Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • They could've or just Telltale being themselves reused the model, it's not like it's the only crossbow in existence.

    Indeed, but the dairy does fall apart, so I imagine the bandits loot it.

  • Just a quick heads up to spoiler tag your comments for a few days after an episode release.

    Thanks guys!

  • Good idea! …that means we can point out details from the Michonne Miniseries already?

    Just a quick heads up to spoiler tag your comments for a few days after an episode release. Thanks guys!

  • enter image description here

    The juice box for ep2 of Michone or RIOT.

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    BANANG. Brilliant brilliant brilliant.

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    Dying light easter egg.

    The juice box for ep2 of Michone or RIOT.

  • edited February 2016

    As a kid, Michonne used to have Mary Lillie's Peaches and Beans, which come in a can with a farmer girl drawing. Back in "A House Divided", Alvin and Walter commented on how said girl looked similar to Clementine.

    This also shows that there was a company selling a mix of peaches and beans in The Walking Dead universe.

    Edit: Spoiler tag.

    Edit 2: Looks like @ClementineTheGirl had beat me. Sorry!

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  • Yes, but please use spoiler tags.

    Good idea! …that means we can point out details from the Michonne Miniseries already?

  • edited February 2016

    So someone had the conscious idea to mix peaches and beans?


  • A lot of S2's soundtrack is reused for the Michonne game. When Michonne first wakes up, the track that played when Clementine is walking through the blizzard in No Going Back plays again. And when Michonne and Pete get on "Mobjack", Jolene's theme plays (the track that played with Danny and Lee encounter Jolene's camp, and the track that plays for the Amid The Ruins slide).

  • A lot of S2's soundtrack is reused for the Michonne game.

    And I love it. When the game's soundtrack is as criminally underrated as it is, any opportunity to use the soundtrack again is a good opportunity.

  • Yeah, and they thought they would also make millions with it. I completely thought that Walter had made his Le Walter Surprise with separate cans.

    You can take the spoiler tag off your comment by the way, because it's under mine, and mine is already tagged.

  • Of course! Each track fit the atmosphere! I don't mind tracks being reused.

    Deltino posted: »

    A lot of S2's soundtrack is reused for the Michonne game. And I love it. When the game's soundtrack is as criminally underrated as it is, any opportunity to use the soundtrack again is a good opportunity.

  • Spoilers show up unmarked in my feed since I created this thread

    Sweats nervously

  • So did I. Now I know why Clem always looks so ticked whenever someone mentions how she looks like the girl on the can.

    Yeah, and they thought they would also make millions with it. I completely thought that Walter had made his Le Walter Surprise with separate


    dojo32161 posted: »

    Spoilers show up unmarked in my feed since I created this thread Sweats nervously

  • Would it be somewhat useful for you if we wrote “Michonne Miniseries Spoilers!” and also tagged it with a spoiler warning from now on?

    “Michonne Miniseries Spoilers!”

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Spoilers show up unmarked in my feed since I created this thread Sweats nervously

  • Anyone have a link for the song in the michonne intro?

  • Anyone have a link for the song in the michonne intro?

  • Zachary didn't do anything? He shot her brother. It doesn't matter that it was an accident, he's still at fault. Now, he doesn't deserve to die for it, but he's definitley not innocent.

  • Completely agreed!

    @Mortal5075, why don't you tag your comment as spoiler? It isn't even related to the thread, anyway.

    Zachary didn't do anything? He shot her brother. It doesn't matter that it was an accident, he's still at fault. Now, he doesn't deserve to die for it, but he's definitley not innocent.

  • Isn't his comment spoiler tagged? It is for me.

    Completely agreed! @Mortal5075, why don't you tag your comment as spoiler? It isn't even related to the thread, anyway.

  • Take it from an almost-redhead with freckles, who is the child of an actual redhead with freckles. In the winter, they tend to fade slightly. No idea why. In the summer, they seem to become more apparent. The wrinkles are likely due to her getting off of drugs.

    Compared to her 400 Days counterpart, Season 2 Bonnie shows considerably less freckles and wrinkles. This could be due to Howe's Hardware stocking up make-up and lotions over time. Edit: By the way, sorry for double post.

  • Yup, I honestly will gladly leave Sam to die, I let Greg get beat up too and I didnt care at all that he died.

  • The ending credits in episode 1 are by the same band used in Tales from the Borderlands Ep 5

  • Thanks I quite like the song

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  • edited February 2016

    If you will kick Vending Machine three times, chocolate bar will fall out of it.

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  • They reused the Winston Model from season 2 and the Cutter Model from GOT for Zachary and Randall.

  • I should've expected that! That's usually really obvious.

  • I think the first 2 are used for going up/down a ladder.

    Arctic0ne posted: »

    I wish i had my pc rn to post some cool crap but today i got only some observations This image shows the many icons used in the season 1

  • You're not alone. I freaking hate her. I hope there will be a chance to let her die.

  • I don't like this song, it's very disturbing

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  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited February 2016

    These are some the comic panels I thought I saw in the intro and stuff, or at the very least, were close or related to it.

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  • I did this bahahaha!

    Hopefully getting the candy bar will mean we can save Sam's life. It should have major, major implications.


  • Zachary looked a bit like Troy to me, is that just a coincidence?

    Anthorn posted: »

    They reused the Winston Model from season 2 and the Cutter Model from GOT for Zachary and Randall.

  • Pete mentioned that the bay used to be full of boats about a year ago so I'd assume Monroe was made out of them so Monroe can't be older than a year.

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  • I thought they either shipwrecked like what we saw or were destroyed.

    Monroe didn't have that many boats. Maybe a dozen?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited February 2016

    The banang isn't just inside the Mobjack, it's also on Pete's boat. Also there is a Worlds Greatest Dad mug too.

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  • If you decide to attack Randall, Randall will show up in the preview for the next episode with the same cut you gave him when you attacked him:

    enter image description here

    If you decide to keep your cool, Randall will show up in the preview for the next episode actually looking way worse:

    enter image description here

  • I wonder why he looks worse if you play cool rather than attack him? I got the latter image

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