Who do you ship more? (Spoilers)
Do you ship Asher x Gwyn or Asher x Beskha? I have to say Asher x Beskha, because Gwyn is such a cunt, and Beskha is definitely the best lady for a lord like Asher. If you ship neither or you don't have an answer, then don't post any comments.
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Honestly I ship Asher/Beskha more but I love Asher/Gwyn as well, plus it's more likely.
Beskha's gay, dude. Like she hints at it herself pretty heavily a bunch of times throughout the series. Plus Asher calls her his "sister," so shipping them has always struck me as kinda creepy.
I ship Asher x Random Forrester Soldier #167.
I see Asher and Beskha as deeply bonded friends, hence why they call themselves brother and sister.
If I saw more of Gwyn and Asher's history, then I'd say I'd ship them but for now, I ship neither.
Is it still possible to ship Rodrik x Elaena despite the fact that they are lovers?
Greatest ship ever.
Neither really, I don't want Asher with either
I see Asher and Beskha more like brother and sister, so Gwyn x Asher all the way.
However, Assoldier will always be the superior ship :^)
But in all seriousness, Asher and Gwyn. Yes, Gwyn is a back stabber and I can't say I ship them, but Beskha is a lesbian and she and Asher call each other brother and sister.
All this talk about Asher x Gwyn makes me sick. I could use some backup from @VengefulKenny
You ask for peple's opinions, they give you them, you don't like them and then you complain? Alright...
I don't really see what's wrong with shipping Asher x Gwyn.
I respect peoples' opinions, Woody, it's just...I was hoping at least ONE person would ship Asher with Gwyn, but they don't
. That's what makes me sick, not their opinions. Okay?
Alright, but...
H-how do y-you...?
What did I do?
That's just my nickname on some private group chats... I'm just wondering how you know it o.O
There isn't, it's just...I was just...hoping someone, at least ONE person, would ship Asher x Beskha, but they don't
. THAT'S what's wrong, not their opinions, okay?
I didn't. Your name is IronWoodLover, so I thought it was clever to call you Woody. That's all.
I was scrolling down while drinking coffee and I saw this...
I regret doing that lmao.
I ship Asher and Elmo
Please understand we are not trying to discourage you from shipping them in anyway. We are just giving our opinions, like you asked.
Pffft, while all these fools are shipping Asher x Beshka and Assoldier, while Asher x Elmo is the best. Don't judge me.
Omfg that's so hot, let's start a shipping thread, Lee.
And I totally respect that. I just...feel left out.
Eryka helped me with the idea so she or he should get the credit as well. Btw, don't you think the moderators are going to have the discussion closed?
Probably, there was a joke thread called "Rhys' fap hand" and that got closed in minutes.
But however the Rhys x Loader Bot thread never got closed down... so it's worth a shot.
Then let's do it.
None of them. Asher and Beshka are definetly bonded friends since they call each other brother and sister. I don't like Gwyn that much, I had Asher killed to show her that her father is such an arse.
Good luck with that
That's because they had chemistry!
@579801 back me up, pal.
So does Rhys and his robo hand, buddy.
Of course
I ship it
I ship Asher and Shadow
I ship Asher x Rodrik.
Well, thank you for not making me feel left out, and understanding. You're cool.
I ship Assoldier
Rodrik x Talia, tho...
Jake's AU's Royland x Talia sunk.
Woops, just saw this! Cavalry has arrived lol.
But yeah I truly believe that Beskha x Asher are the true ship. They are such a capable duo when working together, and despite any harsh words or deeds that you put her through she always has your back no matter what, because Asher is all she has. And throughout the season I do think she began to look up to Asher more and more and possibly changing how she feels along the way.
This can't be said about Gwyn. Her support is very conditional on what the player says and does, her first priority will always be her family and not the Forresters or even Asher. That alone should make her ineligible for a reasonable relationship. For those who say that she saved Asher eventually, that is a determinant event and she only does that because she believes that Asher can still be beneficial to her family. She stabs Asher in the other situation not because of Gryff dying, she didn't give a shit about that as evidenced by the other scenario, but because Asher "ruined everything" meaning her and her father's schemes.
And for the people who say that Beskha is gay or that Asher and Beskha have a sibling relationship, they have forgotten how complicated and nuanced sexuality and romance often are in this universe. There are siblings by blood who have either secret or open relationships and marriages... it is not a stretch to think that Beskha and Asher can have a sexual and romantic relationship when they aren't blood relatives and the term brother/sister is used to show how they are all they have and they're watching out for each other like family. Plus there are so many bisexual women especially when you get outside of Westeros that I have a hard time believing Beskha could never be attracted to Asher both physically and emotionally.