Kenny dangerous for Clementine

I'm sorry, but I noticed that a lot of time (thread you can complain about) Kenny dangerous for Clementine, not only for adults. I now explain:
First of all, he often refers to her aggressively. But the climax comes when she kills Sarita unintentionally. I see the man he so wanted to smack of Clementine, he takes out his nervous about zombies. There are many hints that. He's holding back, and the little girl did not understand it. On second thought, he even afraid to hurt her, he knew he was violent and not in control of himself, is resisting the urge to hurt her and fear that it will happen. He did not look at her And fear to harm a child. The psychological question is if he was afraid to hurt Clementine and trying to control himself or want to hurt her but holding back because she just a child.
A situation in which Clementine sorry ... Kenny tries not to look at her and see that he holds himself from doing something immoral - hitting a little girl. Clementine looks scared and frightened just his words, then what would have happened if he would yell at her? She was crying. The nerve he had to Clementine, Kenny releases killing a zombie. He continues to hit the zombie after he died. After that, he supposedly rescues another from a zombie Clementine, to show he was released from a desire to beat her. what do you say? He tries not to behave violently Clementine environment, I would not be surprised if Jane was hit before the end.
You are looking far too deep into things. Also this is like the 5th thread you've made talking about how Kenny is dangerous to Clementine.
no it's not
The only momment Kenny really got mad at Clementine was when she 'killed' Sarita ( It wasn't even her fault ), but I don't think he actualy wanted to hurt her at any point, and also I think it's acceptable to be at least angry with the person that supposedly killed his new wife.
i think he want hurt her
Why would he want to hur her? I mean when you're mad sometimes you want really to hurt someone but Clementine was all that was left that he considered 'family', and Kenny is not like that, he wouldn't hurt a 11 years old girl, and not that he's afraid of it, because one of the S02 ending includes him and Clem 'alone' and no one would blame him for hitting her so I don't think he actally wanted to.
it's not!! it's first thread on that!
but ... it's first my post on this
Probably, but other people already talked about this..
i didn't know
Kenny would never hurt Clementine. Never. Kenny has his tantrums, but that's just the way he is. He's always apologized soon after. He loves Clementine like if she was her own child, he even said so himself in one of the outtakes of Ep. 5.
Those are awesome drawings, also this one is one of my favorites:
she's a kid and he scares her
It's alright
Except, he did hurt her by elbowing her, on the face , even if it was accidental. He also emotionally hurt her either in the middle of the herd or in Parker's Run.
If you say that he didn't hurt her, what did he apologize for?
@karakikoss just hijacked @CuteClem's thread an posted unrelated Kenny pictures. Not appreciated, because this is meant to be a real discussion.
For his tantrum and blaming her for Sarita's death. Almost everyone has emotionally hurt Clem at some point, the characters keep hurting each other emotionally, it's the apocalypse. Even Lee did hurt her at some point.
So you do accept that he hurt Clementine, regardless if other characters also have, or is Kenny one of the few that hasn't hurt her?
Five out of the six pictures are fan-art including the two, which, while it's appreciated and encouraged, it's not canon, so you can't use them as an argument.
Of course he has hurt her, emotionally, not physically. That doesn't mean he doesn't love her. He does love Clementine deeply. Kenny has his flaws, like everyone else, but he's not a bad man, and he'd never hurt Clementine intentionally.
This is pretty much worse than the Kenny vs Jane threads. At least Kenny admitted how crazy he became but this is just putting salt to the wound. Well that's ironic since it's Kenny... putting an injured dog down... wait Clementine just... nevermind
That's spot on! I don't think he'd ever hurt her intentionally either, and I can agree that he's not a bad man. He has his flaws, nonetheless, he does seem to care about her to a great extent.
Alright guys, enough of the Kenny pictures spam, and just coming in to say "this is like your ___ thread on this topic", if it really bothers you flag it or something. Let's try and have some good civil discussion in here.
Lmao I doubt he was ever holding back urges to give Clementine an ass whoopin.
If he wanted to hurt her, he would have done it already.
It's a world full of zombies, bandits and survivors. Everything's gonna scare her.
The user above was using fan-art—the pictures that fans make—as proof that Kenny loves Clem, even though it wasn't created by Telltale.
I won't flag your comment but somebody else will probably flag it
(I think somebody will flag it for offensive or something like that...)