What would you expect Telltale to do in the the next episodes of Michonne ..?
It has been a long time since my last post on the community so just as time passed and I got free I saw telltale release "The Walking dead Michonne"
and when I played it, I found the game better than the others.
So I am eager and excited what happens in the next episodes, what are your comments and views over this.....
what do you think will happen next on The walking dead Michonne by how you played or tailored the game:- ???
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have no idea I don't honestly know much about Michonne herself. while I do follow the tv the people who read the comics are the people who a step ahead of everyone else
I have no clue where the story's going but I like this unpredictability. Literally anything can happen, except for Pete and Michonne dying.
Can't wait for the second episode
No, it's a rifle.
That we are going to play a tough game with Randall. How are you going to treat him?
I don't think I'm gonna hurt him. Sure, he is a psycho who made a guy of his own group shot another person, but he hasn't done anything against me.
I want to see Randall get the governor treatment. Or at least, give us the opportunity to do so. Let us choose just how far we take it, but at least make it so Michonne roughs him up a bit no matter what. If not that, then I hope they show Michonne taking on other humans in some capacity. They've shown Michonne to be a very capable fighter and walker slayer so far in this series, but they haven't really touched on just how brutal she can (and will) get when it comes to other people. I feel that brutality is an integral part to her character. Just look at some of her kills in the comic, slicing people open and all that.
MORE WALKER SLAUGHTER! 'Cause Michonne is really badass with that machete...
And more cool openings!
Michonne plot armor up the ying yang. Isn't anybody else just excited every other character can die in an instant but it's 100% guaranteed Pete and Michonne will make it out without a scratch? I know I'm not
Same. I was being honest to him all the time, didn't jump on him and he didn't beat me up.
Siddiq is from the comics as well and alive so Michonne, Pete and Siddiq definetly won't die.
I'm hoping to see more time invested with Norma and Randal's community as well as more background check on Sam's past, so there will be a stronger grey vs. grey conflict between the two groups, leaving us to decided on which group is more trustworthy to ally with for our benefit.
they told you before episode 1 came out pete and michoone can't die. this is not some new revelation
give me more on who sam is. at this point i can't trust her as I can't tell if she is lying or not.
Call me crazy but I don't think Randall has done anything nearly close enough to be deserving of that treatment. Sure he's rough we haven't seen him to do anything that lets him fallout into that category. Honestly the world is cruel and evil not everyone can be as naive as Pete
I know it's probably not going to happen, but I would like to talk to some background survivors from Monroe. We could ask how the colony was built, what they think about Norma and Randall, have they ever done something that was frowned upon by the other residents, and what do they know about Sam.
I dont get why people have such an issue with this, we know the playable character will never die before the final episode anyway as there is only one character we play as. I'd just imagine you can die in every scene before that if it helps with your decisions
I can imagine catching Sam in more lies and pushing our tolerance for her. Making it that much harder to side with her. Maybe the start of another "who to choose" Norma or Sam situation? Also we'll probably find the people Pete is looking for.
I expect Sam to get injured, and for us to eventually capture Randall. And I suspect there might be a choice to try and save Sam or to protect the ship and the crew.
A quick question; did you choose the ladder or the window?
Make the damn episode longer and Evolve
Hopefully telltale will look upto the suggestions bjt please think of the way you tailoured and played it....
Cough Cough Ethan Forrester Cough Cough
I'm hoping for Sam to die. I can't stand her
I'm guessing Norma and Randall turn out not to really be bad people, that potentially Randall will become determinant through the player, where Michonne will be able to decide if to kill him or not, and whether or not you do impacts how Norma and her community interact with Michonne for the remainder of the game.
Sam perhaps recovers from her bullet wound, but dies by other means, yet before she does she tells Michonne about her younger brothers [mentioned by her and Greg in Episode 1] and where to find them, and begs for Michonne to go to them, because they're on their own and there's nobody to look out for them anymore. All leading onto Michonne heading off to track the younger siblings down in the finale, triggering some severe PTSD symptoms and more hallucinations of her daughters that ultimately bring Michonne to finding the boys and potentially leaving them in the safety of those shown in the preview for Episode 2 at the house [if they're good people and trustworthy] and finally giving Michonne some closure...despite never having actually gone and looked for her daughters. But hey, there's Pete, they can get married or something.
They're married in the comic, right? R-Right!?
They will probaly make michoone more bland
I don't have any hopes for Randall, seeing how he's not much different from Carver and Troy in how he behaves and acts. However, I do want to know more about Norma though, and I'm hoping that she's not another generic villain and actually does have some depth in her character.
As for Sam, I'm not sure what to make of her, given how she's said to be a credible liar and is very aggressive in how she behaves. I'm surprised that Michonne is helping her as shown in the screenshots and trailers, given how Sam and Greg did help get her into their business with Norma and Randall, and I figured that someone like Michonne would have wanted nothing to do with them.
I think Sam lies to protect her siblings. She says something about it to Michonne when they're tied up, where she warns her not to tell Norma and Randall's group about anyone she cares about, or something to those lines. I wouldn't be surprised if Sam has indeed been stealing a lot more of their supplies than just the one bag.
But like I said, I don't think Randall's bad, or another Carver. He just seems to be playing it tough because he assumes Michonne and co are behind the thieving and doesn't want to be soft when they've already been to Sam before by letting her go, only for her to steal again. I'm guessing his angle is not wanting to come across weak to outsiders, that said his methods are still too overboard, especially when having a teenager involved in his tactics.
We'll just have to see for ourselves with the rest of Sam's family, since we've heard from her that there is an Alex. If she is telling the truth, it would explain why she would have stolen more supplies than necessary if it was supposed to be just her and Greg.
And as of Randal, I'm still not convinced. There's putting a tyrannical front to intimidate strangers and not appear weak to their enemies, and it's another to goad an unwilling teammate into pointing a gun at hostages and then berate them for pulling the trigger, when you've given them the gun in the first place and then pressure them to "fucking do something!". Also, he doesn't seem all that concerned about the death of Greg, nor does he think of how his reanimation could end up killing both Sam and Michonne, which would have cost him any sense of chance of knowing where the stolen supplies are.
From what I've gathered, much like Carver and Troy, Randal is just another ruthless brute who doesn't give a damn about the consequences of his actions, only in this case he's not the leader of the community.
I expect to see Rashid and Vanessa.
I have a feeling that the two new guys we saw in the preview were them, this would explain why they let them enter into the house.

It's just a therory of what will happen, but maybe they're just another community or another group
Technically Michonne can die but it's uncanon, I feel like whenever people say plot armor, they forget that your character can die but obviously prevents the story from progressing further.
Hopefully Zachary won't die despite being determinant...
The ladder, but I know how both situations go after playing it twice.
Hm, okay… so you do know that Michonne and Pete mysteriously find a picture of Rashid and Vanessa's kids in the ladder route.
Yeah, that's why it leads me to believe we'll come across them at some point in the next episode. Or at the very least know the truth of what happened to them from someone.
I don't know what to expect other than what we saw on the "Next Time On" segment but I hope to god we get some quality character development wherever we go. It was funny to me that I was getting chances to stick up for Greg and take some of the blame when I'm sitting there saying, "I don't know this kid and I really don't care about his lying ass".
Do you expect it to be boring, or do you wish for it to be boring?
I expect it to be boring
The first episode was apparently incredibly blanned