Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Happy fap day fappy

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I was going to reply to every single one of you who mentioned telling them how awesome they're, but that's just going to be a lengthy proces

  • Oh ,hi John! I expected a Dr. Who GIF from you but whatever, I'm glad you're back.

    happy anniversary, you guys

  • Yeah, that looks like the thing that I'll be celebrating with today, my hand..

    Eryka posted: »

    Happy fap day fappy

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Hot. Send me a video please.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Yeah, that looks like the thing that I'll be celebrating with today, my hand..

  • Yeah, here's a tip on how to view it when I send it to you:

    1- Go to your bed.
    2- Sleep.
    3- ?????
    4- Profit.

    Eryka posted: »

    Hot. Send me a video please.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I like step 3

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Yeah, here's a tip on how to view it when I send it to you: 1- Go to your bed. 2- Sleep. 3- ????? 4- Profit.

  • Ah a year ago today I made my first post on here. (page 2 btw)

    H-h-h-happy a-anniversary fgts

  • I think you said everything that needs to be said, already. :D <3

    Mawula posted: »

    You are all posting such nice things, I decided to do it too. I only joined in October, but it seems like years ago. Who I remember and w

  • Is a bit late but: Happy anniversary guys :)

    enter image description here

  • And I'm here too! Happy anniversary, Who missed me? (Crickets)

  • Hi.

    And I'm here too! Happy anniversary, Who missed me? (Crickets)

  • Hey guys, it's been a long time again. :)

    Everybody is making speeches, huh? Okay, there aren't as many speeches as in TWD, but still... :P Maybe I should make one too, then... no need to worry though, I'll keep it short. ;)

    Congratulations on keeping this place alive and awesome for a whole year! 1700+ pages, that's just amazing... you all should be proud of yourself. Whether you made just a couple comments or thousands of them, you all made this place into what it is now. :>

    This place changed my life. It's interesting to look back at how things were before I found this place and how they are now... thank you all for that, for making this place so welcoming and special. :')

    I wanted to start writing names and thank each and every one of you personally, but I would be here until the morning and my bad memory would make me forget to mention half of the people anyway. So just rest assured that even though I'm not here anymore, I still do remember our jokes and conversations and your awesomeness. I have to mention at least one person tho, Hanna aka @nohuhhuh – how could I not mention the most important person for me, a brilliant and amazing girl who I've met here and who I love immensely? <3 Thanks guys for (unknowingly) helping me find her. ;)

    Cheers! :]

  • Who You?! Ծ_Ծ

    Jk Happy Anniversary Bud! ^^

    And I'm here too! Happy anniversary, Who missed me? (Crickets)

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Pffff page 2

    Ah a year ago today I made my first post on here. (page 2 btw) H-h-h-happy a-anniversary fgts

  • Oh you <3 :3

    enter image description here

    yeah happy anniversary everyone! Like Hellfish already said, I'm also thankful to you guys for unknowingly helping me to find this hellish fish creature >:3 And thanks for everything else too! I know I'm not visiting here very often anymore but I'm still forever grateful to you guys for all the great things that happened here. I got introduced to so many amazing people and I won't ever forget this journey I shared with you guys! And thanks @kristi78968 and @Eryka for all the nice words. I appreciate them. :3

    HellFish posted: »

    Hey guys, it's been a long time again. Everybody is making speeches, huh? Okay, there aren't as many speeches as in TWD, but still... :P

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Show me the buttborderlands please <3

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Oh you yeah happy anniversary everyone! Like Hellfish already said, I'm also thankful to you guys for unknowingly helping me to fin

  • Pfff you weren't even here around the time, ha!

    Eryka posted: »

    Pffff page 2

  • Um can be pretend that those never existed? :D

    Eryka posted: »

    Show me the buttborderlands please

  • ErykaEryka Banned


    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Um can be pretend that those never existed?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Green was there since the beginning

    Pfff you weren't even here around the time, ha!

  • edited March 2016

    No shit, so was I. Page 2 is the same day it was created. But I don't contribute :/, busy wit lyfe.

    Eryka posted: »

    Green was there since the beginning

  • I-I.......I'm lewd too!

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm not weird, I'm "unique"

  • edited March 2016

    Happy Rhyiona day, my friends. :D

    There is a lot of wonderful people, I love dearly on here, and then there is @mawula (not even going to start on you, my dear. could take all night). :D

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Masha × Kenny intensifie

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Happy Rhyiona day, my friends. There is a lot of wonderful people, I love dearly on here, and then there is @mawula (not even going to start on you, my dear. could take all night).

  • It already took many nights :D so yeah, let's keep it to ourselves :)

    Happy Rhyiona day (can't be saying it too many times)!

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Happy Rhyiona day, my friends. There is a lot of wonderful people, I love dearly on here, and then there is @mawula (not even going to start on you, my dear. could take all night).

  • Hello there, bud.

    happy anniversary, you guys

  • Guys, the Borderlands franchise is in the sale on Steam. If you want to try Borderlands go check it out.

  • I don't have money, I'm too poor.

    Guys, the Borderlands franchise is in the sale on Steam. If you want to try Borderlands go check it out.

  • You don't have money? I know a way how to make money. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Brodester08 posted: »

    I don't have money, I'm too poor.

  • I'll swing by later ;)

    You don't have money? I know a way how to make money. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I wanted to tag you but your username is too difficult with all those numbers

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    You can't change username ;D

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    You fucked up.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Are you my dad? :DDD

  • Nice new pic Zap.

    ZapThroat posted: »


  • Danks :D

    Nice new pic Zap.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    You fuck. You were there since the beginning and you never shipped it. Kill yourself

    papai46 posted: »

    But how ab-ab-about Jhys?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I just realized why we say Rhyiona instead of Rhyona.

    It's a fetish that involves abuse towards the other person. So basically sexual pleasure from seeing others pain.


    Tbh I think we should rename our ship Rhyona because we all know that Fiona likes to see Rhys in pain, am I right guys? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Wot.

    Eryka posted: »

    You fuck. You were there since the beginning and you never shipped it. Kill yourself

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