Actually i disagree. Jane was trying to convince Clem about Kenny but she also wanted a fight to show this because otherwise she wouldn't ha… moreve staged the whole thing to get Kenny angry because she knew how much he cared about AJ and pretending he was dead was her plan for him to attack her, he was deliberately provoked. She put her knife away thinking maybe he wouldn't have attacked her but she obviously knew deep down he would and he did but again it was her fault for causing the whole scene. Im pretty sure if someone you cared about in a situation where he or she deliberately made it seem like the one they cared about had died, you would be pretty angry too. Also ive stated before that the way i see it is that it was just a plain old fight before Jane slashed him with the knife in which then it became very personal.
Anyway im not going to argue with you Sage, it's how i see it and no one is going to change my opinion same as im not going to change yours. This discussion has been done to death
Hell I wouldn't be surprised if Jane kicks Clem's behind into a herd and runs off... the way her character bounces in 180 degree-ing all over the fucking place leads to a very unpredictable outcomes of her character...
Well sorry if it's bothering you but i think we are all guilty of stopping and then starting up different convos again. I suppose since I've never spoke to you on here before about this that its fine to "initiate" it
Well sorry if it's bothering you but i think we are all guilty of stopping and then starting up different convos again. I suppose since I've never spoke to you on here before about this that its fine to "initiate" it
Then why do you keep initiating it? You'll talk about it for a while , then say you're done , and then start it again later.
Hell I wouldn't be surprised if Jane kicks Clem's behind into a herd and runs off... the way her character bounces in 180 degree-ing all over the fucking place leads to a very unpredictable outcomes of her character...
Well sorry if it's bothering you but i think we are all guilty of stopping and then starting up different convos again. I suppose since I've never spoke to you on here before about this that its fine to "initiate" it
It's all right. I personally didn't take it as an argument.
You start it with different people at a time - like KCohere.
Oh dear i'll check to see if there is a law in doing that shall i?
Maybe you should purchase an etiquette book.
My manners are fine thank you. Unless someone is rude to me first
Keep telling yourself that.