The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited February 2016

    Yeah I'm gonna stay away from the Forums because I don't recognise anybody anymore and the people I talk to the most don't login. And TWD has been talked to death in my honest opinion

  • Scrub won't answer my PM so I'm going to ask the whole of Telltale talk.

    How does a "Character appreciation" for the Borderlands section sound? Where every week we appreciate a character. Does that sound good or sound just really, really, really shit.

  • It happens Josh, there's bound to be more new faces around here, and of course there will be at points people, the ones you know or didn't know, who will come less with their own reasons. Like me for example. Games, art, looking for work, family and friends. They're my reasons on not being on this site as much. Not saying you're not one of mine, I just mean that I go on Steam/Skype more often when it comes to online friends since they're more efficient in keeping in touch.

    You don't exactly need to stay away forever, just come on sparingly like I do if you want to. There's always a chance you'd bump into someone you know. I can't exactly stop you from leaving of course, and I respect your decision if you feel the need to. If you do leave, be sure to party like an animal and have a good time.

    enter image description here

    joshua007 posted: »

    Yeah I'm gonna stay away from the Forums because I don't recognise anybody anymore and the people I talk to the most don't login. And TWD has been talked to death in my honest opinion

  • Well it certainly encourages conversation about your favourites so I say fire away.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Scrub won't answer my PM so I'm going to ask the whole of Telltale talk. How does a "Character appreciation" for the Borderlands section

  • enter image description here

    Haha, holy shit! Been a long time! How've you been?

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Anyone remembers the days I used to roam these lands?

  • He won't answer cuz he's asleep duh

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Scrub won't answer my PM so I'm going to ask the whole of Telltale talk. How does a "Character appreciation" for the Borderlands section

  • Answer my question, child. Is it a good idea or not.

    In all seriousness, I should of checked Steam to see if he was offline before sending him a PM :T

    He won't answer cuz he's asleep duh

  • Scrub sometimes leaves his PC on at night and Laura thought he was still awake one time.

    Teh answer is yes, everyone needs a new Jesus every week.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Answer my question, child. Is it a good idea or not. In all seriousness, I should of checked Steam to see if he was offline before sending him a PM :T

  • edited February 2016

    enter image description here

    That feel I know that feel on my mind a lot tbh :'I

    I hope u stay around

    joshua007 posted: »

    Yeah I'm gonna stay away from the Forums because I don't recognise anybody anymore and the people I talk to the most don't login. And TWD has been talked to death in my honest opinion

  • everyone needs a new Jesus every week.

    R.I.P Lottii-Lu appreciation thread

    Scrub sometimes leaves his PC on at night and Laura thought he was still awake one time. Teh answer is yes, everyone needs a new Jesus every week.

  • edited February 2016

    enter link description here

    They found out games does not cause people to become sexist

    They funded almost 2 million to find this out

    enter link description here

    Now all the fun debating sexism in games over now scientifically proven to be bs sorry :'(

  • Well. I can finally say after 3 weeks, and approximately 200 hours of gameplay, I have finally finished my first playthrough of the Mass Effect trilogy.

    I just finished Mass Effect 3 last night. Really glad I bought the DLC stories for it and got the Extended Cut, so I'm proud to say my first ME3 experience was great. I guess you can say I got off lucky for being a late guest to the party.

    The story was good. A fair share of screen time between the Reaper threat and Cerberus interference. Cerberus showed how much of a threat they were, much like the Reapers. The Reapers were formidable and gave you the feeling they aren't to be taken lightly. Of course, I do feel slightly misplaced with Harbinger's lack of involvement. But I reminded myself he refers to himself as "we", meaning Sovereign and Harbinger merely act as representatives to the overall enemy; The Reaper army itself. It's a realistic approach, as how often do we hear/see leaders on the battlefield first hand. Not much. Forgivable ignorance. Of course, how did its codes give Geth individuality? Curious, must note. As for the Illusive Man's being indoctrinated, seems out of nowhere if I may be honest. Doesn't make sense. If he was indoctrinated then he wouldn't resort to opposing the Reapers at all. With the endings, I'm actually okay with them. They're the logical solutions to defeating the Reaper threat, but each has a cost that must be made. The reasons of the Catalyst is just that, flawed. As it was intended. Of course, it would've been nice to use to the dark matter idea but meh. (On a side note: Technically it is a VI, has no shape or form to its "soul." The reason it appears as a child is that it recognized a familiar face in Shepard's mind after scanning it. It went for the figure Shepard was much traumatized to. Possibly the Reapers attempted to indoctrinate Shepard, but Shepard's will was stronger than the Reapers. Hence why it allowed her/him up to the Crucible's chamber.)

    The story absolutely took me into it (even though it felt like a little like ME2 with the recruiting but I'm glad the main threat had more involvement here), and I felt for much of the cast, both the old and new. I had moments of awe, and freaking cheering away (I don't really cheer often in gaming). I had moments of nearly crying, the deaths of Mordin, Legion, Thane (I enjoyed going full renegade on Kai Leng. "That was for Thane, you son of a bitch!"), and Shepard dying and becoming the Reapers. Transferring their mind into the VI network. Truly one of the saddest games I've played, but also one of the most fun and exciting ones too. (AND THE FUNNIEST: I LOVED THE CITADEL DLC!). Also I should note, the visuals were gorgeous.

    Gameplay of course was weaker in certain areas than its predecessors. No holstering. So I have to wave my gun like a lunatic even if I joined a turian camp for example. Pointless quick save button on the controller (come one auto and hard save is enough).There were less divergence in dialogue options this time, I mean... where's the middle option. It's hardly there. Of course I am glad we get to talk more often with the crew with different dialogues happening, also seeing the squadmates interact with each other was something I've always wished for in the series. Also there's much less incentive to scan planets now, there's no need to scan for minerals or find surprise side-missions. But anyway, regardless of the downsides, I always had fun with the gun fights, the environments, the battle armor sequences, the interaction with the cast and of course the story. So despite my criticisms with all 3 games, this is one of the my most favourite game series to play. And frankly, one of the BEST.

    Now, with all that said, come at me Andromeda!

    enter image description here

  • edited February 2016

    Saw Deadpool for the second time yesterday, still an amazing movie.

  • I don't think the Forum Guidelines allow for Character Appreciation threads in particular, as the discussion those threads have is kind of shallow.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Scrub won't answer my PM so I'm going to ask the whole of Telltale talk. How does a "Character appreciation" for the Borderlands section

  • Ah right, that's okay then. Shame really because the tales section is kinda gone dead, and I'd thought it would be a good way to bring it back to life for a while and a good way to wait for possible chance of season 2 getting announced.

    I don't think the Forum Guidelines allow for Character Appreciation threads in particular, as the discussion those threads have is kind of shallow.

  • edited February 2016

    Why am I reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" fanfiction?

    Why am I in a place where I want to read fanfiction for it?

    Why am I so attached to this book? I didn't even like it that much two months ago; now I have a problem.

  • I feel like if it wasn't just a "character appreciation thread" it would work better, maybe like a spotlight thread where you in the OP you explain the characters part in the story and give info on them, and then in the comments people post what they liked and disliked about the character? I dunno, just throwin ideas around, the Tales section is SUPERRRR dead r n, lol.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Ah right, that's okay then. Shame really because the tales section is kinda gone dead, and I'd thought it would be a good way to bring it back to life for a while and a good way to wait for possible chance of season 2 getting announced.

  • Have you played Stardew Valley yet?
    Best game ever.

  • Just found out my grandma, my grandmother's sister and my great grandma all like walking dead too lol.

  • edited February 2016

    A while back, I bought the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but didn't get very far into it, being daunted by everything in the game.

    Now, nearly six months on, I have returned to it, having read the first book and done some research into the lore. I figured that I might as well try to finish the main questline. This pretty much sums up how I feel about the game now:

    enter image description here

    And this sums up how I will feel, waiting for school to finish so that I can play it again.

    enter image description here

  • I don't know why , but Deadpool gets on my nerves.

  • edited February 2016

    I know this may be a bit of a dark and possibly controversial topic but I'd like to get people's thoughts on Satanism

  • people's thoughts on Santanism

    Praise be unto Santa, he brings joy to children all over the world.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I know this may be a bit of a dark and possibly controversial topic but I'd like to get people's thoughts on Satanism

  • Santa 666

    people's thoughts on Santanism Praise be unto Santa, he brings joy to children all over the world.

  • Grinch 666

    Santa 666

  • Guess I walked into that one

    Santa 666

  • It's creepy that he can see people when they're sleeping. I wonder if he's a pedophile or a peeping Tom.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I know this may be a bit of a dark and possibly controversial topic but I'd like to get people's thoughts on Satanism

  • Fuck you too! It wasn't even morning when you sent that.

    @Wolfenus54, @RockMySocks, @Brodester08, @Kracmos, @2614118, @SirScrubbington Good Morning! Jk, fuck you all.

  • Two of my soldiers just died in XCOM and now I'm in a black pit of despair. My grenadier shot out a proximity mine next to a viper and a gatekeeper just cus, you know, it's a good thing to do. And there was this viper with 2 HP left, eyeing one of my best snipers. And before I knew it, the viper lassos my sniper from across the way, and pulls her into them. The both of them fall through the floor, and then the mine goes off. And it all happened like that in an instant. ;-;

    RIP Cpt. Helen "Ace" Green. You will be missed.


    enter link description here

  • I am a satanist.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I know this may be a bit of a dark and possibly controversial topic but I'd like to get people's thoughts on Satanism

  • Same.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I am a satanist.

  • K, fuck you, too. <3

    @Wolfenus54, @RockMySocks, @Brodester08, @Kracmos, @2614118, @SirScrubbington Good Morning! Jk, fuck you all.

  • <3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    K, fuck you, too.

  • Good to see that you're having MacCready as your avatar again. <3

  • Playing Fallout 3 so I had to

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Good to see that you're having MacCready as your avatar again.

  • Oh.

    Even though I like MacCready in Fallout 4, I just hate him in Fallout 3. :v

    Playing Fallout 3 so I had to

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