The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • ErykaEryka Banned

    My spring break was last week ;P

    I hope it'll get better at school for you <3

    I'm exhausted , dehydrated , pissed off , and frustrated , and it's not even Tuesday yet. I've lost all my pens and most of my pencils , I h

  • edited March 2016

    Thanks, but I'm good. It would just take up a bunch of time anyway. Thanks though.

    Well I mean I can help you with that. There are ways around that using other programs.

  • Not as good as mine.

    Eryka posted: »

    How is my avatar? I personally think it's wonderful

  • Awesome

    enter link description here

    The only downside is that he won't get any pictures of Spideman.

  • Lucky.

    Thanks. :)

    I'm exhausted , dehydrated , pissed off , and frustrated , and it's not even Tuesday yet. I've lost all my pens and most of my pencils , I h

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Mine is better, you dick.

    (I'm joking ;P)

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Not as good as mine.

  • Got 136 you casual.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I'm curious, how many Steam friends do you guys have? I wanna see if I'm a fucking loner compared to everyone else on here lol.

  • Ugh, just found out that my school trip for April is cancelled cause not enough people at my grade want to go.

    It makes me sad and angry at the same time :\

  • Cage The Elephant always cheers me up.

    enter link description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Ugh, just found out that my school trip for April is cancelled cause not enough people at my grade want to go. It makes me sad and angry at the same time

  • edited March 2016

    Yeah, I guess that's understandable. I have a YouTube channel that's been going on for 2 years, and while I love doing it, god damn it has taken a big toll on my life, especially with all of my other work. It's pretty tough dude.

    Thanks, but I'm good. It would just take up a bunch of time anyway. Thanks though.

  • If you cover the top half of that video thumbnail, the bottom half of it looks really disgusting. :P

    ualexen92 posted: »

  • Ugh. Reminds me of having a kidney infection. :P

    If you cover the top half of that video thumbnail, the bottom half of it looks really disgusting. :P

  • He got tired of waiting so he quit Marvel :P

    Awesome enter link description here The only downside is that he won't get any pictures of Spideman.

  • Today I learned that Neil Druckmann was one of the top Conker's Bad Fur Day players when Rare was promoting it at campuses.

    enter link description here

  • edited March 2016

    That feeling when you step on dog crap the first time. ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

  • edited March 2016

    It is artistic because Clementine is artistic

    Eryka posted: »

    Same for your avatar

  • Beautiful Max. Yours is so creative. I see the artistic value of your profile picture.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Not as good as mine.

  • 60 ISIS supporters returns to Canada and the government does nothing.

    enter image description here

    Fuck my country's government and PM!

    This goddamn idiot of a PM opens all the doors to terrorists, and goes major idiot mode, leaving the entire country vulnerable. God I hope a rebellion happens and people start fighting back. This country isn't meant to be a goddamn terrorist haven!

  • edited March 2016

    (Personally, and I know this not going to exactly be positive, but frankly I'm dissatisfied with life.

    The biggest thing I'm tired of not having any real close friends. Most of the people I know, well they just add up to being acquaintances who tolerate me, and whom I know who would not be there for me when the chips are down.

    Despite trying to be tactful, and most of all kindly, I've still never fit in anywhere at anytime. I like associating with other people. But I don't possess the personal magnetism for people to want me around. It gets lonely!)

    (The second is, I'm tired of Politicians, that say they're gonna fix things, but so often all that talk just adds up to being a shitload of empty promises. No matter what their political leanings are! These politicians are produced by the people, therefore if politicians are selfish, self-centered, and looking out for themselves, than that means that the people are the ones who are really at fault.

    That's why I don't vote anymore. I figure: Why should bear responsibility for getting these selfish - often times corrupt - people into office, and then also bear responsibility for when they get into office and screw everything up? So they way I see it - Fuck these lying asshole Politicians, Fuck Politics itself, and most especially - Fuck Political Correctness. )

    You did say "Post whatever's on your mind". And that's what I've done. Normally I'm not as unfiltered as I am here - I usually try to be more diplomatic than what I've been here. But I just said to myself: "You know, I'm just so fed up with certain things, and I'm just gonna say it straight."

    Does anyone have any advice for me?
    Particularly in regard to the first problem?

  • ErykaEryka Banned


    It is artistic because Clementine is artistic

  • I have a few really good mates and thats it's you never need loads of people. I can rely on one mate to talk too. If he's not up to his neck in UNI stuff. Before I even got friends I just tried to be sure of who I am. Sounds stupid I know but then you can find those people that are like you.
    Way back in school I use to care about what people though. Now im like fuck it. My life ima do what i want. I don't exactly go out so I dont meet new people... Which is a problem really but meh. But once you get those mates you can be your fucked up self with its great.

    I'm talking like I know alot but I really dont. I was just lucky some guys stuck around or id be just sitting around doing fuck all in my time off work.

    Yeah I can be arsed any more with politics. Just all shit and nothing chances even with different parties. Just fix the problem with another problem that the next government has to deal with and the cycle begins again.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    (Personally, and I know this not going to exactly be positive, but frankly I'm dissatisfied with life. The biggest thing I'm tired of not

  • What's on my mind right now is that im very excited for GEARS 4 NEWS!! and that Daredevil Season 2 is this month. BADASS!!

  • Sorry, you can't have friends unless you're politically correct. OK, just kidding.

    Good friends require hang-out time, which means you need to enjoy something similar and have compatible attitudes. Whom among your acquaintances would you like to spend more time with? What would you do? It's up to you to suggest this.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    (Personally, and I know this not going to exactly be positive, but frankly I'm dissatisfied with life. The biggest thing I'm tired of not



  • I'm going to miss these commercials.

    enter link description here

  • We get another Captain America: Civil War trailer tomorrow! I wonder what all else we will see in the new trailer.

  • Life is strange all episodes on sale for $10 on Xbone if theres anyone who wants to play it

  • My reaction to Trump University

  • The good news is , there are only two school days left this week , and one of them will be spent in a blur of testing.

    The bad news is , my relatives are trying to drive my mom insane. They want us to come on Thursday next week , but mom wants to wait until Friday because that's when dad is off work , and at the moment we have only one reliable vehicle.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Rip durr plant guy

  • There's a smelly dead rat under my house. Fuck my life.

  • So Chumlee from pawn stars just got arrested for drugs and and weapons charges lol. What is going on with this world..

  • I wasn't missing much.
    A bit unhappy at the moment and felt like popping in.
    I really don't feel like I belong here anymore though.
    Off to silence I go.

  • edited March 2016

    enter link description here

    [Mod edit: Minor spoiler removed] Bah.

  • [Hype intensifies]

    Pipas posted: »

    enter link description here [Mod edit: Minor spoiler removed] Bah.

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