400 Days was perfectly capable of telling compelling stories without Clementine.
Telltale will only feature Clem at this point in S3 because of all the spite they would receive over Twitter from angry "gaming" journalists.
But Rick is a great protagonist and character and Clem is just boring and lame. The latter can't carry a season, as S2 showed.
If anyone can be compared to him its Lee, he was a good protag too.
AMC and comic Walking Dead is Rick's story.
Whoever the heck was the main protagonist in Fear The Walking Dead was their story. (I haven'… moret watched it yet)
Michonne spin-off Mini-Series is Michonne's story.
TTG's main series Walking Dead is Clementine's Story.
The common formula is that every series in TWD universe has a main focus character, Rick had time off from his series and no one says his story is done and no one says he should be ditched, but when Clem gets a time off from the series people says her story is done and people says she should be ditched. I don't think she should be ditched, more like be improved upon. If Rick can be improved upon, so can Clem.
EDIT: Had to rush out so I wasn't able to finish my comment at first.
But Rick is a great protagonist and character and Clem is just boring and lame. The latter can't carry a season, as S2 showed.
If anyone can be compared to him its Lee, he was a good protag too.
Stahp.... it's his opinion. Clem, just like a person in real life, will have not only those that likes her, but also those who dislikes. It's an undeniable natural balance. Lemme take care of it, cool?
Stahp.... it's his opinion. Clem, just like a person in real life, will have not only those that likes her, but also those who dislikes. It's an undeniable natural balance. Lemme take care of it, cool?
The thing is, it's easy to have a great protagonist when they're a full grown adult. It's the easiest route to take when making a character because more options are available. Telltale took a very brave move when utilizing a child as the protagonist, and it arguably worked. Clementine of course wasn't handled the best, but give Telltale another chance, they can make it better. Just give her a way she can realistically handle things in her story, and boom it'll work. And anyone should've been able to see she would've become the way she did after everything she's seen. If anything, she did help carry the season, and S2 was arguably a failure. Also, Lee's obviously a great protagonist, but comparing a child to an adult is an unfair comparison imo.
But Rick is a great protagonist and character and Clem is just boring and lame. The latter can't carry a season, as S2 showed.
If anyone can be compared to him its Lee, he was a good protag too.
The thing is, it's easy to have a great protagonist when they're a full grown adult. It's the easiest route to take when making a character … morebecause more options are available. Telltale took a very brave move when utilizing a child as the protagonist, and it arguably worked. Clementine of course wasn't handled the best, but give Telltale another chance, they can make it better. Just give her a way she can realistically handle things in her story, and boom it'll work. And anyone should've been able to see she would've become the way she did after everything she's seen. If anything, she did help carry the season, and S2 was arguably a failure. Also, Lee's obviously a great protagonist, but comparing a child to an adult is an unfair comparison imo.
Yeah TV series is sort of in a league of its on while faintly following in the comics footsteps. In spite of some duds here and there for the tv show, I feel they have done decently for themselves each season time and again. They might even get to that 12th season milestone they have been aiming for. Just hope the game series can last at least another two seasons to keep up with the show and comics longevity.
And I sort of could see multiple characters working only if Clementine remains as one of the playable characters, though it could mean Clem will be demoted from protagonist to either deuteragonist again or even tritagonist probably misspelled but it's basically 2nd or 3rd to the main character. So I can't honestly say. Hope it does if this is their plan of action the 3rd round. Just strongly disagree with the notion of dropping off any further future association with Clementine's story at any of the 3 main mysterious endings. Since all of them are pretty much open ended.. and still leaves room for more to be explained.. at least to me and each ending Clem is always with the baby AJ in arms makes it more interesting.
In the Walking Dead it seems that a characters story arc only truly ends in death either from illness, fellow survivor nemesis, or the walkers. Even the missing people of the game have like ambiguous open ended fates. Unlike other stories where characters live on and their endings are always assumed as happily ever after.
Multiple main characters is not an issue if it's properly executed. While I constantly criticize the quality of The Walking Dead TV-series (… morecompared to comics), I think that first two episodes of Season 6 did rather good job in telling a story from point of view of several main characters.
The only issue I had with 400 Days was that I would have liked to learn more about the characters and play longer segments, but I understand why they wanted to keep it short. Having less than 6 playable characters in an episode would be much better for Season 3. I'm thinking something like 2 or 3 playable characters and if you have more, then there's no need to make all of them playable in every episode.
And like I said I'm fine with the idead that Clem is one of the playable characters as long as she isn't the only one. But no matter what they choose to do, I agree that success or failure depends on how well they write it. Even the best ideas can be ruined with bad writing.
I don't want them to get rid of Clem entirely. I think they should introduce a new playable character every season, that way they could keep it consistent.
OMG! The game need's to pick up where it left off! I need closure, dammit. In my game, Clem and Kenny left with AJ, all together to try and make a go of ithe since they all couldn't be welcomed into Wellington. I say play as Kenny or Jane, depending on which route was taken. And if neither, Play as Krista inside Wellington finding Clem when she comes with AJ. Wouldn't that be something? Krista could technically have the baby she lost.
well as this thread got necroed might as well say something. why not just pull a tftbl or got and have both clem and a new character playable? it's the best of both worlds. clem fans get what they want and people who want a new pc get it to.
I've said this before. It 'can' allow for a richer story too, as you can get different sides of a story and you're not limited to showing only what one character sees. For instance, we could have switched from Clementine to Luke in episode 4, showing us how Nick died instead of having him die off-screen. There are quite a few benefits, though a downside is you wouldn't get as much time with the characters.
Likewise, could you imagine controlling Clem or someone in her group, while also controlling someone from a hostile camp if they chose to tell two stories? Really quite a few possibilities and it opens up interesting mechanics where each character is potentially trying to undermine the other, both played by the player.
well as this thread got necroed might as well say something. why not just pull a tftbl or got and have both clem and a new character playable? it's the best of both worlds. clem fans get what they want and people who want a new pc get it to.
dreamfall [ the 2nd longest journey game] did something like that. you had 3 povs. zoe , April from the first game, and Kian who worked for the villain's faction.
one scene i remember reading about late in the game involved April and Kian have a conversation and you just keep switching between them so there was no bias.
I've said this before. It 'can' allow for a richer story too, as you can get different sides of a story and you're not limited to showing on… morely what one character sees. For instance, we could have switched from Clementine to Luke in episode 4, showing us how Nick died instead of having him die off-screen. There are quite a few benefits, though a downside is you wouldn't get as much time with the characters.
Likewise, could you imagine controlling Clem or someone in her group, while also controlling someone from a hostile camp if they chose to tell two stories? Really quite a few possibilities and it opens up interesting mechanics where each character is potentially trying to undermine the other, both played by the player.
Yeah, I've got the Dreamfall games. Not played much of the middle game though, and I really need to play more Dreamfall Chapters. I stopped playing in book 2 for some reason, as I do quite often with games.
dreamfall [ the 2nd longest journey game] did something like that. you had 3 povs. zoe , April from the first game, and Kian who worked f… moreor the villain's faction.
one scene i remember reading about late in the game involved April and Kian have a conversation and you just keep switching between them so there was no bias.
Clementine IS Telltale's Walking Dead. Despite the vitriol some members on this forum have directed towards Clem, taking her out of the equation altogether would be the financial equivalent of putting a gun to your head.
Good job stories aren't written by committee, right? By this, I mean that if the majority theoretically wanted Clementine gone, she wouldn't be unless the creators want her to be. Likewise with the opposite and people wanting her to stay.
Clementine IS Telltale's Walking Dead. Despite the vitriol some members on this forum have directed towards Clem, taking her out of the equation altogether would be the financial equivalent of putting a gun to your head.
Clementine IS Telltale's Walking Dead. Despite the vitriol some members on this forum have directed towards Clem, taking her out of the equation altogether would be the financial equivalent of putting a gun to your head.
One thing I will say, I don't see any point in making a 'season 3' if there are no characters from previous seasons in it. Seeing as Clementine has been the main character, she will at the very least be around. At least it's highly likely.
If not though, then Bonnie/Mike/Lilly need to be around or any other survivors. I doubt Kenny or Jane, considering their determinant status, would be (at least in a main role). Else, if there are no characters from previous seasons, then it might as well be a fresh start and I'd see no point in calling it season 3. It'd be the game's equivalent of Fear The Walking Dead.
even tho they fucked it up season 2 i still want to play as clementine, in the meantime i enjoyed playing Michonne's story.. a lot of thrill and interesting choices and new quicktime combo events looking forward to episode 2
While I don't mind seeing Clem or other characters from the first two Seasons, I did find Lee and Michonne (so far) more enjoyable protagonists than Clem, mostly because I think that Clem's personality and abilities were badly written compared to Lee and Michonne.
One thing I will say, I don't see any point in making a 'season 3' if there are no characters from previous seasons in it. Seeing as Clement… moreine has been the main character, she will at the very least be around. At least it's highly likely.
If not though, then Bonnie/Mike/Lilly need to be around or any other survivors. I doubt Kenny or Jane, considering their determinant status, would be (at least in a main role). Else, if there are no characters from previous seasons, then it might as well be a fresh start and I'd see no point in calling it season 3. It'd be the game's equivalent of Fear The Walking Dead.
400 days barely lasts an hour and aside from Wyatt and the asian guy whose name i dont remember, the characters weren't so interesting (my opinion though). Michone is a side game to mantain the fans bussy while they develop s3.
But TWDG "Season X" it's about Lee and Clem. There's not a real clousure to Clems story, yet.
I don't mind playing with other characters in further seasons, but i think s3 should be about her with a proper end if they want to change MC, instead of 5(7) different endings.
even tho they fucked it up season 2 i still want to play as clementine, in the meantime i enjoyed playing Michonne's story.. a lot of thrill and interesting choices and new quicktime combo events looking forward to episode 2
"Michonne" and "400 Days" are diversions from the main storyline. 400 Days was a one-shot deal featuring characters who couldn't sustain their own full-length season. Michonne is one of the most popular characters to come out of Kirkman's corner of the WD world, and even she's only getting three episodes.
Dig a little deeper and look between the lines next time.
The so-called "majority" (in this case, the anti-Clementine people) are also demanding for AJ's immediate execution, justifying the disturbing fact they're calling for the death of a damn INFANT by claiming he's a bunch of pixels and nothing more. I wouldn't put a whole lot of respect into what they're asking for.
Good job stories aren't written by committee, right? By this, I mean that if the majority theoretically wanted Clementine gone, she wouldn't be unless the creators want her to be. Likewise with the opposite and people wanting her to stay.
Thats what i meant. Both games are not the focus of TWDG. Just side games while they continue the main story. Michonne is a great character but it has 3 episodes cause its a side game, thats it. You can have a lot of michonne in the comics and tv show, the game is just temporary entertaiment while they get back to the original story. And as i said before, 400 days lacked on interesting characters to extend it.
"Michonne" and "400 Days" are diversions from the main storyline. 400 Days was a one-shot deal featuring characters who couldn't sustain the… moreir own full-length season. Michonne is one of the most popular characters to come out of Kirkman's corner of the WD world, and even she's only getting three episodes.
Dig a little deeper and look between the lines next time.
OMG! The game need's to pick up where it left off! I need closure, dammit. In my game, Clem and Kenny left with AJ, all together to try and … moremake a go of ithe since they all couldn't be welcomed into Wellington. I say play as Kenny or Jane, depending on which route was taken. And if neither, Play as Krista inside Wellington finding Clem when she comes with AJ. Wouldn't that be something? Krista could technically have the baby she lost.
Can't say I've seen that. I'd like to say more regarding pixels, but I fear if I do, I'd spark a rather silly 'war'. So, I'll just say I agree with the essence of your point and that they're taking things a bit too far, which is putting it mildly. Regarding AJ though, I remember people calling him a plot device, that they don't care about him and that the choice to hold him was stupid. God forbid developers include a choice that is about being human and isn't about life or death. After all, the human elements are part of what makes The Walking Dead good.
Anyhow, in summary, you'll find no disagreement from me.
The so-called "majority" (in this case, the anti-Clementine people) are also demanding for AJ's immediate execution, justifying the disturbi… moreng fact they're calling for the death of a damn INFANT by claiming he's a bunch of pixels and nothing more. I wouldn't put a whole lot of respect into what they're asking for.
I don't really see the big deal about "necrobumping", there is not a lot of activity going on here so imo it's okay. :P
Edit: At least not in this case.
True, sadly Clem fans can't move on and will get crazy if she isn't in S3
But Rick is a great protagonist and character and Clem is just boring and lame. The latter can't carry a season, as S2 showed.
If anyone can be compared to him its Lee, he was a good protag too.
you are so boring! stop that. clem is awsom!! she is best hero
I really hope the debs are reading these comments. We need a blank slate, adult character with no prior relationships or established personality.
Stahp.... it's his opinion. Clem, just like a person in real life, will have not only those that likes her, but also those who dislikes. It's an undeniable natural balance. Lemme take care of it, cool?
The thing is, it's easy to have a great protagonist when they're a full grown adult. It's the easiest route to take when making a character because more options are available. Telltale took a very brave move when utilizing a child as the protagonist, and it arguably worked. Clementine of course wasn't handled the best, but give Telltale another chance, they can make it better. Just give her a way she can realistically handle things in her story, and boom it'll work. And anyone should've been able to see she would've become the way she did after everything she's seen. If anything, she did help carry the season, and S2 was arguably a failure. Also, Lee's obviously a great protagonist, but comparing a child to an adult is an unfair comparison imo.
im agree
Clementine its not boring protagonist i hope she is protagonist on season 3
Yeah TV series is sort of in a league of its on while faintly following in the comics footsteps. In spite of some duds here and there for the tv show, I feel they have done decently for themselves each season time and again. They might even get to that 12th season milestone they have been aiming for. Just hope the game series can last at least another two seasons to keep up with the show and comics longevity.
And I sort of could see multiple characters working only if Clementine remains as one of the playable characters, though it could mean Clem will be demoted from protagonist to either deuteragonist again or even tritagonist probably misspelled but it's basically 2nd or 3rd to the main character. So I can't honestly say. Hope it does if this is their plan of action the 3rd round. Just strongly disagree with the notion of dropping off any further future association with Clementine's story at any of the 3 main mysterious endings. Since all of them are pretty much open ended.. and still leaves room for more to be explained.. at least to me and each ending Clem is always with the baby AJ in arms makes it more interesting.
In the Walking Dead it seems that a characters story arc only truly ends in death either from illness, fellow survivor nemesis, or the walkers. Even the missing people of the game have like ambiguous open ended fates. Unlike other stories where characters live on and their endings are always assumed as happily ever after.
Drop kick her out of it imo
I don't want them to get rid of Clem entirely. I think they should introduce a new playable character every season, that way they could keep it consistent.
OMG! The game need's to pick up where it left off! I need closure, dammit. In my game, Clem and Kenny left with AJ, all together to try and make a go of ithe since they all couldn't be welcomed into Wellington. I say play as Kenny or Jane, depending on which route was taken. And if neither, Play as Krista inside Wellington finding Clem when she comes with AJ. Wouldn't that be something? Krista could technically have the baby she lost.
well as this thread got necroed might as well say something. why not just pull a tftbl or got and have both clem and a new character playable? it's the best of both worlds. clem fans get what they want and people who want a new pc get it to.
Y'know, I'd actually be fine with a new protagonist as long as Clementines in it I'm good.
Fuck no
I've said this before. It 'can' allow for a richer story too, as you can get different sides of a story and you're not limited to showing only what one character sees. For instance, we could have switched from Clementine to Luke in episode 4, showing us how Nick died instead of having him die off-screen. There are quite a few benefits, though a downside is you wouldn't get as much time with the characters.
Likewise, could you imagine controlling Clem or someone in her group, while also controlling someone from a hostile camp if they chose to tell two stories? Really quite a few possibilities and it opens up interesting mechanics where each character is potentially trying to undermine the other, both played by the player.
dreamfall [ the 2nd longest journey game] did something like that. you had 3 povs. zoe , April from the first game, and Kian who worked for the villain's faction.
one scene i remember reading about late in the game involved April and Kian have a conversation and you just keep switching between them so there was no bias.
Yeah, I've got the Dreamfall games. Not played much of the middle game though, and I really need to play more Dreamfall Chapters. I stopped playing in book 2 for some reason, as I do quite often with games.
Clementine IS Telltale's Walking Dead. Despite the vitriol some members on this forum have directed towards Clem, taking her out of the equation altogether would be the financial equivalent of putting a gun to your head.
Good job stories aren't written by committee, right? By this, I mean that if the majority theoretically wanted Clementine gone, she wouldn't be unless the creators want her to be. Likewise with the opposite and people wanting her to stay.
I don't know. 400 Days worked fine without Clem and so does Michonne.
One thing I will say, I don't see any point in making a 'season 3' if there are no characters from previous seasons in it. Seeing as Clementine has been the main character, she will at the very least be around. At least it's highly likely.
If not though, then Bonnie/Mike/Lilly need to be around or any other survivors. I doubt Kenny or Jane, considering their determinant status, would be (at least in a main role). Else, if there are no characters from previous seasons, then it might as well be a fresh start and I'd see no point in calling it season 3. It'd be the game's equivalent of Fear The Walking Dead.
even tho they fucked it up season 2 i still want to play as clementine, in the meantime i enjoyed playing Michonne's story.. a lot of thrill and interesting choices and new quicktime combo events
looking forward to episode 2
While I don't mind seeing Clem or other characters from the first two Seasons, I did find Lee and Michonne (so far) more enjoyable protagonists than Clem, mostly because I think that Clem's personality and abilities were badly written compared to Lee and Michonne.
Wth? Ofc not, shes the main reason i play these games.
400 days barely lasts an hour and aside from Wyatt and the asian guy whose name i dont remember, the characters weren't so interesting (my opinion though). Michone is a side game to mantain the fans bussy while they develop s3.
But TWDG "Season X" it's about Lee and Clem. There's not a real clousure to Clems story, yet.
I don't mind playing with other characters in further seasons, but i think s3 should be about her with a proper end if they want to change MC, instead of 5(7) different endings.
I wouldn't say the fucked it up, but endeed could be better.
"Michonne" and "400 Days" are diversions from the main storyline. 400 Days was a one-shot deal featuring characters who couldn't sustain their own full-length season. Michonne is one of the most popular characters to come out of Kirkman's corner of the WD world, and even she's only getting three episodes.
Dig a little deeper and look between the lines next time.
The so-called "majority" (in this case, the anti-Clementine people) are also demanding for AJ's immediate execution, justifying the disturbing fact they're calling for the death of a damn INFANT by claiming he's a bunch of pixels and nothing more. I wouldn't put a whole lot of respect into what they're asking for.
This game series is about Clementine just like the comics and the show are about Rick. No Clem in Season 3, no buy. Same with Rick.
Thats what i meant. Both games are not the focus of TWDG. Just side games while they continue the main story. Michonne is a great character but it has 3 episodes cause its a side game, thats it. You can have a lot of michonne in the comics and tv show, the game is just temporary entertaiment while they get back to the original story. And as i said before, 400 days lacked on interesting characters to extend it.
Whoever necrobumped this thread is a savage
Dont necrobump threads, its annoying and against the rules
Can't say I've seen that. I'd like to say more regarding pixels, but I fear if I do, I'd spark a rather silly 'war'. So, I'll just say I agree with the essence of your point and that they're taking things a bit too far, which is putting it mildly. Regarding AJ though, I remember people calling him a plot device, that they don't care about him and that the choice to hold him was stupid. God forbid developers include a choice that is about being human and isn't about life or death. After all, the human elements are part of what makes The Walking Dead good.
Anyhow, in summary, you'll find no disagreement from me.
I don't really see the big deal about "necrobumping", there is not a lot of activity going on here so imo it's okay. :P
Edit: At least not in this case.
Its not ok because its annoying and its against the rules
I'm sorry master.