Kenny Kenny Kenny (must read, some spoilers)
After finishing game I could not belive statistics I saw on Kenny.
First of all this character had been with you from very beginning of season one and three quarters of players would abandon him and escape with Mikes group. All I can say WTF!!! This is just outrageous! Second of all, one quarter of players who did not escape with Mikes group would abandon him at a gate and go to a some overcrowded shit hole where Christa is not even present? I mean c'mon! Kenny had been there for you! Kenny is the reason Carver was stopped and baby was born. How can you do such a dirty choices to a character who has so much legacy from season one; who would sacrifice himself in seasons one for the benefit of a kid who is responsible for his family's death. This is just worng, and people obviously dont follow story line as close as they should be. And option of killing him during fight is pure bs! Enough said, please pay more attention to video games and stop making douche bag choices!
Brace yourself @Trancebc
Brace yourself...
There is no "right" story line to follow ; in case you didn't know , the game is tailored by how you play. The ending is up to YOU , the individual. Who do you think you are , coming onto a forum for a choice based game and telling people to stop making "douche bag choices"? Did the gods of Telltale's Walking Dead visit you and tell you the "right way" to play the game , and now you've come to enlighten us all?
And what would you say if I told you you're playing the game wrong , and you shouldn't go with Kenny because he's a hot tempered psychopath , and the option to let Jane die is pure bs? Would you tolerate that?
Maybe you should calm yourself down over the matter of Kenny before you come and make posts like this that disrespect a lot of the community by inferring that their choice - making skills are lacking because they didn't go with a character YOU like.
Kenny's relationship with you is determinant in season 1. That's why season 2 is so ... flawed. It assumes that you like Kenny. To some, might be true. To others, it is false.
Kenny is my favorite character in the game. And I will agree that even though he is not really good when it cones to people, or diplomacy, he does have a few redeeming qualities.
1 - He is loyal. If you have his back, he has yours. In S1 if you side with Lilly, when they reach the train, even if you agree to go with her, she STILL abandons you. Kenny loyally sticks with you! If you choose to have Lee hide his bite from the group, and have Lee volunteer to look for Clementine alone, Kenny refuses to let Lee go out alone, stating: "You've always been their for me, Lee. Always had my back when it mattered. What kind of friend would I be, if I wasn't there for you now? You and Clementine are the only family I got left! I'm with you 'till the end."
2 - Kenny shows himself to be selfless. And I think this is no more better demonstrated in in the game, than when Kenny and Clementine reach Wellington, but are denied entry. Kenny will then plead on behalf of Clementine and Aj, even saying that they can take back the supplies they were just given. And he does this - even though it will mean he once again be alone.
[Sigh] You know it’s threads like this, which make me question why they thought it would be a good idea to bring Kenny back.
Okay so look, there is no "right" or "wrong" choices in these games. You wanna know why? Because it’s a choice game.
No one has to go for what you want, if they want to pick Jane, they can go a head, if they want to be on their own, they can go a head. It's up to them, what they would like as a canon ending.
To conclude:
enter image description here
Get over it bruh, I don't agree with it either but that's why it's not my decision what choices other people make
I know everyone plays it their own way but I just can't fathom people choosing to save Jane. Yeah, Kenny is a hot head, but that passion is driven by his need to protect those he loves, he is right to get pissed when he loses that to incompetence, and anyway, Jane is a hypocrite, she attacked Arvo and stole his gun and that's even before he does anything to the group, and yet everyone is on Kenny's back for whupping Arvo's ass after he ambushes us, how does that work!?
I don't know whether I'm being harsh on people but I saw right through Jane when she came through the door without the baby, I thought it was obvious. I knew the baby would be alive and she was just baiting Kenny to prove a point. Jane was the first to try and slice and dice Kenny and she also went so low as to try to gouge the mans remaining eye out. Fuck her. I stayed with my bro. The way I see it is, Kenny is literally the only one who doesn't abandon you. Bonnie and Mike try to leave you without supplies AND take the truck after Kenny tries to fix it for everyone. Jane ditches you in episode 4 only to come back out of sheer guilt. The rest of them were quite happy to leave you in a shed overnight too!
Lee's words rang in my ears for the rest of that episode. "She was sad Clem, that can make people angry sometimes" that applied perfectly to Kenny. When he thought AJ had died, his sadness made him angry, and that simply didn't need to happen. Jane created a situation out of pure spite to piss Kenny off. People were judging Kenny for potentially getting people killed due to his anger problems, but guess what? You played as LEE last season, a murderer and we all learned to love him! "Sometimes part of growing up is learning to do whats best for the people you care about, even if it might hurt someone else" I didn't want to hurt Jane, but Kenny was my boy, I cared for him a great deal more, he saved mine and Lee's ass more times than I care to count.
Playing S2 with a S1 save where you literally did everything possible against Kenny and treated him like complete shit is the best
Kenny: Hell, I didn't know what to make of Lee at first. 'Course, he helped me and mine more times than I can remember.
Clementine: Oh yeah! Like when he didn't try to save Duck on the farm, and then blamed you for Shawn's death! And tried to throw Duck out! And didn't give him or you any food! And blamed you for Shawn again in the drugstore! And when he talked shit about you behind your back to people! And when he didn't give Duck food a second time at the motor inn! And when he didn't help you with Larry and called you out on it! And when he didn't take the food from the car and made a jab at you about Larry! And when he specifically didn't tell you about his past but trusted everyone else! And when he continued to blame you for everything on the train, then beat you up! And didn't side with you in arguments! And when he told Katjaa to shoot Duck... and then made you do it anyways! And when he just left you in the attic with the zombified boy! And when he told you to go fuck yourself! And when he called you names and told you you were a bastard!
Kenny: I wish Lee was here.
Clementine: Oh, so he could call you an asshole again?
Kenny: What do you think he'd say?
Clementine: Oh... he'd probably just tell you to go fuck yourself.
Kenny: ...
It's Tumblr's fault for making our children into the wimps they are today.
Lmao you must be new here. Kenny isn't exactly what you'd call a well liked character by a lot of people on here. Then again a lot of people here also like him quite a lot, so there is often a pretty big war going on between people who hate him and people who don't (expect to see it in this thread).
Personally I felt a similar way when I came on here. I knew he had a lot of controversial moments, but I thought he was a great character from start to finish. It was a pretty big shock when I came on here and found out just how passionately people hated him. My mind must have still been on the game because I didn't really pay attention to the stats when I finished last episode, but yeah it is surprising to me that the vast majority ended up killing him.
The decisions are there for a reason. We as players have every right to choose which path we want, that's what makes TWD game unique. This isn't even about Kenny or Jane. I have a hard time understanding why you believe shooting Kenny is a "douchebag choice". Hell, I shot him and he told me I did the right thing.
Yes, I chose Ken in my first play through and I am still with him and A.J on the road. I believe the Jane endings made no sense though Jane wasn't the worst female character. However Jane's existence did degrade season 2 immensely.. Two timing traitor Bonnie was the most despicable woman..simply a genuine female Judas. And Mike's name should had been Clyde for a pun reference.
I think your reading the wrong stat, going with kenny means choosing him over Jane, not Mike. Mikes stat is number 3 and its usually way lower.
I believe 96% didn't ask to leave with Mike.
By the way, how could this person be mistaken, if asking to leave with Mike was a different choice than who you ended up with?
with the execption of mine craft story mode. most of telltale's games are very grey with their choices. in michoone we are an outsider dealing with two unreliable narrators for example.
Or it could also be the parent's fault who fail to educate them; it's easy to blame a social network.
Anyway, I disagree that your children are "wimps".
Kenny was annoying but so where all the characters in the game besides Clem, at least Kenny made up for it in the ending, good Kenny.
Finally, a non-biased perspective of the Kenny/Jane conflict.
People should take it as their forum mantra.
Truth be told, I sided with Kenny until the end. Mostly because I saw right through Jane's deception and knew what she was planning to do to Kenny. Jane argued that by getting Kenny to fight, Clementine would see Kenny for what he is. But we as the audience can argue that if we chose to go with Kenny to Wellington and he selflessly offers to stay behind so Clementine and AJ can be safe, that THIS is what Kenny really is.
She had shattered her knife, and even trought Kenny attacked her, that by itself is already a reason to save Jane, she trusted Kenny but he, as a coward, killed/tried to kill her.
Yeah originally she put it away but she was still ready for a fight that she caused. When she realised that Kenny was a little too much for her to handle she pussied out and went for her knife again.
Well, she un-armed herself, attacking after that is not fair, no matter what.
I to stayed with Kenny until the end, and went off with him into the sunset.
This was for three simple reasons.
One, I despised the character Jane.
Two, Kenny is the only one to stand by Clementine and even lose an eye in the process.
Three, I am of the same opinion that loyalty and family is everything. Kenny considered Clementine family. Therefore he deserves my loyalty.
People will make the choices they think is right which can always change if they decide to play the game again, not everyone likes or agrees with what Kenny does just as not everyone agrees or likes what every other character does, just like every other good characters, Kenny has flaws that make him a dislike-able character. There are allot of reasons why people would choose against Kenny and not everyone will have the same reasons. You're allowed to have your opinion but could you please not tell other players what they should choose to do and tell them that doing otherwise makes their choices bs or a douchebag choice? Of course you can have your own subjective opinion of what a bs or douchebag choice is but not everyone is going to agree in a game where almost every choice can be debated over. Please be respectful of the choices other players make and I'd suggest you refrain from making assumptions that people aren't paying attention to the game, not everyone is going to make the same choices as anyone else and I think that's what makes the option of choice interesting, at least for me.
On a personal note, I like Kenny, I think he's a great character but I definitely don't agree some of the things he's done, in my main save I chose to go with Jane as she's my current favorite character(yeah, she has flaws too and has made controversial/bad decisions in my opinion but which characters hasn't, apart from a relatively small minority?) but I still went through both Seasons again and chose to go with Kenny the second time around. In a game that tailors by how you play, there is never a definite right or wrong decision, there's always some means of justification for every decision.
The most reasonable comment I've seen in the entire time I've been a member of this site.
You're not looking at it from the stance of which character is better. I've seen some that have done that, and I'm not pointing any fingers, but they've come across to me as obsessive - in some ways almost mentally unstable.
You on the other hand, acknowledge that it is just a video game, that it's not life or death. And that because of that, in the long run, the choices made in it don't really matter.
And I like that!
With that said, I would to encourage everyone who reads this comment, to just enjoy the game for what it is. Don't get to hung up on the choices - especially which one was better. Because quite frankly, it is just a video game, and not worth all that time and effort.
I replayed, it makes no difference, Mike just says "sure just give me the gun", and continue to walk foward.
"This is just worng, and people obviously dont follow story line as close as they should be." I shot Kenny, he told me I did the right choice, go argue with him then.
but he's dead!
I know, it was intentional :v
I did that choice. Arvo just shoots you anyway.
We can probably commune with his ghost by putting on fake beards.