Would you marry Morgryn if Tom's life wasn't on the line?
So when I was playing episode 6, when Morgryn proposed his offer I was loosely concidering it, and then when he said Tom would die in my place I completely stoppes even concidering it (Even though in my playthrough Tom was the one who killed the Lannister guard I couldn't leave him to die a second time). To me it kinda felt like Tom got killed so that they could both be determinant PoVs for season 2 but that's a question for another day. A stupid question for the players that did marry Morgryn, but for the rest of you the question still stands; Would you marry Morgryn if Tom hadn't been killed for it?
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I would not have married Morgryn either way.
Me neither. Thanks for replying!
Better Tom than Mira.
True, though I didn't want to be responsible for Tom dying
I wouldn't marry Morgryn either way either.... after that attempt at "courtship" (blackmailing her into losing her name, threatening to keep her locked up if she doesn't properly have sex with him, and being the one to send the guards out to kill her in the first place) I lost any respect I had for Morgryn (which was sad because up until that travel cart scene, Mira and Morgryn were the couple that I shipped the most in the Telltale GOT universe) & I hit the denial option as soon as that choice came up (even though I knew it would cost Mira her life).
Nope, Tom's life wasnt even a deciding factor for me.
I wasn't going to marry the bastard anyway, him putting Tom on the chopping block (both literally and figuratively) really wasn't that much of a deciding factor for me, but it did make me hate him more.
I really dislike Tom but I hate morgen so much more. Also it makes game of thrones game fell not like a game. It is so stupid. What kind of person would marry him. Marrying morgyrn is stupid
Maybe, Im sure more people would have if Tom didnt have to die.
Why do you dislike Tom?
He was definitely a factor. But I kept thinking about the threat of being locked up as a baby machine and that made me think of something Ramsay in the book did. He's not as bad as Ramsay but being married to him would be hell on earth.
If he didn't tell us that he tried to kill us, he probably would've been a lot more successful in his marriage proposal.
I'm sure he would, I wonder why they made him that stupid in the last episode...
Nooooo way, homeboy can kiss my little handmaiden ass. I felt badly for Tom but for my Mira that wasn't the major factor in her decision. If Morgryn's whole point in marrying Mira was to get Ironrath, it felt like putting Ryon and in my case Rodrik in more danger than the metric shit ton they were already in since he'd have to go through them first. My Mira wouldn't do that just to save her own neck, even if it was literally.
As well as instead of saying Tom would be put in her place, that some other person would be put in her place, to try to convince her to be with him, instead of just saying she'll be his slave, he could've played the nice card :x
Eh, I had her marry him anyway.
I feel bad for Tom -- in the fic I'm writing, I tried to figure out a way that maybe Tom could've survived and the crime be pinned on someone else, from Mira's urging that the kid not die and Morgryn going 'okay, a wedding gift then' -- but it just wouldn't work out in the end so Tom's dead in my GoT 'Verse, for good. Besides, it adds gravitas to Mira's story.
I just feel like Mira's smarter then him and she can easily come out on top. Telltale won't do that though. The fact that she's a determinant character means she'll die next season.
Probably yeah, was considering it until he said that.
I didn't care about Tom. He'd just annoy me with his receding hairline and deep voice, I thought he was supposed to be a young boy.
Even though tom aided me a few times, I still hve absolutely no empathy for him , even though in my original gameplay I left morgryn , not because of tom but because my Mira was honorable.
Tom was the only reason I didn't agree to marry. I totally would've if he didn't have to die.
As soon as he mentioned it, I said I'd rather let Mira die. But having Tom's life in my hands when I killed the guard just made me sure that rejecting Morgryn was the right thing to do for my Mira.
@Mintery, because they wanted the marriage option to be a horrible choice. Maybe they saw all the Mirgryn shipping threads and decided they wanted to punish all those people! I know that if I was a writer for a game series like this, and I saw all these absurd shipping threads, I would make it my mission to make one of the characters in that ship (if not both) hated and despised.
@MilkManBand. Oh I bet the Mirgryn shippers would've loved that. I think TellTale wanted to make us hate him, because they were banking on the majority of us choosing to kill Mira. They were right as well, which shows you just how predictable we as the players can be.
I think it would be silly to put that much importance in people's ships and fandom stuff if you are a writer, I can understand how annoying it could be, but I don't think it should be an excuse to punish people because they make some unrelated theories and all.
As for Morgryn, marriage could still have been an horrible option, but it could have been even more effective , if after chosing that option, only then people would learn the thruth about Morgryn and learn that tom would die instead. I think it would have been way more devastating. I think Abeille on this forum said something of the sort too, and I totally agree. But yeah, it just made me feel like Morgryn is a total idiot in this episode.
I agree, Morgryn was very stupid in telling Mira that he tried to have her killed and making it clear that he is not to be trusted
I probably wouldn't have. Tom was one of the reasons I rejected his proposal, but not the whole reason.
Marrying a man who you know already tries to have you killed cant end well.
I ain't even got that far in the plot yet... but I'm playing Mira as a lying, cheating, conniving bitch...
Knowing the way I play her, hearing that Morgryn tried to kill her would probably just turn her on.
Wow lol
I totally like Morgryn. He has that whole "Evil Baron" vibe going. His name practically screams it.
But I bet he wants to be dominated. I bet what he really wants is a wife in black leather with a riding crop and a sadistic streak. Not some useless baby-factory locked away in a tower somewhere.
All hail Dark Mira! Mistress of the Damned!
@Mintery, Morgryn is an idiot. Ok so he did recognise that Mira had good business sense and he tried to ally himself with her at the Purple Wedding. If he had been smart he would've tried to do that before hiring Damien to kill her.
Also if Telltale had give everyone the option of
A) Mira gets beheaded
Which option do you think the majority of people would have picked? in my opinion it would have been the latter. If Telltale wanted to carry Mira's story on to season 2 then they would have given us this option, as most people would have opted for the marriage. For those who had chosen death, Telltale would have come up with as to how Mira escaped.
Telltale clear don't seem to want Mira's story to continue into season 2, because they gave us the option to either die or marry Morgryn who has revealed that it was him who tried to have her killed. It would seem Telltale were right because the majority of people seem to have picked death for Mira.
While what you say makes sense, to me it seems that Telltale are trying to emulate what happened to the Starks when Winterfell was taken. Everyone believed that Bran and Rickon were killed as a result (well everyone except the Boltons). So if this is the case, then everyone else will believe that Ryon, Rodrik and Talia were all killed during the battle at Ironrath.
Once word reaches KL, Morgryn would have no reason to send assassins as he would believe that everyone who could threaten his claim on Ironrath would already be dead. Everyone except the Whitehills. Once the Whitehills hear about Mira's marriage to Morgryn, they will see him as a new threat; because techinically he would be the new Lord of Ironrath. There are so many potential storylines from this alone.
However Telltale will most likely waste such an opportunity. I may be wrong, but I don't think we will get to play as Mira in season 2 regardless of the choice we made.
Yes this is one of the many reason why I like playing her, she can be so devious at times.
Shame she probably won't play a part in Season 2.
No. He was scum, and Mira wouldnt do that to her family. He would ruin them.
I didn't even care about saving Tom, so nope. I just didn't like Morgryn. Didn't want Mira to be a slave, either.
That had to be one of the harder decisions I've made. I played Mira to be honorable for the most part but to also be cunning in order to protect my family. I ended up choosing to marry Morgyn because all of my efforts would've been for nothing. Tom was an unfortunate sacrifice but I'm hoping with the next season, I can make decisions that won't let his death go in vain. I'm hoping that I can even find a way to manipulate and even kill Morgyn, if presented the opportunity. But with the Forrester family being in the state they're in, might be best to lay low until an opportunity should present itself.
Self preservation at its finest.
I had Mira marry Morgryn even if it costs Tom's life, because Mira being alive could help her family more. Manipulating Morgryn on that Ironwood business with the Whitehills. I also ask myself if I chose to save Tom, what can he possibly do to help the Forresters? Will he go North? So yeah Tom is dead in my game huhu
I liked Tom, If Tom didn't help Mira in certain situations such as saving Mira and hiding Damien's body or helping her steal the Ironwood decree from Tyrion's office. Mira probably would've been dead without Tom's help. Tom did not deserve to die, I declined Morgyrn's offer to save Tom's life for what he did. If Tom did not take Mira's place on the block, I would've accepted his offer and then hopefully telltale would give us the first chance to kill him, but not at the cost of Tom's life.
Yes, if Tom's head wouldn't have replaced Mira's on the block, I definitely would have had Mira marry Morgryn. Tom was practically the only person Mira could consistently count on in King's Landing. Not Margeary, barely Sera, I don't doubt the Imp Lannister would have turned his back on her if he'd had to, and Morgyrn made it clear from the jump that his help was contingent on the ironwood contract even before it turned out he was the one who paid that guard to kill her. Tom put his life on the line for Mira many times and never asked for anything in return. Granted, he said he was operating on behalf of other "interested parties", but he put his money where his mouth was. That's a hell of a lot more than I can say for anyone else at King's Landing. No way I could let him take Mira's place under the axe. Not on the first playthrough, anyway.