They should have a variety of Races (TV Series)

They haven't put any Indian people and I think that is wrong.


  • You have got to be kidding me...

  • When writing a story it's a waste of time to think "I need to make sure I please everyone. I need this race and this sexuality... etc"

  • Maybe it's because India is on the other side of the world and the general population consists of Americans in America, I dunno.

  • Sarita was indian, cupcake.

  • They explicitly said that they wanted an Indian character on the TV Show.

    Why can't things just go their way? I wonder sometimes.

    Sarita was indian, cupcake.

  • Remember that you've gotta be realistic on diversity, depending on where you are. I'm not caught up with the show, but they may not really be in an area that had an Indian population... Where are they, Alexandria? I don't know much about that city, but Virginia doesn't seem to have a large Indian population; that could just be where I am, though, so don't take my word for it.

    Besides, it's stupid to value characters simply based on race. It shouldn't matter.

  • I believe they have, wasnt there a doctor in season three? Or do you mean Native American?

  • I'm hearing impaired, and I don't expect, nor want, the Walking Dead to include a deaf person in their story anytime soon.

    It's down to the writers and directors on what nationality, disability, gender, etc., their characters will be, and they shouldn't be expected to fulfill whatever the fandom wants to include in the cast, since it's their choice at the end of the day.

  • Why does it matter!!!!????

  • Lol am I the only one who read the thread title and thought they wanted to add orcs and elves and stuff?

  • I'm pretty close to Alexandria, and going to school in it and having been around the area, I can confidently say the chances of finding an Indian person aren't extraordinarily high. There's a lot of Vietnamese (shout out to my man) and quite a bit of Koreans, but I can count on one hand how many Indians I know.

    Remember that you've gotta be realistic on diversity, depending on where you are. I'm not caught up with the show, but they may not really b

  • It's meant to be a ragtag group of survivors in an apocalyptic world, not the United Nations. Just relax and enjoy the show

  • I'm outraged because they don't have any albino's

  • It

  • That's what it looked like to me. XD

    Lol am I the only one who read the thread title and thought they wanted to add orcs and elves and stuff?

  • edited March 2016

    Why does everything boil down to race these days? Why can't we as people just look the color of a person's skin, and look at the person underneath that?

    And why is it nowadays your a victim if your Black, Gay, or something else? Whatever happened to taking control of your life - to accepting personal responsibility and accountability?

    And why is it nowadays if you're White, Straight, Male, or even Religious, you're automatically a bad guy? I thought we were all supposed to have equal rights?

    But back to my main point - what the hell does race have to do with anything? And why does every single group have to be represented in this country, otherwise people get their panties in a knot?

    Why do people always find something to belly ache and bitch about - especially when it comes to matters of skin color or ethnicity?

    Its all a bunch of fucking bullshit!
    And serves to separate people, instead of uniting them.

  • Arguably that would be pretty sweet

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    That's what it looked like to me. XD

  • edited March 2016

    Hampton Roads here. Can say the same. I don't know a lot of Indian people. :P

    I'm pretty close to Alexandria, and going to school in it and having been around the area, I can confidently say the chances of finding an I

  • This is a joke, right?

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