The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • So I got some very good news today. I called my local council, and they managed to find a spot for me in work placement. So I've gotta take my forms to them on Tuesday and then hand them into the school, and then I'll be able to move on from it after having it weigh on me for the entire term.

  • Congrats! What kind of work are you doing?

    So I got some very good news today. I called my local council, and they managed to find a spot for me in work placement. So I've gotta take

  • Mate, we here would happily apply for it. Unfortunately, it does not roll out here in my town until 2017. Furthermore, we can only get service through Telstra where I am in my town, and apparently the lines here do not support an unlimited modem. Also, I just happen to be in a small valley, making the connection we do have troublesome at times.

    In short, we could afford it, but we are limited by our location.

    Miss out on the NBN. eh mate? But seriously, it makes me aware of how lucky I am to be on an unlimited data plan.

  • Execllent. I am applying for work experience myself. I hope it goes well.

    So I got some very good news today. I called my local council, and they managed to find a spot for me in work placement. So I've gotta take


  • That's awesome!

    Tylerg823 posted: »


  • Congrats :D

    Tylerg823 posted: »


  • Yay. Now buy an animal. Too many kids.

    Tylerg823 posted: »


  • Congratulations and good luck!

    Tylerg823 posted: »


  • Congratulations.

    Tylerg823 posted: »


  • Customer service. I'd been hoping for them to give me a spot at the local library, but I think a lot of kids from my school had the same idea of applying to the Council (according to the person I spoke to yesterday). Knowing the standard at my school, I'm not surprised so many kids are leaving it to the last minute.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Congrats! What kind of work are you doing?

  • Customer Service is tough man, I wish you the best of luck.

    Customer service. I'd been hoping for them to give me a spot at the local library, but I think a lot of kids from my school had the same ide

  • Congratulations! May you both have eternal happiness.

    Tylerg823 posted: »


  • It's not until May, so I've got some breathing room.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Customer Service is tough man, I wish you the best of luck.

  • dumps boxes on doorstep

    I'm going to be internet-homeless shortly.

  • Fair enough I still think they can cut it a little for education but you made solid points thank you

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Because the pentagon is an insatiable money-pit. Because the Military Industrial Complex constantly lobbies for new, often needless proje

  • Did it hurt?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Gotta get a crown put in tomorrow. I hate hate hate dental work. Too poor to afford laughing gas, so I'm going to sedate myself with leftover Vicodin. Should be interesting.

  • Episodic and Online decision made me not want to buy the game I won't encourage that practice the full game is coming in 2017 I will buy.

    Telltale only started that because when they first made games they couldn't afford to make a full game so they released episodes to get the budget for the next part. When the budget is there, I feel no reason to do episodes of games imo for telltale I don't mind for the sake of debate here

    So, it would seem that the latest Hitman installment has an always online DRM feature that was smuggled into the game. Apparently, the onlin

  • Congrats bro

    So I got some very good news today. I called my local council, and they managed to find a spot for me in work placement. So I've gotta take

  • congrats have an awesome day

    Tylerg823 posted: »


  • Congrats man!

    Tylerg823 posted: »


  • Excited to finally watch Daredevil Season 2 once it premieres on Netflix tomorrow! I'm looking forward to seeing Punisher join the MCU.

  • edited March 2016

    enter link description here

    I found this interesting I was massive fan of Jim Carey as a kid and the mask so found this cool and interesting so share

    I love to see horror version of the mask

  • Kinda. They gave me a nerve block, so it went pretty well, just started hurting toward the end. It just took a long time.

    Doping myself up beforehand helped. I can see why people get addicted to opiates. I took just a small amount and it felt like being wrapped in a warm hug. It's actually pretty scary how good that shit makes you feel.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Did it hurt?

  • You should read the comics, it's not horror but it's pretty gory.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here I found this interesting I was massive fan of Jim Carey as a kid and the mask so found this cool and interesting so share I love to see horror version of the mask

  • Smart move getting the anniversary date to line up with St. Patrick's Day. The foolish ones who go for Valentine's Day pay through the nose.

    Congrats! And Happy Honeymoon! ;)

    Tylerg823 posted: »


  • And the Batman panel is also tomorrow.

    Marvel vs. DC going down.

    Excited to finally watch Daredevil Season 2 once it premieres on Netflix tomorrow! I'm looking forward to seeing Punisher join the MCU.

  • On the Internet, you always have an address. Well, it's an IP address, but still....

    Johro posted: »

    dumps boxes on doorstep I'm going to be internet-homeless shortly.

  • edited March 2016


    enter image description here

    Also, on a more serious matter, I came out to my friends today and one of them really accepted it meanwhile I don't think the other really took me seriously. She just laughed and kept saying that I'm trying to pull wool over her eyes when I'm not. [Sigh] I'm going to have to find a way to convince her.

  • What do you mean by "you came out", do you mean you're.. a.. le-lesbian?

    enter image description here

    All the dreams.. all the fantasies.. they're all.. gone...

    lottii-lu posted: »

    WHAT THE FUCK WAS I ON WHEN I WROTE THIS?! Also, on a more serious matter, I came out to my friends today and one of them really acce

  • I'd thought you'd be more disturbed about my fanfic lmaooo.

    But yes, I am a lesbian.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    What do you mean by "you came out", do you mean you're.. a.. le-lesbian? All the dreams.. all the fantasies.. they're all.. gone...

  • I was remembering old games I once played that I really enjoyed that I need to get. One game came to mind was Inuyasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask. It was a game that I played back when I was a kid, I was only able to play the rental of it. It was actually pretty fun, a little like Final Fantasy in terms of gameplay. It played as an alternated story while still progressing along like the main series, playing as a boy or girl riding along the adventure with the cast. The farthest I got to was against Naraku in his final form with all this bone armor on his robes. I was pretty far near the end except I never got to beat it. Sadly I never was able to buy when the store I rented the game was selling all their games/DVDs since they were going to being a phone/internet/TV only company. Now I'm on my search for the game along with 20 others. Hoping to get it someday.

    Speaking of which, I recently got back into watching Inuyasha on youtube. Last I watched it was when it was on TV. Great story and lore just as I last watched, but man do some moments/dialogue seem way more cheesy than I last remembered. lol

    Another old show I'm hoping to get back into is CyberSix. It used to be on air during sleeping hours so I got lucky to watch a few episodes when I lacked a bed/got sick. I constantly remembered a woman with a cape and hat with a green glowing lab, but didn't know the name. Until my brother told me. Now I can relive my childhood. ^.^

  • I use a VPN, guess that makes me itinerant.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    On the Internet, you always have an address. Well, it's an IP address, but still....

  • tfw you're straight and boring

    lottii-lu posted: »

    WHAT THE FUCK WAS I ON WHEN I WROTE THIS?! Also, on a more serious matter, I came out to my friends today and one of them really acce

  • edited March 2016

    @DillonDex Come cure me with your tongue ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • What, again? I'm going to have to start charging...

    Brodester08 posted: »

    @DillonDex Come cure me with your tongue ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Just provide the service pls b0ss

    DillonDex posted: »

    What, again? I'm going to have to start charging...

  • Okay, please assume position.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Just provide the service pls b0ss

  • I'm going to have to find a way to convince her.

    enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    WHAT THE FUCK WAS I ON WHEN I WROTE THIS?! Also, on a more serious matter, I came out to my friends today and one of them really acce


    JonDee013 posted: »

    I'm going to have to find a way to convince her.

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