later when he becomes a full friend.

  • Maybe they'll use Rosita? That would work, since both Rosita and Ezekiel were beheaded by Alpha.

  • Let's count. Like this comment if you're pissed because of Jesus not being Monroe.

  • Remember, Rosita and Eugene were a couple in the comics. Since Tara is with Denise, Rosita is the only real option for him. I'm thinking maybe Michonne will cheat on Rick with Ezekiel, and that'll be why she leaves with Pete at the end of All Out War. Well, we can only wait and see.


    JESUS ASWELL!!!! But he's not Monroe for some reason....

  • Indeed. But he'll get better.....to the group.

    I'm aware of this, I'm simply stating that he is indeed a dick. XD

  • Also last week I had speculation that Jesus would appear this episode. I was right!!

  • I am so hyped for next ep (comics fans know why)

  • Possibly faking. It will probably be clear next ep or the following.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Was jesus even knocked out or was he faking?

  • edited February 2016

    Im so glad Andrea died her character was just irredeemable at that point, all potential was gone. I think Michonne's actress is way better to be honest in addition to the writing.

    Also we've seen rick go through loss with Lori. I dont see why we need to see that again

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I'm not a fan of Rick and Michonne getting together. Though I suspected that that's the direction the writers were gonna go with back in Sea

  • Hes not Monroe to avoid mistaking him for Spencer when they say 'Monroe' in any future scene.

    FINALLY RICK AND MICHONNE! JESUS ASWELL!!!! But he's not Monroe for some reason....

  • edited February 2016

    That makes 4 of us :)

    Edit: 7 of us.

    Also last week I had speculation that Jesus would appear this episode. I was right!!

  • I dont get why this is an issue? Its his last name? Also seeing as its deanna's last name as well its probably why they changed it

    Let's count. Like this comment if you're pissed because of Jesus not being Monroe.

  • Ah yeah I forgot about that.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hes not Monroe to avoid mistaking him for Spencer when they say 'Monroe' in any future scene.

  • can't be much development if he makes the same decision three years later. its a cheap way to add emotion to the story.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Carl takes that phylosophy from killing his mom. Its a full circle for a 3 year character development.

  • Lool, the ending was hilarious, first time I have laughed to The Walking Dead.

  • what abouT ezekiel

  • No its not. Its a character accepting something he doubted in his life as the best. Going as far as to help another.

    Washing it off like you are usualy means you WANT to see it that way regardles. I'm guessing you just felt the side story for this ep was dumb. Ok thats fine we all have our own opinions but i think its not cheap if they actually cared enough to go back all those season to connect it to that.

    can't be much development if he makes the same decision three years later. its a cheap way to add emotion to the story.

  • Sasha?

    what abouT ezekiel

  • RICHONNE! Like it but still feel they should have gone there years ago! Now it just feels sorta forced to me! A swerve the swerve kind of thing, if you will. Dear walking dead writers if Michonne winds up dying( in child birth) due to a zombie, still born Rick baby.......WE RIOT! Or not cause honestly that's heartbreaking and so walking dead that well, put an extra hole in your belt an buckle in! #RICHONNEMUSTLIVE (NOT A REAL # BUT SOMEONE SHOULD START IT). Followed swiftly by #RICHONNEMUSTDIE (BECAUSE THE INTERNET....duh). Rant over!

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