So I've just finished watching it because I couldn't watch it last night.
All I have to say is, this is the first time an OTP of mine ever became canon, I'm in tears and screaming. I'd never thought I'd see the day. Someone hold me.
So I've just finished watching it because I couldn't watch it last night.
All I have to say is, this is the first time an OTP of mine ever became canon, I'm in tears and screaming. I'd never thought I'd see the day. Someone hold me.
All I have to say is, this is the first time an OTP of mine ever became canon
You have no idea how much I want to tag a bunch of people right now.
But I will hold you, begrudgingly.
Well lottii my dear, I can think of several people that would be "upset" at this statement of yours. They may verbally assail you. Of course I can intervene on your behalf, but for how long?
But I could tag them so they could see your statement and let nature take its course.
Well lottii my dear, I can think of several people that would be "upset" at this statement of yours. They may verbally assail you. Of course… more I can intervene on your behalf, but for how long?
But I could tag them so they could see your statement and let nature take its course.
RICHONNE! Like it but still feel they should have gone there years ago! Now it just feels sorta forced to me! A swerve the swerve kin… mored of thing, if you will. Dear walking dead writers if Michonne winds up dying( in child birth) due to a zombie, still born Rick baby.......WE RIOT! Or not cause honestly that's heartbreaking and so walking dead that well, put an extra hole in your belt an buckle in! #RICHONNEMUSTLIVE (NOT A REAL # BUT SOMEONE SHOULD START IT). Followed swiftly by #RICHONNEMUSTDIE (BECAUSE THE INTERNET....duh). Rant over!
I also took it as he was thinking of his mother. What he went through with her was horrible, and he has compassion for someone who also lost theres. I definitely can see Lori's influence.
Jesus seems a little different to me than comic Jesus. I imagine the comics' Paul with a deeper voice and sharper features, but hey that's just the comics!
And also I did NOT expect that! With Rick and Michonne in the comics it just seems like a foreign concept! But I see how it works in the show. They were definitely together more often.
It was unexpected but to be honest, as soon as Rick put the mints in Michonne's hands and left his hand there for longer than 2 seconds, I realized what might be happening xD although tbh when Michonne laughed I thought they were going to stop but nope, they went full on xD
I was going, "Wait...are they gonna...oh my god...are's happening!!!!"
I seriously did not believe they were going to… more move that fast, but I guess Gimple was like, lets get this show on the road, people. Theres so much story left to tell. Lets do it.
I think I understand allot of shippers after watching this Episode xD I think the only awkward part of it was Jesus at the end, although hopefully he didn't see any of the action 0-0 Might need some holy water... hehe....
I did the same. I was watching it this morning, eating a piece of toast and I almost choked. Im not a super shipper but I have wanted this f… moreor so long. And it was hot too. I was afraid they might be awkward but they werent. Now I can go to work with a smile on my face.
In addition to the Paul 'Jesus' discussion. How come AMC's THE WALKING DEAD's official Facebook posted this? I thought he said his name was Rivera or something along those lines.? Yet here they've name him here by his comic name
Though he might have given a fake name just so they don't know his name incase, idk reasons..
Im so glad Andrea died her character was just irredeemable at that point, all potential was gone. I think Michonne's actress is way better t… moreo be honest in addition to the writing.
Also we've seen rick go through loss with Lori. I dont see why we need to see that again
Another awesome episode. Daryl and Rick were awesome, Jesus was awesome, Rick and Michonne are awesome.
The idea I have in my head for the next episode has me so stoked. Nicotero said Kirkman wants a few comic panels to play out in the show, and I so hope this is one of them:
10/10 From beginning to end, I loved it! Rick and Daryl on a road trip is always solid stuff to watch.. I liked the humor in the encounter … morebetween Rick, Daryl, and Jesus. Jesus’ intro was PERFECT, so hilarious.Of course, the highlight was the encounter between Rick and Michonne. I didn't realize how amazing Rick/Michonne would be and that felt really heartfelt, and I liked how they buillt up to it by showing Michonne living in Rick's house and taking of Carl in the intro. This is now my 2nd favorite episode this season. I can't wait to see the group go to Hilltop next week.
What exactly happened there? It's been a couple months since I read through the comics, but I don't remember this happening, especially since I thought that the first trip to The Hilltop was relatively bloodless. I'm probably remembering wrong, but I don't know.
What exactly happened there? It's been a couple months since I read through the comics, but I don't remember this happening, especially sinc… moree I thought that the first trip to The Hilltop was relatively bloodless. I'm probably remembering wrong, but I don't know.
Yup. The dude(who was from Hilltop) was supposed to kill Gregory, so his friend Crystal(also from Hilltop) could live. But Rick stepped in and ruined everything.
EDIT: The pair mentioned, along with another member, were captured by Negan for not giving up enough supplies.
but he didn't have to do it maggie was there. what kind of person makes an eight year old shoot a parent? just because the kid says they have to do it. tyrese didn't let sasha do it to bob. but carol tried to make lizzie and her sister do it to their dad. which of CArol or Tyrese do you think is more compassionate?
I also took it as he was thinking of his mother. What he went through with her was horrible, and he has compassion for someone who also lost theres. I definitely can see Lori's influence.
So I've just finished watching it because I couldn't watch it last night.
All I have to say is, this is the first time an OTP of mine ever became canon, I'm in tears and screaming. I'd never thought I'd see the day. Someone hold me.
You have no idea how much I want to tag a bunch of people right now.
But I will hold you, begrudgingly.
I'm worried, Ingen. What do you mean by that?
Well lottii my dear, I can think of several people that would be "upset" at this statement of yours. They may verbally assail you. Of course I can intervene on your behalf, but for how long?
But I could tag them so they could see your statement and let nature take its course.
So what your saying is... you want to tag Green because I didn't claim Rhyiona as canon?
Sasha has Big Red. Why would she want him?
Forced? You dont feel it would have been forced earlier without the background behind it?
I also took it as he was thinking of his mother. What he went through with her was horrible, and he has compassion for someone who also lost theres. I definitely can see Lori's influence.
Have you read the comics?
Yeah, I have and again, why would Sasha want him? Not just because theyre both black?
I........i don't know. They could do a love triangle with Rick, Michonne and him maybe?
No, I don't need The Walking Dead turning into fucking Twilight.
Yeah, kind of.
A badass sherrif, a new world samurai and a king who has a TIGER.
That twillight i would watch.
I feel like drinking a Sunkist for some reason.
I'm looking at Michonne because she's hot and I'm not gay.
I thought that was odd! Paul Rivia? Is he a Witcher or something now?
Jesus seems a little different to me than comic Jesus. I imagine the comics' Paul with a deeper voice and sharper features, but hey that's just the comics!
And also I did NOT expect that! With Rick and Michonne in the comics it just seems like a foreign concept! But I see how it works in the show. They were definitely together more often.
It was unexpected but to be honest, as soon as Rick put the mints in Michonne's hands and left his hand there for longer than 2 seconds, I realized what might be happening xD although tbh when Michonne laughed I thought they were going to stop but nope, they went full on xD
I think I understand allot of shippers after watching this Episode xD I think the only awkward part of it was Jesus at the end, although hopefully he didn't see any of the action 0-0 Might need some holy water... hehe....
It could be that he passed out at first - when the truck door hit him in the head but then regained consciousness later on and then faked it.
I dont get why Ezekiel has to be with anyone, its not like it really effected his character at all.
In addition to the Paul 'Jesus' discussion. How come AMC's THE WALKING DEAD's official Facebook posted this? I thought he said his name was Rivera or something along those lines.? Yet here they've name him here by his comic name
Though he might have given a fake name just so they don't know his name incase, idk reasons..
enter link description here
I think Rick's speech at the prison, and Hershel's reaction to hearing it proves otherwise.
Well it gave him greater deph. Michonne gave him bravery. And in the latest issues his dialogue is all about getting her back.
Its hardly that important to either character though. She had a string of comic romances which wernt in the show
Still. It feels weird.
Check Lottii-lu's comments up there.
Plz, she's talking shit about Rhyona.
Never said anything bad about Rhyiona really, I still like it I just don't think it's really canon.
Another awesome episode. Daryl and Rick were awesome, Jesus was awesome, Rick and Michonne are awesome.
The idea I have in my head for the next episode has me so stoked. Nicotero said Kirkman wants a few comic panels to play out in the show, and I so hope this is one of them:
This scene made me so happy! ^_^
What exactly happened there? It's been a couple months since I read through the comics, but I don't remember this happening, especially since I thought that the first trip to The Hilltop was relatively bloodless. I'm probably remembering wrong, but I don't know.
I think there was that guy, who came from Negan and stabbed Gregory?
Yup. The dude(who was from Hilltop) was supposed to kill Gregory, so his friend Crystal(also from Hilltop) could live. But Rick stepped in and ruined everything.
EDIT: The pair mentioned, along with another member, were captured by Negan for not giving up enough supplies.
but he didn't have to do it maggie was there. what kind of person makes an eight year old shoot a parent? just because the kid says they have to do it. tyrese didn't let sasha do it to bob. but carol tried to make lizzie and her sister do it to their dad. which of CArol or Tyrese do you think is more compassionate?